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The secrets to success,

Have never been,
Real secrets,
For the whole world,
Has been their guardian...

Fire in the belly,
Unquenchable thirst for perfection,
Relentless passion,
Have been in everyones eyes,
The cunning secrets,
Acquaintances of many,
But real friends,
Of only a few,
With success belonging to the friends,
And failure to the acquaintances...

A few acquaintances, though,
Lay wounded by passion,
Burnt by commitment,
Charred by obsession...

They perhaps werent mere acquaintances,
But were men,
Who almost befriended the secrets,
But were victims of ignorance...

These men,
Failed to realize,
That the secrets were actually wild animals,
Which had to be tamed...

They let themselves,
Get overwhelmed,
By the seductive beauty of their destination,
So much so,
That they chose to let the animals,
Guide them to their destination...

The wild animals,
Showed their wild state,
As they mercilessly dropped a few,
Kicked a few others,
And spit fire at some others...

If only the men,
Didnt let the beauty of their destination,
Fill them with awe,
They would have ensured that they controlled the animals,
And not let the animals control them...

Perhaps the successful,
Never really get blown away,
By the beauty of their destination,
So with their senses intact,
They successfully tame the animals,
And then skilfully ride atop them,
Towards their destination...

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