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1. Quiz Name:
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2 Question Type: 3 Question Text:
Multiple Choice What shape is the moon?
Checkboxes What are the characteristics of the moon?
True / False The moon is square
Fill In The Blanks The moon is ____ in color
Essay Type Describe the moon
Matching Match the following to the appropriate choice
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Answer A: Answer B: Answer C: Answer D: Answer E:
Triangle Square Round
White Round Big Square
White Snow white
Moon Boat Car
Please answer the quiz questions below. You may then import the same into your
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4 Enter your answers below:
Sky Water Land
5 Choose the Correct Answers (This is only relevant for
Multiple choice, Check-box and True/False question
Moon,Planet 5
Solar,Planet 6
Sky 1
Color 3
Phoebe, Moon 10
black moon 8
7Question Points [Assign points or
marks (0-100) for questions]
6 Topic / Tags [Assign up to 5 tags to each
question. Separate each tag with a comma]
Moon is round because of formed and collapsed under the force of their own gravity.
During the night the high contrast between the bright moon and the night's dark skies make the Moon look white.
8Explaination [Add feedback/explaination for question]
Multiple Choice A
Checkboxes B
True / False C
Fill In The Blanks D
Essay Type E

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