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Introduction to Software Development

Tutorial 1 Problem Solving Using Programmed Solutions

For each of the following problems, design the solution using pseudocode and flowcharts:
1. You are to design an algorithm that will receive a three digit number from the screen and
display sum of digit of the number to the screen.
2. You require an algorithm to read name, address, city and salary of a person and then
calculate the D !1"# of salary$, %& !1'# of salary$, () !12# of salary$, *rosspay
!salary+D+%&$, ,etpay !*rosspay-()$ of that person.
.. You are to design a program that will read in a price of computer, printer, /(S, 0eyboard
1 mouse, the program also read the ta2 rate applicable to each item and then calculate the
total price before ta2, the ta2 payable is calculated by applying the ta2 rate percentage to
the price. (rint the total price and the ta2 payable as output.
3. You require a program to read in the values from an employee4s time sheet, and calculate
and print the wee5ly pay owing to that employee. 6he values read in are the total number of
regular hours wor5ed, the total overtime hours and the hourly wage rate. 7ee5ly pay is
calculated as payment for regular hours wor5ed, plus payment for overtime hours wor5ed.
(ayment for regular hours wor5ed is calculated as !wage rate times regular hours wor5ed$8
payment for overtime hours wor5ed is calculated as !wage rate times overtime hours
wor5ed times 1."$.
6utorial - 1 sia (acific Institute of Information 6echnology (age 1

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