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Government of Andhra Pradesh

(Police Department)
Ofce of the
Inspector of Police
Tr P.S. Nallakunta,Hyd.
No. /OW/Tr/I-NK/2014. Dated: 18-04-2014.
The Addl. Commissioner of Police,
//through proper channel//
Sub: - Paper clipping dt. 14-04-2014 of Deccan Chronicle daily
News paper under caption of Too Many Problems with
Habsiguda roadsReport Submission Reg.
With reference to the above cited subject I submit that on 14-04-
2014 a News item was published in the Deccan Chronicle daily under the
caption of Too Many Problems with Habsiguda roads which is mailed by Sri.
Arshod Ahmed in which he stated that, the roads near Habsiguda junction
are in a very bad condition. In the peak hours, there are bufalos on the road
which adds to the trafc jam. Water was overfowing onto the roads and water
logging occurring on the rain days, due to which the trafc jams occurring
and he requested for necessary action. The same was endorsed my Ofcer
to submit remarks.
In this regard I submit that lack of rain drain system and the
improper drainage system at the main road of Habsiguda near Indian oil
Petrol pump the water is stagnating which is causing inconvenience to the
vehicular trafc and also damage to the road. Several times the civic
authorities were re-carpeted the road but they could not give permanent
solution to it. Since, without permanent solution to the free fow of rain water,
it is causing damage to the road, at that place. The main route cause of
damage of the road is water logging on the main road. I further submit that I
will book cases against the cattle owners if they allow the cattle have to move
in the main roads.
Hence, I request the kind ofcer kindly address to the concerned
civic body for immediate construction of rain drain system as well as good
drainage system from Habsiguda X road to Street No 7 Habsiguda to stop
further damage to the road and it will become a permanent solution to the
frequent road damages.
Submitted for favor of necessary action.
Yours faithfully,
Inspector of Police,
Tr.P.S.Nallakunta, Hyd.
Encl: Endorsement copy.

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