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Tutorial Questions (8L, 8M, 8N & 8P) 5 Students in each group.

prepare a list of names & topics according to weeks
Week 1: Explanation of tutorial sessions-division of groups & tutorial
topic to be presented in week 2 (1 hr)

2. Discuss how the democratization of education help to create national
integration? (1 hr)

3 What are the implications of globalization of education to the educators?
Disclosures result summary in the form of forums. Students are given
different roles as parents, teachers, politicians, school administrators,
NGOs. (2 hrs)

4 Discuss and state the list of behavior that should not be done on public
officials Regulations (Conduct and Discipline) Act 1993 (amended 2002)
(1 hr)

5 Emotional stress among students Measures to address emotional
disorders (2 hrs)

6 Present the summary results elating to Convention on the Rights of the
Child. (2 hrs)

7 Compare and contrast the stress and burnout and suggest ways of stress
management and emotional, especially among teachers. (1 hr)

8 Present the summary results relating to Convention on the Rights of the
Child. (1 hr)

9 Providing innovative management features and changes in management
strategy chart.(2 hrs)

10 Apply innovative teaching strategies in major subjects. Prepare and
present FMPs related to the class. (1 hr)

11 Present an action plan to manage changes in education. (1 hr)


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