Thursday, February 25, 2010: Ciwidey-West Java Landslide, 23 February 2010

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ciwidey-West Java landslide, 23 February 2010

A landslide buried a village in West Java early on Tuesday, 23 February 2010 around
7am. The site located in a tea lantation village o! "i#idey, about $0%m south o!
&andung, West Java and 1'0 %m southeast o! the caital, Ja%arta. At least (' eole #ere
%illed, 21 eole #ere con!irmed died #hile 2( others still buried under the debris,
houses occuied by 3' !amilies #or%ing in the tea lantation buried by the landslide.
Weathered layers o! lava, tu!! and andesitic breccias made u the lithology o! the area.
)orhology o! the area in general are hilly and stee. The area #ere included in the
landslide ha*ard ma o! West Java rovince as high to medium ris% *one. +eavy rain in
the area during the #ee% rior to landslide ossibly #as the main triggering !actors beside
the morhology and the lithology o! the area.
The government investigates #hether the land clearing ractices by one o! a tea
lantation comany at the 7(0,acre hillside #ere to blame, #hile the comany o#ner
blames the -etember 7.0 cause the crac%s on the !oothills that #ea%ening the
/amis, 2' Februari, 2010
"i#idey,Ja#a &arat longsor, 23 Februari 2010
Tanah longsor mengubur sebuah desa di Ja#a &arat ada a#al -elasa, Februari 23, 2010
se%itar 07000. -itus terleta% di sebuah desa er%ebunan teh "i#idey, se%itar $0%m selatan
&andung, Ja#a &arat dan 1'0 %m tenggara dari ibu%ota, Ja%arta. -etida%nya (' orang
te#as, 21 orang di%on!irmasi te#as sementara 2( lainnya masih ter%ubur di ba#ah uing,
uing, rumah yang ditemati oleh 3' %eluarga yang be%er1a di er%ebunan teh ter%ubur
oleh tanah longsor.
"uaca laisan lava bre%si, tu!a dan andesit terdiri dari litologi daerah. )or!ologi daerah
ada umumnya berbu%it,bu%it dan curam. 2aerah ini termasu% dalam eta bahaya
longsor 3rovinsi Ja#a &arat sebagai *ona risi%o tinggi untu% menengah. +u1an lebat di
daerah itu selama satu minggu sebelum longsor mung%in merua%an !a%tor emicu
utama saming mor!ologi dan litologi daerah.
3emerintah menyelidi%i aa%ah ra%te%,ra%te% embu%aan lahan oleh salah satu
erusahaan er%ebunan teh di lereng bu%it 7(0,he%tar yang harus disalah%an, sementara
emili% erusahaan menyalah%an gema 7.0 -etember menyebab%an reta%an di %a%i
lereng bu%it yang melemah.
)y )imi
)imi is multi,colored, dar% and light bro#n, blac%, gray, and #hite. The colors are in no
articular attern, though. They are 1ust scattered every#here and 4 thin% that it is very
retty. -he has dar% green eyes, but sometimes they change colors and are blue. 5n
)imi6s stomach and chin she is comletely #hite. That is my !avorite art o! her because
it is so so!t, #arm, and beauti!ul. +er legs are also #hite and her a#s are blac% and
#hite. 4 thin% that this mi7ture o! colors is very beauti!ul.
)imi adalah multi,#arna co%elat, gela dan terang, hitam, abu,abu, dan utih. Warna,
#arna yang tida% dalam ola tertentu, mes%iun. )ere%a hanya tersebar di mana,mana
dan saya beri%ir bah#a itu sangat canti%. 2ia memili%i mata ber#arna hi1au gela, tai
%adang,%adang mere%a berubah #arna dan ber#arna biru. )imi di erut dan dagu dia
benar,benar utih. 4tu adalah bagian !avorit saya %arena itu begitu lembut, hangat, dan
indah. /a%inya 1uga utih dan ca%ar nya yang hitam dan utih. -aya beri%ir bah#a ini
camuran #arna yang sangat indah.
My Holiday was Fantasti
8ast summer 4 got a !antastic holiday. 4 visited some great laces.
4 #ent to an airort and #as going to !ly to "leveland. 4 #as sending there t#o days. 4
li%ed to see some "leveland "avaliers bas%etball matches.
Then 4 #ent to +olly#ood. +olly#ood is a !amous district in 8os Angeles, "ali!ornia,
9nited -tates. 4t had become #orld,!amous as the center o! the !ilm industry. Four ma1or
!ilm comanies : 3aramount, Warner &ros., ;/5 and "olumbia : had studios in
+olly#ood. 4 did not #ant to leave but 4 had to.
A!ter that, 4 #ent to <e# =or% city. 4 visited the -tatue o! 8iberty. 4 #ent !rom the bottom
o! )anhattan to the to o! the cro#n. That #as very ama*ing.
8iburan saya Fantastic
)usim anas lalu saya unya liburan yang !antastis. -aya mengun1ungi beberaa temat
yang bagus.
-aya ergi %e bandara dan a%an terbang %e "leveland. -aya menghabis%an sana dua hari.
-aya senang melihat beberaa ertandingan bas%et "leveland "avaliers.
8alu a%u ergi %e +olly#ood. +olly#ood adalah sebuah distri% yang ter%enal di 8os
Angeles, "ali!ornia, Ameri%a -eri%at. +al ini telah men1adi ter%enal di dunia sebagai
usat industri !ilm. >mat erusahaan !ilm besar , 3aramount, Warner &ros, ;/5 dan
"olumbia , memili%i studio di +olly#ood. A%u tida% ingin ergi tai a%u harus.
-etelah itu, saya ergi %e %ota <e# =or%. -aya mengun1ungi 3atung 8iberty. A%u ergi
dari ba#ah )anhattan %e unca% mah%ota. 4tu sangat mena%1ub%an.

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