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Senior Reading Syllabus

Ocoee High School

Mrs. Garvey
Reading Teacher
Contact Information:
Mrs. Garvey
Location: Room 556
Phone: 407.905.3000 extension 6112556

Objectives: The objectives for this course include, but are not limited to the following:
a. To prepare students for FCAT, ACT, and SAT in a timely manner to ensure
Graduation. You already know how to read. In this class, youll learn to read
critically. You have to read critically to ace the tests.
b. To teach and develop students reading skills needed for all other high school
classes and for college/the workforce.
c. To increase Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) scores.

Guidelines for Success:
a. Be prepared
b. Have respect for self, peers, and teachers
c. Focus on tasks at hand
d. Be committed to work hard and ACT practice in class and at home
e. Be kind and open to views, ideas, and cultures different from your own
f. Use positive communication for collaboration groups and class activities

Classroom RULES:
1. No cell phones or earbuds, (headphones,) unless you are asked to bring them
for an assignment.
2. Be Appropriate.
3. Act in a way that deserves respect.
4. If you have an assignment, that is what you are doing. (If we are reading, we
are reading. If we are writing, we are writing. Got it? !)

Daily-Required Materials: You must have these materials every day for class!
1. Your CHARGED Mac Book Air for every class
2. Mac Book Charger
3. A pencil with eraser
4. Three ring binder, loose leaf paper, dividers with tabs

Digital Curriculum:

We will be setting up and you will be responsible for maintaining, updating, and
Edmodo account
Google Drive account
ACT Account

Classwork/Homework assignments will be posted on my website:

We will be reading and studying:
*Each nine weeks is organized with an Anchor Text (book), Achieve 3000 news articles,
and ACT passages.
1. Non-fiction books
2. News articles from Achieve 3000 Associated Press & Nat. Geographic
3. ACT Reading Test Practice Passages

Books we will be reading this year:
Gifted Hands by, Dr. Ben Carson (1
Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger (2

Grading Policies:
Weekly Quizzes 20%
Formative Assessments 40% - Class Assignments and Participation in Activities
Summative 40% - Unit Tests (3-4 a quarter)

Weekly Requirements:
Each week you must read and complete these GRADED ASSIGNMENTS:
Read Three Achieve 3000 Articles and Activities (5 steps)
One ACT Practice
Read one chapter of our class Autobiography and complete Close Read
Questions in Academic Notebook
Achieve 3000 Article and complete
activities (5 steps)


State Grading Scale:
A = 90 100
B = 80 89
C = 70 79
D = 60 69
F = 00 59

Late Work Policy:
A percentage deduction is applied to all Late Work:
! 1 period late: 10% grade point deduction
! Greater than 1 period late: 50% grade point deduction
! Late work defaults to a zero if not turned in before the attendant summative

Grade Status:
It is the requirement of the teacher to submit at least one grade per week in
ProgressBook. Students will find out grade through ProgressBook.
Students will also receive feedback through Edmodo, ProgressBook, and on
turned in work.
If student is unsatisfied with grade it is requested they personally contact the
teacher to discuss the situation.

Device Expectations:
There will be NO cell phones, smart phones, tablets, or other electronic devices in
class. They should be turned off and put away. Phones must be placed in blue
box on desk. Box may not be opened during class. If cell phone is seen out,
parent will be notified that day. Three strikes and student receives a discipline
referral. This is an OHS policy.
Mac Book Use- Mac Books will be used during designated times. Students must
also stay on websites and applications which teacher has approved. These devices
are to be used for educational purposes while at school.
If machine is damaged or is not functioning correctly, it is your responsibility to
get it fixed. You must get a replacement loaner for while your Mac Book is being
repaired. You will not be exempt from any work.
It is also your responsibility to make sure your Mac is charged for school every
o To conserve power do not use it or keep it on when you dont need it, keep
the brightness setting low, and do not run multiple applications at the
same time.
o Charge your Mac at home during the night and it should last through the
next day.
o Bring your charger every day just in case!
Other electronic devices are to be turned off and put away in the classroom as
outlined in the student handbook Guidelines for Success section.

Classroom Procedures:
Students will enter classroom in a calm, quiet manner without horseplay.
Students will gather materials, read the days learning goal and assignment, and
begin work while teacher takes role. If student finishes early, they may read our
class book. Students will sit in their assigned seats.
Tardies: If students are tardy without a pass they will report to the
Colombia SST office 552 to receive a Loss of Privilege. Once the bell has rung the
door is locked. Students without passes will not be allowed in.

Whole Group Instruction:
Students will use their Mac Book Air or other means (determined for the
lesson by the teacher) to take notes. Students will be required to post their notes.
Students may ask questions by raising their hand to speak. When speaking
or answering a question, students are asked to always use complete sentences.

Turning in Work:

Some work will be turned in electronically through Edmodo. Students
must save their assignments in the following format:
Period #AssignmentName_Date_LastName_FirstName

For example:

Academic Notebook:
Students need to supply a medium sized three-ring binder with tab
dividers and loose-leaf paper. This will serve as an Academic Notebook where
students will:
1. Track their own progress as they practice to take the FCAT and ACT
2. Write their responses to Close Read questions.
3. File their ACT practice passages in order to monitor their growth
4. Write quotations and affirmations of belief in oneself, and ones

The Academic Notebook will be graded for organization several times each nine

No Passes will be given the first and last 10 minutes of class.
Only one person is allowed out of class at a time (expect in extenuating
circumstances or emergencies)
For bathroom passes, students are asked not to interrupt teacher during
whole group instructions to use the restroom, as they will miss out on
important instruction. Only, if the student is in an emergency situation they
may leave at this time.
When leaving or entering the classroom for the bathroom the students may
quietly get up, sign out, grab a pass, and leave. Upon return the students
MUST SIGN BACK IN using the sing out form and filling it in completely. If
the student does not sign in or is taking an excessive amount of time using the
restroom the issue will be discussed and consequences will follow if problem
For ALL OTHER PASSES, the student must ask permission during an
appropriate time of class (before class or during transitions). Student is still
required to fill out sign out sheet completely.

During the last minutes of class the teacher will provide exit slip surveys online
for students to ask clarifying questions, rate themselves on the scale, or answer
a reflective question.
The teacher will do her best to give students the last minute of class to
reorganize and pack up their belongings.
Students must remain in their seats until dismissed.
Please remember that ultimately the teacher dismisses students not the bell. So
if the teacher is still talking when the bell rings, students must remain until
dismissed officially by the teacher.

If absent the student is responsible for accessing missed work and assignments
online and through teacher contact via email or Edmodo.
The student will have as many classes absent to make up their work. If the
student is absent for a day they will need to turn their work in by the next class

Teacher Contact:
Your teacher is here for you! You may contact me anytime via Email.
I am also here if you need extra help before school or after school by appointment.
My job is to help you! Please do not hesitate to ask!
I am excited to get to know all of you and to help you fulfill your goals of graduating high
school, starting college, and your careers.

~Mrs. Garvey

*Parents/Students: Please sign the next page and return it to me. This shows me
that you have read and acknowledged our class syllabus. Turning in the signed
page to me will be your first graded assignment for the school year. Thank you.
Senior Reading Syllabus Signature Page Please read, sign, and
return to me the week of August 18, 2014.

***Parent email and phone contact info. is very important.


I have read and acknowledged the Senior Reading Syllabus
for Mrs. Garveys class.

_____________________________ ______________
Parent Signature Date

Parent Email Address: ________________________

Parent Phone Contact: ________________________

_____________________________ ______________
Student Signature Date

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