Stellarium XLANC

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Social Media
We can design a campaign around this to garner interest. A countdown with a new fact
about astronomy, or a quiz of sorts, could be posted on Facebook.
We can publicize our FB page along with the poster.
Print Media
Local newspapers would have a higher circulation and greater reach in Jamshedpur and
an advertisement can be placed here.
We can advertise it under the TSAF umbrella to increase familiarity with the Tata brand
and hence increase participation.
Schools: This should be our primary target, since kids would be most interested in
astronomical events. We can put up posters in the schools and have the officials in the
school make an announcement about the event and sell tickets.
Companies: We can approach companies, since most of the people there would have
kids who would be interested in this event. We can send a mail through their corporate
communication channel, if available.
Door to door selling: We can also aim at housing colonies and apartment block, since
we can cover more ground. Colonies usually have a representative whom we can
contact and ask them to spread the word
Event Details
Start time 11:00
End Time 23:00
Duration of Event 12.00 Hrs
Duration Per Batch 20 Mins
Changeover Time 10 Mins
No. Of Batches in a Day 24
People Per Batch 100
Total Footfall Possible 2400
Charge Per Customer 20 Rs
Total ticket Collection 48000
Onsite Services
1. Maintenance of Lavatories at the complex
2. Marking of the way to auditorium
3. Arrangement of First Aid Kit and Ambulance/Sand bucket/Fire extinguisher
4. Provision for electricity at the site/Back up
5. Fans/ Ventilation services in the dome and fans near the food stalls
6. Security at the venue
7. Water Tankers
8. Ticket Counters
9. T-Shirt/ Souvenirs Counter
Food Stalls
1. Subway
2. Bakery
3. Soft Drinks
4. Indian snacks
5. Ice cream counter
1. Telescope
2. Projector
3. Laptop
4. Torches
5. Halogen Lamps

Batch Participation
Critical to have batch participation this big an event both in terms of volunteers and participants
CV points to be given to the volunteers so they have enough motivation
Small games and quizzes organized simultaneously and goodies to be given to participants

Crowd Management
We are planning to bring huge crowds from schools and managing them in confined spaces is a big challenge
Scheduling done for each school and no overlap allowed, XLRI students to come only in evening after school
children are done
Volunteers at every junction as well as inside the dome to avoid any kind of foul play or accident

Time management and Intangibles
Ensuring all slots to adhere to scheduled timings by coordinating groups entry and exit smoothly and
reducing chaotic situations as much as possible by keeping fillers for wait-times to prevent ideal roaming
Keeping 10-minute interval between slots, batches will be fixed according to the convenience of their time so
that there is maximum footfall
Pick and drop responsibility with the schools and/or parents, info to be communicated before-hand
Budget and Logistics
Major participation from school students, hence, per ticket cost to be Rs.10-Rs.20 only apart from revenue
through food stalls ; Participants from companies can be charged more (Rs.30-Rs.40) if their students school is
not participating, same for people from the colonies
Renting & handling event instruments, seating arrangements for 100 students per slot and cleanliness of the
Volunteers will be required for smoothly conducting the event

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