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G.R. No.

L-13325 April 20, 1961

SANTIAGO GANCAYCO, petitioner, v. T!" COLL"CTOR O# INT"RNAL R"$"N%", repon&ent.
Petitioner seeks the review of a decision of the CTA, requiring him to pay P16,860!1, p"us surcharge and interest, #y
way of de$ciency income ta% for the year 1&'&
The question whether the sum of P16,860!1 is due from Petitioner as de$ciency income ta% for 1&'& hinges on the
va"idity of his c"aim for deduction of two ()* items, name"y+ (a* for farming e%penses, P),,'-&00. and (#* for
representation e%penses, P8,&!!'-
/hether or not the two c"aimed deduction are a""owa#"e
0o evidence has #een presented as to the nature of the said 1farming e%penses1 other than the bare statement of
petitioner that they were spent for the 1deve"opment and cu"tivation of (his* property1 No specifcation has been made
as to the actua" amount spent for purchase of too"s, equipment or materia"s, or the amount spent for improvement
2espondent c"aims that the entire amount was spent e%c"usive"y for clearing and developing the farm which were
necessary to place it in a productive state. It is not, therefore, an ordinary expense but a capital expenditure
According"y, it is not deducti#"e #ut it may #e amorti3ed, in accordance with section ,- of 2evenue 2egu"ations 0o ),
cited a#ove 4ee a"so, section !1 of the 2evenue Code which provides that in computing net income, no deduction
sha"" in any case #e a""owed in respect of any amount paid out for new buildings or for permanent improvements, or
betterments made to increase the value of any property or estate (5mphasis supp"ied*
Petitioner6s c"aim for representation e%penses aggregated P!1,,-!&,, of which P)),8)0-) was a""owed, and
P8,&!!'- disa""owed 4uch disa""owance is 7usti$ed #y the record, for, apart from the a#sence of receipts, invoices or
vouchers of the e%penditures in question, petitioner cou"d not specify the items constituting the same, or when or on
whom or on what they were incurred The case of Cohan v. Commissioner, 39 !"d# $%&, cited #y petitioner is not in
point, #ecause in that case there was evidence on the amounts spent and the persons entertained and the necessity
of entertaining them, a"though there were no receipts an vouchers of the e%penditures invo"ved therein 4uch is not
the case of petitioner herein

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