Blocks or Barrier To Creativity

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Blocks or Barrier to Creativity

1 Mind Set
1.1 stereo typing
1.2 simple
1.3 over-emphasis on previous experience
1.4 normal rational ay o! pro"lem solving
eg # Steam engine used !or a hundred years to pump ater
out o! mines # then only used as a source o! locomotive
poer !or transportation
Computer # !or long # seen as per calculator # "e!ore
reali$ing its potential as a general manipulator
%hen stuck on a pro"lem& managers tend to !ollo their
mind # set& hich may not "e a"le to help hen a ne kind
o! pro"lem situation is encountered !or the 'rst time
2 Criticism
Criticism sti(ed creativity or creative thinking
3 )ver regard !or logical thinking
*his is not say that creative thinking is illogical or
a"andment o! logical reasoning
4 Barriers !or individuals

- physiological "arriers
- psychological "arriers
4 Cultural "locks
+esulting !rom in(uences o! society
, -motional "locks
Such as !ear& anxiety& .ealousy
/ 0ntellectual and expressive "locks
/.1 Strategic "locks 1 mind set 2
Causing pro"lem solvers to think in ays hich exclude
consideration o! all possi"le solutions
-ither 3 or thinking
/.2 4alue "locks
+e(ect a person5s "elie!s
6ave e7ect o! making it impossi"le !or a person to
consider certain solutions to a pro"lem
/.3 8erceptual "locks
- one may "e overlooking opportunities or !ailing to
anticipate threats 9
- - someone ith a reputation !or "eing a poor
/.4 Sel!-image "locks
- re(ect the !act that the individual re.ects any ne
idea at the outset
: Blocks in organi$ational setting
:.1 ;ack o! resources and management support
:.2 Bureaucracy and +ed tape
:.3 <ear o! criticism
:.4 +esistance to change
:., <ear o! taking risks and incurring !ailure
:./ *endency to con!orm
:.: -mphasis on managerial control
:.= 0deas over analy$ed # paralysis "y analysis
:.> *endency to look !or one "ig potential inner &
rather than a num"er o! smaller ones

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