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Squat Cover 2 Corner

Key OG

Action towards fill hard (zone action to, pull, etc),
Action away play flat - bootleg, reverse, cutback
Pass set 45 degree under #1

Great alley support align 5-6 yds deep inside #1
Always attack the LOS on a 35 degree angle
ONLY use to a single receiver or a receiver and TE

Cover 3 Cloud

1. Read release of #3
2. If #3 vert, CB gain depth
3. If #3 immediate out CB sit
4. If #3 immediate in CB sit and look for something coming back
5. If #3 blocks, then CB should be ready to fill the D/E gap could become
cutback, boot player
Align 5-6 rds deep 1-2 yards inside #1

Read #3- if out or bubble sit. Not worried about bubble and vert bc SS deep
Will beat block of #1 if fire up on recognition and based on alignment
If #3 inside- sit and be patient. Look for running back/new #3
If #3 blocks on LB sit could be speed option, etc

3 Cloud vs 3x1 with TE

Read #3 if 3 is vert start to drop under 1
If #3 out- sit. Could hve #2 out and #1 vert- perfect position
If #3 inside sit and look for work
If #1 blocks chop hands, dip shoulder, lean and rip through

If 2x2 and both vert CB would sink and really just try to force ball high/over his

Work on defeating stalk blocks start off on 5 man sled and work toughness by
punching sled, get physical punch, lock out, and rip

Reason they set CB inside lev is for run support. If 3 goes vert, cb will kick out and
try to get under 1

If #1 quick inside cbs fly high and open hips/gain depth and looking for
anything coming across zone

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