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Weekly Raider Report

Ask Your 5
What does M.I.N.T.S. stand for?
What is the Commutative Property of
What are the 4 Raider Pride traits and what are
some examples of how they would look in school?
August 28, 2014

AR Points earned to

___% of goal completed
Teacher Notes

What a great first week of fifth grade!!! The year is already in full
swing and our students are doing a wonderful job getting back
into the school routine.

For the first few days of school, the students completed several
collaborative activities to promote positive communication and
teamwork. We will be working on the Raider Pride traits (be
respectful, be responsible, be ready, be safe) every week so that
the students can see the importance of being good citizens, both
inside and outside of school. Please talk with your student about
these traits at home so that they can see the connection.

We have started our first topic in math, which is multiplying
whole numbers. The students have learned about four properties
of multiplication and how to identify those properties. In ELA, the
students have been focusing on capitalization and main idea and
details. Science and social studies will begin next week.

Accelerated Reader (AR) counts as a reading grade in 5
The students have received their AR reading range and points for
Trimester 1. The students must read books that are in their
designated range and must reach their AR point goal by the end
of Trimester 1 to receive full credit. **The AR quizzing system is
not up and running yet. We will let the students know when they
can begin taking quizzes. Quizzes can ONLY be taken at school.**

Please sign the bottom of this page and return it with your
child by the following Monday.


Aug. 18: Board of Education
Meeting (7pm)

Sept. 1: NO SCHOOL (Labor

Sept. 2: After School Study
Hall Begins (3:30-4:10)

Sept. 4: Curriculum Night
Parents Thoughts:

Parent Signature ____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

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