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Ground Control to Major Tom

Ground Control to Major Tom

Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
Ground Control to Major Tom (Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six)
Commening ountdo!n, engines on ("ive, "our, Three)
Chek ignition and may God#s love $e !ith you (T!o, %ne, &i'to()
This is Ground Control to Major Tom
)ou#ve really made the grade
*nd the papers !ant to kno! !hose shirts you !ear
No! it#s time to leave the apsule i' you dare
+This is Major Tom to Ground Control
,#m stepping through the door
*nd ,#m -oating in a most peuliar !ay
*nd the stars look very di(erent today
"or here
*m , sitting in a tin an
"ar a$ove the !orld
.lanet Earth is $lue
*nd there#s nothing , an do
Though ,#m past one hundred thousand miles
,#m 'eeling very still
*nd , think my spaeship kno!s !hih !ay to go
Tell my !i'e , love her very muh she kno!s
Ground Control to Major Tom
)our iruit#s dead, there#s something !rong
Can you hear me, Major Tom/
Can you hear me, Major Tom/
Can you hear me, Major Tom/
Can you +0ere am , -oating round my tin an
"ar a$ove the Moon
.lanet Earth is $lue
*nd there#s nothing , an do1+

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