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Offence When someone upsets you.

Please read all reference scriptures.

Dear Choir member, as part of your orientation, this document here is the FIRST
document every person hopeful of joining choir is required to study.
Understanding this document and living by it will cause a significant reduction in
some distractions.

Offence is defined here as an upset from someone; leading to you having an
ought against a church member, a leader or member of your choir..

Point 1:
Generally, the offence is not planned or intentional. Stay calm.

Point 2:
The offended one feels it more:
The offended one is offended and joy-[ess, but the offender is going about
quite joy-full.
Remember the mote and plank principle. Matt7:3-5 & Luk6:42-43). You dont
see straight when you are upset.
It is your responsibility to get your joy back when you get upset. Do Phil
4:6-7 .
Point 3:
The offended one turns away (In heart or action)
When you are upset, you dont feel like working or relating with the person or
team that hurt you. Your participation doesnt come from your heart; you
withdraw your obligation to them because you reject the relationship.

Turn back in faith and humility. M'r:11:25: And when ye stand praying, forgive,
if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may
forgive you your trespasses. James 3:17

Point 4:
The offended one seeks allies
In some cases, the upset and dissatisfaction, which are not faith, is
communicated to sympathetic ears. Seeds of dis-ease or division are
spread among the team or the church.
There is a corporate responsibility here stop the spread immediately. .
Point 5.
No one is a mind reader . Communicate.
While one is seething because of an upset, the offender may not even know
the where, when, how, or extent of your challenge.
Communicate appropriately with the person who upset you. Dont encourage
self-pity. Give no room to the enemy. Col:4:6: Let your speech be alway with
grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every

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