Panduan Asas Menyediakan Laporan Kajian Tindakan (Mengikut Format Eprd)

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Bahagian ProsesPenerangan !on"oh Pen#$isan
%a$a&an Kan'#ngaan Ditulis dalam satu muka
Isi kandungan
Muka surat
1.0 Refeksi P & P yang lalu
2.0 Isu e!erihatinan
".0 #b$ekti% a$ian
".1 #b$ekti% Am
".2 #b$ekti% husus
&.0 um!ulan 'asaran
(.0 Pelaksanaan a$ian
(.1 )in$auan masalah
(.2 Analisis )in$auan Masalah
(." )indakan yang di$alankan
(.& Pelaksanaan )indakan Dan
(.&.1 Pelaksanaan Akti*iti 1
(.&.2 Pelaksanaan Akti*iti 2
(.( Refeksi a$ian
+.0 Cadangan a$ian 'eterusnya
Penghargaan Pihak yang terlibat dengan
ka$ian tindakan terutamanya
di !eringkat sekolah
A(s"ra) /endaklah mengandungi 0
1. )u$uan
2. um!ulan sasaran
". 1okus ka$ian tindakan
&. )in$auan a2al
(. Perlaksanaan ka$ian
+. Da!atan
Ditulis dalam satu !erenggan
dan satu muka surat dan
single s!a3ing.
Di3adangkan menggunakan
1ont 4510 dan $enis tulisan
a$ian ini di$alankan untuk menentukan dan
mengatasi masalah6masalah yang dihada!i
oleh !ela$ar )ingkatan & semasa
menyelesaikan !ersamaan serentak dalam
dua anu 7satu linear dan satu tak linear8.
'eramai 20 orang !ela$ar tingkatan & dan
seorang guru terlibat dalam ka$ian ini.
Peran3angan tindakan di%okuskan ke!ada
!enguasaan kemahiran !enyusunan semula
!ersamaan linear9 !ermudahkan ungka!an
algebra9 !enambahan dan !enolakan !e3ahan
algebra9 !em%aktoran ungka!an kuadratik dan
menyelesaikan !ersamaan kuadratik. )in$auan
a2al telah dilaksanakan melalui semakan
ker$a rumah murid9 u$ian bulanan9
!e!eriksaan !enggal dan u$ian !ra. /asil
tin$auan menun$ukkan murid tidak mahir
dalam !enyusunan semula !ersamaan linear9
!ermudahkan ungka!an algebra9
!enambahan dan !enolakan !e3ahan algebra9
!em%aktoran ungka!an kuadratik dan
menyelesaikan !ersamaan kuadratik. .ima
sesi !enga$aran dan !embela$aran 7&06+0
minit setia! sesi8 telah di$alankan dalam
tem!oh : minggu iaitu !ela$ar bela$ar
kemahiran yang tersebut di atas melalui
model konkrit dan modul latihan ber!andu
se3ara kum!ulan. e!utusan u$ian !os telah
menun$ukkan !eningkatan !restasi !ela$ar.
Pela$ar lebih berminat bela$ar kemahiran
se!erti !engembangan ungka!an algebra dan
!em%aktoran dengan menggunakan model
konkrit. Modul latihan ber!andu telah
membantu !ela$ar untuk mengatasi masalah
mereka. Penga$aran dan !embela$aran
kemahiran asas untuk menyelesaikan
masalah !ersamaan serentak dalam dua anu
7satu linear dan satu tak linear8 !erlu
di!erkukuh !ada !eringkat sekolah menengah
rendah. Penggunaan model konkrit boleh
membantu !ela$ar memahami konse!
matematik ini.
*+ Re,e)si Penga-aran
'an Pe&(e$a-aran
'e!erti di dalam kertas
'!t. dalam m.s (1 & (2
'e!erti di dalam kertas 3adangan
.+ Is# Ke/eriha"inan
Masa$ah Ka-ian 'e!erti di dalam kertas
'e!erti di dalam kertas 3adangan
0+ O(-e)"i1 Ka-ian
a+ O(-e)"i1
( O(-e)"i1
'e!erti di dalam kertas
'e!erti di dalam kertas 3adangan
2+ K#&/#$an Sasaran
'e!erti di dalam kertas
'e!erti di dalam kertas 3adangan
3+ Pe$a)sanaan Ka-ian
3+* Tin-a#an Masa$ah
3+. Ana$isis Tin-a#an
3+0 Tin'a)an Yang
/uraikan se3ara ter!erin3i
3ara63ara anda mengum!ul
maklumat. Maklumat
mungkin telah di!eroleh
melalui !emerhatian dalam
bilik dar$ah semasa
murid5!ela$ar memberi
res!ons ke!ada soalan6
soalan anda9 !emeriksaan
buku latihan9 sesi temu bual9
melalui soal selidik atau
u$ian !ra dan lain6lain
'emua data yang terkum!ul
dimasukkan dalam $adual
mengikut ta$uk6ta$uk yang
diteta!kan teta!i bukan
semua maklumat da!at
diguna !akai dalam ka$ian.
)uliskan semua akti*iti9
bahan6bahan dan 3ara anda
membuat !emerhatian untuk
mengu$i keberkesanan
tindakan5akti*iti yang anda
telah $alankan ke arah
meningkatkan kemahiran
!ela$ar bagi menangani
masalah yang anda sedang
3+0+* A)"i4i"i5a)"i4i"i 6ang
'ebanyak em!at akti*iti telah
diran3ang untuk membantu
meningkatkan kemahiran
men3ongak %akta asas darab
dalam kalangan murid6murid
kum!ulan sasaran saya. Akti*iti6
akti*iti tersebut ialah0
AKTI7ITI * ( Per&ainan Do&ino
Fa)"a Asas Dara( )
1) Akti*iti ini meru!akan akti*iti
berkum!ulan yang
melibatkan !endekatan dua
dalam satu iaitu bela$ar dan
bermain dalam satu masa.
2) Permainan ini dilaksanakan
mengikut konse! !ermainan
domino teta!i dalam
!ermainan ini !adanan
adalah ke!ada soalan %akta
asas darab dengan hasil
darabnya atau sebaliknya.
3) 'ele!as men$alankan akti*iti
ini9 murid6murid diberi
akti*iti berbentuk indi*idu.

AKTI7ITI . ( U-ian !e/a" Kira Fa)"a
Asas Dara( 5 3 &ini" )
1) Akti*iti ini meru!akan akti*iti
bertulis. Murid6murid diberi
satu set soalan yang
mengandungi +0 soalan.
2) 'oalan Ce!at ira 1akta Asas
Darab ini diu$i sehingga 4 ;
3) Murid6murid dikehendaki
men$a2ab soalan tersebut
dalam masa ( minit.
4) )em!oh masa mereka habis
men$a2ab direkodkan.
AKTI7ITI 0 ( U-ian !e/a" Kira Fa)"a
Asas Dara( 5 2 &ini" )
1) Akti*iti ini sama se!erti
akti*iti 2. 'et soalan yang
diberi ke!ada murid6murid
2) Murid6murid dikehendaki
men$a2ab semua soalan
dalam masa & minit.
3) )em!oh masa mereka habis
men$a2ab direkodkan.
AKTI7ITI 2 ( U-ian !e/a" Kira Fa)"a
Asas Dara( 5 0 &ini" )
1) Akti*iti ini sama se!erti
akti*iti 2 dan ".
2) 'oalan6soalan yang sama
diberikan ke!ada murid6
3) Murid6murid dikehendaki
men$a2ab semua soalan
tersebut dalam masa 3 minit.
4) Tempoh masa mereka habis
menjawab direkodkan.
o Pelaksanaan
5 Penilaian
Akti*iti 1
Akti*iti 2
(.( Refeksi a$ian
/uraikan 3ara
i. Pemerhatian
'ediakan $adual !emerhatian
dan5atau huraikan a!a6a!a
yang da!at dilihat dari segi
!erubahan sika! dan re!ons
!ela$ar terhada! akti*iti 19
dan !erkara6!erkara lain
yang mungkin anda
ii. Refeksi
/uraikan a!a6a!a yang
di-kirkan guru dari segi
keberkesanan akti*iti 1 atau
kegagalan akti*iti dan sebab6
sebab keadaan ini ter$adi
i. Pemerhatian
a8 Anda boleh membuat $adual
!emerhatian dan5atau huraikan a!a6
a!a yang da!at dilihat dari segi
!erubahan sika! 7res!ons8 !ela$ar
terhada! akti*iti 29 res!ons guru dan
!erkara6!erkara lain yang mungkin
anda $angkakan.
ii. Refeksi
b8 /uraikan a!a6a!a yang di-kirkan
guru dari segi keberkesanan akti*iti
atau kegagalan akti*iti 2 dan sebab6
sebab ini ter$adi
38 /uraian dalam bahagian ini
bergantung ke!ada $umlah akti*iti
yang telah di$alankan
i. Refeksi a$ian )erhada! Pela$ar
a 8 /uraikan keberkesanan tindakan
anda dengan menggunakan
data5maklumat yang telah anda
kum!ulkan 7se!erti u$ian !as3a atau
u$ian6u$ian lain8
".0 'e!erti yang terda!at di dalam
kertas 3adangan teta!i 3ara
!enulisan diubah dengan
menggunakan ayat !ela!oran.
.angkah6langkah hendaklah diterangkan
se3ara ter!erin3i
b8 )erangkan !erubahan tingkah laku
!ela$ar melalui !emerhatian.
38 )erangkan !erubahan emosi
!ela$ar yang telah dikum!ul melalui
temu bual & soal selidik 7sekiranya
ii. Refeksi a$ian )erhada! <uru
1.0 /uraikan !erasaan guru
terhada! keberkesanan
ka$ian yang telah di$alankan.
iii. Refeksi )entang Proses P & P
=ang )elah
Di$alankan 'e3ara eseluruhan
2.0 )uliskan rumusan anda.
+. Cadangan a$ian
Ditulis dalam bentuk !erenggan
i. Cadangkan
yang anda
akan ka$i.
a$ian tindakan seterusnya yang akan
saya $alankan ialah berkaitan dengan isu
Atau 0
#leh sebab ka$ian yang telah saya
$alankan tidak ber$aya9 maka saya akan
menggunakan tindakan 5 akti*iti6akti*iti
lain untuk menangani isu ini.
,ibliogra- ,ahan ru$ukan yang anda
gunakan hendaklah
di3atatkan !ada ruangan ini.
Menyusun senarai bahan
ru$ukan mengikut ab$ad.
,ro2n9 ). 714:?8 Language Interaction
Patterns in Lessons Featuring
Mathematical Investigations. PhD thesis9
@ni*ersity o% 'outham!ton
Dunn9 ). 7144?8 Michel Foucault and the
Politics of Freedom. )housand #aks9 CA0
.am!iran i. 'oal selidik
atau bahan6
di dalam
ruangan ini.
Rogayah Abdullah
'M em!as9 A,
Hjh Hafiza Aini Bte Hj Hassan
Maktab Sultan Abu Bakar
Johor Bahru
This researh was arried out to assist the students in enhanin! their speakin! skills in respondin! to
Task A in their M"#T Speakin! Test by usin! the $enre Analysis approah. There were % students who
were in&ol&ed. #arly obser&ations had been arried out throu!h speakin! e'erises in lassrooms.
Throu!h the obser&ations( it was seen that the students were ha&in! diffiulty in fulfillin! the two tasks)
Task A *+ndi&idual ,resentation- and Task B *$roup .isussion-. Thus( this researh fouses on
enhanin! the students/ speakin! skills in Task A( that is the +ndi&idual ,resentation. +n this task( the
students need to be able to ha&e the skills of statin! and justifyin! their points of &iew. 0 lessons were
arried out by usin! the $enre Analysis approah. Students show their understandin! and positi&e
attitude towards partiipatin! in all the ati&ities arried out in the lessons. 1essons &ia $enre Analysis
approah should be arried out more often as it !i&es a learer !uideline to the students in masterin!
#n!lish 1an!ua!e as their seond lan!ua!e in speakin! and writin!.
. R!"#!ct$%& %& Pr!'$%(s T!ac)$&* a&+ L!ar&$&*
+ obser&ed that the students were ha&in! diffiulties in !i&in! their opinions and !i&in! reasons to
support their opinions. As part of M"#T e'amination( the students are re2uired to be able to present and
justify their points of &iew formally. Howe&er( my students demonstrated their inability to perform the tasks
well. They showed lak of onfidene durin! speakin! lessons. They showed diffiulty e&en to ome up with
one justifiation to the topis !i&en and ould not reason out their answers. Basially( less than 03 of the
students would !o beyond statin! the first justifiation to the tasks !i&en despite fre2uent reminders and
prompts durin! the ati&ities. Their passi&e responses were also lak of e'planations to the justifiation that
they produed.
.ue to the prediament of !i&in! e&en just one justifiation with no e'planation( the students were
unable to !o beyond the first minute in presentin! their responses. 453 of them responded below 67
seonds. 8ot only that( they paused a lot durin! their responses. Half of the lass e&en paused too fre2uently
when they responded. Althou!h it is a natural phenomenon to pause while &erbally respondin! due to the
thinkin! proess indul!ed by the brain( the students paused too lon!. Some of them e&en paused as lon! as
37 seonds durin! their responses. This is a lear indiation that the students were fain! a serious problem
in !i&in!( what more justifyin! their points of &iew. The time fator is ruial as in the atual M"#T Speakin!
Test( students are only !i&en 5 minutes to perform Task A and the students need to be able to state and
justify suffiient points of &iew within the time limit.
The students/ limited e'periene to the patterns of similar responses in the tar!et lan!ua!e worsen
the senario. This aused them not to know the best way to present their responses to the tasks !i&en. That
was why they resorted to just state one justifiation.
,.R!s!arc) F%c(s
The researh foused on the speakin! skills whih are ruial for the students to perform Task A in
M"#T Speakin! Test. This researh was essential as it would assist the students to be more onfident in
performin! the task !i&en. Their responses would be learer and thus help the students to be more foused
in deli&erin! their points of &iew.
9ith the an'iety that aompanies them throu!hout the M"#T Speakin! Test session( the students
would e'periene intimidation in preparin! and respondin! to the task. This situation did not help the
students in their performane at all. So( e2uippin! the students with speakin! skills &ia $enre Analysis
approah would help to minimize their ner&ousness as it prepares the students with the ommon strutures
used in their response.
-. R!s!arc) Ob.!ct$'!s
a. G!&!ra# Ob.!ct$'!
To tailor a more effeti&e lesson for oral ommuniation by applyin! the $enre Analysis
approah in instillin! the oral skills of the !enre of statin! and justifyin! points of &iew in the learners/
response to the tasks similar to Task A in M"#T Speakin! Test.
b. S/!c$"$c Ob.!ct$'!s
This study was arried out to meet the followin! speifi objeti&es:
ii. To !uide the students on e'plorin! and identifyin! the struture of the !enre of
statin! and justifyin! points of &iew with the !uidane of the teaher(
iii. To assist the students in produin! three justifiations for the opinion !i&en(
i&. To make the students aware of the time limit of their responses ; 5 minutes only(
&. To hi!hli!ht and assist the learners in a2uirin! the salient lin!uisti features
in&ol&ed in presentin! their responses to the tasks similar to Task A in M"#T
Speakin! Test.
0. Tar*!t Gr%(/
<or this ation researh( the subjets were purposi&e( personally hand)piked( abidin! the riteria
set. They were urrently the students of "pper Si' <orm *5770- who would be sittin! for M"#T e'amination
in July 5770. Sine the students in the lass were mostly of those who had ahie&ed =. ; >$( and only a
small number with 3B ; 4? in their @@@> #n!lish ,aper in S,M 5773( + arried out the obser&ation and
treatment on the students who were of the two riteria. % students were hosen and !rouped into two
different !roups. The first !roup( the mediore( onsisted of those who ahie&ed 3B ; 4? in their @@@>
#n!lish ,aper in S,M 5773. The seond !roup in&ol&ed those with 1ow #n!lish ,rofiieny *1#,- who only
mana!ed to ahie&e =. ; >$ in their @@@> #n!lish ,aper in S,M 5773.
1. Act$%& I2/#!2!&tat$%&
+n order to o&erome the problems faed by the students in respondin! to Task A( ertain ations
were taken. The ations were as below:
c. Pr%b#!2 I+!&t$"$cat$%&
+n olletin! the data( + used 5 approahes:
$$. Obs!r'at$%&
The students seemed to shrink in an'iety when they heard from me that they would
ha&e to perform speakin! presentations. +t would be impossible to see any one of them to
&olunteer to be their !roup/s spokesman( what more to !o first durin! presentations.
.urin! the presentations( it was not their onern whether the listeners ould either
hear or understand them. They would just state what they had to 2uikly and be satisfied
with that.
$$$. T!sts
As it is only throu!h tests that we are possible to see students/ real ability( two tests
were arried out. The first one was a speeh presentation where the students were !i&en
two weeks to prepare a speeh on a title of their own hoie and present their piee within
two minutes.
The seond test was a mok of M"#T Speakin! Test whih was arried out e'atly
as how it would be arried out durin! the real test. The students ame into the room and
were seated in fours. #ah !roup was alled into the room at different time and they were
not able to hear other !roups/ performane.
+. A&a#3s$s %" t)! Pr%b#!2
$. Obs!r'at$%&
The reason for the obser&ation was to see how keen the students were with
speakin! presentations. Speakin! presentations were done twie a month and the students/
response were not enoura!in!. They always answered the announements of speakin!
assi!nments with !roans.
<or !roup presentations( althou!h they knew that they should not ha&e the same
speaker as their spokesmen( they did try to trik me in askin! the same persons to represent
their !roups. "sually they were the ones identified as ha&in! the best speakin! skills
ompared to the others in the !roup.
+n indi&idual presentations( they were &ery relutant to &olunteer to perform first.
#&en with two weeks preparation time !i&en( some e&en said that they were not ready to
perform their speeh with the title of their own hoie.
$$. T!sts
+n the indi&idual speeh( the students did not present learly. They mumbled their
words and were not interested to ensure that their listeners ould understand them.
They also did not use up the whole two minutes pro&ided and this shows that they
had bad time mana!ement. This ould also be seen in their mok M"#T Speakin! Test. A
few e'eeded the two minutes while the rest did not e&en touh the first minute.
+n their mok test( the students just tend to !o strai!ht to the main issue bein! stated
without dealin! with the introdution and topi introdution. +nstead of !i&in! three reasons to
justify their &iews or opinions( they just !a&e one and were satisfied with it. Their responses
were also lak of the use of salient lin!uisti features thus dereased the impat of formality.
!. R!s!arc) 4!t)%+%#%*3
Based on the obser&ations and tests done( it was lear to me that the students were
obli&ious of the struture that they need to follow in order to present their responses. They were also
unable to use the transitional si!nals orretly and with &ariety in their responses. Thus( + used the
$enre Analysis approah in order assist the students to respond to the task !i&en better. $enre
Analysis approah was used in assistin! the students:
a. to be aware of the re2uired struture(
b. to understand the &ariety and orret usa!e of the transitional &erbs.
The sta!es of the ation researh taken are as below:
i. A pre)test was arried out in order to identify students/ initial le&el of ompeteny and
ability in respondin! to Task A.
ii. <i&e lessons were arried out and they were
a. Ati&ity @ ; +n&esti!atin! and identifyin! the strutures of respondin! to Task A.
b. Ati&ity 5 ; ,ratiin! brainstormin! for 3 justifiations on &arious topis within 5
minutes for eah.
. Ati&ity 3 ; $oin! throu!h &arious transitional si!nals and the orret usa!e.
d. Ati&ity 6 ; ,ratiin! on usin! orret transitional si!nals for the justifiations on
&arious topis.
e. Ati&ity 0 ; ,ratiin! respondin! to Task A in !roups of fours within the time limit of
5 minutes for the preparation( and two minutes of indi&idual
iii. A post test was arried out to identify the effeti&eness of the ati&ities arried out in
helpin! to enhane the students/ speakin! skills in respondin! to Task A.
i&. +nstruments used:
a. ,re and post tests ) A di!ital audio reorder.
A mok M"#T Speakin! Test.
Aeal Audio ,layer
A omputer
b. Ati&ity @ ; An audio ?. of a reorded sample answer for Task A.
A sample answer.
<re2ueny ?heklist
. Ati&ity 5 ; An Audio ?. of 3 reorded sample answers for Task A.
The transriptions for the sample answers.
An e'erise for brainstormin! of the justifiations on &arious
d. Ati&ity 3 ; ,ower ,oint presentation of a sample dialo!ue.
A list of transitional si!nals and a task sheet for ate!orisin! the
si!nals based on their proper usa!e.
e. Ati&ity 6 ) An e'erise for pratisin! the use of transitional si!nals.
f. Ati&ity 0 ; A opy of a mok M"#T Speakin! Test.
All instruments used were prepared by me and + personally !raded the students myself.
". I2/#!2!&tat$%& %" Act$%& a&+ Obs!r'at$%&
$. I2/#!2!&tat$%& %" Pr! T!st
@. The students were put into 5 !roups of fours. They were ate!orised into three
different ate!ories *the mediocre and the ones with low English proficiency-.
#ah !roup was asked to enter the room in their respeti&e !roups without the
presene of the other !roup. This was to pre&ent the other !roup from preparin!
their responses beforehand.
5. The students were seated with pairs fain! eah other. They were !i&en a set of
test whih allowed me to ha&e a samplin! of their spoken disourse.
3. Bne the students were seated( + distributed the task. The students were !i&en 5
minutes to prepare their responses.
6. #ah student was !i&en two minutes to present their responses. + took the plae
as one of the assessors. + reorded their responses and e&aluated them by
usin! the si')band assessment riteria set by the Malaysian Examinations
0. Bne the first !roup had finished with the task( another !roup was alled in.
They were !i&en the same task and followed the same proedure. They were
also reorded and e&aluated.
$. Obs!r'at$%&
The students/ e&aluation an be seen in the table below:
Student A B C D E F G H
PT 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
9ith referene to the Si')Band Assessment ?riteria set by the Malaysian
#'aminations ?ounil( all e'ept one of them were in Band @( that is the lowest.
Bnly one mana!ed to be in the 5
band. 1ookin! at the mo&es arried out( the
reord of their responses an be seen below:
$$. R!"#!ct$%&
<rom the assessment made( it was lear that all of the students were with low
ompeteny. 1ookin! at the mo&es made( about 0>3 had been ne!leted. So( this
hi!hli!hts that the students did not ha&e the skills to present their responses for the
task well. They did not justify their reasons and those skills need to be hi!hli!hted to
them. The matter beame worse as they were also showin! problems in
onstrutin! sentenes and some were !ropin! for words.
$$. I2/#!2!&tat$%& %" Act$'$t3
This was the first sta!e of the lessons whih was arried out with the subjets. This
was a ruial part as the subjets/ understandin! of the struture of the tar!et !enre. This
was the sta!e where Ai!!enbah/s *@>>>- si' steps were inte!rated and adapted(
@. + asked the students to brainstorm the struture of the response suitable for Task A in
a M"#T Speakin! Test and listed the struture on the board.
5. + distributed a opy of the task whih response they were !oin! to listen to.
3. + played the reordin! of a sample answer for the task and asked the students to just
Tab#! ,: The Mo&es o&ered by eah student.
Tab#! : The bands ahie&ed by the students.
Gra/) : The Mo&es o&ered by eah student
6. + played it a!ain and asked them to ompare their struture to the one on the ?..
0. + asked the students to si!nal me to stop for e&ery mo&e the speaker made( name
the mo&es and ompare the mo&es to the struture that they had brainstormed
4. #&ery time a student !a&e his or her response( + marked the heklist in order to see
the fre2ueny.
=. The students were enoura!ed to disuss the differene and determine the han!es
needed to be made to their former struture.
%. After the students had a!reed to the new struture( the reordin! was played a!ain.
The students were a!ain asked to si!nal me to pause the playbak and name the
mo&es made.
$. Obs!r'at$%&
Graph 2: The number of responses made by Graph 3: The number of responses each
student in Playback 1 made by each student in Playback 2
.urin! the brainstormin! session( the weaker students were at first more to the
2uiet side and allowin! the better ones to take har!e *refer to Graph 2-. Howe&er(
after the reordin! was played for a few times and they had familiarised themsel&es
with the response( a few started to take part in si!nallin! and namin! the mo&es
*refer to Graph 3 & 4-. They would refer to their friends who were more ompetent
before they !i&e their answers.
$$. R!"#!ct$%&
+t was !ood for the students of mi'ed abilities to !o throu!h the sessions
to!ether. The better one !ot the disussion started and the weaker ones soon joined
in. The weaker ones also had the better one to refer to and that also helped in !i&in!
them more onfidene to partiipate in the disussions.
+t was also interestin! to see how the better one did not try to dominate
the disussions. 9hen the weaker ones !ained more onfidene in partiipatin!( the
better one had atually !a&e them the hane to respond.
$$$. I2/#!2!&tat$%& %" Act$'$t3 ,
The seond sta!e of the approah re2uired me to e'pose more samples of the
same !enre to the students. That was the phase when the students were able to enrih
their knowled!e on the !enre bein! analysed. At this point( the students used the
knowled!e !athered in the first sta!e and labelled the te't types aordin!ly to the
samples pro&ided. Then( they were !i&en stimuli to pratie the lan!ua!e features that
they had identified
Gra/) 0: The number of responses made by
eah student in ,laybak 3
A B ? . # < $ H
8umber of response !i&en by the indi&idual
,laybak @
8 u m b e r o f r e s p o n s e
A B ? . # < $ H
8umber of response !i&en by the indi&idual
,laybak @
A B ? . # < $ H
8umber of response !i&en by the indi&idual
,laybak 5
8 u m b e r o f r e s p o n s e
A B ? . # < $ H
8umber of response !i&en by the indi&idual
,laybak 5
A B ? . # < $ H
8umber of response !i&en by the indi&idual
,laybak 3
8 u m b e r o f r e s p o n s e
A B ? . # < $ H
8umber of response !i&en by the indi&idual
,laybak 3
@. + asked the students to reall and list the te't types for the !enre of statin!
and justifyin! points of &iew. + listed their answers on the board.
5. + asked them to hek if all the mo&es they had mentioned were orret and
in order.
3. + played a sample answer of the similar !enre one.
6. + asked the students to listen to the reordin! one a!ain( and si!nal the
0. + did the same way for two more reordin!s.
4. + distributed the transription of the reordin!s played.
=. + asked the students to identify and label the te't types for the four
transripts !i&en.
%. + disussed the labellin! with the students.
>. + asked them to refer to the transript a!ain and looked at how the opinions
were e'pressed.
@7. + asked the students to !i&e other ways to state opinions and + wrote them
on the board.
@@. + distributed a handout on statin! opinions. + went throu!h the list of samples
on e'pressions used to state opinions with the students.
@5. + asked the students to pratie !i&in! opinions by usin! the phrases whih
they had learnt earlier. They were asked to attempt the topis one by one. +
kept the time( just !i&in! them 5 minutes to prepare their answers before
they were asked to !i&e their responses. + listed their responses on the
board. After eah topi was disussed( + went throu!h the responses and
asked the students to orret the responses if there were any !rammatial
errors. This allowed them to be aware of the errors that they had done in
their responses and at the same time( the students were able to share their
$. Obs!r'at$%&
Gra/) 1: The number of responses made by eah student in Ati&ity 5
+n the seond ati&ity( the students were e'posed to more listenin! ati&ities of
the reorded responses. $raph 0 abo&e shows that e&en $roup 5 ould mana!e to
identify most of the te't types in the !enre. #'posin! them to the reorded responses
also made them realised that they needed to work on their speed and pronuniation
9hen they were !i&en the transript of the reorded responses( they mana!ed
to label the te't types. Seein! the responses in written form helped them to see the
distintion of the te't types better. The labellin! of the te't type also helped them to
see the se2uene of the responses that they needed to follow when they had to
produe their responses later.
$$. R!"#!ct$%&
Sine the spoken disourse is dynami and is more diffiult for them to follow
the flow of ideas( they needed more time to listen to the reordin! and identify the te't
types. Althou!h the proess of identifiation took up a lon! time( with my areful
!uidane( the students felt it was worth doin! it as it made them understood the layout
of the responses better.
#'posin! the students to a nati&e)like reordin! is essential as they did
not ha&e enou!h ontats with !ood samples of authenti answers by the nati&e
speakers. As the result( the students also benefited as they learnt the ri!ht
pronuniations( intonations and thus had a !ood soure for pratie. Ha&in! the
@ 5 3 6 0 4 = % @ 5 3 6 0 4 = %
printed transript also helped the students to be aware of the salient lin!uisti
features for the prodution of the !enre.
$'. I2/#!2!&tat$%& %" Act$'$t3 -
After pratiin! the e'pressions for statin! opinions( the third sta!e mo&ed to the
lesson on the use of transitional si!nals in statin! reasons for opinions and justifiations.
@. + asked the students to look at the transriptions a!ain and look for the
transitional si!nals that the speaker used in !i&in! her reasons.
5. + listed down the si!nals mentioned by the students.
3. + distributed a handout on &arious transitional si!nals.
6. + asked the students to lassify the listed si!nals into 0 ate!ories.
0. After that( + disussed the 0 ate!ories with the students.
4. Then( + asked the students to refer to the followin! e'erise on the use of
transitional si!nals in supportin! opinions. + asked the students to use the
transitional si!nals that they had disussed earlier to present their reasons
whih they had done in the pre&ious ati&ity.
=. + alled out the students to e'press their responses &erbally one by one and
allowed the peers to help.
$. Obs!r'at$%&
At this sta!e the students were e'posed to &arious ways of usin! transitional
si!nals in e'pressin! opinions and reasons to justify the points of &iew. The students
were more aware of the hoies that they had. They said that they always had the
tendeny to keep usin! the same e'pressions to state their opinions and reasons(
and the e'erise on the e'pressions and the appliation that they made in the
e'erises helped them to be more onfident in usin! other e'pressions too.
$$. R!"#!ct$%&
As the sayin! !oes( pratie makes perfet( the students bein! a&era!e and
weak ones really !ained more onfidene after umpteen pratie of usin!
transitional si!nal for &arious situations. This also helped them to be aware of the
different usa!e of transitional si!nals and the ri!ht way of usin! them.
'. I2/#!2!&tat$%& %" Act$'$t3 0
At this sta!e the students were already e'posed to &arious ways in e'pressin!
opinions and reasons to justify the points of &iew. The students were more aware of the
hoies that they had. 8ow the students need to put their knowled!e into pratie within the
time limit of 5 minutes for eah statement !i&en.
@. + distributed a handout on statements.
5. + asked the students to attempt one statement at a time. + timed them and
instruted them to stop at the end of the seond minute.
3. + alled the students one by one to !i&e their responses. + listed their answers
on the board.
6. + enoura!ed the peers to orret responses with errors with my !uidane.
$. Obs!r'at$%&
Gra/) 5: The number of responses made by
eah student in Ati&ity 6
At this sta!e( the students were able to use their knowled!e on the e'pressions
and transitional si!nals in produin! their responses. They said that they were able
to &ary their e'pressions in statin! their opinions and reasons( and the e'erise on
the e'pressions helped them to be more aware of the 5 minutes and had to fore
themsel&es in presentin! their answers within the time limit.
$$. R!"#!ct$%&
More praties would be a !reat help to the students. Thou!h they were uneasy
and felt disturbed for ha&in! to produe their responses within 5 minutes( it would be
a blessin! in dis!uise as they would be austomed to it. Thus( durin! the real test(
they would be more aware of the 5 minutes pro&ided.
'$. I2/#!2!&tat$%& %" Act$'$t3 1
This was the last sta!e( sta!e 0 where the students had to put into pratie of
what they had learnt in the e'erise fousin! on situations similar to Task A in M"#T
Speakin! Test.
@. + asked the students to sit in their respeti&e !roups. + distributed S#T @ to
!roup @ and asked them to read the task.
5. Then( + timed them 5 minutes for them to prepare their responses. The
students worked on produin! a omplete response( based on the te't types
to whih they were e'posed to and the lan!ua!e features whih they had
obser&ed and pratised in the pre&ious ati&ities.
3. Then( members of the !roup took turn to present their responses. + reorded
and timed eah member/s response.
6. After the !roup presented their responses( the other !roup were asked to
!i&e their omments and + !uided the disussion session.
0. After the disussion( it was the seond !roup/s turn. + !a&e them their task
and repeated the same proedure whih + arried out with the first !roup.
4. #ah !roup were !i&en the hane to pratie 5 sets eah.
$. Obs!r'at$%&
+ ould see that at first the students were 2uite unomfortable to !i&e their
responses with the other !roup wathin! and listenin!. Howe&er( after the feedbak
and disussion session( Table 5 and $raph = show that they mana!ed to take the
e'erise positi&ely. +n the seond round respondin! to their seond set( the students
were more onfident and ould !i&e better responses.
$$. R!"#!ct$%&
Graph 7: The Moves covered by the students Table 2: The Moves covered by the students
8aturally( the students were shy to be heard by their friends. Howe&er( with
persuasions and enoura!ements( many were able to present their responses
*. R!"#!ct$%& %& t)! R!s!arc)
At first( the students found it diffiult to ome up with enou!h opinions and reasons within the
two minutes !i&en. Howe&er( with a lot of disussions and oral praties( the students found that they
were more onfident in !i&in! their answers. #&en $roup 5 would &olunteered to !i&e their answers
first and this showed that they had !ained their onfidene not just in preparin! the responses( but
also in presentin! them aloud in lass.
+ mana!ed to hi!hli!ht and failitate the students to produe their responses in the orret
te't types and use the appropriate lin!uisti features. 9ith the ample oral praties arried out by the
students( they had !ained more onfidene and thus( helped them to produe their responses in
better sentenes.
The $enre Analysis Approah has allowed the students to be aware of the te't types and the
salient lin!uisti features whih beomes the crutch to these weak students to produe their
responses to the task !i&en.
5. S(**!st$%& "%r F(t(r! R!s!arc)
This researh only foused on the indi&idual response to the speakin! task. +t is ruial espeially for
the weaker students in !ainin! the salient lin!uisti features. 9ith that( + personally su!!est that there should
be another researh in helpin! these weak students in the seond task in the M"#T Speakin! Test( that is
Task B. +n this task( the students are re2uired to be able to mana!e disussions. The researh should fous
on ways to hi!hli!ht the essential features of mana!in! disussions and the proper ways to arry them out(
and help the weak students to understand and be able to arry out disussions properly.
1im( J.?. *5775- Malaysian University English est !MUE" # Course$oo%. Selan!or:,ustaka Sarjana Sdn
Martin( J.C. *@>%6- D1an!ua!e( re!ister and !enre./ in #?T 6@%( &anguage 'tudies( Children )riting* +eader.
Eitoria: .eakin "ni&ersity.
Malaysian #'aminations Syndiate. Aess date: >th January(5770 at:!o&.myFGlpFspmHlpm.htm
8!( C. S. et al( *5776- 'tudy '%ills for the Malaysian University English est. Shah Alam: <ederal
Ai!!enbah( H. *@>>>- ,iscourse -nalysis in the &anguage Classroom. "SA: "ni&ersity of Mihi!an ,ress.
Aoberts( ,. *@>>=- Genre -nalysis* - way out of the CU&.,E.'-C. +n: The +nternational House
Journal of #duation and .e&elopment +ssue 3 April @>>=. Aess date .eember @7( 5776 at:
Smith( $. *@>>=- &earning to 'pea% and 'pea%ing to &earn. Journal for ?olle!e Teahin!( Eol. 60.:6>I.
Aess date January @(5770 at:
Swales( J.M. *@>>7- Genre -nalysis # English in -cademic and +esearch 'ettings( ?ambrid!e: ?ambrid!e
"ni&ersity ,ress.
Eale( A.( Tan( A.( and Ali( M. *5776- ext MUE/ - Complete Guide. Selan!or : ,earson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

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