P/id 6010/MBK

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OCTOBER 2011 P/ID 6010/MBK

Time : Three hours Maximum : 80 marks

PART A (8 5 = 40 marks)
Answer any EIGHT questions.
All question carry equal marks
1. Is marketing an art or a Science? Discuss.
2. What are the various approaches to study of
3. What are the factors affecting the marketing
4. What are the various types of sampling?
5. Out line the statistical techniques used in sales
6. Distinguish between consumer product and
industrial product.
7. What are the various characteristics of buyer,
which influence the behaviour?
8. What are the features of good labeling?
9. Distinguish between wholesaler and retailer.
10. Is comparative advertising unethical. Discuss

P/ID 6010/MBK 2
11. Explain the qualities of a sales manager.
12. Mention the factors considered in sales force
PART B (4 10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions
All questions carry equal marks
13. Discuss the steps in strategic planning process.
14. What are the various stages in buying decision
15. Explain the concept of product positioning map
with an illustration.
16. Explain the different bases used for segmenting
industrial markets.
17. How does a consumer durable product company
select its channel members for distribution?
18. Discuss the different types of sales promotion

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