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I-Com II Sendup Examination 2014

Business Statistics Objective Part
Note: Possible answers are given to each statement. Tick ( ) the correct one. (15 Marks)

1. When two coins are tossed the possible outcomes are

a) 6 b) 12 c) 4 d) 3

2. Four books can be arranged in a shelf is

a) 2 Ways b) 8 ways c) 16 Ways d) 24 ways

3. The word Statistics is derived from

a) Latin word b) Greek word c) Italian word d) None of these

4. Statistics laws are valid in the

a) Short run b) Medium Run c) Long run d) Average run

5. Index number for a period is

a) 100 b) Always 100 c) Never 100 d) None of these

6. Price Index number calculate changes in

a) Price b) Quantity c) Price & quantity d) None of these

7. The Graph of time series is called

a) Histogram b) Histogrigram c) Ogive d) None of these

8. The data when plot on graph paper is called

a) Chart b) Graphic c) Ogive d) Diagrammatic representation

9. The mean of 10 numbers is 9.2, and then the sum of number is

a) 92 b) 72 c) 82 d) None of these

10. A data having a single mode is

a) Uni-Model b) Bi-Model c) Tri-Model d) Multi-Model

11. When two dice are rolled the maximum total on the two faces of the dice will be

a) 6 b) 36 c) 12 d) 10

12. If the mean of the 15 observation is 20 then the sum of these number is

a) 100 b) 200 c) 300 d) 400
13. Identify the attribute

a) Height b) Blood Pressure c) Eye colour d) Marks

14. The class mark is defined as

a) Class interval b) Class Boundary c) Mid Points d) Class limits

15. Bar chart has ______ types.
a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Five

I.Com II
Send Up Examination, 2014
Paper: Business Statistics Total Marks 75 Time Allowed:-1:45

Subjective (Section-I)

Question no 2: (Attempt any Six) (6 2=12 Marks)
1) Define Population 2) What is Sample? 3) Define primary data.
4) Define Continuous Variable with example. 5) Define Histogram. 6) Define questionnaire.
7) Write any four types of Diagram.
8 Define independent Events with example.
9) What are the important Graphs of Frequency Distribution?
Question no 3: (Attempt any Six) (6 2=12 Marks)
2) What are Class limit 2) What is frequency distribution 3) Define chart
4) Define Cartogram . 5) Define Historigram. 6) Define Random Experiment.
7) Define Dependent Event.
8 Define the term trail.
9) Define the pictograms.
Question no 4: (Attempt any Six) (6 2=12 Marks)
1) Define Uni-model Distribution. 2) Define an index Number. 3) Define Arithmetic Mean.
4) Define Combination and its formula. 5) C.P.I stands for? 6) Define Sure Event
7) What are Characteristics of good average?
8 What is the Current Year weighted index number.
9) What position exist when Mean=Median=Mode.
Note: Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 8 Marks. (8 3=24 Marks)
Question no 5:An experiment of tossing 5 coins simultaneously was repeated 25 times to observe heads.
The following results were obtained.
5 3 4 2 1
2 3 1 4 2
3 4 2 0 1
3 0 5 1 3
2 2 4 2 0
Make a frequency distribution for numbers of heads observed taking class size as 1
Question no 6: Draw the historigram , histogram and polygon of the following data.
Class 2 --- 4 4 --- 6 6 --- 8 8 --- 10 10 --- 12 12 ---1 4
Frequency 4 10 15 12 6 2

Question no 7:
i) Find the Mean, Median, Mode, & Upper Quartile of the following frequency distribution.
Class 10 --- 19 20 --- 29 30 --- 39 40 --- 49 50 --- 59 60---69
Frequency 3 7 20 12 10 8

ii) Find Mode, lower upper Quartiles, 7
Docile and 80 percentile from the data given below.
Groups 0 --- 8 8 --- 1 6 16 --- 24 24 --- 32 32 --- 40 40 --- 48
Frequency 3 17 18 22 6 4

Question no 7:
i) The following table gives prices in rupees for the year 1990-1995
Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Price 30 32 40 43 44 48
Find Index number by chain base method.
ii)Compute Laspeyres, Paasches and Fishers Ideal index number for 1980 taking 1975 as base year for following.
Commodity 1975 1980
Price Quantity Price Quantity
Wheat 55 100 63 130
Jawar 25 55 29 45
Gur 27 130 32 85

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