Saturday M & E Training Manual

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Saturday M & E Training

1 Aims and Objectives................................................................................................................................... . 3
1.1 Learning outcomes (Aims and Objectives) .............................................................................................. 3
1.2 Some Basics ............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2.8 Kinds of data..................................................................................................................................... . 3 nterva! data ................................................................................................................................... . 3 Ordina! data ................................................................................................................................... . 3 "omina! data ................................................................................................................................. . 3
2 #etting Started $it% S&SS for 'indo$s ..................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Assum(tions ......................................................................................................................................... )
2.2 ntroduction ......................................................................................................................................... . )
2.3 *ia!ogue bo+es ..................................................................................................................................... ,
2.) -ariab!e names and va!ue !abe!s........................................................................................................... .
2.).1 -ariab!e names ................................................................................................................................. . .
2.).2 -a!ue !abe!s ...................................................................................................................................... . .
3 *ata entr/ using t%e 0e/board ..................................................................................................................... .
3.1 1diting data on t%e grid ........................................................................................................................ .
) 1+ercise 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 8
).1 1+ercise 1a 2 Sam(!e 3uestionnaire and 4oding5 -ariab!e Labe!s5 -a!ue Labe!s and *ata entr/ ...... 8
).2 1+ercise 1b 2 6ead an 1+ce! *ata fi!e into S&SS................................................................................. 7
8 1+ercise 2 9 :o$ to conduct an 1+(!orator/ *ata Ana!/sis 9 3uantitative -ariab!e .................................1;
8.1 <%e 1+(!ore &rocedure ........................................................................................................................1;
8.2 <%e *escri(tives &rocedure .................................................................................................................1;
8.3 <%e =re>uencies &rocedure .................................................................................................................11
, 1+ercise 3 9 :o$ to conduct an 1+(!orator/ *ata Ana!/sis 9 3ua!itative -ariab!e ...................................11
,.1 <%e =re>uencies &rocedure .................................................................................................................12
,.2 <%e 4rosstabs &rocedure .....................................................................................................................12
1 Aims and Objectives
1.1 Learning outcomes (Aims and Objectives)
<%is document gives a >uic0 overvie$ of t%e essentia!s of S&SS. After com(!eting t%is
document /ou s%ou!d?
understand sca!e of measurement
be ab!e to create an S&SS data fi!e from scratc% (coding a >uestionnaire)
o(en an 1+ce! fi!e in S&SS
be ab!e to carr/ out some sim(!e ana!/ses on t%e data fi!e
be ab!e to use S&SS $it% a degree of confidence
1. Some !asics
1..1 Scale o" Measurement
#ominal (categorica!) e.g. race5 co!our5 se+5 job status5 etc.
Ordinal (categorica!) e.g. t%e effect of a drug cou!d be none5 mi!d and severe5 job
im(ortance (1985 1 being not im(ortant and 8 ver/ im(ortant)5 etc.
$nterval (continuous5 covariates5 sca!e5 metric) e.g. tem(erature (in 4e!sius)5
$eig%t (in stones or Kg)5 %eig%t (in inc%es or cm)5 etc.
1..% &inds o" data
<%ere are basica!!/ t%ree 0inds of data?
1..%.1 $nterval data
<%ese are data ta0en from an inde(endent sca!e $it% units. 1+am(!es inc!ude %eig%t5
$eig%t and tem(erature.
1..%. Ordinal data
<%ese are data co!!ected from ran0ing variab!es on a given sca!e. =or e+am(!e5 /ou ma/
as0 res(ondents to ran0 some variab!e based on t%eir (erceived !eve! of im(ortance of t%e
variab!es using Li0ert t/(e sca!e suc% as 15 25 35 ) and 8.
1..%.' #ominal data
@ere!/ statements of >ua!itative categor/ of members%i(. 1+am(!es inc!ude gender
(ma!e or fema!e)5 race (b!ac0 or $%ite)5 nationa!it/ (Britis%5 American5 African5 etc.).
t s%ou!d be a((reciated t%at bot% nterva! and Ordina! data re!ate to >uantitative variab!es
$%i!e "omina! data refers to >ua!itative variab!es.
(etting Started )it* S+SS "or ,indo)s
.1 Assum-tions
<%is document assumes t%at /ou 0no$ t%e basics of using a com(uter suc% as?
1. :o$ to start a((!ications
2. :o$ to use /our mouse
3. :o$ to move and c!ose $indo$s.
). :o$ to save and o(en a fi!e.
. $ntroduction
S&SS %as t$o main $indo$s? <%e .ata Editor $indo$ and t%e /ie)er $indo$. <%e
.ata Editor $indo$ is in turn divided into t%e .ata /ie) and t%e /ariable /ie)
<%e .ata /ie) $indo$ is sim(!/ a grid $it% ro$s and co!umns. <%e ro$s re(resent
subjects (cases or observations) and co!umns re(resent variab!es $%ose names s%ou!d
a((ear at t%e to( of t%e co!umns. n t%e grid5 t%e intersection bet$een a ro$ and a
co!umn is 0no$n as a ce!!. A ce!! $i!! t%erefore contain t%e score of a (articu!ar subject
(or case) on one (articu!ar variab!e. <%is $indo$ dis(!a/s t%e contents of data fi!e. Aou
create ne$ data fi!es or modif/ e+isting ones in t%is $indo$. <%is $indo$ o(ens
automatica!!/ $%en /ou start an S&SS session. See =igure 1 for a brief annotation of t%is
4o!umns re(resent variab!es
@enu Bar
<oo! bar
(6e(resent cases
Or observations)
*ata -ie$ tab
-ariab!e -ie$ tab
Status Bar
0ig. 1 .ata /ie) ,indo)
<%e /ariable /ie) $indo$ is a!so a sim(!e grid $it% ro$s and co!umns. <%is $indo$
contains descri(tions of t%e attributes of eac% variab!e t%at ma0e u( /our data set. n t%is
$indo$5 ro$s are variab!es and co!umns are variab!e attributes. Aou can ma0e c%anges
to variab!e attributes in t%is $indo$ suc% as add5 de!ete and modif/ attributes of
variab!es. <%ere are e!even co!umns a!toget%er name!/? #ame5 Ty-e5 ,idt*5 .ecimal5
Label5 /alue5 Missing5 1olumns5 Align5 Measure and 2ole. See =ig. 2 for more
information. As /ou define variab!es in t%is $indo$5 t%e/ are dis(!a/ed in t%e .ata /ie)
$indo$. <%e number of ro$s in t%e /ariable vie) $indo$ corres(onds to t%e number of
co!umns in t%e .ata vie) $indo$.
4o!umns re(resent attributes of variab!es
0ig. /ariable /ie) ,indo)
<%e /ie)er $indo$ is $%ere resu!ts are dis(!a/ed after a statistica! (rocedure %as been
(erformed. t is divided into t$o main sections? t%e !eft (ane contains an out!ine vie$ of
t%e out(ut contents and t%e rig%t (ane contains statistica! tab!es5 c%arts5 and te+t out(ut.
Aou can edit t%e out(ut in t%is $indo$ and save it for !ater use. <%is $indo$ o(ens
automatica!!/ t%e first time /ou run a (rocedure t%at generates out(ut. See =ig. 3 for
6ig%t (ane contains statistica! tab!es5 c%arts and te+t out(ut
Left (ane contains out!ine
vie$ of t%e out(ut contents
.' .ialogue bo3es
0ig. ' /ie)er )indo)
Aou use dia!ogue bo+es to se!ect variab!es and o(tions for statistics and c%arts. Aou
se!ect variab!es for ana!/sis from t%e source !ist. And /ou use t%e arro$ button to move
t%e variab!es into t%e target !ist. *ia!ogue bo+ buttons $it% an e!!i(sis (...) o(en
subdia!ogue bo+es for o(tiona! se!ections. <%ere are five standard buttons on most
dia!ogue bo+es (O&5 +ASTE5 2ESET5 1A#1EL5 and 4EL+). Aou see some diagrams
of some dia!ogue bo+es as /ou (rogress t%roug% t%is document. <%e =re>uenc/ dia!ogue
bo+ is s%o$n in =ig. 11.
4!ic0 t%is arro$ to
transfer variab!e(s)
<%e OK button is not avai!ab!e
because no variab!e %as been
transferred to t%e target !ist
Source variab!e
!ist. <%e variab!es
can be se!ected
<arget variab!e !ist
A sing!e c!ic0 on an/ of
t%ese buttons $i!! o(en
subdia!ogue bo+es
0ig. 11 0re5uency dialogue bo3
.6 /ariable names and value labels
.6.1 /ariable names
A!$a/s give meaningfu! names to a!! /our variab!es. f /ou do not5 S&SS $i!! name t%e
variab!es for /ou5 ca!!ing t%e first variab!e var;;;;15 t%e second var;;;;2 and so on.
<%ere are si+ s(ecific ru!es t%at /ou s%ou!d fo!!o$ $%en se!ecting variab!e names. A
variab!e name?
1. must not e+ceed 32 c%aracters. (A c%aracter is sim(!/ a !etter5 digit or s/mbo!).
2. must begin $it% a !etter.
3. cou!d %ave a mi+ture of !etters5 digits and an/ of t%e fo!!o$ing s/mbo!? B5 C5 D5 E.
). must not end $it% a fu!! sto(.
8. must not contain an/ of t%e fo!!o$ing? a b!an05 F5 G5 H.
,. must not be one of t%e 0e/$ords used in S&SS (e.g. A"*5 "O<5 135 BA5 and ALL)
.6. /alue labels
'it% /alue labels /ou assign names to arbitrar/ code numbers. =or e+am(!e5 /ou ma/
$ant to (erform a statistica! (rocedure on t$o grou(s t%at %ave been given arbitrar/ code
numbers of 1 and 2. Aou can give /alue labels to t%ese code numbers suc% as?
1IJgrou( 1J
2IJgrou( 2J
' .ata entry using t*e 7eyboard
'%en t%e .ata Editor $indo$ is accessed for t%e first time5 t%e to( ce!! of t%e !eftmost
co!umn $i!! be %ig%!ig%ted (i.e. t%ic0ened b!ac0 borders round t%e ce!!). <%is is t%e
active ce!!. Aou can ma0e an/ ce!! active b/ moving /our mouse to t%e re>uired ce!! and
t%en c!ic0ing t%e !eft mouse button. "otice t%at as /ou c%ange t%e active ce!!5 t%e ce!!
editor on t%e !eft5 trac0 t%e !ocation of t%e active ce!!. A va!ue t/(ed in from t%e 0e/board
$i!! a((ear in t%e ce!! editor and can be transferred to t%e active ce!! b/ (ressing return
or enter 0e/ on t%e 0e/board. Aou can c%ange (osition of t%e active ce!! in grid b/
using t%e cursor 0e/s (i.e. t%e u(5 do$n5 rig%t and !eft arro$s on t%e 0e/board). Aou can
no$ enter data into an/ ce!!.
'.1 Editing data on t*e grid
<%e editing functions found in most a((!ications are avai!ab!e in S&SS for 'indo$s.
Aou can co(/5 cut5 and (aste in S&SS. <%e b!oc09and9(aste tec%ni>ue can a!so be used.
<o de!ete t%e va!ues in a ce!! (or b!oc0)5 %ig%!ig%t t%e re>uired area and (ress s*i"t delete
or t%e bac7 s-ace 0e/. <o de!ete t%e va!ues of an entire ro$5 c!ic0 on t%e gre/ area
8uestion $. #ame Ty-e Label /alue and
1 gender String 6es(ondentKs se+ mIma!e5
2 bdate *ate *ate of birt%
3 educ "umeric 1ducationa! !eve!
) jobcat "umeric 1m(!o/ment
8 salary *o!!ar 4urrent sa!ar/
, salbegin *o!!ar Beginning sa!ar/
containing t%e ro$ number fo!!o$ed b/ de!ete. Simi!ar!/5 to de!ete t%e va!ues of an entire
co!umn5 c!ic0 on t%e gre/ area containing t%e name of t%e co!umn fo!!o$ed b/ de!ete.
6 E3ercise 1
"o$ t%at t%e basics of S&SS for 'indo$s %ave been covered5 attem(t t%e fo!!o$ing
e+ercise. <o do t%e e+ercise /ou must start S&SS for 'indo$s if /ou %ave not a!read/
done so.
6.1 E3ercise 1a 9 Sam-le 8uestionnaire and 1oding: /ariable Labels: /alue Labels
and .ata entry
n t%is e+ercise5 /ou $i!! !earn %o$ to code a >uestionnaire5 !abe! variab!e and va!ue5 and
enter data into S&SS *ata 1ditor.
Sam-le 8uestionnaire
1. '%at is /our genderG &!ease tic0 1? @a!e =ema!e
2. '%at is /our date of birt%G LLLLLLLL
3. '%at is t%e tota! number of /ears /ou com(!eted in an educationa! estab!is%mentG
). '%ic% em(!o/ment categor/ do /ou be!ong toG &!ease se!ect one?
8. '%at is /our current sa!ar/G LLLLLL.
,. '%at $as /our beginning sa!ar/ LLLL..
4!ic0 t%e ta( for /ariable /ie) $indo$ at t%e bottom !eft %and corner and code eac%
>uestion using t%e information s%o$n on t%e tab!e be!o$?
1oding o" 8uestionnaire
4reating t%e first variab!e?
1. Mnder t%e co!umn #ame and in ro$ 1 t/(e in gender and (ress return on t%e
0e/board. <o t%e rig%t of t%e ce!! gender under co!umn Ty-e c!ic0 on #umeric
and c!ic0 on t%e !itt!e b!ue s>uare in t%e ce!!.
2. Se!ect String and c!ic0 O& from t%e dis(!a/ed dia!ogue bo+.
3. S0i( t%e ne+t t$o ce!!s i.e. ce!!s under co!umns ,idt* and .ecimals. 4!ic0 on
t%e ne+t ce!! under co!umn Label and t/(e in Respondents sex.
). 4!ic0 on t%e ne+t ce!! under co!umn /alues and c!ic0 on t%e !itt!e b!ue s>uare in
t%e ce!!. On t%e dis(!a/ed dia!ogue bo+ t/(e m ne+t to /alue and t/(e Male ne+t
to Label and c!ic0 on Add. </(e f ne+t to /alue and t/(e Female ne+t to Label
and c!ic0 on Add. <%en c!ic0 OK.
8. Leave t%e remaining co!umns as t%e/ are. Aou %ave successfu!!/ created /our first
4reating t%e second variab!e? bdate
1. Mnder t%e co!umn #ame and in ro$ 2 t/(e in bdate and (ress return on t%e
0e/board. <o t%e rig%t of t%e ce!! bdate under co!umn Ty-e c!ic0 on #umeric and
c!ic0 on t%e !itt!e b!ue s>uare in t%e ce!!.
2. Se!ect .ate and acce(t t%e defau!t date format of dd;mmm;yyyy b/ c!ic0ing O&
from t%e dis(!a/ed dia!ogue bo+.
3. S0i( t%e ne+t t$o ce!!s i.e. ce!!s under co!umns ,idt* and .ecimals. 4!ic0 on
t%e ne+t ce!! under co!umn Label and t/(e in Date of birth.
). As date of birt% is uni>ue for eac% (erson t%ere is no need to (rovide /alue and
Labels for t%is variab!e.
8. S0i( t%e ne+t t%ree co!umns and under t%e co!umn Measure c!ic0 on t%e ce!!
<n7no)n and se!ect Scale.
,. Leave t%e !ast co!umn as it is. Aou %ave successfu!!/ created t%e second variab!e.
4reating t%e remaining variab!es?
=o!!o$ing t%e same met%od create t%e remaining four variab!es using t%e information on
t%e tab!e 1oding o" 8uestionnaire above.
#o to t%e .ata /ie) and t/(e in t%e data s%o$n on t%e tab!e be!o$?
Save t%e fi!e5 give it a suitab!e name and save it in a fo!der of /our c%oice (if /ou !i0e /ou
can save it under 4=>). Aou %ave no$ successfu!!/ created and saved /our first data set in
S&SS. 4ongratu!ationsF
6. E3ercise 1b 9 2ead an E3cel .ata "ile into S+SS
<%e fi!e is stored in t%is !ocation >> c a m -us >so " t) a r e >d e - t>s - s s . t is ca !! e d ( ss?1 S m .3l s .
Before /ou o(en t%e fi!e in S&SS it is a good idea to o(en it first in 1+ce!5 %ave a !oo0 at
it. 4!ose t%e fi!e in 1+ce!. "o$ o(en t%is fi!e in S&SS fo!!o$ing t%ese instructions?
1. 0ile ;@ O-en ;@ .ataA
. Mnder 0iles o" ty-e= using t%e dro(9do$n arro$ se!ect E3cel (B.3ls: B.3ls3:
'. Mnder 0ile name= t/(e >> c a m -us >so " t) a r e> d e - t>s - ss and c!ic0 O-en
6. Se!ect (SS?1Sm.3ls and c!ic0 O-en
8. @a0e sure 2ead variable names "rom "irst ro) o" data is c%ec0ed
,. Msing t%e dro( do$n arro$ se!ect t%e $or0s%eet to o(en
.. Mnder 2ange t/(e AC=0DEC and c!ic0 O&
Aou can no$ modif/ and save t%e fi!e as an S&SS data fi!e.
D E3ercise ; 4o) to conduct an E3-loratory .ata Analysis ; 8uantitative /ariable
"o$ t%at $e %ave successfu!!/ entered and saved data into S&SS5 it is time to (erform
some statistica! data ana!/sis (rocedures. :o$ever5 it is advisab!e to conduct an
1+(!orator/ *ata Ana!/sis (1*A) before carr/ing out an/ forma! data ana!/sis. '%/ not
attem(t some 1+(!orator/ *ata Ana!/sis using t%e fo!!o$ing? E3-lore5 .escri-tives5 and
0re5uencies. =o!!o$ t%ese instructions?
D.1 T*e E3-lore +rocedure
1. Start S&SS b/ se!ecting Start ;@ All -rograms ;@ Statistical so"t)are ;@ $!M S+SS
Statistics ;@ $!M S+SS Statistics 1C. 4!ic0 on 1ancel to cance! t%e dis(!a/ed
dia!ogue bo+.
. =rom t%e menu bar se!ect 0ile ;@ O-en ;@ .ata. Mnder 0ile name= t/(e
>> c a m -us >so " t) a r e> d e - t>s - ss and c!ic0 O-en. Se!ect Em-loyee data and c!ic0
O-en. Stud/ t%is data fi!e.
3. Se!ect AnalyFe ;@ .escri-tive Statistics ;@ E3-lore.... <%e E3-lore dia!ogue bo+
$i!! a((ear on t%e screen. :ig%!ig%t t%e variab!e Current Salary [salary] b/ c!ic0ing
on it once using /our mouse !eft button and transfer it to t%e .e-endent List bo+ b/
c!ic0ing t%e to( arro$. :ig%!ig%t t%e variab!e mployment Category [jobcat] and
transfer it to t%e 0actor List bo+ b/ c!ic0ing t%e midd!e arro$.
). 4!ic0 on +lotsA to o(en t%e E3-lore=+lots dia!ogue bo+ and dese!ect t%e Stem;and;
Lea" c%ec0 bo+ in t%e .escri-tive grou(. f Stem;and;Lea" is a!read/ dese!ected
c!ic0 on 1ontinue.
8. 4!ic0 on O& to run t%e (rocedure. <%e resu!t of t%is (rocedure $i!! be dis(!a/ed on
t%e Out-ut /ie)er $indo$. 1+amine and tr/ to inter(ret t%e resu!t.
D. T*e .escri-tives +rocedure
'it% .escri-tives /ou can >uic0!/ generate summar/ statistica! measures suc% as mean5
standard de!iation5 !ariance5 maximum and minimum va!ues5 range and sum for a given
variab!e. =o!!o$ t%ese instructions?
1. =rom t%e menu bar5 se!ect AnalyFe ;@ .escri-tive Statistics ;@ .escri-tives.... <%e
.escri-tives dia!ogue bo+ $i!! a((ear on t%e screen.
2. <ransfer t%e variab!e Current Salary [salary] into t%e /ariable(s) bo+.
3. Se!ect t%e O-tions (us%button. <%e .escri-tives= O-tions dia!ogue bo+ $i!! a((ear
on t%e screen. "otice t%at Mean5 Std. deviation5 Minimum and Ma3imum %ave
a!read/ been se!ected for /ou. <%ese are t%e defau!t statistics.
). A!so se!ect t%ese statistica! measures? /ariance5 2ange5 Sum5 and S.E mean. <o
se!ect an item c!ic0 on t%e c%ec0 bo+ once. <o dese!ect it c!ic0 on it again once.
8. Se!ect 1ontinue to return to t%e .escri-tives dia!ogue bo+.
,. Se!ect O& to run t%e (rocedure.
1+amine and attem(t to inter(ret t%e out(ut.
'%at are t%e main differences bet$een t%e out(ut from t%e .escri-tives +rocedure
com(are to t%e out(ut from t%e E3-lore +rocedureG
D.' T*e 0re5uencies +rocedure
'it% t%e =re>uencies (rocedure /ou can a!so generate summar/ statistica! measures for a
given variab!e. 0re5uencies gives fre>uenc/ distributions for a!! t/(es of data (nomina!5
ordina! and interva!). <%is e+am(!e concentrates on t%e >uantitative variab!e Current
Salary [salary]. An e+am(!e invo!ving >ua!itative variab!es $i!! be carried out in
1+ercise 3. =o!!o$ t%ese instructions?
1. =rom t%e menu bar5 se!ect AnalyFe ;@ .escri-tive Statistics ;@ 0re5uencies.... <%e
=re>uencies dia!og bo+ $i!! a((ear on t%e screen. Aou m/ need to c!ic0 on t%e 2eset
button if t%is dia!ogue bo+ %as been used before.
2. :ig%!ig%t t%e variab!e Current Salary [salary] and t%en c!ic0 on t%e arro$ (us%button
to transfer it into t%e /ariables(s) bo+.
3. 4!ic0 on t%e 1*arts (us%button to o(en t%e 0re5uencies= 1*arts dia!ogue bo+.
4!ic0 on t%e 4istogram and c!ic0 on ,it* #ormal 1urve button in t%e 1*art Ty-e
grou( and t%en c!ic0 on 1ontinue.
). 4!ic0 on t%e Statistics (us%button to o(en t%e 0re5uencies= Statistics dia!ogue bo+.
8. Se!ect t%ese statistics? 8uartiles5 Mean5 Median5 Mode5 Sum and c!ic0 on
,. 4!ic0 on .is-lay "re5uency tables to dese!ect it. t is not a((ro(riate to (roduce a
fre>uenc/ tab!e for interva! (continuous) variab!e.
.. 4!ic0 on O& to run t%e (rocedure.
1+amine and inter(ret t%e out(ut.
C E3ercise ' ; 4o) to conduct an E3-loratory .ata Analysis ; 8ualitative /ariable
<%e data fi!e used in t%is e+am(!e is stored >> c am- us >s o " t) a r e> d e - t>s - ss . =o!!o$ t%ese
instructions to o(en t%is fi!e?
1. 0ile ;@ O-en ;@ .ataL
2. n t%e te+t area for 0ile name= t/(e >> c a m -us >so " t) a r e> d e - t>s - s s .
3. 4!ic0 on O-en and se!ect t%e fi!e ca!!ed bloodty-e.sav.
). 4!ic0 O-en.
Stud/ t%is fi!e.
<%e most common!/ used S&SS (rocedures for describing >ua!itative data are
0re5uencies and 1rosstabs. <o conduct an e+(!orator/ data ana!/sis on t%e data fo!!o$
t%ese instructions?
C.1 T*e 0re5uencies +rocedure
1. =rom t%e menu bar5 se!ect AnalyFe ;@ .escri-tive Statistics ;@ 0re5uencies.... <%e
=re>uencies dia!ogue bo+ $i!! a((ear on t%e screen.
2. :ig%!ig%t t%e variab!es "lood #ype [bloodtyp] and $ender [gender] t%en c!ic0 on
t%e arro$ (us%button to transfer t%em into t%e /ariables(s) bo+.
3. 4!ic0 on t%e 1*arts (us%button to o(en t%e 0re5uencies= 1*arts dia!ogue bo+.
4!ic0 on t%e 4istogram and c!ic0 on ,it* #ormal 1urve buttons $it%in t%e 1*art
Ty-e grou( and t%en c!ic0 on 1ontinue.
). 4!ic0 on O& to run t%e (rocedure. 1+amine and inter(ret t%e out(ut.
C. T*e 1rosstabs +rocedure
<%is (rocedure is used to generate contingenc/ tab!es from >ua!itative data. <o carr/ out
t%is (rocedure fo!!o$ t%ese instructions?
1. =rom t%e menu bar5 se!ect AnalyFe ;@ .escri-tive Statistics ;@ 1rosstabs.... <%e
1rosstabs dia!ogue bo+ $i!! a((ear on t%e screen.
2. :ig%!ig%t t%e variab!e $ender [gender] and c!ic0 on t%e arro$ (us%button to transfer
it to t%e 2o)(s) te+t bo+.
3. :ig%!ig%t t%e variab!e "lood #ype [bloodtyp] and c!ic0 on t%e arro$ (us%button to
transfer it to t%e 1olumn(s) te+t bo+.
). 4!ic0 on O& to run t%e (rocedure. 1+amine and inter(ret t%e out(ut.
<o use t%e 4%i9S>uare test and find out if gender is associated $it% blood type5 t%e
contingenc/ tab!e must satisf/ t%ese assum(tions?
"o ce!! s%ou!d %ave e+(ected va!ue (count) !ess t%an ;5 and
"o more t%an 2;N of t%e ce!!s %ave e+(ected va!ues (counts) !ess t%an 8
n order to (erform t%e test $e need to state t%e nu!! and a!ternative %/(ot%eses?
"u!! (:
)? <%ere is no association bet$een gender and blood type.
A!ternative (:
)? <%ere is an association bet$een gender and blood type.
<o (erform t%e test5 fo!!o$ t%ese instructions?
1. 6eca!! t%e 1rosstabs dia!ogue bo+ via AnalyFe ;@ .escri-tive Statistics ;@
2. 4!ic0 1ellsA Mnder +ercentage se!ect 2o) and c!ic0 1ontinue
3. 4!ic0 StatisticsA Se!ect 1*i;s5uare and c!ic0 1ontinue
). 4!ic0 O& to run t%e (rocedure.
1+amine and inter(ret t%e out(ut. 'i!! /ou acce(t or reject t%e nu!! %/(ot%esisG '%at
$i!! /ou conc!udeG

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