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These are the most common fifty irregular verbs in the English

language. This does not include the auxiliary verbs "do" and
"have". Just by learning these fifty, your students will have
prepared themselves for 87 of irregular verb use in English!
There is another page showing the usual list of irregular verbs in
Rank Base Form Past Tense Form Past Participle
" say said said
# ma$e made made
% go went gone
& ta$e too$ ta$en
' come came come
( see saw seen
7 $now $new $nown
8 get got got)gotten *+,-
. give gave given
"/ find found found
"" thin$ thought thought
"# tell told told
"% become became become
"& show showed shown
"' leave left left
"( feel felt felt
"7 put put put
"8 bring brought brought
". begin began begun
#/ $eep $ept $ept
#" hold held held
## write wrote written
#% stand stood stood
#& hear heard heard
#' let let let
#( mean meant meant
#7 set set set
#8 meet met met
#. run ran run
%/ pay paid paid
%" sit sat sat
%# spea$ spo$e spo$en
%% lie lay lain
%& lead led led
%' read read read
%( grow grew grown
%7 lose lost lost
%8 fall fell fallen
%. send sent sent
&/ build built built
&" understand understood understood
&# draw drew drawn
&% brea$ bro$e bro$en
&& spend spent spent
&' cut cut cut
&( rise rose risen
&7 drive drove driven
&8 buy bought bought
&. wear wore worn
'/ choose chose chosen

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