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Round-trip delay time

Round-trip delay time
In telecommunications, the round-trip delay time (RTD) or round-trip time (RTT) is the length of time it takes
for a signal to be sent plus the length of time it takes for an acknowledgment of that signal to be received. This time
delay therefore consists of the transmission times between the two points of a signal.
In the context of computer networks, the signal is generally a data packet, and the RTT is also known as the ping
time. An internet user can determine the RTT by using the ping command.
In space technology, the round-trip delay time or round trip light time is the time light (and hence any signals)
takes to go to the spacecraft and to return.
Network links with both a high bandwidth and a high RTT can have a very large amount of data (the
bandwidth-delay product) "in flight" at any given time. Such "long fat pipes" require a special protocol design. One
example is the TCP window scale option.
The RTT was originally estimated in TCP by:
RTT = ( Old_RTT) + ((1 ) New_Round_Trip_Sample)
Where is constant weighting factor(0 < 1). Choosing a value close to 1 makes the weighted average immune
to changes that last a short time (e.g., a single segment that encounters long delay). Choosing a value for close to 0
makes the weighted average respond to changes in delay very quickly.
This was improved by the Jacobson/Karels algorithm, which takes standard deviation into account as well.
Once a new RTT is calculated, it is entered into the equation above to obtain an average RTT for that connection,
and the procedure continues for every new calculation.
[1] [1] Comer, Douglas. Internetworking with TCP/IP. Page 226. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000. Print.
Article Sources and Contributors
Article Sources and Contributors
Round-trip delay time Source: Contributors: Ahassan503, C xong, Danogo, Daviey, Dawynn, Deville, Dismas, Dto, Felix3, Floul1,
GPHemsley, Guy M, Harry, Heron, Hooperbloob, Ilya78, Iridescent, Jim.henderson, Kku, Ndemou, Ngriffeth, Patrick, Pdcook, Rcronk, Remotelysensed, Rivanvx, Rursus, Salvarez83,
Shengzhongxie, Tobias Bergemann, Tony Sidaway, TreveX, Wernher, Ztepsic, brahimbarbaros, 43 anonymous edits
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

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