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How to face Interview Questions in QTP ?

Q. What are test objects?

Test objects are objects created and maintained by QTP in its object repository. Each test objecthas a name and a set of
properties to uniquely identify the actual object in the application.
Q. how does QTP identifies the objects during the script run?
During script run QuickTest searches for a run-time object that has the similar description of thetest object in the object
Q. How can i check the properties of an object in an application without using checkpoints? For !a"ple how
will #ou check whether a button is enabled?
Anser! "et#$Property method is used to retrie%e the properties of the object in an application.&t is %ery useful method
and can be used to retrie%e almost any of the property that can be seenhile spying the object ith object spy. 'or
E(ample)To get hether button is enabled or not.
*al + ,roser-.QA 'riends./.Page-.QA 'riends./. 0eb,utton-.1ogin./. "et#$Property-.disabled./
)To get hether a checkbo( is on or off.
*al +,roser-.QA 'riends./.Page-.QA 'riends./.0eb2heck,o(-.Test./."et#$Property-.*alue./
Q. How can I "odif# the properties values of test objects in $bject %epositor# during runti"e?
A. 3ou can use 4etT$Property method of test object.$bject-description/.4etT$Property Property5 *alueThe %alues of
test object properties are used to identify the objects. 4ometimes the properties ofthe object in the application change
dynamically. 'or e(ample te(t of a link in a ebpage is theusername used to login to that page.Te(t property is used by
test object to identify the link. 4o in order to identify the actual object ecan manipulate the %alue of 6te(t7 property of
link using 4etT$Property.
Q. How do #ou s#nchroni&e #our scripts in QTP?
A. 'or aiting until na%igation of eb page completes e can use 4ync method. 'or aiting until an object appears e
can use E(ist method. 'or aiting until a property of object changes e can use 0aitProperty method. 3ou can set
broser na%igation timeout in! 2lick Test 8 4ettings menu4elect eb tab in Test 4ettings indo. Enter the timeout in
,roser 9a%igation Timeout te(t bo(. 3ou can set global object sychro:i:ation timeout in! 2lick Test 8 4ettings menu
4elect #un tab in Test 4ettings indo. Enter the timeout in $bject 4ynchroni:ation Timeout te(t bo(.
Q Where can #ou write user defined functions that are accessible b# all scripts?
A. 0e can rite user defined function in .%bs file. This file can be loaded by adding the file asfollos! 2lick Test 8
4ettings menu4elect #esources tab in Test 4ettings indo and add the file. Alternati%ely you can also load the file
through script usingE(ecute'ile 6absolute or relati%e path of file7 'or E(ample! E(ecute'ile 62!;Test.%bs7
Q What are regular e!pressions?
A. #egular e(pressions used for identifying objects and te(t strings ith %arying %alues. 3ou can use regular
e(pressions for defining the property %alues of an object5 creating checkpoints ith %arying %alues etc. E(ample! 'or
e(ample if the caption on the button in an application changes dynamically and can be anything hich starts ith 6<ello7
-&t can be <ello =3>5 <ello A,?@ and so on/ 3ou can go object repository and change the %alue of name property of the
button object to7 <ello.A7<ere 6.7 means any single character and 6A7 means B or more occurrences of preceding
character. 4o.A means B or more occurrences of any character. There are many other regular e(pression characters!
'or E(ample! #egular e(pression testCB-DE matches testB5 test?5 testFGG to testD.#egular e(pression abcCHIDE
matches abcH5 abcI5 abcDQ. Different ays to parameteri:e testsJ A. Test5 action or component parameters K for using
%alues from other action in your test. Data Table parameters K for creating data dri%en test based on %alues in data
table. En%ironment %ariable parameters K 'or using %alues of en%ironment %ariable. #andom number parameters K 'or
using random numbers as %alues in our test or component.
Q. What can #ou do if values of object properties in an application are changing constantl#?
A. 0e can try using alternati%es like regular e(pressions5 2hanging description of test objects in object repository during
run time5 using descripti%e programming and so on.
Q. What can #ou do if objects are not identified b# QTP?
A. ?/ 'or standard indos en%ironment you can try object mapping user defined classes to standard classes.F/3ou
can find hether any addins are a%ailable for gi%en en%ironment.@/ check if any other reliable alternati%es are a%ailable
like using keyboard shortcuts5 using automation object model of application if a%ailable and so on.
Q. What is descriptive progra""ing?
A. Descripti%e programming allos you to ork ith objects that are not stored in objectrepository. to types of
programmatic descriptions.?/ listing the set of properties and %alues that describe the object directly in a
teststatement.F/ Add collection of properties and %alues to a Description object5 and then enter the Description object
name in the statement.
Q. How will #ou access database fro" QTP?
A. 3ou can use Acti%e= Data $bject for accessing the content of database. 3ou cancreate connection object5 recordset
object and then e(ecute query. And access the %aluesof query in recordset.
!a"ple 4et obj2onn+ 2reate$bject-.AD$D,.connection./
4et obj#ec4et + 2reate$bject-.AD$D,.recordset./ str2on4tring
Lstr2on4tring is database connection strQuery5obj2onn LstrQuery is 4Q1 query to e(ecute.
QTP' %egular e!pressions and (escriptive Progra""ing
hat is use of regular e(pression in qtp J
The Nse $f #egular E(pressions &n qtp &s
#egular e(pressions enable QuickTest to identify objects and te(t strings ith %arying %alues. 3ou can use
regular e!pressions when'
defining the property %alues of an object in dialog bo(es or in programmatic descriptions
parameteri:ing a step
creating checkpoints ith %arying %alues
'or e(ample5 you can use a regular e(pression if you ant to create a te(t checkpoint on a date te(t string5
but the displayed date changes according to the current date. &f you define the date as a regular e(pression5
the checkpoint checks that the captured te(t string matches the e(pected date format5 rather than checking
the e(act date %alue.
3ou can use regular e(pressions only for %alues of type string.
& am using some of the code & listed earlier in my blog to open and get the hnd of some broserOpage
objects. <oe%er5 one of the other automation engineers found an issue ith my code. Apparently5 the code
had trouble opening a url like http'))")grphpJ. 4o5 & began to ork on it. QTP as
returning the e%er-useful 6"eneral Error6 error5 so & had to sleuth this out for myself. & am using this construct
in my code to get at the handle!
&f ,roser-6hnd!+6 P str,roser/.Page-6url!+6 P o&E.Document.url/.E(ist-B/ then
strPage + ,roser-6hnd!+6 P str,roser/.Page-6url!+6 P o&E.Document.url/."et#$Property-6hnd6/
End &f
9o5 the co-orker as getting the aforementioned "eneral Error -i.e.5 & am broke and not smart enough to
tell you hy/ on the line inside the &f. 4o5 descripti%e programming orked fine to get in there. <oe%er5 hen
it got to the line inside5 it didnQt. & added some code to place a 6;6 in front of the J the co-orker passed -to
indicate that the J should be treated literally/5 and it orks fine. & modified the code & no use to look for this
issue and correct it ithout direction.
Ry only issue is! hy the heck did it ork fine on the E(ist line5 but not the "et#$Property lineJ
1esson learned! be mindful of regular e(pressions in your descripti%e programming.
Quick Test *otes
There are F ays of testing - ?. Ranual testing F. Automation testing
+. ,anual testing
&t is a process in hich all the phases of softare testing life cycle like test planning test de%elopment5 test e(ecution5
result analysis5 bug tracking and reporting are accomplished successfully manually ith human efforts.
Drabacks of manual testing
?. Rore no. of people are required
F. Time consuming
@. <uman errors
S. Tired ness
T. #epeating the things is critical
U. simultaneous actions are not possible
-. .uto"ation test
&t is a process in hich all the drabacks of manual testing are addressed properly and pro%ide speed and accurate to
e(isting testing process.
9ote! Automation testing is not a replacement of manual testing
6Automation tool is an assistant of an a test engineer7
Vournal frameork! K To learn any automated tool!
A test engineer should kno the folloing things to ork ith any automated tool
?. <o to gi%e the instructions
F. <o to gi%e the information
@. <o to use its recording facility
S. <o to make the tool repeats the action
T. <o to analy:e the result
Types of automated tools! K There are @ types of automated tools
?. 'unctional tool -qtp5 0in runner/
F. Ranagement Tool -Quality 2enter or Test Director/
@. performance Tool -1oad #unner/
Quick Test Professional -QTP/
<istory of QTP
Type of the tool functional tool
2ompany! Rercury &nteracti%e incorporation
&nitial *ersions! T.T5 H.U5 I.B5 I.F5 D.B5 and D.?.
$perating systems for QTP! 0in FBBB ser%er5 ad%anced ser%er and FBBBproressional
!'+ *bindo-6Emp7/.%bedit-6Emp name7/.set 6prasanna7
*bindo-6Emp7/.%bedit-6Emp age7/.set 6FB7
*bindo-6Emp7/.%bedit-6Emp sal7/.set7FTBBB7
*bindo-6Emp7/.%bedit-6Emp desg7/.set7Tester7
*bindo -6Emp7/.%bbutton-6submit7/. 2lick
E=! F
.nato"# or QTP' /
Ad-inn Ranager! K &t is a feature pro%ided by qtp used for making the qtp compatible ith a specified en%ironment by
default the qtp pro%ides @ add-ins
?. *isual ,asic
F. Acti%e(
@. 0eb
Apart from these @ add-ins qtp is alays compatable ith standard indos en%ironment
QTP serene is di%ided in to T parts
?. Test pane area
F. Acti%e 4creen
@. Data table
S. Debug ea%er pane
T. Tool option
?. Test pane!K &t is an area pro%ided by QTP used for %ieing the te(t script. &t also allos the user to do any kind of
modifications on the te(t script.
Test pane represents the script in F ays.
W E(pert *ie
W Xeyord *ie
a. E(pert *ie!KE(pert %ie represents the script in %b script format.
b. Xeyord *ie!K&t is represents the script using a graphical user interface hich is di%ided in to S Parts.
Y &tem
Y $peration
Y *alue
Y Documentation
F. Acti%e screen!K&t is a feature pro%ided by QTP hich holds the snap shots of application state of each and e%ery
script statement.
&t is used for understand the script easily.
&t is used for enhancing the script easily.
@. Datatable!K &t is also called as formula one sheet de%eloped by the @rd party and integrated ith the QTP.
- &t is used for holding the test data.
- &t pro%ides a facility to import the test data from different data sources like database5 e(cel sheet or flat file.
- &t allos the user to enter the data and modify the data directly in it.
- &t isolates the te(t script from the data source.
QTP maintain F copies of data tables
?. Design time datatable
F. #un time datatable
S. Debug *ieer pane!K &t is used for %ieing5 modifying5 or setting the current %alues of the %ariables and command
T. Too potion!K The option that are a%ailable in menu bars and tools are knon as tool options.
#ecording and running
#ecord and run settings!K &t is a feature pro%ided by QTP used for making the QTP aare on hich applications a test
engineer is about to perform record and run operations.
A test engineer has to compulsorily use this option for e%ery ne test. 'or doing the same this feature has pro%ided F
o #ecord and run on any open indos application
o #ecord and run on these applications
Z Acti%ate the menu item test
Z 4elect the option record and run settings
Z 4elect one of the folloing action
o #ecord and run on any open indos application
o #ecord and run on these applications
Z &f at all the second option is selected click on add button
Z ,rose the desire file to be added
Z 2lick on ok
Z 2lick on apply and ok.
$perational $%er%ie of recording!
During recording the QTP ill be doing the folloing things.
% E%ery user action is con%erted in to script statement
% The corresponding object information is stored in the object repository.
$perational $%er%ie of running!
% QTP tries to understand the script statement
% After understanding hat action to be performed or hich object is reali:ed that it needs to identify that object.
% &n order to identify the object it needs the corresponding information.
% 'or that it ill go to the object repository and search for the information.
% &f at all the information is found using that information it ill try to identify the object.
% &f at all the object is identified then it ill perform the action
Types of #ecording Rodes
?. 2onte(t sensiti%e recording mode!K &t is used for recording the operations perform on the standard "N& objects.
F. Analog #ecording!K &t is a special recording mode pro%ided by QTP to record the continuous actions performed on
the application.
@. 1o le%el recording!K &t is used for recording at least minimum operations on the applications hich are de%eloped
ith knon supported en%ironment.
Z Xeep the tool under normal recording mode
Z Acti%ate the menu item te(t
Z 4elect the option analog recording
Z 4elect one of the folloing actions.
o #ecord relati%e to the screen.
o #ecord relati%e to the folloing indo.
&f at all the second option is selected specify the indo title using the hand icon 2
2lick on start analog record button.
$,VE2T #EP$4&T$#3
&t is storage place here one can store the objects information and it also acts as a interface beteen the te(t script
and the ANT in order to identify the object during e(ecution.
Types $f $bject #epository
There are F types of object repository.
?. per-action object repository!K
'or each and e%ery action in a test the QTP ill create and manage the indi%idual repository.
Dis Ad%antage! Difficult to maintenance
F. shared repository!K
&t is a 2ommon place here one can store the objects information and it can be associated to multiple tests.
Ad%antage! Easy to maintenance and can be used by multifull test case
9ote! The shared repository has to be created manually and associated manually to the test.
$bject &dentification!-
&t is a concept is based on four types of properties and ordinal identifier.
Type of properties!
?. Randatory property
F. Assisti%e property
@. ,ase filter property
S. $ptional filter property
A test engineer can specify list of Randatory5 Assisti%e5 ,ase filter5 and $ptional filter properties.
QTP 1earns The Properties &n The 'olloing 4equence
? 'irst of all QTP learns the complete list of mandatory properties and then it ill check hether these properties are
sufficient for identifying the objects uniquely.
F &f it sufficient it ill stop learning otherise it ill learn the first assisti%e properties and then it ill once again check
hether these properties are sufficient are identifying the object uniquely.
@ &f it feels not sufficient then it ill learn the second assisti%e properties once again it ill check hether these
properties are sufficient if it feels not sufficient the abo%e processor continue till the QTP feels satisfied or up to the
end of the assisti%e properties list.
S &f it is still feels not sufficient then it ill learn the ordinal identifier.
&f at all the smart identification mechanism is in%oked then the QTP ill learn the information as same as abo%e but
ith mandatory properties it ill also learn base filer properties and optional filter properties e%en though it learn the
,'P and $'P it ill not consider them hile learning5 just it learns and store them secretly in the object repository.
$ther then ,'P and $'P all the remaining properties and ordinal identifier ill be stored in the object repository.
QTP uses the information in order to identify the object during e(ecution in the folloing ay
'irst of all QTP ill consider all the properties present in the object repository- i.e.5 Randatory properties 5 optional5
Assisti%e properties/ and tries to identify the object if it fails then it ill use the smart identification mechanism in the
folloing ay.
&t ill consider the complete list of base filter properties and prepares the list of objects hich are matched ith all
these properties. &f at all the list contains only one object then that is the object5 otherise it ill take the help of first
optional filter properties and prepares a ne list of objects hich are matched ith this ofp -$ptional 'ilter Properties/5
&f at all the list contains more then one object it ill consider the second optional filter properties and tries to match
ith all the objects present in the ne list. The object that are not matched ill be filtered and a ne list objects is
formed if at all the ne list is containing more then one object then it ill proceed ith the abo%e procedure till the list
contains one object or up to the end of the ofp list. &t still qtp is unable to identify the object5 if at all the ordinal identifier
is learned then it ill use the ordinal identifier and identify the object.
$rdinal &dentifier
There are @ Types of $rdinal identifiers.
?. 1ocation
F. &nde(
@. 2reation time
?. 1ocation
QTP ill generate sequence of numbers from ?5F5@5SGbased on the sequence of the object located in the ANT
F. &nde(
QTP ill generate sequence number from B5?5F5@.. based on the sequence of the program ritten for those objects.
@. 2reation Time
QTP ill generate the sequence of number from B5?5F5@.. based on the loading time of the eb pages.
$bject 4py
&t is a feature pro%ided by QTP hich shos the complete object information like list of properties5 list of methods5
synta( of methods and description of methods for both test objects as ell as run time objects on the spot
QTP 1&'E 2321E
?. Test Planning
F. "enerating basic test
@. Enhancing the test
S. Debugging the test
T. E(ecuting the test
U. Analy:ing the results
?. test planning
The automation test lead ill do the folloing in this phase.
<e ill understand the requirements.
<e ill identify the areas to be automated.
<e ill analy:e both the positi%e and negati%e flo of the application.
,ased on all these analysis he ill prepare the test plan.
<e ill prepare the tool ready ith all pre configurationally settings for further operations.
F. generate the basic test
A test engineer ill generate the basic test for both the positi%e and negati%e flo of the application.
@. Enhancing the test
$ne can enhance the test on the folloing ays.
[ &nserting the checkpoints.
[ 4ynchroni:ing the test
[ Parametarising the test -Data dri%en testing/
[ &nserting the output *alues
[ Reasuring transactions
[ Enhancing the test ith programmatic statement
[ Adding comments
[ &nserting the script statements manually.
[ &nserting the checkpoints!-
62heckpoint7 is defined as %alidation point or test point hich checks the object state or bit map state or data state
during the e(ecution phase at any point of time.
$perational o%er%ie of checkpoint
2heck point orks in F phases.
?. pre e(ecution phase 2apture the e(pected %alue5 "enerate the basic test
F. 0hile e(ecution phase 2apture the actual %alue ith the e(pected %alue displays the result.
types of checkpoints
\ 4tandard checkpoints
\ ,it map checkpoints
\ Te(t checkpoints
\ Te(t area checkpoints
\ Database checkpoints
\ =R1 checkpoints
\ Page checkpoints
\ Table checkpoints
\ &mage checkpoints
\ Accessibility checkpoints
\ 4tandard 2heckpoints! K 4tandard checkpoint is used for checking the properties %alues of standard "N& objects.
9a%igation through Application
Z Xeep the tool under recording mode
Z Acti%ate the menu item insert
Z "o to checkpoint
Z 4elect the option standard checkpoint
Z 2lick on the desired object
Z Ensure that the corresponding object is selected in the object hierarchy and click on ok.
Z 4elect the desired properties to be checked E=. 0idth and height..
Z 4top recording.
9a%igation through Acti%e 4creen
Z Xeep the curser on the desired statement so that the corresponding snap shot is a%ailable in the acti%e screen.
Z "o to acti%e screen
Z #ight click on the desired object select the option insert standard checkpoint.
Z Ensure that the corresponding object is selected in the object hierarchy and click on ok.
Z 4elect the desired propertied to be checked e(! =53 and idth and height.
Z 4elect one of the folloing options.
] ,efore current step
] After current step
Z 2lick on ok
\ ,it map checkpoint! K&t is used for checking the complete bitmaps or part of the bit maps
\ Te(t check point! K &t is used for checking the te(t present on a specified object.
\ Te(t area checkpoint! K &t is used for checking the te(t present in a specified area
9ote! Te(t area checkpoint cannot insert through acti%e screen it can be inserted only through application.
\ Database checkpoint! K &t is used for checking the contains of a database.
\ =ml 2heckpoint! K (ml is a uni%ersal understandable language used for data transformation.
=ml checkpoint is used for checking the contents of al (ml file.
\ Page checkpoint! K &t is used for checking the properties of a page like load time number of images and number of
\ Table checkpoint! K &t is used for checking the contents of al eb table
\ &mage checkpoint! K &t is used for checking the properties of an image.
\ Accessibility checkpoint! K &t is used to checking the .-orld ide eb/ consortium standards.
[ 4ynchroni:ing the test
&t is a process of matching the speeds of both the tool and application in order to keep them in sync ith each other to
obtain proper results.
<ere the main concept is making the tool to ait till the application finishes the task.
This can do it @ ays.
?. &nserting the synchroni:ation point.
F. &nserting the ait statement.
@. &ncreasing the default time.
9a%igation for inserting synchroni:ation point
Z Xeep the curser under desired location
Z Xeep the tool under recording mode
Z Acti%ate the menu item insert.
Z "o to step and select the option synchroni:ation point.
Z 2lick on the desired object ensure that the corresponding object is selected in the object hierarchy and click on ok.
Z 4pecify the desired property name and %alue -true/ specify the e(tra time in milliseconds.
Z 2lick on ok.
Z 4top recording.
&n order to a%oid the abo%e na%igation one can directly insert the folloing statement in the script in desired location.
4ynta( K
object hierarchy. ait property 6ait property name7 6property %alue75 e(tra time in milliseconds.
E(Kindos.-6'light reser%ation7/.inbutton -6delete order7/.ait property 6enable7 5 true5?BBBB.
0ait statement
&t is used for making the tool to ait till the specified time is elapsed.
4ynta( K ait -FB/ time in seconds.
9a%igation for &ncreasing the Default Time
Z Acti%ate the menu item test
Z 4elect the option settings and go to run tab
Z 4pecified the desired time in mille seconds in object synchroni:ation time out field.
Z 2lick on apply and ok
Parameterising The Test $r Data Dri%en Testing!-
Data dri%en testing is a concept pro%ided in QTP in order to implement retesting.
9a%igation for data dri%en testing
Z 2ollect the required data into the data table
Z "enerate the basic test
Z Parameteri:e the test
Z Analysis the result
&t is a process of replacing the consistence %alues ith parameters or %ariables in order to increase the scope of the
Parameteri:ation can be done in @ ays
?. Data Dri%en i:ard
F. Xeyord %ie
@. Ranual %ie
9a%igation through data dri%en i:ard
Z Acti%ate the menu item tools
Z 4elect the option data dri%en
Z 4elect the desired consistent %alue to be parameteri:e
Z 2lick on parameteri:e button
Z 2lick on ne(t
Z 2lick on parameter option button
Z 4pecify the desired column name
Z 2lick on ok and finish
9a%igation through keyord %ie
Z "o to keyord %ie
Z 4elect the desired consistent %alue
Z 2lick on the configure %alue button
Z 4elect the option parameter
Z 4pecify the desired column name
Z 2lick on ok
&n order to a%oid the abo%e na%igation one can directly rite the script in the folloing ay.
9a%igation 'or Parameteri:ing the 2heckpoint
Z #ight click on the checkpoint statement.
Z 4elect the option checkpoint properties
Z 4elect the desired property hose %alue to be parameteri:e
Z 4elect the option parameter
Z 2lick on parameter button
Z 4pecify the desired column name
Z 2lick on ok
E(! $bject hierarchy5 setdatatable -ordno57?7/
$utput *alue
&t is feature pro%ide by QTP used for capturing a %alue from the application or from the database or from the (ml file
during e(ecution and store in under a specified column in the run time data table.
$perational $%er%ie $f $utput *alue
&t is di%ided in to F phases.
?. pre-e(ecution phase
F. hile- e(ecution phase
?. pre e(ecution phase K 2apture the field name hose %alue is to be captured
F. 0hile e(ecution phase K 2apture the actual %alue from the field and stores the captures %alue under a specified
column in the run time data table.
Types $f $utput *alues
?. 4tandard output %alue
F. Te(t output %alue
@. Te(t area output %alue
S. Data table output %alue
T. =R1 output %alue
9a%igation for $utput *alue
Z Xeep the tool under recording mode
Z Acti%ate the menu item insert and go to output %alue and select standard output %alue
Z 2lick on the specified object or field
Z 2lick on ok
Z 4elect the desired property %alue hose %alue to be captured.
Z 2lick on modify button and specify the desired column name.
Z 2lick on ok5 click on ok
Reasuring Transactions
&t is a concept pro%ided by QTP in order to calculate the e(ecution taken by a block of statement or the time taken by
an application to accomplish a task.
To do the same QTP has pro%ided F options
?. 4tart transaction
F. End transaction
9a%igation for &nserting the start transaction
Z Xeep the curser in the desired location
Z Acti%ate the menu item insert
Z 4elect the option start transaction
Z 4pecify the desired name -any thing/
Z 4elect one of the folloing option
] ,efore current step
] After current step
Z 2lick on ok
&n order to a%oid the abo%e na%igation one can insert the folloing statements directly in the script
E=! 4er%ices. 4tart transaction 6trans7
4er%ices.end transction 6trans7
&nserting the Programmatic 4tatement
Programmatic statements are T types
?. 9ormal statement or object
F. 2onditional state
@. 2omments
S. Ntility statements
Z "o to keyord %ie
Z Acti%ate the menu item insert go to step
Z 4elect the desired option
#epository Ntility $bject
&t is used for reporting a user defined massage to the result indo.
4ynta( K
#eporter.reporte%ent mic-status/5 6reportname7 6message7
E(!K This program is demo for looping and constituent
'or i+? to ?B
&f -i+?B/ then
Ressage bo( 6hai7
#eporter.reporte%ent micpass5 6myrep757con is satisfied7
Rsgbo( 6bye7
#eporter. #eporte%ent micfail5 6myrep75 6cond is not satisfied7
End if
Quick Test Pro F.Q01
&f an application name is changes frequently i.e hile recording it has name5 in this case ho does QTP handlesJ
&' e use batch testing. the result shon for last action that ho can i get result for e%ery action.
3ou can click on the icon in the tree %ie to %ie the result of e%ery action
0in#unner 2ompared to QuickTest Pro
nviron"ent 2overage 2o"parison'
2o""on environ"ents shared b# both Win%unner and QuickTest Pro'
0eb-#elated En%ironments
&E5 9etscape5 A$1
VDX5 Va%a 'oundation 2lasses5 A0T
4ymantec *isual 2af^
Acti%e= 2ontrols
$racle! Vinitiator5 ??i5 92A
2ustom 2lient 4er%er
*isual ,asic
$perating 4ystems
0indos DI5 FBBB5 9T5 RE5 =P
@FHB5 TFTB Emulators
Win%unner $nl# nviron"ents'
2ustom 2lientO4er%er
People4oft 0indos
4iebel T5 U "N& 2lients
$racle "N& 'orms
QuickTest Pro $nly En%ironments!
4iebel H.(
People4oft I.(
.9et controls
0eb 4er%ices
=R15 <TTP
04D15 4$AP
VFEE5 .9et
'eature 2omparison!
2ommon features found in both 0in#unner and QuickTest Pro!
$D,2 P E(cel 2onnecti%ity
2ode Editor P Debugger
#eco%ery Ranager
4hared $bject #epository
#apid $bject &mport
9umerous 2heckpoints
4cript P 'unction 1ibraries
0in#unner $nly En%ironments!
'unction "enerator
Database &ntegration
#un 0i:ard
QuickTest Pro $nl# nviron"ents'
Acti%e4creen5 Test"uard Tree *ie 4cript'usion Data Table *,4cript 'unction "eneratorA -coming in %H.B/ #un
0i:ardA -coming in %H.B/.
How to I"port data fro" a 3.!ls3 file to (ata table during %unti"e.
Datatable.&mport ....=14 file name....DataTable.&mport4heet-'ile9ame5 4heet4ource5 4heetDest/
DataTable.&mport4heet .2!;name.(ls. 5?
How to e!port data present in (atatable to an 3.!ls3 file?
DataTable.E(port .....(ls file name....
4yntact for ho to call one script from anotherJ and 4ynta( to call one .Action. in anotherJ
#unAction Action9ame5 C&terationRode 5 &teration#ange 5 ParametersE<ere the actions becomes reusable on making
this call to any Action.&teration#ange 4tring 9ot alays required. &ndicates the ros for hich action iterations ill be
performed. *alid only hen the &terationRode is rng&terations. Enter the ro range -i.e. .?-H./5 or enter rngAll to run
iterations on all ros.&f the action called by the #unAction statement includes an E(itAction statement5 the #unAction
statement can return the %alue of the E(itActionLs #et*al argument.
How to e!port QTP results to an 3.!ls3 file?
,y default it creates an .=R1. file and displays the results
How the e!ception handling can be done using QTP
&t can be done Nsing the #eco%ery 4cenario Ranager hich pro%ides a i:ard that gudies you through the process of
defining a reco%ery scenario. '3&.. The i:ard could be accesed in QTP8 Tools-8 #eco%ery 4cenario Ranager .......
How "an# t#pes of .ctions are there in QTP?
There are three kinds of actions!non-reusable action`an action that can be called only in the test ith hich it is
stored5 and can be called only once. reusable action`an action that can be called multiple times by the test ith
hich it is stored -the local test/ as ell as by other tests.e(ternal action`a reusable action stored ith another test.
E(ternal actions are read-only in the calling test5 but you can choose to use a local5 editable copy of the Data Table
information for the e(ternal action.
.nal#&ing the 2hecpoint results
4tandard 2hecpoint !,y adding standard checkpoints to your tests or components5 you can compare the e(pected
%alues of object properties to the objectLs current %alues during a run session. &f the results do not match5 the
checkpoint fails.
How to handle %un4ti"e errors?
$n Error #esume 9e(t ! causes e(ecution to continue ith the statement immediately folloing the statement that
caused the run-time error5 or ith the statement immediately folloing the most recent call out of the procedure
containing the $n Error #esume 9e(t statement. This allos e(ecution to continue despite a run-time error. 3ou can
then build the error-handling routine inline ithin the procedure.Nsing .Err. object msgbo( .Error no! . P . . P
Err.9umber P . . P Err.description P . . P Err.4ource P Err.<elp2onte(t
What are the different scripting languages #ou could use when working with QTP ?
*isual ,asic -*,/5=R15Va%a4cript5Va%a5<TR1
How to handle d#na"ic objects in QTP?
QTP has a unique feature called 4mart $bject &dentificationOrecognition. QTP generally identifies an object by
matching its test object and run time object properties. QTP may fail to recognise the dynamic objects hose
properties change during run time. <ence it has an option of enabling 4mart &dentification5 herein it can identify the
objects e%en if their properties changes during run time. 2heck this out-&f QuickTest is unable to find any object that
matches the recorded object description5 or if it finds more than one object that fits the description5 then QuickTest
ignores the recorded description5 and uses the 4mart &dentification mechanism to try to identify the object. 0hile the
4mart &dentification mechanism is more comple(5 it is more fle(ible5 and thus5 if configured logically5 a 4mart
&dentification definition can probably help QuickTest identify an object5 if it is present5 e%en hen the recorded
description fails.The 4mart &dentification mechanism uses to types of properties!,ase filter properties`The most
fundamental properties of a particular test object classa those hose %alues cannot be changed ithout changing the
essence of the original object. 'or e(ample5 if a 0eb linkLs tag as changed from to any other %alue5 you could no
longer call it the same object. $ptional filter properties`$ther properties that can help identify objects of a particular
class as they are unlikely to change on a regular basis5 but hich can be ignored if they are no longer applicable.
!plain the ke#word createobject with an e!a"ple.
2reates and returns a reference to an Automation objectsynta(! 2reate$bject-ser%ername.typename C5
locationE/Argumentsser%ername!#equired. The name of the application pro%iding the object.typename ! #equired. The
type or class of the object to create.location ! $ptional. The name of the netork ser%er here the object is to be
What is a %un4Ti"e (ata Table? Where can I find and view this table?
-&n QTP5 there is data table used 5 hich is used at runtime.-&n QTP5 select the option *ie-8Data tabke.-This is
basically an e(cel file5 hich is stored in the folder of the test created5 its name is Default.(ls by default.
How to do the scripting. Is there an# inbuilt functions in QTP as in QTP41. What& the difference between
the"? how to handle script issues?
3es5 thereLs an in-built functionality called .4tep "enerator. in &nsert-84tep-84tep "enerator -'H5 hich ill generate
the scripts as u enter the appropriate steps.
What is the difference between check point and output value.
An outPut %alue is a %alue captured during the test run and entered in the run-time but to a specified location. E=!-
1ocation in Data TableC"lobal sheet O local sheetE
T#pes of properties that Quick Test learns while recording?
-a/ Randatory -b/ Assisti%e . &n addition to recording the mandatory and assisti%e properties specified in the $bject
&dentification dialog bo(5 QuickTest can also record a backup ordinal identifier for each test object. The ordinal
identifier assigns the object a numerical %alue that indicates its order relati%e to other objects ith an otherise
identical description -objects that ha%e the same %alues for all properties specified in the mandatory and assisti%e
property lists/. This ordered %alue enables QuickTest to create a unique description hen the mandatory and assisti%e
properties are not sufficient to do so.
(ifferences between QTP 5 Winrunner?
-a/ QTP is object bases 4cripting - *,4/ here 0inrunner is T41 -2 based/ 4cripting.-b/ QTP supports ..9ET.
application Automation not a%ailable in 0inrunner-c/ QTP has .Acti%e 4creen. support hich captures the application5
not a%ailable in 0#.-d/ QTP has .Data Table. to store script %alues 5 %ariables hich 0# does not ha%e.-e/ Nsing a
6point and click7 capability you can easily interface ith objects5 their definitions and create checkpoints after ha%ing
recorded a script K ithout ha%ing to na%igate back to that location in your application like you ha%e to ith
0in#unner. This greatly speeds up script de%elopment.
Few basic 6uestions on co""onl# used !cel 78. functions.
common functions are!2oloring the cellAuto fit cellsetting na%igation from link in one cell to other sa%ing
How does Para"eteri&ation and (ata4(riving relate to each other in QTP?
To datadri%e e ha%e to parameteri:e.i.e. e ha%e to make the constant %alue as parameter5 so that in each
iteraration-cycle/ it takes a %alue that is supplied in run-time datatable. Through parameteri:ation only e can dri%e a
transaction-action/ ith different sets of data. 3ou kno running the script ith the same set of data se%eral times is
not suggestable5 P itLs also of no use.
What is the difference between 2all to .ction and 2op# .ction.?
2all to Action ! The changes made in 2all to Action 5 ill be reflected in the orginal action- from here the script is
called/.,ut here as in 2opy Action 5 the changes made in the script 5ill not effect the original script-Action/
How to verif# the 2ursor focus of a certain field?
Nse .focus. property of ."et#oProperty. method.
.n# li"itation to 9,: 2heckpoints?
Rercury has determined that ?.SR, is the ma(imum si:e of a =R1 file that QTP U.T can handle
How to "ake argu"ents optional in a function?
this is not possible as default *,4 doesnLt support this. &nstead you can pass a blank scring and ha%e a default %alue
if arguments r not required.
<o to add a te(t checkpoint to your test to check hether LelcomeL is displayed in your elcome page.
? 1ocate the page here you ant to add a te(t checkpoint.F 2reate a te(t checkpoint.&n the Acti%e 4creen5 under
your page highlight the te(t elcome. #ight-click the highlighted te(t and choose &nsert Te(t 2heckpoint. The Te(t
2heckpoint Properties dialog bo( opens.0hen 2hecked Te(t appears in the list bo(5 the 2onstant field displays the
te(t string you highlighted. This is the te(t QuickTest looks for hen running the test.2lick $X to accept the default
settings in this dialog bo(.QuickTest adds the te(t checkpoint to your test. &t is displayed in the Xeyord *ie as a
checkpoint operation on your elcome page@ 4a%e the test.
How to %unning and .nal#&ing a Test with 2heckpoints?
? E(pand the test and re%ie your test.2hoose *ie 8 E(pand All or use the A shortcut key on your number keypad. F
4tart running your test.2lick #un or choose Test 8 #un. The #un dialog bo( opens. Ensure that 9e run results folder
is selected. Accept the default results folder name. 2lick $X. 0hen the test run is completed5 the Test #esults indo
opens. @ *ie the test results.0hen QuickTest finishes running the test5 the Test #esults indo opens. The test
result should be Passed5 indicating that all checkpoints passed. &f one or more checkpoints had failed5 the test result
ould be 'ailed. S *ie the results of the page checkpoint.&n the Details pane5 you can re%ie the details of the page
checkpoint5 hich lists the items checked. T *ie the results of the table checkpoint.&n the Details pane5 you can
re%ie the details of the table checkpoint. 3ou can also re%ie the %alues of the table cells -cell %alues that ere
checked are displayed in blacka cell %alues that ere not checked are displayed in gray/. U *ie the results of the
standard checkpoint.&n the Details pane5 you can re%ie the details of the standard checkpoint5 hich lists the
properties that ere checked and their %alues. The checkpoint passed because the actual %alues of the checked
properties match the e(pected %alues. H *ie the results of the te(t checkpoint.&n the Details pane5 you can re%ie the
details of the te(t checkpoint. The checkpoint passed because the actual te(t matches the e(pected te(t. I 2lose the
Test #esults indo. 2hoose 'ile 8 E(it.
How to (efining a (ata Table Para"eter for QTP?
? 4tart QuickTest and open the 2heckpoint test.F 4a%e the test as Parameter.@ 2onfirm that the Acti%e 4creen option
is enabled.S 2onfirm that the Data Table option is enabled.T 4elect the te(t to parameteri:e.U 4et the parameteri:ation
How to add a runti"e para"eter to a datasheet?
DataTable.1ocal4heetThe folloing e(ample uses the 1ocal4heet property to return the local sheet of the run-time
Data Table in order to add a parameter -column/ to it.RyParam+DataTable.1ocal4heet.AddParameter-.Time.5 .T!ST./
<o to change the run-time %alue of a property for an objectJ
4etT$Property changes the property %alues used to identify an object during the test run. $nly properties that are
included in the test object description can be set
How to retrieve the propert# of an object?
using ."et#oProperty..
How to open an# application during 1cripting?
4ystemNtil 5 object used to open and close applications and processes during a run session.-a/ A 4ystemNtil.#un
statement is automatically added to your test hen you run an application from the 4tart menu or the #un dialog bo(
hile recording a testE.g ! 4ystemNtil.#un .9otepad.e(e. 4ystemNtil.2loseDescendentProcesses - 2loses all the
processes opened by QTP /
How to covert a 1tring to an integer?
2&nt-/---8 a con%ersion function a%ailable.
Inserting a 2all to .ction is not I"porting all colu"ns in (atatable of globalsheet. Wh#?
&nserting a call to action ill only &mport the columns of the Action called
(ifferentiate the two $bject %epositor# T#pes of QTP.
$bject repository is used to store all the objects in the application being tested.F types of oject repositoy per action
and shared. &n shared repository only one centralised repository for all the tests. here as in per action.for each test a
separate per action repostory is created.
What the differences are and best practical application of each.
Per Action! 'or Each Action5 one $bject #epository is created. 4hared ! $ne $bject #epository is used by entire
!plain what the difference between 1hared %epositor# and Per;.ction %epositor#
4hared #epository! Entire application uses one $bject #epository 5 that similar to "lobal "N& Rap file in 0in#unner
Per Action! 'or each Action 5one $bject #epository is created5 like "N& map file per test in 0in#unner
Have #ou ever written a co"piled "odule? If #es tell "e about so"e of the functions that #ou wrote.
& Nsed the functions for 2apturing the dynamic data during runtime. 'unction used for 2apturing Desktop5 broser
and pages.
What projects have #ou used Win%unner on? Tell "e about so"e of the challenges that arose and how #ou
handled them.
pbs !0# fails to identify the object in gui. &f there is a non std indo obk r cannot recogni:e it 5e use "N& 4P3 for
that to handle such situation.
2an #ou do "ore than just capture and pla#back?
& ha%e done Dynamically capturing the objects during runtime in hich no recording5 no playback and no use of
repository is done AT A11. -&t as done by the indos scripting using the D$R-Document $bject Rodel/ of the
4ummary! QuickTest Pro
4ummary!QuickTest Professional pro%ides an interacti%e5 %isual en%ironment for test de%elopment.<ere is the
description from the Rercury &nteracti%e 6<o it 0orks7 section of the QuickTest Pro eb page!Rercury QuickTest
Professionalb allos e%en no%ice testers to be producti%e in minutes. 3ou can create a test script by simply pressing
a #ecord button and using an application to perform a typical business process. Each step in the business process is
automated documented ith a plain-English sentence and screen shot. Nsers can easily modify5 remo%e5 or rearrange
test steps in the Xeyord *ie.QuickTest Professional can automatically introduce checkpoints to %erify application
properties and functionality5 for e(ample to %alidate output or check link %alidity. 'or each step in the Xeyord *ie5
there is an Acti%e4creen shoing e(actly ho the application under test looked at that step. 3ou can also add se%eral
types of checkpoints for any object to %erify that components beha%e as e(pected5 simply by clicking on that object in
the Acti%e4creen.3ou can then enter test data into the Data Table5 an integrated spreadsheet ith the full functionality
of E(cel5 to manipulate data sets and create multiple test iterations5 ithout programming5 to e(pand test case
co%erage. Data can be typed in or imported from databases5 spreadsheets5 or te(t files.Ad%anced testers can %ie
and edit their test scripts in the E(pert *ie5 hich re%eals the underlying industry-standard *,4cript that QuickTest
Professional automatically generates. Any changes made in the E(pert *ie are automatically synchroni:ed ith the
Xeyord *ie.$nce a tester has run a script5 a Test'usion report displays all aspects of the test run! a high-le%el
results o%er%ie5 an e(pandable Tree *ie of the test script specifying e(actly here application failures occurred5 the
test data used5 application screen shots for e%ery step that highlight any discrepancies5 and detailed e(planations of
each checkpoint pass and failure. ,y combining Test'usion reports ith Rercury Quality Ranagement5 you can share
reports across an entire QA and de%elopment team.QuickTest Professional also facilitates the update process. As an
application under test changes5 such as hen a 61ogin7 button is renamed 64ign &n57 you can make one update to the
4hared $bject #epository5 and the update ill propagate to all scripts that reference this object. 3ou can publish test
scripts to Rercury Quality Ranagement5 enabling other QA team members to reuse your test scripts5 eliminating
duplicati%e ork.QuickTest Professional supports functional testing of all popular en%ironments5 including 0indos5
0eb5 .9et5 *isual ,asic5 Acti%e=5 Va%a5 4AP5 4iebel5 $racle5 People4oft5 terminal emulators5 and 0eb ser%ices.-
QuickTest Pro 6<o it 0orks7 ebpage from Rercury!http!OO.mercury.comOusOproductsOquality-centerOfunctional-
testingOquicktest-professionalOorks.html0e like QuickTest Pro and no prefer implementing it o%er 0in#unner. 0hen
you get into ad%ance testing scenarios5 QuickTest Pro has more options and they are easier to implement compared
to 0in#unner in our opinion.Do to the similarities in concept and features5 an e(perienced 0in#unner user can easily
con%ert to QuickTest Pro and quickly become an efficient Test Automation Engineerc0e recommend that e(isting
customers begin all ne de%elopment ith QuickTest Pro and use the built-in feature of calling 0in#unner scripts
from QuickTest Pro for all e(isting 0in#unner scripts that they already ha%e. As older scripts require updates and time
permits5 e recommend replacing them ith QuickTest Pro scripts.
E%entually you ill be able to con%ert your test script library ith all QuickTest Pro scripts.Pros!
A 0ill be getting the initial focus on de%elopment of all ne features and supported technologies.
A Ease of use.
A 4imple interface.
A Presents the test case as a business orkflo to the tester -simpler to understand/.
A 9umerous features.
A Nses a real programming language -RicrosoftQs *,4cript/ ith numerous resources a%ailable.
A QuickTest Pro is significantly easier for a non-technical person to adapt to and create orking test cases5 compared
to 0in#unner.
A Data table integration better and easier to use than 0in#unner.
A Test #un &terationsOData dri%ing a test is easier and better implement ith QuickTest.
A Parameteri:ation easier than 0in#unner.
A 2an enhance e(isting QuickTest scripts ithout the 6Application Nnder Test7 being a%ailablea by using the
A 2an create and implement the Ricrosoft $bject Rodel -$utlook objects5 AD$ objects5 'ile4ystem objects5 supports
D$R5 04<5 etc./.
A ,etter object identification mechanism.
A 9umerous e(isting functions a%ailable for implementation K both from ithin QuickTest Pro and *,4cript.
A QTP supports .9ET de%elopment en%ironment -currently 0in#unner H.T does not/.
A =R1 support -currently 0in#unner H.T does not/.
A The Test #eport is more robust in QuickTest compared to 0in#unner.
A &ntegrates ith TestDirector and 0in#unner -can kick off 0in#unner scripts from QuickTest/.2ons!
A 2urrently there are feer resources -consultants and e(pertise/ a%ailable due to QTP being a neer product on the
market and because there is a greater Demand than 4upply5 thus feer employeeOconsulting resources.
A Rust kno *,4cript in order to program at all.
A Rust be able to program in *,4cript in order to implement the real ad%ance testing tasks and to handle %ery
dynamic situations.
A 9eed training to implement properly.
A The $bject #epository -$#/ and 6testing en%ironment7 -paths5 folders5 function libraries5 $#/ can be difficult to
understand and implement initially.
QuickTest Pro Questions $nl#
?. ho many ma(imum actions can be performed in a single test F. <o to create the dynamic object repository in
@. 0hat is difference beteen global sheet anh action sheetJ
S. <o to pass parameters from one action to another action.
T. <o to perform 2ross platform testing and 2ross broser testing using QTPJ2an u e(plain gi%ing some e(ampl
U. ho to connect the database through QTP
H. <o to open multiple instances of an application from QTPJ F. <o to recogni:e each instance and setting
I. This is the chain of questiond! ?TS@S0hat conditions e go for #eusable 4cripts and ho e create and
D. 2an e call QTP test from another test using scripting.4uppose there are S tests and i ant to call these ?B. &s it
possible to test a eb application-ja%a/ ith inrunnerJotherise is it possible to check ith
??. <o can e insert Te(t check point and ,it map check point J if pro%ide e(ample script5 it is greatefu
?F. 2an e mask a 2ode &n .%bs file so that it is not %ieable to othersJ
?@. &s there any function to double click a particular ro in a ebtableJ
?S. hat is the use of command tab in Debug %ieer Jcan e e(ecute any user defined queries
?T. 0hat is Analog recording50hat is the difference beteen analog recording and lo le%el recording
?U. hat is database check point.
?H. 0hat is the use of function and sub function in QTPJ
?I. 0hat is the ne *ersion of QTP hich is recently released in the RarketJ
?D. <o to call a funtion present in dll file in QTP 4cript.
FB. & ha%e n iterations of test run in QTP. & ant to see the results of not only the latest -)nQth/ iteration
F?. <o to call from one action to another action in QTPJ
FF. 0hat is the Difference ,eteen ,it map 2heck point P &mage 2heck pointPlease e(plain in detailTe(t P
F@. <o can e do block commenting in QTPJ
FS. <o to get the column count and column name from resultset in database connction programJ
FT. ?. <o to rite QTP scriptsJF. Any related ebsite resource to learn QTPJ@. 0hat steps the to be folled
FU. <o to check an =R1 schema -=R1 4chema *alidation--from =R1 file/J Ttell me about .=4D file format.
FH. <o to schedule tests in QTPJ
FI. &s Addins enough to ork in 'le( based applicationsJ or do e ha%e to get a licence for multimedia for
FD. ho to identify a Leb elementL class object hile recording and running in LE%entL mode of settings.
@B. 0hat are the ne features a%ailable in QTP I.F compared ith earlier %ersionsJ
@?. <i forum. 2ould any body tell me hat is ARD$245 and hat are its models J ,est regrds.
@F. 0hat is difference beteen indo-. ./ and dialog-. ./ in QTP hile creating scriptJ
@@. <o do you retrie%e the 2lass name of a Test $bject programmatically from ithin a scriptJ
@S. 0hat is the best ay to test N9&= -QTP5 0inrunner or =runner/J &f QTP supports let me kno the brief
@T. 0hat is the #eco%ery 4cenerio can apllied for any telephone line connection-E(!,49l5Airtel etc
@U. hat are ad%antages and disad%antages beteen internet e(plorer and netscape na%igator -or/ &nternet @H.
Anybody ith an e(perience of testing Rainframe applications. & usually check the Acti%e= and *, add-ins
@I. Difference ,eteen te(t and Te(t area checkpoints in QTP
@D. <o to <andle dynamic 0eb1ist in QTP...*alues in 0eblist are different
SB. 0hat is the <otkey that can be used for <itting spacebarJ
S?. 0e are trying to a%oid that anybody see our script after e rote it. Did anybody kno ho to do thisJ
SF. ho can i insert database checkpoint in qtp-U.T
S@. 0hat are different e(ecution modes a%ailable in QTP P e(plain them.
SS. <o can e recogni:e objects in 'le( application using QTPJ 0hen & record scripts5 it takes all objects
ST. 'or the A4OSBB application that takes data only thru the keyboard input and not e%en single mouse click
SU. <o to rite QTP test results to an E(cel application
SH. <o to rite reco%ery scenario for belo questions and hat are the steps e ill folloJif i click
SI. &f inrunner and QTP both are functional testing tools from the same company.hy a separate tool QTP
SD. <o do e test 1inks using Quick Test Professional and confirm that the page e are requesting is seen
TB. <o do you test D11 files using QTPJ
T?. After importing e(ternal .(ls datasheet in to Datatable of QTP5 <o to set 9$ of iterations run for
TF. <o to test Dynamic eb pages using QTP
T@. <o to record 'le( -?.B/ objects using QTPJPost the code hich orks for this.
TS. Ad%antage of using Rercury Quality 2enter o%er Test Director
TT. <o do e connect to $racle database from QTP J
TU. 2an any one pls tell me about ho to configure the en%ironment %ariables in qtp and ho to use the %ariables
TH. 0hat is the process for creating an automated test script using QTP assuming you ha%e re%ieed the manual
TI. <o to use a data dri%er in QTPJ
TD. 0hat is the method used to focus on particuler field.& need the script.& ill gi%e e(ample.& flights
UB. ?/hat is the ad%antage and disad%antage of using *irtual $bject i:ardJF/ <o efficiently e can use
U?. 0ithout recording objects in $bject #epository are e able to run scriptsJ
UF. 2an e call a QTP script from a main script ithout making it reusableJ
U@. at is (ml schema %alidation and ho to perform schema %alidation for a is A.=4D e(tention US. 2an any
body e(palin me the differences beteen a reusable and a e(ternal action ith e(ampleJ
UT. & need information on using '4$-file system object/ also its significance
UU. <o to #un a script recorded in English fla%or of my application and re-run the same script on different UH. <o to
rite QTP test results to an E(cel application5 Please pro%ide the e(act code if possible A4APThanks
UI. 0hat are the limitations for =R1 2heckpoints in QTP I.BJ
UD. ho good is QTP for testing siebel applicationsJhether QTP recogni:es siebel objects or something else
HB. <o do & use te(t checkpoint in QTP as e%erytime & use this checkpoint in the e(cel sheet and highlight
H?. <o is automation used in QTP for regreession testing. Please gi%e me a sample script.
HF. Anybody e(plain me5 the concept of checkpoint declaration in the QTP mainly for the $bjects5 Pages5 Te(t
H@. <o can e %alidate the PD' file recogni:ation and its content ith the help of Rercury product QTP-Quick
HS. 0hat is E(pert %ie in QTPJ2an you e(plain ith e(ampleJ
HT. 0hat is the best ay to do regression testing using QTP.
HU. hat is the use functions in QTP. public5 pri%ate
HH. <o can e return %alues from userdefined functionJ anybody pro%ide code ith small e(ample its great
HI. ho to retri%eOupdate database by riting code in e(pert %ie&n my case database is Accessmy dsn
HD. <o can & import andOor merge an e(isting repository into my current testJ
I?. <i5& as set the repository as per test mode and recorded my script. 9o & ana to change the repository
IF. 0hat are 1imitation of QTPJ
I@. hat is difference beteen stub and dri%erJ
IS. 0hat is meant by 4ource 2ontrolJ
IT. 0hat is descripti%e programmingJ
IU. ho to automate editing an =R1 file .because hen i record the editing on an =R1 file and run it5some
IH. 0hat are the disad%antages or drabacks in QTPJ
II. ?. Each test that you run is displayed into the screen ... &Lm looking for a ay to run a test in background
ID. & ha%e faced one question in inter%iehe has gi%en one screen ith one bitmap and one edit bo(.The original
DB. 0hat qt plus J <o e merge the files in qtpJ0hat is feasibility study in automationJ
D?. hen a script is recorded in quick test for connecting ?B ros in the database5 can e change script
DF. <o do you test siebel application using qtpJ
D@. <o to get Traceability matri( from TDJ
DS. <o to import a test case present in ..(ls. file to TD under a Test setJ
DT. <o to attach a file to TDJ
DU. 0hat do you to script hen objects are remo%ed from applicationJ
DH. <o do you data dri%e an e(ternal spreadsheetJ
DI. "i%e me an e(ample here you ha%e used a 2$R interface in your QTP projectJ
DD. <o long ha%e you used the productJ
?BB. <o to get .'ont4i:e. of a .0ebEdit.J?B?. &s there anyay to automatically update the Datasource name in
Database 2heckpoints object hen e migrate tests to a ne releaseJ
102. How to create a Runtime property for an object?

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