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Phase 1 early industry :

The profitability of the agricultural sector attracted foreign capital for railways and industries. British capital investments went from just over 20 million
in 1880 to 1! million in 18"0. #uring the 1880s$ investment began to show some diversification as capital began to flow from other countries such as
%rance$ &ermany and Belgium$ though British investment still accounted for two thirds of total foreign capital. 'n 18"0 (rgentina was the destination of
choice for British investment in )atin (merica$ a position it held until *orld *ar '. By then$ (rgentina had absorbed between +0, and 0, of all British
investment outside the -nited .ingdom. #espite its dependence on the British mar/et$ (rgentina managed a 0.!, annual rate of growth of e1ports
between 18!0 and 18"0 as a result of successful geographic and commodity diversification.
-Agriculture exportation.
Phase 2 :
*ith the opening of the 2anama canal in 1"1+$ the importance of the 3outhern cone economies declined$ as investors turned their attention to
(sia. The post4war recovery was short4lived and mar/ed by scarcity of foreign investment. %or all its success$ by the 1"20s (rgentina was not an
industrialised country by the standards of Britain$ &ermany or the -nited 3tates. ( major hindrance to full industrialisation was the lac/ of energy
sources such as coal or hydro power. 51periments with oil$ discovered in 1"0!$ had poor results.6acimientos 2etrol7feros %iscales$ the first state4
owned oil company in )atin (merica$ was founded in 1"22 as a public company responsible for 1, of the oil production8 the remaining +", was in
private hands.
-Foreign based investment because no home - based capitalist class.
Phase 3 eavy indrustrialisation :
The populist administration of 9uan 2er:n nationali;ed strategic industries and services li/e the railroads from 1"+ to 1"$ and the partial enactment
of developmentalism after 1"8 was followed by a promising fifteen years. 'nflation first became a chronic problem during this period<2!= >it averaged
20, annually from 1"++ to 1"!+? and (rgentina did not become @industriali;ed@ or fully @developed@.<The most important were the %ord ans Ahevrolet

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