School To Home Connections Form-Week 1

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Week 1

Miss Martins 9
Grade Health Education Course
Welcome to the start of a new and exciting school year!! I would like to introduce myself, my
name is Miss Martin and I will be your sons/daughters/grandchilds/students
Freshmen Health teacher for semester one this September-December! I am looking forward to
an inspiring year with them!
Each student has received a syllabus for the class. I would like you to look it over and ask your
student what they are most excited/nervous for this coming semester with Health Education.
After you have looked over the syllabus and chatted with your child please sign and complete
the attached sheet. Your son/daughter/grandchild/student will return that to next classs
period and we will discuss excitements and concerns!
I want to have open and frequent communication with parents throughout this semester.
Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. My contact
information will be listed below.
Thank you for your cooperation and willingness to be involved with school to home


Miss Julie Martin

Phone Number: 608-527-2410 ext. 4158
Location: New Glarus High School, Room 4158

Week 1
Miss Martins 9
Grade Health Education Course
School to Home Connection Form

I have read and discussed the 9th Grade Health Education Syllabus with my

Name: ______________________________________ Date _____________________

My son/daughter/grandchild/student is:

Most excited about:

Most nervous about:

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