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1. A current of 0.

5 A is drawn by a filament of
an electric bulb for 10 minutes. Find the
amount of electric charge that flows through
the circuit. (2)
We are given ! " 0.5 A# t " 10 min " $00 s.
we have % " !t
" 0.5 A & $00 s
" '00 (
2. )ow much wor* is done in moving a charge
of 2 ( across two +oints having a +otential
difference 12 ,- (')
.he amount of charge % that flows between two
+oints at +otential difference , (" 12 ,) is 2 (.
.hus the amount of wor* W done in moving the
charge is we have
W " ,%
" 12 , & 2 (
" 2/ 0.
'. (a) )ow much current will an electric bulb
draw from a 220 , source if the resistance
of the bulb filament is 1200 1- (b) )ow
much current will an electric heater coil
draw from a 220 , source if the resistance
of the heater coil is 100 1- (')
(a) We are given , " 220 ,# 2 " 1200 1.
we have the current ! " 220 ,31200 1 " 0.14 A.
(b) We are given , " 220 , 2 " 100 1.
we have the current ! " 220 ,3100 1 " 2.2 A.
5ote the difference
of current drawn by an electric
bulb and electric heater from the same 220 , source6
/. 2esistance of a metal wire of length 1 m is
2$ 1 at 207(. !f the diameter of the wire is
0.' mm what will be the resistivity of the
metal at that tem+erature- (')
We are given the resistance 2 of the wire " 2$ 1 the
diameter d " 0.' mm " ' & 10
m and the length l of
the wire " 1 m.
.herefore the resistivity of the given metallic wire is
9 " (2A3l) " (2:d
3/l )
;ubstitution of values in this gives
9 " 1.4/ & 10
1 m
.he resistivity of the metal at 207( is 1.4/ & 10
5. An electric lam+ whose resistance is 20 1
and a conductor of / 1 resistance are
connected to a $ , battery (refer fig. below).
(alculate (a) the total resistance of the
circuit (b) the current through the circuit
and (c) the +otential difference across the
electric lam+ and conductor. (')
Figure An electric lamp connected in series
with a resistor of 4 to a 6 V battery
(a).he resistance of electric lam+ 21 " 20 1
.he resistance of the conductor connected in series
22 " / 1.
.hen the total resistance in the circuit
2 " 21 = 22
2s " 20 1 = / 1 " 2/ 1.
.he total +otential difference across the two
terminals of the battery
, " $ ,.
(b)5ow by >hm?s law the current through the circuit
is given by
! " ,32s
" $ ,32/ 1
" 0.25 A.
(c)A++lying >hm?s law to the electric lam+ and
conductor se+arately
we get +otential difference across the electric lam+
,1 " 20 1 & 0.25 A
" 5 ,#
that across the conductor ,2 " / 1 & 0.25 A " 1 ,.
;u++ose that we li*e to re+lace the series
combination of electric lam+ and conductor by a
single and e@uivalent resistor. !ts resistance must be
such that a +otential difference of $ , across the
;cience .est8ABA(.2!(!.C Page
(lass8H I2A(.!(A A;;!J5KA5.8 ABA(.2!(!.C (5LKA2!(AB;)
battery terminals will cause a current of 0.25 A in the
circuit. .he resistance 2 of this e@uivalent resistor
would be
2 " ,3!
" $ ,3 0.25 A
" 2/ 1.
.his is the total resistance of the series circuit# it is
e@ual to the sum of the two resistances.
$. !f in Fig. below 21 " 10 1 22 " /0 1 2' "
'0 1 2/ " 20 1 25 " $0 1 and a 12 ,
battery is connected to the arrangement.
(alculate (a) the total resistance in the
circuit and (b) the total current flowing in
the circuit. (/)
Figure an electric circuit showing the
combination of resistances.
M.An electric iron consumes energy at a rate of
4/0 W when heating is at the maNimum rate
and '$0 W when the heating is at the
minimum. .he voltage is 220 ,. What are the
current and the resistance in each case- (/)
From A@. (12.1O) we *now that the +ower in+ut is
I " , !
.hus the current ! " I3,
(a) When heating is at the maNimum rate
! " 4/0 W3220 , " '.42 A#
and the resistance of the electric iron is
2 " ,3! " 220 ,3'.42 A " 5M.$0 1.
(b) When heating is at the minimum rate
! " '$0 W3220 , " 1.$/ A#
and the r
of the electric iron is
2 " ,3! " 220 ,31.$/ A " 1'/.15 1.
4.An electric refrigerator rated /00 W o+erates 4
hour3day. What is the cost of the energy to
o+erate it for '0 days at 2s '.00 +er *W h- (')
.he total energy consumed by the refrigerator in '0
days would be
/00 W & 4.0 hour3day & '0 days " O$000 W h " O$
*W h
.hus the cost of energy to o+erate the refrigerator for
'0 days is
O$ *W h & 2s '.00 +er *W h " 2s 244.00
;cience .est8ABA(.2!(!.C Page

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