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1 Which food pyramid is the best guide to plan a balanced diet?

PMR 2008
2 The calorific value of rice is 15 kJ/g.
alculate the calorific value in 1!!g of rice.
15 kJ
# $! kJ
15!! kJ
% $!!! kJ
PMR 2007
$ The diagram sho&s organs in a human digestive system.
Which of the follo&ing are the functions of J' (' ) and *?
PMR 2006
+ The diagram sho&s a boy &ho is suffering from k&ashiorkor disease.
Which of the follo&ing is the cause of the disease?
" %rinking too much &ater
# )ack of protein in the diet
)ack of calcium in the diet
% Too much carbohydrate in the diet
PMR 2005
" To digest starch To perform peristalsis To digest protein To digest fat
# To digest starch To digest protein To digest fat To perform peristalsis
To digest protein To perform peristalsis To digest fat To digest starch
% To digest protein To digest starch To perform
To digest fat
5 Which of the follo&ing pairs of food classes and e,amples is not correct?
Food class !a"#le
" -rotein hicken meat
# arbohydrate .oodles
/oughage -apaya
% 0at -otato
PMR 200$
% 0igure 1.1 sho&s the human digestive system.1 PMR 200$&
0igure 1.1
1a2 1i2 La'el one of the follo&ing structures in 0igure 1.1.
1ii2 (tate one function of the structure in 1a2 1i2.
11 mark2
1b2 " student carried out a food test on sample 4.
Table 1.2 sho&s the results of the test.

0ood test 5bservation 0ood class
6ample 4 is crushed and
added &ith *illon7s reagent
/ed precipitate &as formed
6ample 4 tested on filter
8rease spot &as formed
T"#)9 1.2
1i2 )o"#lete Table 1.2 by naming the food classes that are present in sample 4.
11 mark2
1ii2 !#lain &hat happens to the food sample 4 &hile it is inside structure :.
12 marks2
1iii2 (tate &hat happens to the final product in 1b2 1ii2.
11 mark2
-ancreas )iver 5esophagus *outh
2 0igure 2.1 sho&s an e,periment to study the action of saliva on starch. The result of the
e,periment after $! minutes is sho&n in Table 2.2. 1PMR 2005&
0igure 2.1
Test tube -resence of starch
4 .o
; ;es
Table 2.2
#ased on 0igure 2.1 and Table 2.2' ans&er the follo&ing <uestions.
1a2 1i2 *+, must test tubes 4 and ; be kept in the &ater bath at $=o?
11 mark2
1ii2 (tate the reason &hy there is no starch in test tube 4.
12 marks2
1iii2 >n -+ic+ part of the alimentary canal does the same en?yme action occur as
in the test tube 4?
11 mark2
1b2 0igure 2.2 sho&s pictures of several foods.

0igure 2.2
#ased on the pictures' co"#lete the table belo& by &riting the different food classes
and their food samples.
Food classes Food sa"#le
1i2 arbohydrate #read
1ii2 333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333
1iii23333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333
1iv23333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333
1v23333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333
1vi23333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333
15 marks2
%0 )
20 )
10 .
$0 2
50 3
PMR 200$
1i2 )abel one of the follo&ing structures@A
-ancreas' liver' oesophagus or mouth
1ii2 6tate one function of the labelled structure.
-ancreas @ 6ecretes en?yme / e,amples of en?yme
6ecretes hormones / e,amples of hormone
)iver @ -roduces bile / remove to,ins from blood / changes
e,cess amino acids to urea / changes glucose into glycogen
5esophagus @ *oves the food from the mouth to the stomach
*outh @ hurns food
6tarch is broken do&n by amylase into maltose.
1i2 1. -rotein
2. 0ats
1ii2 -roteins is broken do&n into amino acids.
0ats is broken do&n into glycerol and fatty acids
1iii2 The digested food is absorbed into the blood capillaries.

PMR 2005
1i2 The en?yme in saliva &orks best at body temperature $=
1ii2 The en?yme amylase in saliva has changed the starch to sugar.
1iii2 *outh
0ood classes 0ood sample
1ii2 -rotein 0ish
1iii2 Bitamins /fibre Tomatoes
1iv2 0ats *argarine
1v2 0ibre / vitamin Begetables / fruit
1vi2 Water / mineral /
fats / proteins
0resh milk

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