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PETER AMSCHEL on AUGUST 30, 2014 2:07 AM

PETER AMSCHEL on AUGUST 30, 2014 2:07 AM

When I was drafted in 1967 I was placed in the Army Signal Corps as a teletype o
perator. These soldiers required security clearances because we typed up and rea
d classified messages. Guess what our security login was in those days the same as
it is now even though now we are in the information age!
This proves the statement at Jeremiah 10:10 that humans are so dumb that a human
walking cannot even direct his or her own steps, not to mention the further fac
tor that humans are inclined towards badness from their youth up. Typewriter key
board security of 50 years ago still being used today has made a field day for m
ultitudes of corporate and individual governmental commercial and religious thie
ves while also at this time computer tech advances can recognize our faces with
100% accuracy even if we are lost in a big crowd like Waldo. As they used to yel
l at us in the Army: ZERO DEFECTS!
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