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Elementary - Small Talk (B0044)

A: Morning.
B: Hi there Mr. Anderson! How are you on this ne
A: Fine, thank you.
B: It sure is cold this morning, isnt it? I barely even
get out of bed!
A: Yeah. Its pretty cold, alright.
B: Did you catch the news this morning? I heard that
there was a re on Byron Street.
A: No, I didnt hear about that.
Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). c 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.
B: Did you happen to watch the football game last
night? The Patriots scored in the last minute!
A: No, I dont like football.
B: Oh. . . By the way, I saw you with your daughter at
the ofce Christmas party. She is really beautiful!
A: Shes my wife! Oh, heres my oor! Nice talking
to you. Goodbye.
B: Sir this is the 56th oor! We are on the 70th!
A: Thats okay, Ill take the stairs!
Key Vocabulary
It sure is Phrase Armation or conr-
mation of something
Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). c 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.
barely even Adverb hardly, could almost
catch Verb hear, listen to
Did you happen to Phrase By chance or casualty
someone did something
By the way Phrase phrased used to inter-
ject another topic in a
take the stairs Phrase go up the stairs, use the
Supplementary Vocabulary
small talk Pronoun short, rendly conver-
sation about things
that are not important
chat Verb talk (informal)
network Verb talk with people to form
business connections
awkward Adjective dicult to deal with
uncomfortable Adjective a feeling of being em-
barrassed or uneasy
Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). c 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.

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