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Successful Living Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Ruby

High School North-room A204
Website/parent portal:
Infinite campus login for students:
UN=lunch code PW=first & last initials & birthday (00/00/00) w/o slashes

Notebook: This course was designed by West Ottawa teachers in accordance with the
Michigan Education Health Benchmarks. Students will need to
bring paper, pencil, pen, highlighter, calculator, and your binder to class daily.

Course Objective/Description:
This course will give students the knowledge, skills and understanding of the
components of wellness and how to apply them to living a healthy lifestyle.
Students will also understand abstinence as it applies to several aspects of life.

Units: Introduction to Wellness
Mental/Emotional Wellness
Physical wellness
Social wellness (Anger management, positive communication, healthy relationships)
Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs
Reproductive Health
Michigan Laws

Teaching strategies/format: All units will include a variety of learning strategies
Including: lectures, group discussions, projects, videos,
written assignments, tests & quizzes and writing.

Students will be graded using a point system in the following areas:
Homework, projects, tests & quizzes, presentations and assignments.

Grading Scale:
A+ 100 C+ 79-77 F 59 or below
A 99-94 C 76-74
A- 93-90 C- 73-70
B+ 89-87 D+ 69-67
B 86-84 D 66-64
B- 83-80 D- 63-60

Semester (30% class work, 70% assessment) = 80% Final Exam=20%

Late work is worth 50%---you may utilize ONE late coupon, signed by a witness of your choice

School rules 1

Ruby Rules:
1. Be on time
2. Be prepared
3. Work with effort
4. Do whats right:
Golden rule
Other peoples feelings matter
Solve your problem
Ask questions: dont tell Im gonna
Speak assertively (calm, clear, honest, respectful )--Dont whine or complain
5. Do your best:
Read directions
Pay attentions to details
Do high quality work,
Be creative
Be inquisitive
Take initiative,
Positive attitude

Learning Targets:
Intro to Wellness:
I can clarify what components make up the wellness triangle?
I can explain the influences my health?
Mental/Emotional Wellness:
I can give examples of how my thinking, emotions, and behaviors/choices affect my life?
Physical Wellness/Fitness & Nutrition:
I can personalize exercise and nutritional choices to help me live a long and healthy life?
Social Wellness:
I can create healthy relationships with others?
Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
I can make positive choices to avoid alcohol, drugs and tobacco
I can clarify the negative effects or consequences of alcohol, tobacco & drugs
Reproductive Health Introduction:
I can explain how the male and female reproductive systems work?
I can clarify what male and female anatomy is involved in reproduction?
Reproductive Health:
I can list common STDs, their causes and symptoms?
I can avoid unplanned pregnancy and STDs?
I can list benefits of abstinence?
I can clarify the current laws concerning sexual behavior?
I can find resources concerning aspects of adoption?

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