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Mid Praeticrrm Revieur

lZNorember ZOU
Chloe mcde initial contcct vic email and wcs heen to come and meet me cnd the class. the
stcyed for the entire dcy cnd interacted well with the students cnd other tecchers. Chloe
tooh olrcy vrrith her scnrple,s of roy plcnning so thct she hnew whct we v!.ere studying
ncmred photos of the students, clcss informction including children with special needs and
I clso suggested thct she might lihe to worh on crecting c series of lessons for our Social
Sciences unit with Antarcticc crri the mcin focus. the was ecger to do this which
immedictdy impressed me.
0n the first dcy of her prccticum Chloe gcined c positive rcpport with the students of
Boom 1. I wcs very impressed with the wcy she interccted with them strcight away by
cshing cbout their weehend cnd whct th"y hcd been doing. The students responded to
her enthusicsm cnd friendliness cnd willingly cccepted her cs pcrt of our classroom.
Chloe quichly lecrnt the ncmres of the students and wcs using most of them comectly
before the end of the day which is to be commendcd. the wcs heen to tecch and tooh her
very first lesson on her very first dcry - c fantcstic effortl
Unfortunctely for Chloe, f wcs oqt of the class every morning during her first weelt cnd
she had c vmiety of relievers. the wcs flexible cnd cdcpted becnrtifully cnd stepped into
the role of the tecrcher t^ronderfully - the relievers cctuclly urondered why th"y were
During her first two weelts ct Tmrpo Intermediate Chloe hcs planned for cnd tcught in c
vmiety of crecs including Guided Becding, Stctistics, Drcmrc, Singing, PE, ICT cnd Social
Sciences. Chloe hcs good clcssroom prtsence cnd uses the spcce in the classToom well to
rocm cnd heep wctch orrer the students. Her lessons hcne been interesting cnd
motivcting cnd the stqdents cre responding well to her tecching style. the just needs to
be firmer with her behcviour management, vcry the tone cnd pitch of her voice cnd insist
on the students pcrying cttention before she continues with her instrqctionsflesson.
Chloe hcs given up her lunch times to support our class softball tecmr in the interclass
chcllenges cnd hcs clso srrpported our stcff and wider school at our Bave lcst Thursdcy
evening - staying until 9.0opro vrrhich is abore cnd beyond the requirements for c
prcctietnn The hids lorcd seeing her there cnd were especiclly excited when she
our 'dcnce group' to perform the 'Gcngncmr Style' dcnse routine - I'm sure it wcs her
moves thct helped us to win the
class lqnchf

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