4 Pics 1 Word

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4 Pics 1 Word

Year Level : 6

Int ended Learning Out comes:

Students view sets of pictures and use their inference skills to make
meaning of the genres found within the picture cards.

Curricul um:

Lit eracy
Text in context

Compare texts including media texts that represent ideas and events in different
ways, explaining the effects of the different approaches (ACELY1708).

Prior Knowl edge:

They analyse and explain literal and implied information from a variety
of texts including media texts.
They develop and explain a point of view about a text, selecting
information, ideas and images from a range of resources
They make presentations and contribute actively to class and group
discussions, taking into account other perspectives.

Working in collaborative groups the students take it in turns to view a
set of pictures in a grid.
They use their inferencing skills to find out what the genre of the grid
is. This process is then continued until all the cards have been viewed.
Students can scaffold their peers learning by helping them guess what the
genre is by giving their take on the pictures.
This game could be turned into a competitive game by incorporating a
timer and making teams to compete against one another.
Act ivit y 2:
4 Pics 1 Word
Descript ion:
In order for students to make meaning of a text they
go through a number of stages within the reading
process. This act ivit y focusses on t he skil l of
making inferences. Students view sets of media
texts (picture cards), and use their inference skills
(schema + text evidence) to figure out what the genre
of the cards are.
What t o do:
1. The first student views a picture card and uses their background knowledge to make
an inference as to what the genre of the card is.

2. Students take it in turns to each view a picture card and make their own inference.
Remember- this is a group activity, if your friend needs assistance you can suggest other
words (synonyms) to help them out!
Different iat ion:
This game could be differentiated by:
Changing the picture cards to short story cards for linguistic learners.
It could also be turned into a game of charades for those visual-spatial learners.
The answers can also be changed to the appropriate vocabulary to meet students
individual needs.
Can be played:

Individually as a daily warm-up for 2 weeks!
In pairs or groups as a game
As a new version of HANGMAN
Printed as a folder activity.

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