Reid Slavery Comments

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CONTACT: Michelle Dean

PHONE: 206-337-1464

December 8, 2009

RNHA Statement on Senator Harry Reid’s Senate Floor Comments

Lakeland, Florida – The Republican National Hispanic Assembly (RNHA) takes exception to
Senator Harry Reid's (D Nevada) comparisons of opponents to government run health care to
supporters of slavery. This offensive statement by the Democrat Leader of the Senate is not
only beyond the pale, it is a comparison to which all decent, fair minded Americans take
offense. “Senator Reid is clearly seeking to stifle debate by playing the race card and history”
said RNHA Chairman Maldonado. No American who objects to inefficient and bureaucratic
meddling with the world's best health care system should be labeled a supporter of slavery.
Chairman Maldonado continued, “It is a sad attempt by Democrats to intimidate, and unfairly
label opponents to stifle debate.” The RNHA concurs with RNC Chairman Steele that Senator
Reid should immediately apologize for his comments and we also question the Democrats'
commitment to equity and justice if they do not condemn Senator Reid's comments.

For a historical retrospect, it was a Republican President who signed the Emancipation
Proclamation declaring "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and
henceforward shall be free." It was the Republican members of Congress who joined President
Lyndon Johnson in support of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Democrats initially filibustered this
legislation. Republicans believe in giving a hand up, not a hand out. Republicans believe in
less tax, a less invasive government, and more freedom for all Americans.


The mission of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly is to build a membership organization to foster the principles of the
Republican Party in the Hispanic community, provide Hispanic Americans with a forum to play an influential role in local, state, and
national Party activities, increase the number of Hispanic Republican elected officials, and create and maintain a network of
Hispanic Republican leaders.

Paid for by the Republican National Hispanic Assembly. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. - Twitter: RNHA

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