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Never assume that you can make it alone. You need the help of the Lord.
Never hesitate to get on your knees in some private place
and speak with Him. ~President Gordon B. Hinckley
September Birthdays
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Sept. 3 Welfare assignment.
4-7pm. Contact Sister Thornton.
Sept. 6: Ward Temple Night.
Meet for the 7:30pm session,
Jordan River Temple.

Sept. 8- Cooking Class at
Lynda Richards home. 10am.
Please RSVP to 801-604-6626.

Sept. 8 Lunch Bunch at
Landmark Grill. 12pm.

Sept. 21: No Regular Church
Meetings due to the Ogden
Temple Dedication. The
sessions are at 10am, 1pm, and
4pm, broadcast to the Stake
Center. You must be 8 years old
or older, have a current temple
recommend or a special yellow
dedication recommend from the
bishop, and a white handkerchief.

Sept. 27: Girls Night Out.
General Relief Society
Dinner & Broadcast.
Potluck dinner at 5pm at the
Stake Center followed by the
Worldwide Broadcast at 6pm.
Sign-ups are going around in
Relief Society on Sundays.

Sept. 28: Tools of the
Carpenter Fireside.
Combined with the 4
7pm at our ward building.

Lesson Schedule
Sept. 7 Presidency Message
Sept. 14 JFS #16
Sept. 21 JFS #17
Sept. 28 The Keys and
Authority of the Priesthood by
Elder Oaks
Union Fort Third Ward
Relief Society Newsletter
Relief Society Presidency:
Jan Norton 801.834.4448
Karen Erickson 801.201.9523
Jodie Howarth 801.419.9976
Deb Johnson 307.287.6428
Visiting Teaching - The
Divine Mission of Jesus
Christ: Comforter
Jesus Christ promised, I will not leave
you comfortless: I will come to you
(John 14:18). He will give us beauty for
ashes, the oil of joy for mourning
(Isaiah 61:3). Because Christ suffered
the Atonement for each of us, He will
not forget us. Our Savior has taken
upon Himself our pains and our
suffering and afflictions so that He can
know what we feel and how to comfort
us, said Linda S. Reeves, second
counselor in the Relief Society general
Knowing that Christ will comfort us can
bring us peace and inspire us to follow
His example by ministering to others.
President Thomas S. Monson said: Our
knowledge of the gospel and our love of
our Heavenly Father and of our Savior
will comfort and sustain us and bring joy
to our hearts as we walk uprightly and
keep the commandments. There will be
nothing in this world that can defeat us.
From the Scriptures
John 14:18, 23; Alma 7:1113; Doctrine
and Covenants 101:1416
From Our History
Elaine L. Jack, the 12th Relief Society
general president, said: In visiting
teaching we reach out to each other.
Hands often speak as voices cant. A
warm embrace conveys volumes. A
laugh together unites us. A moment of
sharing refreshes our souls. We cannot
always lift the burden of one who is
troubled, but we can lift her so she can
bear it well.
Our pioneer Relief Society sisters found
spiritual strength in each others love
and compassion. As they suffered
trials of illness and death, they prayed in
faith for each other and comforted each
other. The love of God flowed from
heart to heart, wrote Helen Mar
Whitney, till the wicked one seemed
powerless in his efforts to get between
us and the Lord, and his cruel darts, in
some instances, were shorn of their
Consider This
How does understanding that the Lord
remembers you bring you comfort?

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