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Icebreaker Activity

One of the students will act as a facilitator who asks the questions. Lets sit in a
circle (or oval) and have a different student answer first each time you begin a
new question.
Keep your answers short; things should move relatively quickly, and we will have
an opportunity to elaborate later on a question or questions of their choice. If
students want to elaborate on a certain question later on, have them store it for
discussion at the end.
3-4 students should answer each question.
Listen carefully to each others responses.
Try to stay relatively serious.

1 What is your name?
2 What is the colour of the ocean?
3 What is your favorite way to spend your free time?
4 What is success?
5 If you had to be an animal other than a human being, what would you be?
6 Name one purpose of art.
7 Who are you?
8 Name one purpose of technology.
9 Who is the most important person in the world today?
10 Who is the biggest rogue/outlaw in the world today?
11 Do you know whether or not God exists?
12 Name one reason to study economics.
13 Ho do you know that its wrong to lie?
14 If you had an hour left to live before the end of the world, how would you spend
the time?
15 If you won a contest with a million US dollar prize, what is the first thing youd do
with the money?
16 Name one purpose of science.
17 Who is your hero or heroine? (if cant think of one who do you admire?)
18 Why are some people "cool" why other people aren't?
19 What is the single most important problem that your generation will face?

20 What are some of the things you've done to make other people happy?
21 What does the word equality mean to you? (The first thought, image, definition
that comes to mind is fine.)

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