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Actix Simple Function Introduction

Actix Function Introduction

1. setup Actix
When we setup Actix, we can use the default path or modify it. And then, we must plug the dongle
and copy the dongles license to C:\Documents and Settings\All sers\Application
2. configuration before load the file
2.1. start Actix
Area #. Wor$space, in this area we can load the test data and its attri%ute.
Area&. 'ool%ar
Area(. )ain menu.
Area*. Status "ar, to display the course when loading the test data.
2.2. Input the map.
#+ View,-Display new Map
&+ Click the icon : Layers.
(+ Click the icon: add
*+ Select the map and then open it. ( the map must be *.tab that can be input mapinfo.
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
-n the map window* we can ri)ht click and modify the display the attributes such as the units*
.oom* tool ...
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
.n the menu ,- tools,-preferences, we can modify the "inning property, as %elow
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
2.3. Input the site.
'he Actix must input the site information format as the accessory.
template for
Clic$ the menu: cells,-/etwor$ explorer, from the new window, clic$ the icon input form new
template, and select the 0.cs1 for Actix, then open it.
.n the new windows, input the template name, and ena%le the 2 comma3 , then next,
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
.n the new window, we can match 4 parameters of sites, * in CD)A5Cell, and * in CD)A5Site.
When complete it, then clic$ finish.
.n the map window, clic$ icon : Cell sites and select the CD)A cell, in the cell color, select 6/, as
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
'hen clic$ the icon: 7ayers,-Display,-Data 8ield, select 26/3, then the cell can de displayed 6/

/ow we can see all the sites and road map in the same layer.
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
3. Load the logfile.
We can clic$ 8ile,-9pen logfile or right clic$ 7oaded data files in the wor$space to load multi,
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
When loading the logfile, the progress will %e display on the %ottom of this window. After loading,
if we want analysis one logfile, we can unwrap this file.
.f we the multi, logfiles along continues route, we can create super stream as follows:
After we get the SuperStream, we can analysis the whole logfile in wor$space:
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
:1ent we sa1e wor$space, if we open the wor$space next time, we must input all the logfile again.
So its no need to sa1e the wor$space, . thin$.
Sometimes, the si!e of multi,logfile is more than ;<<), so that we cant input all the logfile. =ere,
we can use the function of /etwor$ .mages. 'he usage is detailed in accessory as follows. "ut it
has a shortcoming that if we use this function, the >egion fileter function detailed in next chapter
is useless.
4. Display the parameters for the report
Legend properties
8or e1ery parameter, we can right clic$ the parameter of drag it to legend area to display it.
8or modify properties of the data, we can right clic$ the Super Stream in legend area to modify
ranges, color and Attri%ute style. 8or e1ery item, we must use the same range claimed in S9W and
template. .n Attri%ute style, we modify the si!e of sym%ol as 4.
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
the use of the icon Layers
8or e1ery data picture, all the layers must %e laid as follow se?uence, the %ottom is road map, the
middle is test data, the top is cell and 6/, as following:
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
if we want sa1e the data layer as mapinfo format, we can clic$ :xport@ and open it use the %utton
of Add. 8or example, if a logfile is so large that it will ta$e long time to input Actix, here, we can
export some data layers@ if we use the data layer we can open it directly lest input the logfile again.
.f we want display se1eral data layer in one map at the same time, we can use the 9ffset %utton.
!he use of icon Attribute and legend
.ts easy to use it, you can try it.
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
the use of icon Area select
if you want chec$ which sectors signal some area use, you can use this function: clic$ the layer
icon, select the parameter as follows, and then clic$ 9A.
sing the Area select icon and select some area, we can find the recei1ing sector displayed as
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
!he use of icon "egion Filter
Clic$ the icon >egion 8ilter, we can select some area data. .f we want delete the selecting area
data, we can clic$ the :xclude %utton, otherwise, the .nclude Default.
After we delete the data route, at the same time, all the statistics will change automatically.
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
After we delete the data route, at the same time, all the statistics will change automatically.
!"#$%&%# 'uawei (echnolo)ies Co.*Ltd.* +ll ri)hts reser,ed #$
Actix Simple Function Introduction
!he use of icon layout.
.ts easy to use.
8or the uniform format, we use the default si!e of layout window, we must ma$e sure the statistics
1alue clearly to see and use the uniform unit, topic, legend, color, and so on.
'hen we can print screen to mspaint and copy the data window to the report.
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
!he use of "eplay
Select the SuperStream and use the >eplay function, and then clic$ the data route, we can find the
acti1e 6/ and sector.
>ight clic$ Super Stream<<#, and select the CD)A Signaling, we can analy!ing the test data
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
parameter analy#ing
we can unwrap the e1ery menu to find e1ery parameter or right clic$ Super Stream<<#, and clic$
8ind Attri%ute in Stream to search it.
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
.n e1ent menu, we can find call e1ent and hand off e1ent@ .n file .nfo, we can display all logfile
%ased on different name.
$tatistics report
se the %elow function, we can get the statistics report for excel ta%le. "ut the 1alue region is not
e?ual the defining region in legend. So we must modify the ta%le in excel such as region, format,
color and so on according the report template.
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Actix Simple Function Introduction
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