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The Open University of Sri Lanka

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Bachelor of Technology Level 5
ECX 5231 Network Theory
Academic Year 2013/2014
Assignment 1

Q1 The Small signal

model of the BJT transistor and two common emitter amplifier circuits are
given in Figure Q2 and Figure Q3. Perform a simulation for AC analysis for the amplifier circuit.
Please select Figure Q2 if your registration number starting with an odd digit, otherwise select
Figure Q3.

Figure Q1 : Small signal

model of the BJT

Figure Q2



BJT Parameters

0.1 Sin 1000t

Figure Q3
a. Draw the linearized model of the amplifier by replacing the small signal

model of the
b. Write stamps for each element of the circuit.
c. The general equation format for the AC analysis is (

] . Formulate
the circuit according to this format.
d. Setup a numerical algorithm to solve above system of equations.
e. Sketch a flow chart to describe the simulation of AC Analysis of the circuit.
f. Develop MATLAB codes and obtain Gain versus Frequency and Phase versus Frequency
plots of the circuit for the frequency range of 1Hz to 100MHz.

0.1 Sin 1000t

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