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mIxED MeDia:

-When more than one medium is employed in a piece of

Visual Art Work.

(-Not to be confused with Multi Media (Which might combine music/
literature/ performance outside the realm of Visual Art.)
Rauschenberg Harman Kahlo
-Hmm What mediums
can I use in mixed
media piece?
-You can use any type
of traditional media
Paints: (Oil. Acrylic,
Coloring sticks:
(Crayons, colored
pencils, oil pastels).
Drawing media: Pencils,
Ink, Charcoal
Carla Nannini: Concentration # 12
-Or non drawing/
paint media:
String/ thread
Photos and
Digital art
Aesthetic Text
What else?

Rauschenberg incorporated the Eagle Statue here.
Why might he have made this aesthetic decision?

-There are other
techniques we can
employ too:
Burn/ Rip pages
Stamping/ or applying a print
to to the page
Incorporating tracings
Collage (pasting cut out
paper to make a new image)
Decoupage (cover with
decoupage glue of a glossy
Gel transfer: makes a photo
appear faintly on the work.

What makes for good mixed media pieces?

-Work is well balanced: has thoughtfully balanced
color/line/texture. Piece registers from a distance.

-Work has a focal point and purposefully directs
the viewer around the composition.

-Artist seamlessly integrates the media. (No visual
speed bumps.)

-Artist has technical command and confidence
with the media employed.

Keep an archive of materials. Play with them! (This is the
way of the mixed media artist)
-Experiment Scientifically. (Keep track of your methods and
start with three media at the most. Figure out one thing at a time and
stick with what works.)
-Go thin to fat. (washes, glazes and gel transfers are better for the
background. Heavier materials like decoupaged tissue go on top.)

-Go Beyond the surface. (Pull the audience in using the
principles of depth (warm colors come forward, cool recede.
Relationships of size can be used as well)
Heres where this
artist started.
1) What media do
you think the artist
2) Does the artist
have an
command of each
3)Are the media
well integrated ?
Do they work well

How does the image on the right compare with
the last piece we saw in terms of integration?
Which one has a stronger composition?
(Consider balance, focus point and the path
crafted for the viewers eye.)
Which is the stronger mixed
media piece? Take two
minutes to discuss with a
partner. Be prepared to defend
your position.
Personal Preference: Which Piece would you rather own?

thanks to
the 08/09
AP for the
One Modified Contour Line Drawin g of yourself, in t he process of a
grooming act ivit y. Use mar ker an d a 12 x 18 drawing paper and
follow th e rules for mo dified contou r. This drawing focuses on t he
compositional strategies ( Rule of Thi rds) you have been focus ing
on in class, an d keying on a design element for int erest.
We will add Mixed me dia t o your wo rk late r. Fanta sy colo r is ok, but
t hin k CONTRAST in va lue as well as color .
You may choos e t o set your backgro und and for egroun d or draw it
as is. Think about t he as pect s the e nvi ronmen t t hat in t erests you
and what you want to fo cus in on. Set up th e reflect io n of yourself
in an innovat ive wa y. Do we ne ed to see your full face? Mayb e not ?
You decide.
Grooming activity possibilities ( context): You may be
flo ssing /brushing your t eet h, preparing hair, plucking eye brows,
chan ging clot hes, ins pect ing self, w ashing, shaving , curlin g
eye lashes, putt ing on makeup or ointme nts , paint ing nails, mugg ing ,
et c...
Design elements: Fau cets an d drains, mirrors an d reflect ions,
decorat ive surfaces, ins ide/out side . . . .
Impor tant : Include props to ma ke yo ur drawing as realist ic as
possible, in clude backgroun d an d EVERYTHING t ha t you see, t hink
about your composit ion by look ing th roug h a viewfi nder and
sket chin g ou t seve ral t hum bnails in y our sket chbook. PUSH PAST
All drawi ngs mu st: have a 1/2 in ch border, fill th e ent ire page and
to uch all bor ders, be b lo cked in first with ligh t pencil and th en mo d.
conto ur line wit h sharpie.
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