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Maulana Ashraf Ali h a n wy (Rah.)

3 ~, L ' ~. . J . r . : \ . : : ~- , ~~\ "l?'

1 .. \: ~/ . . . . - ';.tt'
IdaraIsha'at-E-Diniyat( ) Ltd.
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without permission inwriting from the Publisher.
Khutbaatul Ahkaam
: MaulanaAshrafA1i Thanwy (Rah.)
First Edition: 2003
ISBN: 81-7101-477-1
168/2,Jha House, HazratNizamuddin
New Delhi-ll0013(India)
Tel.:26926832/33, 55658575
Typesetted at: DTPDivision
. . 9795,JamiaNagar,New Delhi-1l0025(Jndia)
~~O~~~~~~~~<i : ~. ~' ~
i h u t b a h : 17 . f . o J , ~~\ ) . j ) , , - ! , - ! . J " ~\ J 71 I ~
~ h u t b a h : 18 a ~1 . A . J \ y ' ~" . j 75 , ~
g h u t b a h : 19 ~~\ c . ~. ' . } . 79 la
~ Khutbah: 20 " , ~" l ' ~~~ 83 . ~
~ h u t b a h : 21 ~~' . r S .j 87 ~O
" h u t b a h : 22 . : " L - U \ ~. j 91 . ~
i h u t b a h : 23 ..L....:>J\J ~' ) ~\ ~~. } __ 95 ; ~
h u t b a h : 24 ~. . u \ ~~ .j ~~ 99
h u t b a h : 2 5 J ~\ ~J ~' ~~. j jR
i h u t b a h : 26 ~4 ] I J 0 \ ; I : J ' ~~~. }
107 ~
~ h u t b a h : 27 ~\ ) ~\ ~~. } III ~~
i h u t b a h : 28 JJ.JJI ~~ .j 115 j ~
~ h u t b a h : 29 ~. , : J ' . j 119 t
~ h u t b a h : 3 0 ~' J ~' . j - _ . 123 ~
i h u t b a h : 3 1 ~~) ' J J y J ' . j 127 i
; ; h u t b a h : 32 J.A)\) \ ~ 131 ~
~ ~~
h u t b a h : 33 ~.,:JIJ ~.,:J\ .j 135 ~
~ h u t b a h : 34 ~~)\) ~~ ~ . 139 ~
i h u t b a h : 35 ",.L.,aJIJ . f ' ~" l ' ~ 143 : ~
, h u t b a h : 36 ~~\ ) 4 ' ~\ .j 147 ~~
~ h u t b a h : 37 ~\ . } 151 ~~
i h u t b a h : 38 O..l.A.!\.AJ .:.J"J' . ? ~ .j 155 ~
h u t b a h : 39 ~\ J ~~J ~\ . j 159 ~
~ h u t b a h : 40 # . } \ . .j 163 :t
~~} ~~~; t ; i " } ~~~ ~~I "
I F ~o ~~~~~) t . ; j >~..~,
S g
i ~
~ HazratMa u l a a AshrafAli h a n wy (R.A.)wasindeed veryi
fj. prolificwriter aspectsa d topicsofIslam.Among verylarge -%
:} sectionofthe MuslimsoftheI n d i a subcontinent, islooked
~ as mujaddid-a renovator ofthe deen, who had tremendous ~
~ influence thelivesa d thoughtsofmillions. %
~ Thisbook h u t u b a a t u l Ahkaamis anthologyofcol1ected ~
~ Fridays n s writtena d compiled hima d in verymuchinuse {:
~ amongl n , Pakistani,B a g l a d e s h i , Mghania d BurmeseMuslims, ~
~ aswell asMuslimsintheWestemWorld. h i s t r a s l a t i o n is u m 'fi
~ efforttoputoverinEnglishwhatHazrat h a n wy d v s to . ~
~ in veryeloquenta d classical of veryhighquality. ~
~ It ishopedthat hnamsofMosqueswill toderive .{t
i adequatebenefitfromthishumbleworkInsha Allah. Allah , ~
~ t i n tofillHazrat h a wy ' s Qabrwithnoor andblessings. S
~ Y u s u f a r a a n i
~ S t r a d , SouthAfrica Rajab 2001 ,
i !
~ s
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
L ~: } ; . . o ~~~~~( r J \ . O~
t bah : 1

f i
~ praises to AHah, the Most Noble . Who had ~
f;. created and granted honour to him, and taught him the means of '*
~ expression through speech and taught that which he did not know. ~
~ G10ry to i , whose favours uncountable, not the tongue {:
~ the . We bear witness that there is worthy ofworship except ~
~ Allah , Who was n o , p ~e ~or associate and we bear witness that ~
~ Sayeduna Muhammad ~ lS servant and messenger, who was ~
~ granted the ability of comprehensive speech, excellent wisdom and ~
~ excellent attributes and character. Allah's choicest blessings ~
~ descend him, his fami1y and his companions, who are as shining ~
~ stars the path ofhis ummat. After this, mus1ims, know that the ~
~ acquisition of the necessary know1edge of the laws of Is1am is among ~
- . the major obligations every mus1im. , every muslim is ~O
~ c o mma n d e d ~ t? acquire it and to .teach it to others. In this regard .
~. Rasulullah ~lS reported to have sa1d:
:}. 1. "Convey ( teachings to others) from even if it ~
~. verse." ( ukh ry) g
~ 2. a1so said: "Whosoever walks in path wherein he seeks ~
1li: to ac.quireknowledge, .for him will Allah make easy the path ~
~. l d g towards . " (Muslim) ~
~ ~
~r 3. And Rasu1ul1ah ~ also said: 'Whosoever Al1ah wishes to ~
~l favour with His b o u n t ~, ' to him grants the deep t
} u d r s t d g ofthe deen. (Bukhary, Muslim)
4. also said: "Verily the l are the heirs of the prophets. ~
~~ The prophets did not leave behind wea1th to inherited. ~
~ They l left knowledge to inherited. So whoever takes ~
;t it has taken major share of goodness." {:
~ (Ahmad, i r mi t h i , Dawood, lbn Majal1, Daarmy) ~
~~ 5. And he said: " seek know1edge is duty encumbent ~
L ~f everyMus1im." (lbn Majah) ~
o ~o J t " ; i } ~~{ 8 8 } ~~~O~~ 7
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~; ,
6. Rasulullah $ also said: "When to whom knowledge
~ has granted is asked about it and refuses to answer, '-
' then the day of qiyamat he shall made to garlanded ~
~ with garland offire." ~
~ 7. And Rasulullah ~ said: "Whosoever seeks knowledge ~
i ~ through which he seeks the pleasure of Allah and uses that
t knowledge with the aim of acquiring some worldly needs, S
" such person :vi11not ~y e n smell the fragrance of paradise ~
~ the day of q l y a ~a h . .. (Ahmad, Dawood, I b l ~ ~a j a h ) {:
:s 8. And Rasulullah ~ ] : "Leam the laws r t g to ~
inheritance and the Quran and teach it to l for verily 1 ~
~ shall taken away from this world." ( i r mi t h i ) :5
~ 1 seek refuge in Al1ah from the accursed Shaytaan. '*
~ Allah says in the Quran: "ls he who worships Allah eamestly ~
~ during the hours ofthe night, prostrating himselfbefore Him or standing {:
~ in worship, and takes heed ofthe hereafter, while placing his hope in the ~
- - of the Lord. Is this person like him who does not? Say: " ~O
~ those endowed with knowledge the equal ofthose without knowledge?
' Itis those endowed with understanding, who receive admonition."
i (Surah 34) i
i i
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
I i
~ ~
~ i
S g
L ~, , ~~f i l I ) ~f i : j <. O~~ 9
tbah : 2

i i

praises to Allah, the Al1-Knower, the Aware, Who brougl1t ~
~ to perfection the Universal system of nature without helper. Glory :;,
fI to Al1ah, Whose wisdom is overwhelming and His knowledge is *
~ great and Whose favours extended to everything, smal1 or big. We ~
~ bear witness that there is worthy of worship except Al1ah l , 8
~ without or associate in creation, not to the extent of ~
t; the creation of spot date or the skin covering it. And we bear %
:} witness that Sayeduna Muhammad , ~ is Allah's servant and messenger, ~
~ \vho guided us aright through enlightened book, and who invited us :;,
fI towards Al1ahthrough wamings and glad tidings. Al1ah'schoicest %
~ blessings him and his offspring and his companion for as ~
g10ng as the stars shall continue to travel in their orbits. After this, 8
~ brothers, know that the synopsis ofthe beliefs ofthe Ahlis sunnah wal ~
~ jamaah is contained in the two kalimahs of Shahaadah and these ~
~ kalimahs of the fundamental principles ofIslam. "
~ The meaning ofthe first kalimah is that Allah, the Most Exa1ted i
~ is the creator ofthis world. is the , the Unique, the Etemal, the ~
:} Ever living, the Powerful,the Al1-knowing, the , the All-seeing, {t
~ the Thankful, the Intender, the Recorder of fate, Who is ful1yaware ~
~ of cverythiog. No oothiog is like Him a n oothing outside ~
~ His knowledge His power. is the Creator and the Granter of ~
~ sustenance, the Granter of life and of death. Him belongs the most {:
~ beautiful names and is the Mighty and the Wise.&
~ ~
~ And the meaning of the second part of the kalimah is that ~
~ Muhammad ~is his servant and messenger and that he is most truthful ~
~ in the news and information that he brought and also in the laws. It
~ also means that the Quran, which he brought is the Word of Al1ah. ~
~ the books revealed to previous prophets, the previous prophets and -%
~ the angels ofAl1ah the truth and that the ascension o f R a s u l u l l a h . ~ ~
~. to the heavens. is , truth a n is the miracles of ' OW!iY".. ~
~~O~~~~ 11 8 } ~~~O~~
~o~~~~~~~~o~; ; t
And l 1 the companions of Rasulul1ah ~ are of justice and the
r ;
5 most excel1ent ofthem those fourrightly-guided Califs in the s a e ~
~ a n n e r that they succeeded each other to the office of khilafat...And '&
' > the questioning in the grave the angels is also true. The rising from ~O
the grave is true and so also is the weighing ofthe deeds ofmen the

~ scales the day ofqiyaamah. The Book of deeds is true and calling of ~
'& men to account the day ofqiyamah is true. And so also the i v l of '*
f; the successful ones at the howz is true and as wel1 as their having to ~
~O pass over the sirat. The intercession ofRasulul1ah ~ behalf ofthe 8
sinners ofhis u a t is also true. The fact that the righteous ones wil1 ~
~ see Al1ah is also true. The existence ofparadise and ofhel1 is also true. *
:} These two places wi11 everlasting and wi11 never perish and neither
i wil1their inrnates perish. ~
~ 1 seek refuge in Al1ah from the accursed Shaytaan. g
i Allah says: " u who believe, believe in Allah and His ~
Messenger ~and the Book which revealed upon His prophet and i
the Books which revealed before them. And whosoever disbelieves
' > in Allah, His angels, His prophets and the day of qiyaamah, he has
gverily gone far astray." ~
i ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
! ~
i ~
~ ~
g ~
L ~~c w~" , 13 I i ) ~~~~
~ Itbah: 3 S
N R N l N G QR I N G L i
~ 1 l praises to Allah, Who acts gracious1ytowards His servants i'
~ and has commanded them that they worship Him in state ofcomplete ~
~ cleanliness, and spreads over their hearts His lights and His grace that ~
~ it cleanser for their inner selves. And we bear witness that {:
~ there is worthy of worship except Allah , without ~
~ partner or associate. And we bear witness that Sayeduna Muhammad *
~ ~is His servant and messenger, who covered the comers ofthis world ~
~ with the light ofguidance. Allah's choicest blessings descend i'
~ him, his offspring, his righteous companions. Such blessing that ~
{: wi11 the great day of fear save us. And such blessing that wi11 erect ;,
~ shield between us and every clamity. ~
.% 1. Verily R a s u l u l l a h . ~ said: "Clean1inessis halfofone's Imaan". ~
i ~~i
~ 2. a1sosaid: "Verily followerS wi11 called the day of t
Qiyaamat whi1e their faces and feet wi11 shining with the ~o .
signs of the effect of wudoo. So whoever amongst has

~ the ability to increase his shine (and lengthen it), let him do ~
~ so." (Bukhary, Muslim) :S
~ 3. also said: ' ' h adomments the body of Muslim wi11 '&
~ reach as far as the water of wudoo reached." also said: ~
~ "The key to paradise is salaah and the key to the salaah is ~
~ wudoo." (Ahmad) ~
:} 4. Rasulullah ~ also wamed that whoever leaves spot the
. size of single hair 1 without washing it, wi11 suffer ~
such and such afflictions in hell- fire." ~
~ 5. And while passing two graves Rasulullah ~ ~
informed the companions that the inmates of those graves ~
~ were in torment "and they were not being punished for
:} something very big. On ofthem was not very carefu1 against !
the drop1ets o f u r i ~e he passing and the other used 00
, to go about s r d g s t s about l . " (Muslim)
o ~o ; t : W} ' ( W~( 8 15 I } ~~~O~- : J 0 ~~
~O~~~( W~~~~O~~
6. And also said: "When u reach the places where u
~ toiletryneeds,donot[ theqibJahanddonotsit {:
~ there with yourbackto the qiblah". ~
1seek refuge in l l ' accursedShaytaan.
i "As forthe (masjid-e-diraar)neverstandthereininprayer. 'S
~ masjidwhosefoundationshas laidu thefearof ] ] f the 8
:J! beginningismore suitabJethat u standinit.Therin wholove ~
~ tocleansethemselves.And ] ] loves those whopurifythemselves." :
:} (Surah Towbah) ~
i ~
i i
~ t
l i
i ~
i i
~. i
~ !
i i
~ ~
i i
~: ~
L ~~~<w 17 j ) ~~~~
, Itbah: 4

g ~ 1 1 praises to Who showers His servants with His ~
Q; bounties And Who causes the en1ightenment of His deen and its "
~ obligations to sett1e in their hearts. And glory to Him, how great is '*
~ i s authority! And powerfu1 is His sovereignty. How perfect His grace ~
~~ and how all-encompassing His bounties and favours.We bear witness ~
~ that there is worthy of worship except 1 , without ft.
~ partner or associate and we bear witness that Sayeduna Muhammad ~
) ~is His servant and messenger.? the choicest blessings of ~
~ descend u him, and his offspring, and his companions, who are the "
~ key-men towards guidance and the shining 1amps in the depths of '*
j darkness. ~
~ muslims, Veri1y the sa1aahis the very foundation ofdeen. It is {:
~~ strongho1d offaith, and the most important acts ofworship whereby ~
~ to draw nearer to l l and it is a1so the best among the acts of ~
~ obedience towards l l . ~
f ~
g ~
i 1. Rasu1ullah ~has said: "Is1amis bui1t u five pillars: i) the ~
o ~ bearing of wi:?:ss t ~a t there is god except ~l l and t ~a t : S ~.
~ Muhammad ~lS servant and messenger, 11) r f r mg
~ Sa1aah,iii) the paying ofzakaah, iv) performing ofhaj, and v) .{:
~ the fast of Ramadaan." (Bukhary, Mu s l i ) &
~~ ~
~~ 2. a1so said: " l l has made five sa1aahscompu1sory u ..~O
~ u . Whosoever performs ablution for them and :
~ performs them punctually, proper1yperforming the rukoo' and 'f1
~S with proper devotion and sincerity, will have covenant ftom 8
~ that will forgive them. And whosoever does not so ~
' I ) so, has such covenant. If l l so wishes, m forgive ~o
f them and ifHe wishes, m punish them."
~~ ( A h a d , Dawood) !
~~O~~~( 8 19 j } ~~~O~~
I ) ~O~~~~ ~~~~O~~
3. also said: "1swear Him in whose Hand is life: 1
~ intendedtoorderthatwoodshould broughtandtogivethe ~
~ order that salaah should performed and that the azaan ~
should givenandthenorder persontoleadthepeoplein ~O

~ remainedabsentfrom thesalaahandburn downtheirhouses ~

'& uponthem." ~
i i
~ ~
i 1seekrefugein AlIah 1Iort,theaccursedShaytaan. ~
~ l l says: "And perform salaah at the ends ofthe day and ~
~. during the approaches ofthe night. Verily good deeds removes evil ~
~ deeds.This is admonitionforthosewho Al1ah." ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ !
g g
i ~
i ~
g ~
i i
~ i
L ~..~~" . j ) ~~~~ 21
O~~~~ ~~~~O~,
t b ah : 5
r i


g l l praises is due to Allah, Who grants good fortune and ' ~
~ misfortune, Who causes death and gives life, Who causes laughter and "
~ causes to cry, Who originates and creates and destroys, Who grants %'
~ poverty and riches. is the Who causes harm to to ~
~ and causes gain and benefit to others. And is the Who chooses 8
~ some of His servants for comfortable conditions and riches And then ~
'!1 has made the institutions ofzakaah ofthe principles ofthe deen 16
:} and of its fundamentals. And has explained that through His ~
Q grace those who desire to purify themselves through giving zakaah. "
~ And those who desire to cleanse their wealth do so giving zakaah. -%
~ 1bear witness that there is . worthy of,,:orship except AHah
~ alone wi t h o u t ~~y or and 1bear w1tness that Sayeduna {:
~ Muhammad ~ 1S Allah's and messenger, the chosen , the ~
O leader of mankind, the sun of hidaayah. Allah's choicest ~
blessings him, his family and his companions, those who (.
. especially blessed with the special qualities ofknowledge and piety. ~

fj, muslims, know that Allah has declared zakaah to ofthe ~
, ' fundamentals ofIslam and has mentioned itjointly with salaah, which :$
~ is the most important of these fundamentals. And so says: "And ~
~~ perform the salaah and give zakaah." S
~I i
~: 1. And Rasulullah ~ has ] : "Islam 1S founded u five ~
~: principles (firstly) the declaration "that there is worthy
~ of worship except Allah and that Muhammad iiis His t}
- . messenger, (secondly) the establishment ofthe institution of ~
R;f salaah, (thirdly) the giving of zakaah, (fourthly) to perform ~
~ Haj and (fifth1y) fasting the month of Ramadaan." And !{
~r Rasulullah ~has sounded severe waming to who i
~t is negligent in the performance of of these. .%
~ ~
L ~o ~~( J I t ) ~~~~ 23









































































































































































































































































































































































~O ~{ W ~~O~; ' ~~ ~~ o
2. Rasulullah~a l s o said:"WhomsoeveIAllahhasgivenwea1th
~ andhefails togivethezakaahdlle thatwealth,then the {:
~ dayofqiyaamatthat wealthwill huge i s u s ~
~ snake withtwoblaekspots,whiehwill w a p itself aroundhis -*
~ neek d thenget holdofhim itsja\vsand saytohim: "1 ~
f: u wealth, 1 u treasure." Then Rasulullah ~ ~
~ this verse: "And who aets miserly with the %
;g bountieswhichAllahhadgiventhemshouldnotthinkthatit (j.
g isgood forthem.No, itwill worseforthem. thedayof 8
~ qiyaamatthat whiehtheywithheldwill twistedaround ft.
g theirneeks." (3:180) -g
~ 3. Rasulullah~ told : " u shouldtake outzakaah ~
% from u r possessionsbeeauseit is purity,whiehpurifies ~
" u andeause goodrelationsto aboutbetweenyourself ~
~ and u closerelativesand u willknowthe rightsofthe {:
! , theneighbour the r . " . (ra'gheeb) I
:} 1seekrefuge in Allahfrom the aceursedShaytaan. ~o o ~o ~
l l says: "Andestablishsalaahandgivezakaahandbowdown ~~:
withthosewho bowdown(beforeAllah).


~ ~
i ~
i ~
S g
L ~" ~~( 1 I - I i } ~~~" ~~ 25
tbah : 6

f i
i H OL DI N GF I R L Y U N T OT H E QU R ' A N ~
~ A N DI S N GS g
~ All praises to Allah, Who has favoured His se.rvants :;,
~ sending to them His Messenger Muhammad ~and has also favoured ~
~ them sending to them His revealed Book, whereby has opened ~
~ the way towards reflection for n of intellect, what is {:
~ contained in it of stories and i n f r m t i . And through this book the ~
~ road towards the way of life clear and so also the -%
:} straight path manifest through what it contains of rules and ~
~ regulations. And distinguishes between what is permissible and what is :;,
~ . We witness tha' thcre is deity worthOf.W.orship ~
~ except Al1ah alone without n or associate and we bear ~
~ witness that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ is the servant an.. d messenger of ~
~ Allah, the n whom was revealed the Furquan so that it ~
~ warner for the whole world. Allah's choicest blessings i
~ , his [ i l and his companions, who were admonished the ,
~ Qur'an and admonished others with it. ~
~ 1. After this, muslims Rasulullah ~has said: "The best of ~
;,; is he who leams 'he Quran and 'hen i' ( S
~ others)." ~
i ~
i 2. Rasulullah ~also said: " person who had n devoted to ~
reciting the Quran will told: Recite the Qur'an and !
~ raised in rank thereby, and read as had n used to read '6
~ it in the world, because your rank in the hereafter will :t
~ determined the last verse that recite." ~
~ (Ahmad, i r mi t h i , Nasai. Dawood) ;
~. ~
~ 3. Rasulullah ~also said: "That person in whose heart there is -%
:} portion ofthe Qur'an is like ruined house." ~
~ ( i r mi t h i . Daarmy) ~
~~O~~~{ 8 l 8 } ~~~O~~

~O~~~~ ~~~O~; ,
4. Rasulullah ~ said: "Whosoever recites letter ofthe
00 Qura'n forhim shall blessing (inreward) and cvery
~ blessingshall magnifiedtentimes." ( i n n i t h i , Daarmy) ~
S s
i 5. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Whoever recites the Qura'n and ~
~ memorises itand acts thatwhich itmakes halaal and ~
~ with holds himselffrom what has made haraam for ~
~ him, him will Allah enter into paradise and grant him ~
~ permission to intercede behalfoften persons from his .%
:1 familyofthosewhoarealreadydestinedtoenterjahannam." ~
~ (Ibn Majah, Dawood) ~
i 1seekrefuge inAllahfrom Shaytaan therejected . g
O ~
Allah says: "1take oath the orbitalpositionsofthestars. ,
Andthatisindeed mightyoathifyouonlyknewit.This isindeed ~

fj. Qur'an, mosthonourable in Bookwellguarded.None shall touch it ~
exceptthosewho l a n and . " . ~
i s
~ i
~ ~
i i
i ~
i i
g g
L ~OJ t 1 j ) ~ 8 j ) ~~0 J t 1 j ) ~ 29
o~~ ~~ o . ~~ ~~~,
t bah : 7
f i


l l praises due to Allah Whose compassion is l l inclusive ~
~ and Whose mercy covers l l and Who rewards His servants for their :}
~ remembrance of Him with His remembrance. And says: r
~ "Remember and 1will remember u . " And has ordered them ~
" and encourages them to ask ofHim. And says: "Ask ofMe and 1 ~
will answer u . " And thus has made the obedient ones and the sinners, ~
~ and the good hearted ones and the wicked ones 10desire granting oftheir ~
:} needs and their hopes as tells them inhis further statement: "Verily1am ~
~ nearby and 1answer the ofhim who begs ofMe." :}
~ We bear witness that there is others being worthy ofworship ~~
except Allah alone without associate and we bear

~ witness that Sayeduna Muhammad ~is Allah's servant and messenger, ~
~ the leader ofthe prophets. Allah's choicest blessings descend u ",
O him, and his family and his companions, who were the best ofthe chosen ~
o n e s . n o w , brothers and sisters! Verily the remembrance of Allah ,
and to beg o f i mthe fulfilment of our needs through du'aa is the best ~
# forms ofworship, which delivered wit.hthe tongue, second only t
:} to the recitation of the Quran. {t
i _ ~
w 1. Verily Rasulullah ~has said: "Whenever group ofpeople 'fY
3 sit together remembering Allah through zikrullah, the angels 8
~ surround their gathering and Allah's mercy covers them while ~
tranquility descends u them and Allah remembers them ~
in the assembly ofthose who are with Him."

2. And Rasu1ul1ah JIj, said: " h e example ofthat person who I

" remembers Allah and the who does not is as the l ;
of living person and dead person." (Bukhary, Mu s l i ) i

E 3. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Du'aa is the very essenc:Je
of ~
worship." ( i r i t h i , I n Majah)
~~O~~~( W 31 ~~~~O~O
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~~
4. ~d Rasulullah ~said: "There is n o t h ~n g more noble in the
Slght of Allah than to make Du'aa to l . " ( T i r i t h i ) {:
%~ ~
~~ 5. also said: "Verily Du'aa is ofbenefit to u in those cases ~
~ pertaining to what sends down (of calamities) and with :$
l . ~ regard to that which does not cause to descend. ~
~~ servants of Allah continue steadfastly to make Du'aa. 'S
~ ( T i r i t b l ) ~
~~ 6. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Whoever does not make Du'aa to i
~ Allah, Allah becomes displeased with . " ~
~ ~
IJ. 1 seek refuge in Allah from Shaytaan the rejected . ~
i ~
1 ~
t Allah says: " u who , remember Allah abundantly and ~
~ glorify Him in the momings and the evenings." 1:
~ ~
g ~
! ~
~ ~
i ~
~ t
i ~
~ ~
~~ i
~ ~
~ ~
L ~~~( t o 3 I i ) ~~" ~~
~~ ~~~- t W~~~~ ~,
~~t "ttbah : 8
R R F R N N GV L U N A R S F ~
~~ All praise is due to Allahabundant1y for all His favours and :;,
~ blessingsAndwerememberHim in such way that leaves signof*
,.- pride in our hearts and aversion. And we thankAllah, Who has ~
~ made thenightandthedaytofolloweachother thepersonwho i

~ wishes rememberHim and expressgratitudetowardsHim.


~ And we bear witness that there is worthy ofworship ; ;
~ e ~c e p t Allah without p ~r ~e r or associate and we bear g
~ wltnessthat SayedunaMuhammad~ the servantandmessengerof~
~ Allahwhom has sentwiththetruthas bringerof goodnewsand ~
~ warnerto all mankind. Allah's choicestblessingsdescend ~
~~ him, hisfamilyand companionswho strove theirutmostinthe {:
: ~ worshipofAllahinthemorningsand theeveningsuntil suchtimethat ~
1i each ofthem guide and shiningl inthe darkness. 1:
i 1. brothersand , verilyRa,ulullah!!I. has said:"Verily i
~ Allahsays: servantwill continueto draw nearerto {t
~ throughvoluntarydeedsofrighteousnessuntilsuchtimethat ~
~ 1wil1startlovinghim." ~
~ ~
~ 2. Rasulullah . ~ said: "1exhort towards standing in ~
I ~ voluntary prayers night, for this is the practice ofthe ~
~ righteousonesbefore andisfor means of drawing

~ neartoy o ~r Lord:It is~l s o atonementforyoursinsand ~
~ s t r g t h g g s t S S . " ( i r mi t h i ) ~
1 I
i 3. .1'0,aid:" ,ervantof l l , notlike50-and- , , who i
S used tostand inworship nightbuthasnow leftit." ~
! ( u k l r y . MUS/.'i ) ) ~
~~O~~~~ 35 n ~~O~~
~ 4. Rasulullah ~also said: "Verily this deen is easy and w~~: ~ ~
o ~ person makes it difficult upon himselfhe will overcome ~
~ it. Hence moderate (in u affairs), seek Allah's nearness ~
~ and happy and seek assistance worshipping Allah in ~
tt) the mornings and the evenings and during part of the ~
~ darknessofnight." ( ) ~
i . ~
~ ~
~ 5. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Whoever was unable to recite his ~
~. section ofthe Qura'n bynight and recites itbetween Fajr and .%
~ Zuhr, it will written down as if it was recited night." ~
I ~~B
i ~
~ ~~ ~ 1 seek refuge in Allah from Shaytaan the rejected n .
~ ~
~ !
g Allah says: "Remember your Lord within yourself with g
~ humbleness and fear in low voice in the morning and the evening and ~
~ not of the neglectful ones." ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ !
I i
i ~
i ~
g ~
___L ~..~~" - j ) ~~~~
t bah : 9

f i

l l praise to l l , Who has excellently planned the affairs of ~
f;t this Universe, and created these heavens and the earth. And ~
.g, sends down sweet waters from the clouds, and through this water ~
~ causes grains and plants to flourish, And is the n Who decrees ~
, the sustenance of His creatures and their nourishment needs. And ~
~ has preserved the strength of living being through edibles and has ~
~ assisted them in the performance of deeds of obedience and deeds of ~
:} righteousness through the eating ofgood foods.
~ We bear witness that there is worthy of worship except ~
l l alone, without a n ~p.artneror associate and we bear witness that i
Sayeduna Muhammad ~ IS the servant and messenger of l l , who
: :
~ was assisted in his mission through shining miracles. Allah's {:
~ choicest blessings descend u n , his family and his companions, ~
~ such blessings that wi1l continue to descend throughout the coming of ~
~ time and will continue to doubled with the passing of every hour. t
i i
t: 1. brothers and sisters, abstinence inthis world does not a n "
~ making haraam u n yourselfthe permissible things and also :S
~ does not n the destruction of halaal wealth. No true W
~ abstinence means to more faith and reliance that 8
~ which is with l l than that which is with u . ~
I 2. Rasulullah!!j, : " r l "'" inspired into heart !
~ that soul shall die until such time that it had received its full :s
; : decreed sustenance. So fearful of l l and moderate ~
! in your search after sustenance and do not allow the delay in 8
~ the l of sustenance to cause to resort to sinful ~
means to it. Verily the bounties of .t,11ah are only !
obtained through obedience towards His ways.
: :

~ ' ( Sunnah. i l q i ) ~

~~O~~~( 8 39 8 ) ~~O~~

~O~~~~ ~~~~O~~
3. Itis reported from Ibn Abbaas ~ that to
~ Rasulullah ~ and said: " messenger of Allah, when 1 eat {:
~ meat, 1 fat and so 1have made it haraam myself. ~
~ Thereupon Allah revealed the verse: " who believe do ~
:1 not make prohibited upon yourselfthe good things, and do not ~

d h
~ ~ t
i i
i i
~ 4. And Rasulullah ~ said: "The person who receives ~
i sustenance and is grateful is in the same category as the g
~ fasting person who is patient." ~
~ ~
j 1 scckrefugc in Allah from Shaytaan thc rejcctcd ,

~ Allah says: "And do not fabricate falsehood with your tongues 1:
~ saying: ' h i s is lawful and that is forbidden, contradicting the law of ,
%' Allah. Verily those who fabricate lies against Allah will never ~
~ successful. 11 ~
i i
j ~
~ ~
i ~
i i
S ~
L ~" ~~R 41 n ~~J
tbah : 10

J i

l l praise to l l , Who created from water and then !
~ granted him blood relationships and relationships through marriage. And ~
~ has granted a n and l l creatures the inclination (towards the !
~ opposite sex), which forces them towards procreation and through that ~
~ system has overseen the continuation of their species. And has ~
~ honoured the question oftheir lineage and granted respect to it. And {:
~ prohibited fomication and adultery and greatly emphasized its i
~ ugliness through rebuke and censure. And has greatly encouraged ~
~ t:he entering into i g , praising it as being act of merit and ~
~ commanded it. ~
i We bear. witness that there is worthy of wo r s ~i p except i
1} l l alone, wlthout ' p . a r t n ~r or associate and we bear wltness that {:
~ Sayeduna ~ IS H1S servant and messenger, whom has ~
O sent as wamer and bringer of glad tidings. Allah's choicest 10'
blessings and greetings descend u him and his offspring and his
in such abundance and in uncountable number.
I Verily l l says: " { Muhammad !II>} We indeed sent i
~ prophets before and granted to them wives and offspring." :1
~ ~
~ 1. Rasulullah ~said: " young (ofIslam), whosoever of {:
~ u possesses the means to get married, let him get i d . ~
~ This is the best way of safeguarding your gazes and great
~ protection for your private parts. And whosoever does not 6
~ p o s s ~s s , ~h e means let him fast, for that l l protection :1
~ for 1 . . . (Bukhary, Muslim) ~
! 2. Rasulullah ~ also said: " h e marriage tOOt holds the greatest ~
~ blessings is the inwhich the expenses are least."(Baihaqz)' ~
~~O~~~( 8 43 f i } ~~~O~~
~O~~~{ W~~~~O~~
3. And Rasulullah ~ said: "When there to
proposal from someone of whose piety and character
approve, then let him for ifyou do not do so, there will ~
~ u t i and evil." g
~ ~
%' 4. And Rasulullah ~said: "When child is to , he S
~ should given good and taught good manners. ~
~ And when he becomes adult, let him get i d , because ~
!1 if that child becomes of mature age and not i d as *
:} result of which he commits sin, the father will held ~
; responsible for that sin." (Baihaqi) ~
i i
~ ~
! 1 seek refuge in Al1ah from Shaytaan the rejected . ~

~ Al1ah in ' : " thoseamong who single I
~ and u n i d or the virtuous ones from among your slaves, male or ~
(;; female; if they in poverty, Al1ah will give them means out of HlS :$
~ grace, for Allah encompasses and knows things." ~
i i
~ ~
~ ~
! ~
~ ~
S ~
L ~~~4 5 ~~~~
O~~~~ ~~~~O~,
.Itbah: 11

f i
~ %
~; l l praises are due to Allah. We praise Him the praise of . ~
Q: who believes in the One-ness of Allah, Such belief that destroys the ~
~ worship of besides Him. And we glorify Him, in such '*
~ glorification whereby we emphatically declare that everything besides (1-
~ Allah is useless, and not to feared. We thank Him for having raised 8
~r the heavens as His servants and for having laid down ft.
~ the earth as carpet and bedding for them. And has made the .%
:} night to follow the day and has made the night as covering and has ~
~ created the day as means of eaming sustenance. We bear witness :;,
~ that there is other being worthy of worship except Allah alone, %
~ without or associate. And we bear witness that our master (1-
~ Mu h a mma d . ~ is Allah's servant and messenger, from whose fountain ~
~ the believers will go away having completely quenched their thirst after ~
~ having arrived there thirsty for drink. Al1ah's choicest blessings . :
~, u him, his family and his companions, who did not leave aside ~
~~ effort energy for the sake ofhelping the deen ofIslam. ~
~ 1. muslims, Rasulul1ah ~has said: "Verily the acquisition of %'
~ halaal eamings is compulsory duty every muslim after {t
i . ~ the other compulsory duties." (Baihaqi)
i 2. RasuJul1ah!i1! a1sosaid: "None ofyou has ever bctter i
~ meal than that which he eamed with his hands. (Bukhary) ~
f ~
~ 3. Rasulul1ah .. aJso said: " h e honest and trustworthy trader :S
IJ. and merchant shal1 raised with the prophets, the truthful ~
i S ones, and the martyrs." ( i n i t h i , Daarmy, I n Majah)
i 4. R a s u l u l l a h . ~ also said: "Nabi Moosa ~\ hired himself out in . ~
~ employment for period of 8 to 1 years for the sake of ~
L'6 keeping his private parts chaste and for acquiring food:Jand ~
for stomach." (Ahmad, I n Majah)
O~O} ~~. ( 8 47 i } ~~~O~<I
O~~~~ ~~~~O~~
5. Rasulullah ~ also told person to go and cut wood and to
~ sell it and told him: "that is better for than that should
.9.! the day of qiyaamat with your [ scarred due to ~
f1 begging." ( u Dmvood, l n Maja11) %
~ Yes it is permissible for that person who is strong and self ~
~ sufficient to leave aside the earning of livelihood
~ condition that does not neglect ofhis responsibilities. ~
~ Ithas reported that there used to two brothers during ~
~ the time of Rasulullah ~. of them used to present himself to the {:
~ presence of Rasulullah ~ at all times while the other used to ~
~ busy in his profession, earning living. This second brother ~
(;: complained to Rasulullah ~about his brother to which R a s u l u l l a h . ~ ~
~ said in reply: "Perhaps are receiving your sustenance through the ~
~ acts committed him." - i
~ ~
~ 1 seek refuge in Allah from Shaytaan the rejected , ~
~ ~
~ l l says in the Quran: "And when the Friday has i
~ performed, then spread forth in the land, seeking Allah's bounty. And %
:, remember Allah abundantly that successful." {t
i ~
~ ~
~ ~
i ~
i s
~ i
S ~
L ~~~~49 8 } ~~~~
!Itbah:12 S
S ~ A R A A E A R N I N GS
f;; Allpraises to Allah, Who has created sticky clay ~
~ and then f o r e d in the best f o r and with the perfect nature. ~
~ Thereafter was nourished with milk that was palatable, ~
~ produced from betweenexcreta and blood (in the bodiesof catt1e)and ~
~ yet is like cold water.Allah then protected what granted ~
'!;. ofpure riziq as protection against weakness and exhaustion. ; :
:} And then commanded him to always look for permissible ~
~ sustenance. Webear witness that there is worthy ofworship ~
~ e ~c e p t Allah alone, without n p a ~~r associate. And we bear 'S-
~ W1tness that Sayeduna Mu h a a d ~ 1S Allah's chosen servant and ~
~ messenger, the who guides us from going astray. Allah's {:
:! blessingsdescend n h i , hisoffspringandhiscompanions, ~
~wh o werethebestofoffspringandthebestofcompanions. ~
~ J
g ~
i 1. Thereafter, mu s l i s , Rasulullah~said:"VerilyAllahhas ~
~ prohibitedthesaleofliquor, the bodiesofdead animals(who ~
~ diedoftheirownaccord),swineandidols."(Bukhary, Muslim) ~
~ s
~ 2. Rasulullah~ alsosaid:"Thetradersandmerchantswi1l W
:} brought forth the day ofqiyaamat as evildoers, except .
~ those who feared Allah, worked righteousness and were ~
t I trustworthy." ( , mi t . Majah, , Baihaqi)
~ 3. Rasulullah~hascursedtheperson whotakesinterest,the i
~ n who gives interest, the n who writes down the '
transactioninwhichinterestisinvolvedandthewitnessesto ~
thecontract." (Muslim) !
~~O~~~{ 8 51 j } ~~~O~~
~O~~~~ " ' P U ~~~O~~
4. Rasulullah~alsosaid:"When personsel1ssomething: ~~c ~ i
is faulty without informing the buyer ofthe fault, such {:
person wil1remainintheanger of Allahandtheangels wil1 -&
g continuetocursehim." (Ibn MajahJ
~ 5. Rasulullah ~ said: "Whosoever unjustly and dishonestly ~
% usurps piece oflandthe sizeofthespanof hand, then 'S
~ thedayof qiyaamatsevenearthswil1 entangledaround ~
~ hisneck." . (Bukhmy, Muslim) i
'!1 6. ItisreportedthatRasulullah~hascursedthe whogives -%
:} bribe and the who accepts bribe as well asthe ~
~ who acts go-betweenbetweenthe two ofthem." ~
~ (Ahmad, Baihaqi) '*
~ 7. Rasulullah~alsosaid:"Donotdeceitfullyincreasetheprice ~
~ of articleat auctionand donot inthe saleofanimals, {:
.% [ the udders ofcamels and cows unmilked, therebyto ~
"ii deceivethebuyers." (Bukhary, Muslim) ~
~ 8. R a s u l ~, l 1 a h ~alsosaid:"Whosoeverdeceives (others) isnot t
~ ofme. ~
1seekrefugeinAllahfromShaytaantherejected .
~ l l says: " who , do ! your among ~
~ yourselves false and dishonestmeans, exceptlfit among u r ~
'S dealingsandtrade mutual goodwil1.Anddonotdestroyyourselves, ~
~ engaging inprohibitedactivities. VerilyAllahhasalways most
mercifulto . " ~
~ ~
g g
L ~. ~; t : ' N ~~ j ) ~~o ~~ 53

t bah : 13


~ praises due to Allah, Who has overwhe1med the chosen
~ ones from among his servants with His grace and favours. And has ~
f}. caused [ and brotherhood to to exist between their hearts and %
~ through that has caused them to brothers and sisters, through ~
~ His grace. And has removed from their hearts l l and thereby 8
~ caused them to friends and confidants in this world and in the ft.
'!; l1ereafter they wil1 even friends and mates. *
~ We bear witness that there is worthy of worship except ~
~ AHah alone, without a n y _ p ~r t n e r or associate and we bear witness that ~
%Sayeduna Muhammad ~ lS H1S servant and messenger. Allah's ~
~ choicest blessings and his offspring and his companions ~
~ those who foHowed his path in word and deed and in actions ofJustice f;:
~ and righteousness. ~
~ muslims, know that to observe the rights ofothers, the ordinary 1:
~ ones as well as the special ones among them is of the greatest ,
~ deeds whereby draws to Allah. And the carefu1 consideration fJ.
~ ofthese rights is something which purifies brotherhood and friendship ~
8[ r o l 1 impurities. And ABah and His Rasul has encouraged us to\vards g
~ that. ~
~ Allah says: "Do not ki11 your chi1dren for [ ofpoverty." ~
~. And Al1ah says: "And to women due rights to the {:
~ rights due them." And Al1ahsays: "And ABah orders ...that u ~
'fif kind towards parents and to the next of kind and towards near t
:} neighbours, companions, travellers and to those slaves whom your right ~
~ hand possesses.", . . .. ~
1. Rasu1ul1ah ~s d : " every Mus1lmthere are SlX nghts due ~
~ towards another Mus1im: to visit him when he is sick, to attend ~
R his funeral when he dies, to answer his invitation when he {:
~O invites , to greet when he meets , when he ~
g sneezes and says Alhamdu-lillah, he rep1ies " Allah ~
L ~ have mercy , " and to sincerely protect his inte::Jrests ~
when he is absent." (
~~O~~~{ 8 55 ~~~O~O
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~~
2. R s u l l l 1 1 : ! f f , also said: "Allah does not show u
~ him who does not show towards people." ~
9.! ( u k / r , ) ~
3. Rasulullah ~also said: "The believers like single person.
Ifthe pains the whole b ~d y feels that pain. ~d when l1is
head pains the whole body lS affected that . "
~ ~~~
~ 4. Rasulullah ~ also said: "1wam u against harbouring ~
suspicions against , [ suspicion is the worse form of {:
speech and do not spy u each other, do not deceive each f:.
other, do not harbour j ealousy against each other and do ~
~. . . hold hatred in u hearts against each other but brothers ~
~. of each other in brotherhood." ~
~ ~
1 seek Allah's protection against the Shaytaan the rejected . ~

~: And Allah says: "Verily { Mu h a mma d ~} u the bearer ~
~r of the most noblest character." ~
~ ~
i t
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
i i
~t ~
~; ~
~~ g
L ~... i t ' W} ~" " ~~~O. i t ' W} J 57
O~~~~ ~~~~O~,
tbah : 14

f i
~ l l praise to Allah Who has granted the chosen ones from "
~ among his creation the great favour directing their attentions towards ~
~ true amiable relations with Him. And granted tranquility to their ~
~ souls through their and conversation with Him and ~
. ! His showering upon them His grace. So much so that those f whose ~
~ thoughts the veils have been removed have f d solitude and to ~
~ detached from the world and its beings. And so they have ~
~ estranged familiarity with meneven though those "
~ of their closest and relatlves. %
~ We witness that there is other being worthy of worship ~
~ than Allah alone, without a n y ~p ~r t n e r associate and we witness {:
~ that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ lS Allah's servant and messenger, the --s.
~ leader of the prophets and the chosen among His creation. ~
~ Allah's choicest blessings and salutations continue to descend ,
%him, his offspring and his companions, the leaders among mankind. ~
~ muslims, the scholars ofIslam hold different opinions as to which ofthe ~
:, following, being secluded the hand and regarding ~
~ mixing with them is most f d . The truth of the matter is that the ~
,' reply differs according to the difference in conditions around us in times ~
~ of and upheavals, and also according to the strong weak ~
~ attitudes of the persons involved and according to the companions {:
~ keeps with their different states of piety and hannfulness. ~
~ ~
i 1. Rasulullah / . hassaid: While describing the evil situations ~
~ that will arise one day. The sahabah then questioned him as ~
~ to what wou1d his instructions at that time, said: "(At {:
% that time) attached to your homes (thereby avoiding mixing ~
'& with people, except in cases ofnecessity)." -%
~ (Jam-ul Fawaaid, u Dawood, i r mi t h i ) .
L " ) ( ; : W) ~~( 8 59 ~~~o ) ( ; : W) ~
~O~~~~ ~~~~<i " ~' ; ; '
. 2. Rasulullah ~also said: "Very is the time when the best
~ possessions of muslim will goats will follow towards ~
! the mountain peaks and places where rain water fell, ~
O whereby will seek to escape with his deen [ the ~O
intrigues and trials ofthis world."

; (Jam-ul Fawaaid, ; , Nasai) ~
i 3. Rasulul1ah $ said regarding the time oftrials and corruption, ~
~ "Remain attached to the j amaat ofmuslims and their leader." {:
.% Then was asked: "And ifthey have united front and f;.
united leader?" replied: "In that case remain aloof from ~
(: their divisions." ~
~ (Jam-ul Fawaaid, . Muslim, Dawood) ~
! 4. Rasulul1ah iiJ; also said: "Remaining is better than ( ~~~
~ have an evil companion and good companion is better than
~ . " ~
~ ~
~ ~ 1 seek refuge in l 1 from Shaytaan the rejected one.
i ~
~ And l 1 says in the Quran: "Moosa ~\ said: " Lord, 1 ~
~ have. control over except myself and brother { 8
! ~\ } so us from the sinful evil doing people." ~
~ ~
i ~
j ~
~ ~
g ~
L ~~~, " , 61 f l ~~~~~
O~~~~ ~~~~O~,
tbah : 15

f i

All praises are due to Allah Who has opened the mind's eyes of ~
~ His friends through wisdom and various lessons learnt. And has ~
fJ. especially directed their energies towards observing His creation while *'
f5 being at and ajourney and has blessed them with them taking ~
" lessons from what the sees. And we bear witness that there is ~
other being worthy ofworship except alone, without partner ~
~ associate and we bear witness that Sayeduna Muhammad is ~
:} Allah's servant and messenger, the chosen from among mankind. ~
~ Allah's choicest blessings and salutations descend him, his ~
~i offspring and his companions. those who follow his character and i ~
his pattern oflife.

~ muslims, verily and the shariah has given n i s s i for {:
~ travel1ing and had ordered that it undertaken ifthere is need cal1ing ~
~ for it, which is obligatory or n i s s i . And the Shariah has laid down -r:
~ certain mles and also mention certain virtues of it. ~
% In this regard Al1ah says: And whosoever leaves his house fi.
~ hijratjourney towards Al1ah and then death overtakes him, his reward ~
~ shal1 with . "Verily l l is Most Forgiving, Merciful." i
~ Al1ah also says: "So whosoeverofyou is sickoron ajourney, let ~
i him fast number of other days at another time." ~
~ . And Al1ah says: "And ifyou sick or ajourney or of ~
.9.! comes from having answered the of nature has in ~
~ contact with woman, and find water, then take for yourself t
:} l sand as purification ( t a y a u ) .
J ~
i 1. And Rasulullah I ; said: "Verily Allah revealed to [ ! . ~
~ whosoever sets forth in path to seek knowledge for him 1 ~
g will ease the path towards paradise." (Baihaqi) ~
L ~..~~" 3 A ~~~~
{ WO~~~( W~~~~O~~
2. And said R a s u l u l l a h ~: " person set forth to visit his
in another vi11age. Allah posted angel his path ~
who asked him:" Whieh way are u going?" answered: -&
~ "It is intention to visit brother in this vil1age." The .;
:} angel then inquired" " u other favour that u ~
~ wish to rewarded for?" replied: "No, nothing exeept ~
that 1 1 0 him for the sake of Allah." The angel replied: "1 ~
messenger from Allah (to inform ) . " "Verily Allah 's
[ u in the same way that u [ him for His sake." 8
~ (Muslim) ~
~ 3. Rasulullah ~said: "Travelling is part ofpunishment, for it .w
:} deprives of his sleep, his food and his drink and thus ~
~ wh ~ of u h ~v e f u l ~l 1 e d his need through his travel, ~
i let hurry baek to hlS fam11y." (Bukhary, Muslim) ~
~ 1seekrefuge Allah ftom the accursed Shaytaan. fi
~ And I I : "And ! of those who ! forth ftom their !
:, homes, boastfully to seen ofmen and who prevent from the path of ~
i I I andknowtha!Allah is fuIIy awareoftheir . " i
i. ~
i i
~ i
i i
~ ~
S !
L ~o ; t 1 i ) ~f i O) ~~Ok 8 ) ~ 6s
O~~~~ ~~~~O~,
t bah : 16

f i
~ l 1 praises due to l 1 Who has prohibited us from p1acesof ~
~ amusementwhichpuHs us towards sin andtowardsthe f o r i d d e n acts. ~
~ We bear witness that there is other being worthy ofworship ~
~ e ~c e p t l l , without ~: ~t n e r associate and we bear {:
~ wltness that Sayeduna Muhammad $ Allah's servant and messenger ~
who has c1eansed us from evils pertaining to pride and and has ~
(: a1so saved us from temptations and ca1amities. :s
,g, Allah's and blessings descend u and his :?!
t fami1yand his companions whom we seek perfection for ourse1ves ~
gandthroughwhomwe just1y proud. these sa1uta6ons without 8
~ number and unto etemity, ~
O Verily there shall attached to these research ~O
scholars and jurists who went beyond the bounds of permissibility in
their endeavors of singing in order to reach certain levels of spiritual
~ development. But some of the general masses as well as some of the -%'
:} leamed ones definitely went beyond the boundaries of permissibility {t
~ f o l l o wi ~g their own fancies and placed themselves in the line of ~
~ destructlOn, .%
! ~
i 1. Rasu1ullah ~ said: "Singing creates hypocrisy in this heart ~
j u ~t as wat,erb r i ~g s forth v e g e ! : . l t l O~s . " (Baihaqi) And y ~t in ~
ofthls saymg ofRasu1ullah ~ these persons

such person as saint. ~
i . ~
2. Rasulullah ~said: "Donot sel1 singing girls purchase them, ~
. for price received is haraam." (Ibn Majah) In this regard ~O
the following verse was revealed: "And among are those

! who buy amusement ( i n speech)." !

~~O~~~~ 67 8 } ~~~O~~
~O~~~~ ~~~( WO~~
3. Rasulullah. ~ alsosaid: "Allahhassent as tothe
~ entire creationand aguidanceunto them and Lord has '-
.9.! commanded todestroyallmusicalinstruments,flutesand -&
~ idols andcrosses andtodestroy allthepagancustomsofthe ~
:1 daysofignorance." (Allmad) ~
i ~
g4. AndRasulullah'" . mentionedof thesignsofthecoming ~
~ ofqiyaamat saying: "And arnong those signs is the ~
'!j. ofsinginggirlsandmusical instruments." '
~ ( i r mi t h i ) ~
~ ~
i i 1seekrefugeil1 Allahfrom therejectedShaytaan.
~ AndAllahsays: " surprisedatthesetalks and laugh ~
~ anddonotcryandyetlift heads inpride." i
i ~
i i
~ ~
R ~
~ i
i i
i ~
g g
L ~; t : 8 ) ~~ i ) ~~~ ff)
sltbab: 17
~ All praises due to Allah Who has made the enjoining ofgood ~
~ and the forbidding ofevil ofthe most important aspects ofdeen and ~
~ for this purpose, has sent the messengers. And 1bear witness that ~
~ there is other being worthy ofworship except Allah l , without {:
:t or associate and 1bear witness that Sayeduna Muhammad ~
f9 ~ is i s servant and messenger, who had delivered that which was %
~ revealed to him from his Lord, the Lord ofthe Universe. the ~
~ and blessings of Allah him and his fami1y and his companions, ~
, g , who 1 expressed the truth and in the affairs of Allah did fear ~*
rebuke or from of those who and rebuke.

~ Veri1y Al1ah says.: "Let there among group of l ~
.% who invite towards goodness, who enjoin the doing of good and forbid ~
'ii the doing of evi1and these are those who will successfu1." ~
~ AndAllahsays: " Wh d t t h A l 1 a h - f e a r i n g a n d t h ( r a b i s ) t
-s. leamed ones forbid them fromtheir evil talks and eating unlawful ~
:} wealth? evilisthatinwhichtheyindulge." {t
i ~
~ 1. Rasu1ul1ah ~ said: "Whoever ofyou sees evi1 ! being ~
~ committed, let him stop it with his hands and ifhe is u n to ~
! do so, 1et him change it with his tongue and ifhe had not the ~
~ power to do so, then let him detest it with his heart, and this t
! ratter line Of ~a c t i o n is tbe lowest f n of b n a . " (Mu,lim) !
;g 2. Rasulullah ~also s d : "In commUnlty wh there ~
~ is who commits evil deeds and while they are to ~
~ stop him f such deeds, they refrain from prohibiting him {:
i from such deeds, then before they die Allah wil1inflict ~
~ them harsh punishment because of him." ~
! ~ ( Dawood, Ibn Majah)
~~o . i t W} ~~( 8 71 8 } ~~~O~~
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~~
r :
3. Rasulullah i3 also said: "When sin has committed 01. ,\
~ earth, then he who witnessed it and d. isliked and detested it, {:
.9.! shall as if he had absent when it was done; and the ~

who was absent when it was committed but is pleased ~O

with it shal1 as ifhe was present when it was committed.

~ ( Dawood) ~
~ 4. Rasulullah ~also said: "Allah revealed to Jibreel: " and I
~ tum such such town upside-down its inhabitants." *
:} Jibreel remarked; " Lord, in that town there is who ~
~ has not disobeyed not for as long as twinkling of i'
f;;. . " Allah replied: "Overtum that town him and l l %
~ of t h e ~, for his face never changed colour in dissatisfaction ~
I thelf deeds for sake." (Baihaqi) i
O ~
1 seek refuge in Al1ah from Shaytaan the accursed. ,
And Allah says: " Muhammad iJIiO keep 10 forgiveness e n j i n I
~ goodness and tum away from the ignorant ones. " ~
i ~
~ ~
~ ~
i !
~ ~
g !
L ~i ) ~73 f ) ~~~o J
tbah : 18
q q
f i
S g R A S U L U L L A ' S f 3 A N N E R A S ITS BASIS
~ praises due to Allah Who created everything in perfection ~
. and endowed His messenger with the best character in finest form ~*
and purified his attributes and chose him as his chosen and
~ be1oved. And granted others the abi1ity to emu1ate his ways, for {:
~ those who intended to beautified thereby and deprived those ~
~ f following his ways who desired to destroy himself. R;
~ 1bear witness that there is other being worthy of worship ~
i except Allah a1one, without partner or associate and 1bear witness ~
~ that Nabi Muhammad ~is his chosen messenger and servant who had W
~ been sent to teach the best of character. Allah's chosen and ~
~ choicest blessings u him, his fami1y and his companions, who had ~
.% taught and cu1tured the peop1e from various parts ofthe wor1d. ~
'ii Thereafter, here few of the socia1 manners of Rasu1ullah ~
~ ~. So that member of his flock follow and thereby gain good ~.
i reward from them: i
i ~
R; 1. Rasu1ullah ~was the best, the most generous and the bravest '!J
g.o of l . (Bukhary, Mu s l i ) ;
~ ~
i.. 2. Rasulullah ;jj, never ever lifted his hands to hand heatiog I
~ u anything, not , ' , , slave, except when he ~
i fought in the path of . ( Mu s l i ) ~
i 3. Rasulullah ~was never obscene in speech indecent and i
neither was he loudmouthed in the bazaars. did not repay R;
O evil with evil but instead he forgave and over1ooked. : J ~
( i r mi t h i )
O~O} ~~~ 75 8 } ~~~O} O
~O~~~( W~~~~O~: : : ,
4. Rasulullah ~used to visit the sick, attend the funerals ofthe
i$ deceased and accepted the invitations of slaves. {:
~ (Ibn Majal1) ~
g ~
i 5. used to his own sandals, sew his own clothes, he ~
t used to do his o ~domestic \vork, l his clothing, milk his ~
goa's and attended his persona1 needs. ( r mi t h i ) i

_ 6. Itwas his habit to remain silent for 10ngperiods of time." w

~ (Sharhus Sunnah) ~
~ 7. Anas 4, says: "1 served Rasulullah ~for twenty years. During g
~ this period he never used to say: " ' ( way of expressing ~
~ disgust or rebuke) and never did he ever ask : "Why did ~
- - do that?" or "Why did not do that?" ~
~ ~~~~,
'* 8. Rasulullah JI, was told: " messenger of Allah, curse ~
"f'1 the polytheist." replied: "1have not sent to curse 1 ~
i only as m ( . " ( ) !
i 9. Rasulullah ~ was modest than virgin in her private ~
~ secluded space. When he was displeased with anything we {:
:i! would perceive it the expression of his face.(Bukhary) ~
~ details of his character are found in the books of t
:} hadeeth.
1 seek refuge in Allah the accursed Shaytaan. :;,
~ ~
g And : "Veri1y iodeed ( Muhammad) 8
~ the most character." ~
S g
L ~o ~~" " 71 t } ~~~
tbah : 19

f i

~ praises are due to , Who is informed of the ~
~ most 1 secretive ofintentions, Who is the n o we r ofthe ~
~ mind's perception, is the Director of the hearts (of ) the ~
~ Forgiver of sins. I testify that there is deity besides l l 1 , Who ~
ghas partner. I a1sotestify that our 1eader, Mu h a mma d ~, His servant 8
~ and messenger is the 1eader of the prophets, that has ~
~ encompassed the entire Deen (Re1igion of IsHlm) that is to ;
:} terminate the s t r g of the apostates. ~
u of Allah's sa1utations and blessings u ~
~ him his pure fami1y. ~
" Indeed, rectification ofthe intema1 spiritua1 se1f is the pillar ~
~ to reform one's extema1 se1f. This is extracted from the teachings of (:
~ the ' and Sunnah (life pattem) ofhim who was the messenger to ~
~ jinn. Indeed Allah says "Rather say -We submitted I
~ ourse1ves". a1so says " I n it is not the eyes (senses - that
%blind to rea1ities) but the hearts in the breast ofmen fai1ed to take
~ consideration." In other simi1ar verses, Allah says "We swear the ~
~ sou1and Who has fashioned it, Who has a1soinspired it to it's evi1or . ~
~ piety. Sure1y, successfu1 has the individua1 who has purified it and ~
; fai1ure is the 10t ofhimwho has destroyed it (its pure attribute - sin). 'fY.
" 1. Rasu1ullah ~ said: "Indeed, there is piece of flesh in the ~
~ , when it is in order, the entire remains in order and ~
when it ~s corrupted, the entire body becomes corrupt. n o w ~

i 2.
well! It IS the heart. . (Bukhiil-i and Mu s l i )
Rasu1ullah ~said to Wabisa 4if, " u questioning

; about virtue sin". answered "Yes". Rasu1ullah ~then ~
~ c1enched his fingers struck his (Wabisa's) chest with ~
~ themsaying thrice to him. "Question your sou1,question your {:
~ heart. Virtue is that to which your sou1 and heart finds ~
~ contentment. Sin is that which disturbs your sou1and excites ;
:} your consciousness, though 1 counse1 u (to the ~
contrary)." ( A h a d and Da a r i i ) ~
{ i r J ; . , o ~~~~ 79 1 8 } ~~{ i r J ; . , O~~ L
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~; ; ,
3. RasulullahiIif; said: "Deeds arejudgedin tothe
r :
intentionsf o ~ Wh.iChtheywere made. (Bukhiiri andMuslim) ~
~ 4. Rasulullah ~ ] : "Some people would ofthose who ~

~ performSaHih,keptfast,performedtheHajandUrnrah,etc., i'
i Rasulullah. ~ mentioned all the divisionsofvirtue), but(Du'a g
~ tohisothermisdeeds)hewillnot rewarded theDayof~
% ~i y ~ma h except~o t h e extentandsizeofhisintelligence(i.e., 'S-
~ hlS bellef aboutAllah). (Baihaqi) ~
5. Rasulullah . ~ "The inhabitants ofthe sky (i.e., the angels) i
willrespectively(whenthesoulsofbelieversanddisbelievers ~' "
areupliftedtoit)say:" goodsoul"and"Anevilsoul".

Q ( o/Imiim h ] ~

~i 6. Rasulullah~said:" h e angelsofdeath(woulc)likewisesay ~~
"Opuresoul"or" Evilsoul"
~ 1seekrefugewith Allahfrom Shaytaan,the accursed.
i 1
g ~ Allahsays: "Indeed inthat (the issue mentionedin Surah Qaaf
~ pertaining to the ' , death, the hereafter, the creations ofthe :$
i:.heavens and earth, the rains and crops, the various prophets, the ~
~ creation of , etc.), there exist reminder for those who have ~
" (perceptive) heart or attentively listen (and evaluate) the truth and ~
~ testify(tothepowerofAllah). ~
~ ~
~ ~
i ~
S g
L <WJ \ . o ~~( i I 1 I ) ~( i I : ; . O~~ 81
tbah : 20
J i
R E F R N N G A R A R ~

l 1 praises are due to l l Who has beautified the form of ~
~ through granting unto him the best standing and size. And has ~
fJ. protected him against becoming overgrown and against being under- ~
; ; developed in his shape and size. And has made the beautification of ~
~ man's character subject to his great efforts and has encouraged "
i towards adoming his character through injunctions from Himself ~
~ and wamings. ~
~ We bear witness that there is ofworship except Allah alone, ~
. without a n y a . s ~o c i ~t e or and we bear witness that Sayeduna ~
Muhammad ~lS servant and messenger, from whose forehead the i
rays of prophethood shone forth. And the reality of truth could

~ observed from his character and his prophecies. ~
*" Al1ah's choicest blessings u him and his family and ~
~ his companions who purified Is1am f the darkness of Kufr. T h ~
~ completely uprooted l 1 falsehood and completely unaffected
'* falsehood, the little and the u thereof. Q
~ . T h e r e ~f t e r , muslim! Verily good c h a r . ~c t e r is . s ~e c i a l quality g
~ of 1 who lS the leader of l 1 the prophets ~. And lS the best of ~
~ deeds of the Siddeeqs-the truthful ones. And bad character is evil :S
R; which removes f nearness to l 1 ; the Lord of l 1 . 1t diverts its ~
" perpetrator towards the ranks of the Shaytaans. It is as l 1 says: ~
~ "Successful indeed is that who purifies his soul and failure is i
~ who corrupts or spoils it." f:
:} 1. Rasulul1ah~said: "Verilythe heaviest thing to p1acedin
i be1iever scan of deeds the day of Qiyaamah will good i
character. And l 1 greatly dislikes obscene person." ~
( T i r i t h i )
Q "1\
~ 2. Rasulul1ah ~ a1so said: "Verily, through good character, {:
~ believer attains the rank of person standing in ibadah ~
throughout the night and also fasting throughout the day.": ~
~ ( u Dawood)!
~~O ~~~A 83 8 ) , u . : \ ~j ~l " O~O~~
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~; ,
3. Rasulul1ahfJ;also said: "Thepersonwhomixeswith l
andtoleratestheirharmwith isbetterthan himwho {: ~
; does mix with l and does not tolerate theirharm ~
g S towardshim." ( i r mi t h i . Ibn Majah)
~ 4. Rasulul1ah~alsosaid:"Thebelieverwiththemostcomplete ~
%' faith isthe with the bestcharacter." 11
~ ( Dawood, Daarmy) ~
i ~ 1seekrefugeinAl1ahfrom Shaytaan,the accursed.
i AndAHahsays: "And avoid outwardsins , weH , I
~ sins. Verilythosewho commitsins, wi1lsoon rewarded(punished) :
~ [ the sinstheycommitted." ~
6 ~
~ J
g ~
i i
~ ~
R ~
! ~
j ~
~ ~
s ~
L ~o ~~f i ' I I ) ~~~~ 85
t bah : 21

f i

~ praises are due to Who has taken n Himself the ~
{: responsibility ofprotecting His servants in his arrivals and movements ~
~ and is the Who feeds and gives him to drink and the protects *'
;r; him against destruction and guards him. And preserves him with '1i
~ food and drink from that which causes his destruction. And enables ~
him to satisfied with little food and through that destroys his passions I
~ and saves him from the evils ofhis passions and lusts and then will .
~ \vorship his Lord and fear i . ~
~ And we bear witness that there is worthy ofworship except ~
~ alone, without n associate or and we bear witness that ~
~ Sayeduna Muhammad ~is AlIah's servant and His messenger and His ~
~ chosen prophet. Allah's choicest blessings n him and pious {:
:! offspring and relatives and the chosen ones from among his ~
O companions and those who folIowed them. ~
Verily the most feared ofthe passions and lusts is the passion ofthe
stomach and the private parts. people, fear l I , fear l I that do t
f1 not commit excesses inthese two. For verily Allah has said: "Eat, and drink t
~ and do not waste for verily l l does not love those who waste." {t
i And says: "Verily those who unjustly devour the possessions ~
R; ofthe orphans, they only devour fire (ofhel1) in their bellies." '&-
g And says: ' ~A n d devour inheritance-all greed." 8
~ And l l says: "And do not near to adultery, for it is -&
~ shameful deed and n evil opening the road (to other evils)." ~
O And says: "Do to other from this world ~o
(leaving aside women?)"
R; And Rasulullah ~said: "1 not left trial more harmful to '&-
i I the men , a n , t l ofwomen"
- '
'&- And RasululIah ~said to Sayeduna ~: " Ali, do not folIow ;
O~1 : : the look with another glance, for the first for and n0:Jt ~
second glance."
. o ~o . i t ; 1 i } ~~{ 8 a } ~~~O~O
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~; ,
r :
AndRasulullah~heard burpingandsaidto : "Reform
~ from burping eatingless for theDayof Qiyaamatthose whowill {:
! most hungry will those who were most satiated and filled to ~
Scapacity." (Sharhus Sunnah) ~
! ~
f: brothers,knowthatjust extravaganceisblameworthyand ~
~ condemnedinthe case ofthesetwo passions,inthatAllah's rights are ~
~ neglected beingtoomuchinvolvedwiththesepassions,soalsoisthe i
~. excessive diminishing ofthese passions also condemned because -%
:} through it the rightsofthe 'self or the rightsof the[ i l isneglected. ~
I And RasulullahJiI, said: "Verily wife rightover i
.~ andthe visiting has rightover andyourbodyalsohas ~
rightover . " . ~
~ 1seekrefugein l l from Shaytaan,the accursed.
Allah says: "And Allah desires that should accept your ~
~ Andthosewho fol1owtheirpassionsdesirethat should ~
~ turn away (from Him), far far away." (Surah 4:27) ~
~ i
~ i
~ ~
i i
i t
g g
L ~~~~&9 t ) ~~~J
i Itbah :22 . ~
N R N I N GW I N GN E ' S N G ~

~ praises are due to Allah Who has created mankind most ~
Q beautifully and fashioned him. And granted man's heart the treasures ~
fl. ofknowledge and perfected it. And blessed him with tongue with '*
.i[; which he interprets what the heart hides and what the heart thinks. And ~
~~. we witness " ' ! is worthy of worship l 1 ~
alone, without partner or associate and we bear witness that ~
~ Sayeduna Muhammad ~ is the servant al1d messenger of Allah whom ~
:} has honoured and granted respect, the prophet, whom sent with ~
Q the Qur'an, which revealed. Allah's choicest blessings and ~
~ salutations u him, his family and his companions for as long as %'
recite takbeer and tahleel. ~
~ Thereafter, muslims, verily the size of the tongue is smaH but ~
:! the wound it creates is very big. For this reason, the Shariah praised the ~
- - virtue of silence and encouraged it except in cases of uttering i
~~~ ,
'* 1. Rasulullah ~said: "Whosoever guarantees the safety of t;.
that which lies between his lips (i.e., the tongue) and that W
f: which lies between his legs (i.e., his private parts) to him 1 g
~ give the guarantee ofparadise." (Bukhary) ~
~ 2. Rasulullah ~also said: " swear at muslim is impiety and ~
! ! , fight wi'h himwith ' ofkil1highimis unbelief."
~ 3. Rasulullah ~ said: " slanderer wi1l not enter paradise ~
i i ( after being punished). "
~ ~
R 4. Rasulullah ~also said: "Verily truthfulness is virtue. Virtue f;:
leads to paradise, while falsehood is sin and leads to the ~~
fire." ( Mu s l i )

L ~~, " * 91 j ) ~~O~

~O~~~~ ~~~~O~~
. 5. AndRasu1ullah1f>, said: "Do u knowwaht isbackbiting?"
The companionsrep1ied: "Allahand His messenger know
~ best" Thenh ~ said: " isthat u mentionsomethingabout ~
~ yourbrotherwhichhedes1ikes."Thenitwasasked: "Whatis ~
~ thepositionifthatwhich 1mention about brotherisreally
~ inhim?" replied: "In that case u have reallybackbited ~
'& him,forifthatwhich u mentionedisnotinhim, u havein ~
~ fact s 1 a n d e r e ~ him." . . ( U ~l i m) ~
~ 6. Rasulullah ~ a1sosa1d: " who observes sI1encewI11 {:
~ safe." ( , , , Bailzaqi) ~
g ~
~ 7, Rasulullah~also said: "Thebeautyof person'sIslamisto ~
f}. discardthose thingswhichdonot . " *
~ .. ~ . . (Malik,': :A h ~a d ) ~
~ 8. Rasu1ullah~ ] : " who1S twofacedth1Sworldw111 f;:
.% the day ofQiyaamathave tongueoffire." ~
9. Rasulullah$ also said: The personwho degrades person ~
~ for sin ofwhich he had repented, wi1lnot die until he
i commitsthesame sin." ( i r mi t h i ) ~
i 10. a1so said: "Do display pleasure at yourbrother's ~
mi s ~o r t u n e ore l ~e Al.lahwi1l shower Hisblessingsu him ~D
andv l v u . " ( i r mi t h i )

R ~

1!. RasulullahiJ1, a!so said: "When faasiq (evildoer)isbeing ~
praised Allah becomes angry and the throne ofAl1ah
i i trembles." (Baihaqi)
~ . ~
~ 1seek refugeinAllahf o Shaytaanthe accursed. ~

~k : 0 And Al1ahsays: "Never does utter word excep:Jt that ~
thereis guard readyathand (torecordit)."
O~O~~~{ 8 93 1 } ~~~O~o
o~~~~ ~~~~o~,
t bah : 23


f i
~ praises to AHah, Whose pardon and mercy is not hoped "
~ except those having fuH hope. And fears His wrath and His i
~ authority except him who truly fears. And has saddled his servants ~
~ with and desires and has commanded them. to abstain from {:
& these. And has tested them with anger and order them to subdue ~
f}. their anger in cases where anger besets them. *
i I witness that there is worthy ofworship except AHah g
~ alone, without partner or associate. And I bear witness that ~
:f: Sayeduna Muhammad ~is His chosenservant and messenger, the ~
~ under whose banner the prophets' will march. AHah's choicest ~
~ blessings descend him, his family, and in suchnumbersof l 1 that {:
~ existed in the past and what will exist in future for through his blessings f;.
~ both the former generations and the later generations receive the i
~ bounties ofAl1ah. ,
% After this, muslims, Verily angerwithout due cause and its ~
~ subsequent results ofhatred andjealousy are things that destroyed ~
~ peoples. And in condemnation thereof Al1ah has said. in the Quran: :$
~ "When those who disbelieved had set in their hearts zealotry, the :
*zealotry of the age of ignorance, then Al1ah sent down His and ~
~ tranquility His messenger and the believers and imposed ~
~ them the testification to piety, for they were most worthy of it. And ~
~ Al1ahis aware of l l things." ~
:} In another verse Allah says: "And let not hatred of peoplee
i induce to deal u n j u s ~~y , deal justly. h a t is n e a r e ~ to piety."p
. And AHah says: Say I seek refuge the lord of the ~
" daybreak. ..... from the jealous when he practises his jealousy." ~
~ 1. ~c e ~i n S a ~a b i asked for some advice and R a s u l u l l a ~ {:
~ ~ advlsed hlm: "Do not angry." The same Sahabl ~
repeated his question and again RasuluHah ~told him: "Do ~
~ not angry." (Bukhary) ~
~~o ; t ; ; i } ~~( 8 95 i ' } ~~~o ; t ; ; i } ~
2. Rasulullah~alsosaid:"Whena n becomesangrywhile
~ heisstanding , lethimsitdown.Andiftheangersubsides, {:
~ goodandwell,otherwiselethimliedown." ~
"* ~ ( i mt h i , Ahmad)
:; 3. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Do not harbourjealousy for ~
~ anotherand donothave hatredfor another." ~
i i ( u k h , Muslim)
4. And Rasulullah~ said: "Verilythe illness ofother nations ~
~ before have into , namely,jealousyandhatred. *
:; Theyare very destroying factors. 1donot saythat they cut ~
~. offthe hairbut theyinfactdestroyyourdeen." ~
ff (Ahmad, i r mi t h i ) :;
~ 5. Rasulullah~ said: "1wam againstjealousyfor verily ~
~ jealousyeats gooddeeds likefireeats wood." i
~ 1
~ 6. And said:"Thedoorsofjannah openedeveryMonday ~
~ and Thursday and then everyone who did not ascribe ~
:, partnersuntoAllah forgiven exceptthatpersonbetween ~
whom and his brotherthere was enmity and hatred about ~
O them i.s s a ~d : "Leave these two alone until they ~D
reconcl1ed. (Muslim)

~ ~
1seekrefugeinAllah from Shaytaanthe accursed. ~
~ And Allah says theQuran: "Thosewho spend (ofthatwhich ~
*Allah has given them) in times ofease and times ofadversity, those ~
~ whocontrol theirangerandpardonmankindforfaultscommitted.And ~
verilyAllahloves thosewhodogoodtoothers." ~
g g
L ~o ~~, " , '" ~~~O~~
~ Itbab:24 S
i N D N I N F S WR L D ~
l 1 praise is due to Al1ah, Who causes His friends to know and ~
~ recognise the dangers of this world and its disasters. And also ~
~ unveiled to them the faults ofthe world and its defects. And thus they i ~
)(} realize that the evils of the world exceed the good things therein. h e
~ things in this world which desired and hoped for not void of
~ dangers. And they also realize that the beautiful aspects of this world i
~ are not free from stains ofinpurity and neither are moments ofhappiness
:} free ofaspects which are disturbing. This world makes its occupants to
~ hope for happiness but promises them deception. ~
fJ. 1bear witness that there is worthy of worship except Al1ah ~
~ alone, without or associa:e ~d 1bear witness that our master ~
~ and leader Sayeduna Muhammad ~ IS the servant and messenger of {:
~ Al1ah, who has sent to l 1 the nations as wamer and bringer of ~
~ good news as wel1as shining lamp ofguidance. Al1ah's blessings ~
~ him, his family and his companions in great abundance.
*' h e r e a f t e r , muslims, verily the verses revealed in .
~ the Qur'an condemning this world and its evils. h e Qur'an is ful1of W
i verses condemning this world and ofdiverting from it and inviting g
~ towards the hereafter. That was the major objective of the :s
~ prophets and they were not sent to this world but for this object. The ~
" verses in which this was expounded are indeed and wel1 1}
i known. few hadeeth in this regard are mentioned here: ~
~ 1. Rasulul1ah ~said: "1 swear Allah this world in comparison f:
:} with the hereafter is like of putting his finger into the
~ sea o ~ river: Let him see how much of the water of the river ~
~ r s his fmger when he removes the f g e r . " ( Mu s l i ) :s
i 2. An? Rasulul1ah g{t; s ~i d : "Verily this ~o r l d is prison for the ~
~ bel1ever and paradlse for the unbel1ever." ( Mu s l i ) '='
i 3. Rasulullah ~also said: "Ifthis world in the sight ofAJlah had ~
:} worth the wing of mosquito, A11ah would never ~
L have given unbeliever drop of water to drink:J" 00
( A h a d , i r i t h i )
O~O~~~( 8 <}) j } ~~~~<I

~O~~~~ ~~~~O~; ; ,
4. And Rasulullah ~said: "Whosoever loves this world
~ harm to his hereafter and whosoever loves his hereafter, ~
~ causes harm to his world therefore give preference to that ~
O which is eternal over that which will perish." ~o
(Ahmad, Bai/zaqi)

~ 5. Rasulullah ~ said: "What do 1have to do with this world?" ~
Myrelationship with this world is that of rider (in the desert) ~
who comes to seek shelter under the shade of tree, (rests

~ ~i t t l e ) and then leaves the to depart (further his ~
~ [ ) . " (Ahmad, i mi t h i , I n Majah) ~
'& 6. And R a s u l u l l a h . ~ said: "The love ofthis world is the root of ~
i g everyevil." (Baihaqi)
f}. 7. And R a s u l u l l a h . ~ said: " ofthe children ofthe hereafter %
~ and not ofthe children ofthe world." ( Nuaim)
~ 1 seek refuge in l l from Shaytaan the accursed. i
~ And Allah says: "But prefer the life ofthis world while the t
ghereafter is better and everlasting. " i
i ~
i ~

~ i
L ~..~~~ 101 f ) ~~~O~
O~~~~ ~~~~O~,
t bah : 25
f i


g ~ F L V E F R S WR L D
~ l l praisesisduetoAllahWhoreservespraiseforHisextended "
fl. sustenance to His servants. And removes harm from them after *
~ theyhadreached the1imitsof despair.And hascreatedthecreation ~
~ and providessustenancefor them generous1y. And has grantedto {:
~ this Universe kinds ofwealth and tests the creation with ~
~ variouschangingconditionssoastoascertainastowhoisthebestof*
:} them inactionandgrantsrespitetothosewhogive overthe ~
; hereaftertothiswor1d." ~
t And 1bear witness that there is deserving ofworship ~
~ except 1 , without partnerorassociateand1bearwitness ~
~ that SayedunaMuhammad ~ is His chosen servant and messenger, {:
*who through his re1igion has abrogated other religions and has ~
inc1udedinhisshariahthetruthsof re1igionsandcreeds. Allah's ~
choicestblessingsdescend him, his familyandhiscompanions,
thosewhotrodthepathoftheirLorddi1igent1y. Q
h e r e a f t e r , muslims, l l commandsus in the Qur'an: " ~
f: who be1ieve 1etnot your wea1th and your chi1dren divert :$
~ from the remembrance of l l . And whoever does that will of~
; ; the[ . " ~
g And l l says: "Thosewho act miser1yand commandothers "
~ towardsstinginessand 1 that which l l had grantedthem ofi
~ His graceandbounty." t
i 1. Rasu1ullah~said: "ThesonofAdamsays:" wea1th, i
~ wea1th!" son ofAdam ~notmng is yours exceptthat :t
R: which consumed and finished and which ~
" worn andcausedto tattersandwhat ~
spentincharityanduti1ized." ~
2. a1sosaid: "Bewareof stinginessforveri1ystinginesshas ~o
destroyed ofthosebefore . (Muslim)

L ~~~~ j ) ~~~~
~ 3. Rasulullah ~also said: " swindler and miser and o n ~, : ~~ i
~ reminds others of.his goodness towards them in charity will {:
! never enter . " ( i r mi t h i ) ~
~ 4. Rasulullah ~said: " son ofAdam ~' , it is better f o u to ~
:} spend surplus wealth than to hoard it. Hoarding for u ~
~ is harmful. u condemned for that which is ~
su.fficient for your needs and wh e ~ giving in charity begin ~
wlth those who your close . " (Muslim)
~ aware of the fact that the applies to when the ~
~ hoarding and eamings and for something other than for deen. ~
As regards saving for the sake of deen, l l has said in the ~
~ Qur'an: "And your Lord desired that they should ~
~ maturity and bring forth their treasure as from their ~
t Lord." This verse proves that wealth should not needlessly ~
~ squandered and that it will permissible to save for ~
~ economic n e ~e s s ~t i e s . . .. . ~
O 5. Rasulullah ~ saId: "Venly wl11 over m n k d ~O
when nothing will beneficial to mankind except the dinar
(gold coin) and the dirham (silver coin). (Ahmad)
~ i
i 6. Rasulullah ~ Said: " is harm in being rich for that ~
~ person who truly fears l l . " (Ahmad) t
~ 7. S u f y a ~n Thowri ~u s e ~ t.o say: " ~r e v i o u s l y ~e a l t h used to {:
~ dlsllked. . now, I t lS the shleld [ . " i
~ ~
i i 1 seek refuge in l l from the accursed Shaytaan.
~ And l l says: "Spend your wealth for the cause of l l and i
1f cast not yourselfinto destruction your own hands and do good. l l *
:} loves those who do good." ~
L ~~~' 0 8 105 ~~O. i t >QJ
O~~~~ ~~~~O~,
tbah : 26

f i
~ l l praise to Allah, the n o we r ofthe unseen, the Who is ~
~ completely aware of the secrets of the heart only those ~
actions which are perfect and complete and pure and clean from l l ~
5 blemishes ofshirk and 1bear witness that there is worthy ofworship (:
.% except Allah alone, without : n ~ partner associate and 1bear witness ~
'fY that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ IS the chosen servant and messenger of ; :
~ Allah who has cleansed us from l l atains of shirk. Allah's choicest ~
~ blessings descend him, his family and his companions who were ~
~ free from l l forms of treachery, deception and falsehood. %
" h e r e a f t e r , muslims, Verilyriya (the doing ofthings for show ~
~ and for achieving fame among ) is indeed very destructive thing {:
~ in the life of muslim, ifit is practised in his daily forms ofworship. ~
q- 1. Rasulullah ~ has said: "Whosoever dons clothing of show ~
!! and fame in this world, Allah wi1l the day of qiyamah ;
O dress him in clothing ofhumiliation. ~o
(Ahmad, Dawood, I n Majah)

~ 2. And Rasulullah ~ said: "Sufficient is it as evil that fingers ~
~~ should point at person in worldly affairs as well as deeny ~~
matters, except that person whom Allah protects."(Baihaqi)

~ 3. Rasulullah ~said: "Verilytwo hungry wolves let loose among (:
~ flock of goats not harmful to than the harm ~
:} caused to man's deen greed for wealth and for honour." ~
~ ( i r mi t h i , Daarmy) 6
~ 4. RasuluHah ~ said: "Verily Allah loves the righteous ones, ~
; : who fear Him and remain unknown and hidden from people. 'fY
! They are not searched for when they area bsent, nor are !
~ they called for when they are present and neither are they ~
~ being befriended. Their hearts are lamps of guidance and ~
:} theyare protected Allah from e v i l s . ( I n Majah, Baihaqi). ~
L ~~' C ! W~ 107 j ) ~~O~~
, ~~O~~~~~~~~O~; '
: 5. Rasulullah~wasasked about whodoes gooddeed
; as resu1tofWhlCh l , or1 0 , repl1ed: ~
.Ir "Thatis gladtidinghastenedtowards believer." ~
i ~~i
~ ~
i 6. Sayeduna u Hurayrah~ saidtoR a s u l u l l a h ~: Whi1e ~
~ 1wasin house ( salaah) in l ofsalaah, {:
:s to and found performingsalaah. 1found ~
f9. pleasure in myselffor the in which he found . ~
~ ( i n d l y inform about this fee1ingwhich 1felt within ~
~ myself).Rasulullah~replied: " Allahhave ~
t , Hurayrah~. Y o havegained double reward ~
g ~ for havingperformedyour deed in secret and secondlyfor
~ havingdoneyourdeed l . " ( i r mi t h i ) ~
D ~
1seekrefugeinAllahfrom Shaytaanthe accursed. ,
AndAllahsaysintheQuran: " h a t istheabodeoftheHereafter, g
~ which Wegranttothosewho donot seek exaltednessintheearthnor ~
~ corruption. h e sequel ofgoodoutcome isforthose whofearAllah". ~
~ ~
~ i
g ~
i i
~ ~
~ i
g g
L ~~~( 8 109 8 } ~~~~
O~~~~ ~~~~O~'
r!lutbah: 27
11 f i
. %
Al1 praises are due to Al1ah, the Creator, the Producer, the ~
f: Fashioner, the Powerful, the Mighty, the Exalted, the High Whose ~
fi. greatness lessened A n who denounces. is the *'
)(; Al1-Powerful before Whom al1 tyrants are submissive. His greatness is ~
~ such that it broke the backs ofthe mighty Persian emperors. And was ~
such that it destroyed the might ofthe Caesers. Greatness is His lower i
11 cloth and Majesty is his upper cloth. Whosoever chal1enges Him in ; ;
:} these two qualities, inflicts with sickness from which there is ~
f: eure. Most great is His Magnificence and Most sanctifies His names. ~
fi. 1 bear witness that there is other being worthy of worship *'
~ except l l alone, wi t h o u t ~~y p ~r t n e r or associate and 1bear witness ~
~ that Sayeduna Muhammad ~lS servant and messenger whom {:
~ was revealed the great light of ever-spreading brilliance until it ~
~ illuminated the corners of the earth. Al1ah'schoicest blessings ~
~ him and his family and his companions who were the beloved ,
! ones and friends of , the chosen ones ofthis world and the best of ~
~ mankind. ~
~ Thereafter, muslims, know that pride and vanity are two most g
~ destructive sicknesses which are very disliked and detested ~
~ Al1ah. ones fil1ed with pride and haughtiness indeed inflicted ~
~ with two great sicknesses. Al1ahstates in the Qur'an. " does not love ~
~ the arrogant and the boastful . also mentions about the battle {:
*' ofHunain" (when the Muslims feltpride in themselves overtheir large fi.
w. numbers); "And the day ofthe battle ofHunain, when exalted in .w
i the numbers ofyour might, which in turn availed naught." ~
' 1. Rasulul1ah ~ said: "Whosoever .humbles himself before ~
; ; , will elevate him And in the eyes of his own ~
~ will insignificant but in the eyes of the 1 he will 8
~ eonsidered great. And whoever acts proudly, Al1ah will ~
~ humi1iate him so that in the eyes of people will -
:} insignificant while in his own eyes will great so ~
so t h a ~ will looked as 00 lower than a ~o g
or s w . " (Baihaqi)
o ~O , ; ( ; W} ~~( 8 111 j } ~~~O, ; ( ; W}
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~; ,
2. Rasulul1ah ~ also said: "As for the two destructivethings,
~ the ispassionswhich beingfollowedandtheother is {:
~ greedwhichhas andpartialand isbeingobeyed g

ofman.~d the other is person'sprideinhimselfand gO

this IS theworst." (Baihaqi)

~ 3. Rasulullah~alsosaid:"Neverwillthatpersonenterparadise ~
%" in whose heart there is pride the size of atom." 'S-
" Hearing this,. said: Howis it if l i k e ~ that.his ~
~ clothesandhlSshoes should good?Rasulullah~ : {:
.% "Thatisbeautiful,Allahisbeautifulandlovesthebeautiful. f;.
f9.. However pride is the rejection oftruth and 100king down ; :
:} l . " (Muslim) ~
i 4. Rasulul1ah~said:"Untilsuchtime when seegreedbeing ~
% fol1owed,passionsbeingobeyedand worldly affairsbeing 'S-
~ given and see everyonebeingfascinated ~
~ his own opinion, then yourselfwith own ~
~ rectificationfor aheadof aredays ofgreatpatience,the ~
.. likenessofwhichislikeho1dinginyourliandsburningcoals ..
~ and whoever remains steadfast in days shal1 ~
, O rewardedtothe extentoffifty doingthe same deeds." ~O
( , Majah)

i 1seekrefugeinAl1ahfrom the accursedShaytaan. ~
~ And Al1ah says: "And to Him alone belongs greatness and ~
~ magnificence in the heavens and the earth and is the Mighty, (:
i ~ fueWise"
i i
g ~
L ~; ( ; W) ~o i \ P U ( i ; O} ~~; ( ; W) ~ 113
O~~~~ ~~~~O~,
t bah : 28
f i


All praises is due to Allah Who has brought forth his devoted ~
~ friends from the darkness ofKufr into the light n and allows "
fJ. His enemies to enter predicaments of deception. 1 bear witness that '*
~ there is other being worthy of worship except Allah alone, without ~
~ a ~~ p a r ~e r or associate and 1bear witness that Sayeduna ~u h a ~a d 8
~ ~ lS servant and messenger who has forth to 11ft n k d ~
'!j from the darkness of disbelief and evil. ~
:} Allah's blessings n him and his family and all his ~
~ illustrious companions who were never led into deception the life of ~
this world and neither were they led into deception at all with regard to ~
Allah. And these blessings continue to descend n them

~ throughout all the hours and days and months that is to . {:
~ Thereafter, muslims, know that the key to happiness lies in ~
tI being awake and ready to receive guidance and the origins of ~
~ wretchedness lies in being deceived and in unmindfulness and ,
*negligence. The intelligent being in this world are those whose breasts ~
~ have n opened towards following the straight path which is in ;r:
~ accordance with the clear proofs and arguments. And the deceived ~
~ ones are these whose breasts have narrowed down and unable ~
*to accept the guidance through their acting their lusts and desires. '!1
~ Such ones sight continues to blind and such could not find guidance. ;
~ Such n remains blind and takes his desires as his guide and takes {:
'* Shaytaan as his guide: "And whoever is blind in this world will surely ~
blind in the hereafter and he will have lost the way."
~ Allah says: "Let not the life ofthis world deceive and let not :S
~ the deceiver (Shaytaan) deceive regarding the commands ofAllah." .%
i And says: "They will cry unto them, saying: "Were we not ~
~ with ? which the righteous will reply: "Indeed were with us. {:
~ But tempted n another, hesitated, doubted and desires deceived ~
~ until the decree of Allah (death) overtook . And were left *'
:} deceived from Allah the Shaytaan." ~
L ~o . i t ' 8 } ~~ ]]5 i } ~~O . i t ' 8 } J
O~~~~ ~~~~O~; ,
And Allah says: "And among them are those illiterate who do not
r ; :
~ know their scriptures except hearsay. They do nothing except guess". ~
~ 1. Rasulullah ~ said: "An intelligent person is he who guards '&
~ himse1fand works for the 1ifeafter death and the unintelligent ~
:} is he who follows his desires and then sits back hoping ~
~ Allah to ~l f i l ~ his wishes.". . . ~
" 2. Rasulullah ~s d : "None ofyou IS true ! such ~
~ time that his desires are subjected to the teachings which 1 ~
i i have brought. " (Sharhus Sunnah)
~ 3. Ra,ulullah <iI> l , ,aid: " 5 l l arnong i
~ such 1 among whom the following ofvain desires will ;
f: very prevalent and this disease will spread among S
~ them like scabies will spread person or dog until there ~
~ will notbe vein or ajoint that is unaffected." ~
.%' (Ahmad, Dawood) ~
~ 4. Rasu1ullah ~ a1so said: " who interprets the Quran ~
~ according to his personal opinion, shou1dtake his seat in the
:: fireofJahannam." ( i r mi t h i )
~ 5. Rasu1ullah ~ also said: "The worst of acts are those 1ately g
~ invented acts while every innovation in the deen is act of ~
~ misguidance." .%
~ 1 seek refuge in Allah from 8haytaan the accursed. t
~ And Allah says: "They follow nothing but conjecture and that f:
:} which their base desires demand. And yet has to them guidance ~
~ from their Lord, or is it so that for shall all that which ~
i.he desires. 80 to Allah belongs the hereafter and to him the life ~
~ ofthis wor1d." ~
s ~
L ~O~~( 8 117 i ) ~~~J
o~~~~ ~~~~o~,
r!lutbah : 29
f i
S ~ N A T U R E OF R E P E N A N C E
~ praisesisdue toAl1ahthroughWhose praisesalldoors are ~
~ opened. Every address should started with the mention of"His ~
Name." Werepentto ' ' , towbahof who sincerelybelieves ~
i' ! " is Lordof Lords",and the " iscauseof 1 l . " ~
~ Webearwitness thatthereis beingworthyofworshipexcept ~
~ Allah , without partner or associate. And we bearwitness ; :
~ that master andleaderSayedunaMuhammad~isAllah's servant g
~ andmessenger. Al1ah'ssalutationsdescendu him,hisfamily !
%andhiscompanions,such salutationthatwi11protectandsaveus ~
" thedangersand t r s ofthedayofbeingpresentedbeforeAl1ahfor ~
~ the reckoning. And that salutations the preparationfor us to {:
~ attainnearnesstoAllahand leadustothebest ending. {;.
~ h e r e a f t e r , muslims,verilyrepenting[ sinsandretuming i
toAllahastheknoweroftheunseenandthe whocoversthefaults
~ of , suchrepentanceisthe first step ofthosedesiringto walk the .
gpathtowardsAllahanditisthecapital sum ofthose desiringto ~
~ successful and itisthe first stepofthosewho initiated the :S
~ path ofthe saintly ones. Itis also the key towards stabilityfor those ~
~ whoarewavering.Itisalsothe means towardsselectionforallthose 1J
~ desiringclosenesswithAllah. ~
~ Al1ahsays:"Andthosewho,whentheyhave committed ~
'sdeedorhave unjust totheirownselves,r e e mb e r Allah,andthen t
:} seek forgiveness f t o Him. [And who else forgive sins except ~
f: Allah] Andtheydonotpersistinwhat theyhave done,whileknowing ~
i the consequences oftheir deeds. For these ones theirrewardwi11 i
~ forgiveness u their Lord and gardens under which rivers flow. '&
~ Therein they will abide e t e a l l y . How great is the reward for those 8
~ whoworkrighteousness." ~
~ 1. RasulullahJ1J}; said:" servantwhohas committed sinand -%
:}L t h ~n seeks~o r g i v e n e s s u Al1aht h r o u ~h repentance,Allah ~
wI11 granth l r e p e n t a n c e andforglvehlffi." (Muslim) ~
o ~o ~- . : w~, " * 119 I } ~~~O~~
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~; ,
r :
2. Rasulullah~a1sosaid: "Every ofthechi1drenof Adam
~ ~\ sinners and the best ofsinners those who had {:
:t! erredand then repentedandbeggedfor forgiveness." ~
~ ( i r mi t h i , I n Majal1, Daarmy) ~
i 3. Rasu1ullah ~ a1sosaid: " l l accept the repentance of g
~ servantunti1the1astmomentsofhis1ife." ~
% ( i r mi t h i , Majah) S
~ 4. Ibn Masood ~s a i d : "Remorse and sorrow over sin :}
~ committed is repentance and the person who sincere1y i
~ repents fromsinsis1ike n whohasdone sinsat 1 1 . " ~O
(Sharhus Sunnah)

~ 5. Rasu1ullah ~ said: "Whosoever has n evi1 deed him ~
~ againsthisbrother'shonourorsomethinge1selikethatshou1d ~%
clearhisaffairwiththatbrotherinthis beforesuch day
~ when there will dirhamsand dinars as currenciesfor ~
~ compensation.Forinthehereafter,ifhehas n gooddeeds ~
~ tohiscredit, ofthesewill taken fromhimtotheextentof1:
~ hisevi1 deed andifhehas gooddeeds then fromthesins ,
~ ofhisbrotherwill takenandloaded n him." ~
~ (Bukhary) ~
: ~ i. 1seekrefuge in l l f m Shaytaanthe accursed. ~
And Allahsays: "Andhe who after his injustice and i
~ rectifieshis affair, 1 1 will sure1yaccepthisrepentanceandforgive
ihim.SurelyAllahisMostForgi ving,MostMerciful. ~
i ~
R ;
S g
L ~~( i I o 12l j } ~~O~. J
O~~~~ ~~~~O~,
tbah :30

f i

~ Allpraisesisdue toAllahWho istruly worthyofpraise,Who ~
~ aloneisUnique asthePossessorofMajestyandWhoisabsolute inHis ~
~ attributesofgloryandHighness.And isthe Whograntshelpto '*
~ hischosenservants grantingthemthespecialqualitiesof in ~
~ times ofadversity as well as the attribute ofgratitude in times of ~
~ calamitiesandintimesofbounties. ~
~ And 1bear witness that there is being worthy ofworship ~
:} exceptAllahalone,without orassociateand1bearwitness ~
ithatSayedunaMuhammad~ isthe servantand messengerofAllah, ~
~ theleaderoftheprophets. Allah'schoiceblessingsandsalutations ~
~ descend him and his family, the chosen ones and his ~
~ companions, who were the fore-runners and the leaders ofthe pious ~
*'ones andtherighteousones. '5;.
'ii Thereafter, muslims, verily Imaamhas two aspects; half ~
~ ofit relates to sabr (patience) and the other halfrelates to gratitude ,
::(shukr). This iswhatRasulullah~taughtus. itisoftheutmost ~
gimportancetohaveconsiderationforboththeseaspectsandtheirvirtues ~
(: soastofacilitateour appreciationofthem. g
i;. VerilyAllah says: "Verilythepatientones will granted their *
~ reward ful1y without account." ~
~ And Al1ah says: "And Al1ah will surely reward those who {:
! expressgratitude." ~
~ AndAllahsays:"Andbepatient.Al1ahiswiththepatientones." ~
i Al1ahsays:And thankful to anddonot ungrateful. i
! 1. Rasulullah~ said: "It isindeed surprising from believer ~
~ thatwbengoodbefal1shim,hepraisesAl1ahandthanksHim {:
-% and if calamitystrikes him, he praises Al1ahand bears it ~
withpatience.Andso believerisrewardedforeveryactof ~
hisuntil e ~e n ~o r themorsel offoodwhichhelifts t:J0
mouth ofhlSwlfe." (Baihaqi)
I >~O ~~~{ 8 123 8 ) ~~~O~O
~O~~~{ W~~~~O~; ( i
2. Rasulullah ~said: "Allah said to Nabi Esa ~' : " Esa ~\ , 1
shall raise people after who if something. befalls {: ~
: them which they like, they will give thanks to Allah and if ~

something strikes which they dislike, they will take stock and ~O
account ofthemselves and bear with . And yet they

~ will people devoid of forbearance and inte1ligence (to ~
fJ. [ understand)." then Esa ~, asked: " Lord how ~
~ they like that without forbearance and intelligence? "Allah ~
~ replied: "1 shall grant them of forbearance and ~
~ knowledge." (Baihaqi) ~
"fj 3. Rasulullah ~also said: "The person who eats and is grateful ~
~ is similar in rank to the fasting person who is patient." g
~ ( ) ~
t 4. Rasulullah . ~ also said: "lf Allah predetermines for person 'S
" specific rank and he is u n to reach that rank through his ~
own deeds, Al1ahwill involve him incalamities his body or i
O his children. 1fhe exercises patience in these calamities, AlIah ~
causes him to reach the rank which had fixed for . " ~
( A l z a d , Dawood) t
i i
:i. 1 seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaytaan. :s ~
i "Do ! , ! ships sailing in tbe with Allah's bounty, 8
~ that show His signs and Allah says: Verily in that there ~
gsigns for every deeply patient and every grateful person." ~
i ~
i ~
S ~
L ~o , ; t 1 i } ~( I r j ) ~~~ 125
tbah : 31
f i


praise is due to Whose grace is hoped for and Whose ~
Q overpowering power and punishment is feared. has filled the hearts ~
fJ. of His pious servants with and has warned those who turn away :2!
~ from obeying Him and turn away from His reward and generous gifts ~
! severe admonitions and signs ofwarning. And guided those pious
~ ones towards His paradise through His directions and His favours. - :
~ 1bear witness that there is other being worthy except '
~ alone and 1 bear witness that Sayeduna Muhammad is His servant ~
t and messenger, the leader of His prophets and the most noble of ~
His creation. Al1ah's salutations descend n him and his family ~
and his companions and his offspring.

~ Thereafter, muslims, verily and fear two things with ~
~ which the chosen servants of travel towards every praiseworthy f;.
station of spiritual n and they two ways through which ~
they pass difficult stages towards the hereafter. Numerous are the
~ texts this topic in the Quran, either individually or related with other .
verses. g
h u s says: " h e y (those believers) for Allah's ~
and fear His punishment." ~
1. And . l l says: " (the believers) their Lord in ~
~ and fear." 8
~ And Al1ah.says: A n p o n Ilim in , . ~
:} And says: "Verily they used to towards good and
they unto Him in and in fear." 6
~ And Allah says: "Verily your Lord is most forgiving to people for ~
I their injustices and verily your Lord is severe in punishment." ~
~ 1. Rasulul1ah ~said: "If the believers but knew the severity of {:
*' AHah's punishment, would n of attaining f;.
~ His paradise. And if they unbelievers were aware of Al1ah's ~
~ :} mercy ofthemwould despair of gaining His parad:Jise."
(Bukhary, Muslim)
O~O~~~{ 8 127 f i } ~~~O~o
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~~
r :
2. n . Rasulullah ~visited ayoung whi1ehe was a ~o u t .
~ to dle. Rasulullah ~asked [ . " How are u ? " : {:
~ "1have hope in Allah, prophet ofAllah, and 1have fear for '&
~ mysins." ~
~ Then Rasulullah ~said: "never do these two (hope and fear) i
"& together in the heart of servant of Allah such ~
% circumstance (at the point of death), except that Allah grants ~
~ him that which he hopes for and saves him from that which ~
0"'1 he fears." ( i mi t h i , I Majah) ~
11 3. Rasulullah ~ also said: " person n exclaimed: "Allah ~a
will not forgi such and such person."
~ Allah then said: "Who is that person who exalts himself ~
i ? , saying that 1will not forgive such and such ? ~
~ Verily 1 have forgiven him and 1 have nullified your deeds ~
~ and actions." -i
~ 1 seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaytaan.
~ -
f1- And Allah says: "Inform servants that 1 the Forgiver, the ~
:} Merciful and that punishment is painful chastisement." {t
i i
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
i ~
i s
~ j
s i
L ..~~~ 129 ~- : , , ~. ~" H ~~~
t bah :32


~ l l praisesareduetoAllah, Whohascreated from dryand ~
~ sticky l and adomedhim in the best fashion and in the most ~
~ perfectproportions.Then blessedHissincereservantswithinsight '*
J5 until the secretsoftheirevil deeds clear to them.Hencethey ~
~ abstainfrom suchdeedswithabstinenceofthose whohate suchdeeds
~ and they detest having within themselves pride and g and ~
~ boastingwitheach otheringatheringwealthandriches.Butthey100k *
~ forwardwith l l theiraspirationstoreachsuch l where there is ~
~ destructionorending. ~
~ 1bearwitness that there is otherbeing worthy ofworship ~
~ exceptAllahalone, without: n ~p a ~e r orassociateand1bearwitness ~
~ that SayedunaMuhammad$lsHlSservantandmessenger,themost (:
~ noble of l l l ofhonourandrespect. Allah's salutations ~
fuponhimanduponhiscompanions,whowerethebestofcompanions ~
~ andhis family,who werethebest offami1ies. . ,
'* h e r e a f t e r , muslims,ithasbeenestablishedwithoutdoubtthat ~
~ there any hopeof attainingsalvationexcept cuttingoneself ~
~ offfrom this world and abstainingfromtheworld. h i s isattained g
~ eitherthroughpovertywhichisordained Allahor wi11ingly ~
; ; castingit aside which is calledZuhd-Abstinence.Allahsays: "And 1;
~ u devourinheritancegreedi1yand u 1 0 wealthverydeeply." ;
~ i
~ Sohewho 10vespovertywi11 not 1 0 excessivefood while he ~
:} whoisnotabstinentwi1110vewealth. ~
. 1. Rasulullah~said:." h e poorwillenterparadisefivehundred ff
yc",sbcfore1hc . " ( i , mi t h i )

~ 2. Rasulullah~said:"Searchfor (i.e.,Allah'spleasure)in ; ;
L helpingtheweakamongst u forverily u aregranted:JriZiQ ~
and u arebeinghelpedduetotheweakones among u . "
O~O~~~~ 131 8 } ~~O~( I
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~; ,
3. Rasulullah ~ who said: "When see person blessed
with abstinence from the world and with little speech then {: ~
~ draw near to him and make him your companion for verily he ~
S ! has granted wisdom." (Baihaqi)
~ 4. Rasulul1ah ~ said: " abstinence in this world and ~
%' Al1ah wi1l love and practise abstinence with regard to S
; that which is in the possession of people and they wil110ve ~
~ . " . ( i r mi t h i , Ibn Majalz) ~
i 5, Rasulul1ah ~ sald: "The first of the Ummat ~
:} towards good was through acquiring conviction in Allah and ~
~ a ~s t i ~e n c e . And the first mischief to enter the Ummat was ~
~ stlllgllless and unfounded hope." (Baihaqi) ~
~ :;
~ 6. Imam Sufyaan Thowry ~said: "Abstinence in this world is {:
O not wearing coarse and thick clothes or eating dried food. ~
True abstinence in this world is through reducing hopes." .,
. ~
~ 1 seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaytaan. i
i And Allah says: "So that do not despair ofthat which ~
~ missed and not happy over that which Allah granted u . And Allah 't1
! ! does , love boastful , filled with pride."
~ ~
i ~
~ ~
S ~
L ~o ~~( 1 I A ~~' ! i t : W) ~
rrlutbah : 33
. r i
S g A N DR E L I A N I N I
~ l l praise is due to l l , the Creator of the world and the ~
fJ. ceiestial regions, the On Who is the l in might and power, Who ~
~ raised the heavens without supporting pillars and Who distributes ~
~ to His servants their sustenance. And turns away the attention of {:
~ the of understanding and intelligence from considering the ways ~
~ and means (that their sustenance reaches them). And when these ; ;
:} realized that Allah had taken u Himself the guarantee of granting ~
~ riziq, theyplaced theirtrust in Himand exclaimed: " l l is sufficient ~
fJ. for us and what grand is." ~
i We witness that there is worthy of worship except ~
~ alone, without r t n associate and we witness that {:
*' Sayeduna Muhammad $ is i s servant and messenger, the who ~
suppressed l l evil and guided towards the straight path. Al1ah's I
salutations him and his family and companions in great
J> abundance.

~ Thereafter, muslims, verily tawakkuZ (reliance in A11ah) in 1 1 ~
~ its various degrees is of the stages of development in the spiritual t$
~ development ofthis deen. And this has its basis in the oneness of l 1 lt
~ and in the true conviction in A11ah. A11ah says: "Verily those whom u ';j
~ worship besides Allah have not the ability to supply u with sustenance. ~
~ Therefore seek sustenance from Allah. Worship Him and grateful ~
%' unto Him. to Him sha11 u 1 1 retumed." ~
And l l says: "And trust (in l 1 ) if truly ~
~ believers." i'
~ 1. Rasulullah $ said: "When u ask, ask ofAllah. And when . ~
~ seek help, seek help from Allah. Know that if the f)
~ people of this ummat should gather with the intention of '=i
~ causing u benefit they wil1 not to cause u ~
(j a n benefit in the least except to the extent that A11ah had *
:} ordained for u And if the l of this ummat should ~.
3 gather with the intention of causing u r m, they wil1 !
~~O~~~( 8 135 8 } ~~~O~~.

~O~~~~ ~~~~O~~
not to cause n n at l l exceptthat which
~ l l hadordained . (ofFate)has lifted ~
~ andthe scrolls (ofFate)has dried. ~
~ ( , i r mi t h i ) ~
:} 2. Rasulullah~ said: " strongbeliever is betterand ~
~ beloved to l l than weak believer. And within every ~
~ believers there lies some good. eager that which %
~ benefits andseekhelp [ l l . notdisheartened. ~
~ Andwhenanythingbefalls donotsay:"IfIhaddonethis {:
~ thatthiswouldnothavehappened."Butrathersay:" l l ~
~ hadordained(this)andwhathedesires, does." Forverily .
:} theword "if' opens the way [ the deeds ofShaytaan." ~
I ~~B
~o ~o o
~ 1seekrefuge in l l the accursedShaytaan. :;
~ ~

l l says: " people favours lS there ~
othercreatorbesides l l Who grantsriziq [ theheavensand '-
theearth? lS otherdeitybesides . Whether tumed ~
Away?" i
i ~
~ ~
~ ~
i ~
i ~
~ i
S g
L ~~~f i ' 137 i ) ~~~
O~~~( W~~~~O~,
tbah :34


f i

praiseis due toAllah, Who has cleansedthe hearts ofHis ~
f: devotedservantsfrombeingdrawntowardstheglitterofthisworldand ~
fJ. purifiedtheirinnerselvesfromdirectingtheirattentiontobeingsother '*
~ than Him. then exposedtothemHis gloriesto such extentthat ~
9o me filledwith10ve for HimandexposedHisgrandeur( ( 8
untilthey annihilatedintheshineofHismajestyandgreatness, ~
untilthey drownedinrecognizingHimandinHislove. ~
~ ~
I 1 witnessthatthereis otherbeingworthyofworship!
}!exceptAllah alone,withouta n partnerorassociate and1bear witness ~
O thatSayedunaMuhammad~isHisservant andmessenger, thesealof1
theprophets. Allah's salutations u m, his family and his
. companions, theleadersof humanbeings andtheir spiritua1guides.
~ These companions were the fore-runners and reins-holders of l l t
0 Thereafter,muslims,Allahsays:" lovesthemandtheylove ~

" ~
~. ~
And says with regard to the angels: "They celebrate His ;
ipraisesandglorifyHim nightand daywithout laxness." i
Thisdoes nothappenoutofhabitbutwithgreatlonging. ~
.. And Allah says: "Withthebountyand the ofAllah.And
. ~
with this shouldthey rejoice." Andwith regardtothe companionsoftI
R a s u l u l l a h ~, Allah says: "Allahis pleasedwith them and they ~
pleasedwithHim." ~
~ 1. Rasulullahfdjsaid: " Allah,1begofYouYourloveandthe I
~ loveofthosewho10ve u and1begofYou,grant todo .'
:} the deeds whichcauses toreachYourlove." ( i r mi t h i ) ~
b ~~( 8 139 j } ~~~~o J
~O~~~~~~~~O~; ,
2. And Rasulullah ~ said: "And 1 beg of to make
~ pleased with fixed destiny and Ibeg ofYou l abode {:
~ after death and 1beg of the ecstasy of 100king at ~
g g countenance and longing to meet . " (Nasai)
~ ~
t 3. Rasulullah ~said: "Whenever group ofpeople sit together in ~
3 l to remember l l , the angels surround them and ~
~ mercy envelopes them, tranquility descends them and l l ~
'!; remembers them in gathering of those who with Him." %'
:} Note: the "tranquility" mentioned here is the "peaceful satisfaction and ~
~ contentment." ~
i 1 seek refuge in l l from the accursed Shaytaan. ~
And l l says: "And from among mankind those who ~
O taken besides l l , other Gods whom they love (as they should) 1:
love l l And the believers are stronger than that in [ for l l . If ,
n l those who unjust were to see the punishment, (and realize) that ~
1j 1 l p o ~e r bel.ongs to l l it will best. And surely l l is Most t
:} severe u s h m n t . {t
i i
i. ~

! ~
! ~
~ ~
i ~
S ~
L ~~f i 141 j ) ~~~~~
O~~~~ ~~~~O~,
tbah : 35

f i
g ~ A N D R U F U L N E S S
~ l l praise to Allah praise of the grateful ones. And we ~
~ believe in Him with faith ofthose lruly believing in Him. We sincerely ~
~ believe in His Oneness as an admission of the truthful ones. We bear ~
~ witness that there is deserving of worship except Allah alone, {:
~ without partner associate, Who has ordered that jinn and ~
~ a ~d the angels should worship Him i ~~c ~mp l . e t e sincerity. And we bear *
~ wltness that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ servant and messenger, ~
~ the leader of l l the prophets. Allah's salutations u him and i' I
~ l l the prophets, and u . his family and his pious companions. ~
~ Thereafter, muslims, it has clear to those blessed with ~
~ Imaan and the enlightened instructions of tQe Qur'an that there is (:
.% way of acquiring true happiness and success, except through the ~
acquisition oflalOwledge and through ibaadah. Every a o n g s t i
faces destruction except those endowed with lmowledge. And those
endowed with lmowledge face the threat of destruction, except those J
~ r f n i g practical deeds of goodness. But even those e r f n i g ~
:} good deeds face destruction except those who sincere in their ~
intentions. And such sincere ones, if they have sincere intentions,
i i
~ their deeds are useless. For without sincere intention those deeds '&
" for show, which is tantamount to hypocrisy and disobedience. Similarly ;
~ sincerity without trueness and without being for attaining Allah's {:
! pleasure in f n i t y with His wi1l is also useless like dust. ~
~ Allah says regarding those deeds done for purposes other than His ~
~ pleasure that such deeds are made into "flying dust, scattered about." :S
~ Allah also says: "Verily to H i is due sincere deen." also ~
)(; says: "Verily the believers are those who believe in Allah and His f1
imessenger and then they harbour doubts and strive with their wealth ~
~ and their lives in Allah's path. Verily these are the truthful ones." ~
g ~
L ~..~~" 143 j j ) ~~~~
~~ ~~~u r ~~~ ~~
i 1. Rasu1ullah ~ said to SayedunaMa ' a a z ~: " s l l l c e ~~ to ~
~ Allahin deenand1itt1eactionswillsuffice for . " {:
~ (Haakim) ~

2. . personcalledout i n q ~i r i n ~: " me s s ~n g e r . ofAl1ah, ~
~ whatlS Imaan?"Rasu1ul1ah~ ] : "ItlS . " "
~ ( i r mi d h i ) ~
i 3. Rasu1ul1ah~alsosaid:"Verilyactionsarejudgedaccording i
O ~o their intentions. And for every shall what he i
mtended.". ( u k h , Muslim)
4. Rasulul1ah~saidtoSayeduna B a k r ~: (whilehewas ~
~ cursing ofhisslaves): "How from amongthe ~
~ cursersandatthe sametime ofthetruthfu1ones?" the ~
~ Lordofthe , this never ! " Thereupon -
~ that day freed someofhis slaves and then to ~
~ Rasu! l l IJiI, saying:"[will , deed."
~ IseekrefugeinAllahfrom theaccursedShaytaan. ~
! Al1ahsays:"Say:Ihave commandedtoworshipAl1ahwith i
j sincerityin deentowardsHim." ~
~ ~
~ ~
! J
~ t
~ ~
s g
L ~~~f i 145 i ) ~f i Q\ . O~J
O~~~~ ~~~~O~'
tbah : 36
i i



~ praises to , Who takes account of that person ~
~ eams and is the One Who oversees and notices his every sinful deed. . ~
~ And 1bear wi t n ~s s that there is other being worthy ofworship except ~
~ alone, without any and without any associate and 1bear {:
~ witness that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ is the servant and messenger of ~
~ , the leader of the prophets. AHah's blessings and salutations *
:} upon him and upon his family, the leaders of the chosen ones and ~
i upon his companions the heads of the god-fearing ones. ~
tt; Thereafter, muslims, verily the criterion for salvation is the ~
~ perforrnance of good deeds, but righteous deeds are not taken into ~
~ unless person performs it perrnanently and continuously {:
~ and does so in the correct and prescribed rnanner. Linking these factors ~
and doing them continuously wiH not acquired except after first 1:
making the soul obligated to doing them habituaHy. This is terrned
mushaaratah (2) to take notice of mushaarath diligent1y is terrned t
'f1 muraaqabah. However, thirdly, the soul must at specific times ~
i ~ checked to ascertain whether it had fulfiHed these conditions properly ~~
or not. This checking and reckoning is terrned muhaasabah (taking
.i5 mutual accounting and reckoning). Fourth1y we the term ';j-
~ mu'aaqabah (mutual exertion) which refers to the toil and effort ~
~ required in order to rectify actions if the condition are missing. {:
~ Fifth1y the soul must subjected to various strenuous wazeejas (zikr) ~
~ ifthere is any hesitation in the doing of good deeds. This is the stage of tt;
:} mujaahadah. Sixth1y we mu'aatabah (mutual censure) which {t
~ means putting censure upon the soul, causing it to disassociated
~ such places where rebellion against takes l and putting ~: S
burden upon it to compensate for faults.

~ the exercises are intended so as not to unmindful of {:
~ the soul for single moment whereby it is intended to save the souls ~
from becoming deviated or defiant or rebellious.The sacred texts ~
E(Qur'an and hadeeth)are fiHed with narrations conceming these p:Jints 00
and one should consider the details set forth therein.
o ~O J t ; : W} ~~~ 147 8 } ~~~O~O
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~: : ,
l 1 says: " knows the deceiving glances of the eyes and
that which is concea1ed within the breasts." 00
i And l 1 says: "As for him who fears the p1ace of standing i
~ before His Lord and prohibits his se1ffrom indu1gingin bestia1passions, ~
~ paradise will surely his u1timate abode." ~
i And l l says: "And who is misguided than him who ~
~ follows his passions?" ~
~ 1. As1am~reports that Umar ~ visited Sayeduna i ~
~ Bakr ~who at that time was pulling his tongue. Umar ~
~ said: "Stop this. l l forgive . " Bakr ~rep1ied: ~
:} "Verily this organ is the who causes to reach the places ~
. ofdestruction." ( ) ~
~ 2. Rasu1ul1ah ~ said: " mujaahid is person who strives ~
" against his se1fin the obedience of l 1 . " (Baihaqi) ~
O . t
3. Sayeduna Umar ~said: "Reckon with yourselfbefore ,
being reckoned with and weigh yourselfbefore ~
being weighed." (Kanzul Ummaal) ~
i i 1 ~e e k refuge inAilah from the Shaytaan.
j l 1 says: " who be1ieve, fear l 1 and 1et every soul ~
~ consider that which it sends ahead for the day of tomorrow, and fear {:
! Allah. Veri1y l l is ful1y aware ofwhat do." ~
L <r . J \ . ~~~f i o
149 ~~<r . J \ . ..~J
r i
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~'
tbah:37 .


S ! A 1 E R S A N DC ON E P L A T I ON
~ praises to AHah, Who has encouragedunto ponderand ~
%" contemplate,to observeand to give deep thought. 1bearwitnessthat ~
~ thereis otherdeityworthyofworshipexceptAllahalone,without ~
~ a ~y . associateand1bearwitnessthatSayedunaMu.hammad ~
~ ~ IS servant and messenger, the master among the chl1dren of~
~ Adam~\ inthisworld. Al1ah'ssalutations himand -%
:J his familyaswel1ashis companions,the chosenandrighteousones. ~
~ Thereafter,muslims,verily l l hasencouragedustoponder ~
~ andreflectwith deep thoughtinso versesof theHolyQuranand 1j
~ haspraisedthose whocontemplate.Inthisway,whilepraisingthem ~
~ says: "thosewhoremember l 1 , whilestanding,sittingandlying {:
.%' theirsidesandponderoverthe creationofheavensand earth. 11 ~
~ asks: "Do! ! ponder ! kingdomsofheavensand j
! earth?" !!
~ alsosays:"DidWenotmaketheearthas wideexpanse?And ~
J} themountainsaspegs. Andhave Wenotcreated u inpairsAndmade ~
~ yoursleepforrest? Andmade thenightas covering?Andmadetheday ~
~ as means ofsubsistence? And Wenot bui1tover the seven ~
;gfirmaments.Andplacedtherein light ofsplendour? AndilldWe not send ~
~ down the clouds water in abundance? That produce i ~
therewith andvegetablesAnd gardensofvegetation?"
E . Q
And l 1 says: " let lookathis food orthatWepour f;'
~ forth waterin abundance. And We sp1itthe earthin fragments. And
~ producetherein Andgrapesand nutritiousplantsand olives and ;
,' datesandenclosedgardensdensewithloftytreesandfruits andfodder ~
~ for use andconveniencefor andyour . " ~
g ~
( i
~~ 1
l ) ~o . . i t ' W} ~~A 151 ~~~~O~O ~
~o~~~~ ~~~~<..\ . : t ~} ; '
1. Rasulullah. ~ said atthe time ofthe revelationofthe verse:
~ "Verily in the creation ofheavens and earth and in the ~
~ altemation ofnight and daythere indeedsigns for of ~
O understanding","Woeuntohimwhorecitestheseversesand ~o
donotponder them."
(10 (10
i 2. IbnAbbaas~reportsthat certaingroupofpeoplepondered ~
%' Allah. Rasulullah~ said: "Do notponder Allah. ~
{f Butratherponder the ofAllah, for verily u ~
not ! of that." .. i
g g
i ~
{f 1seekrefugein l l from the accursedShaytaan. ~ ~( I o O ~
~ AndAllahsays: "Lookatthe signs of Al1ah's , seehowhe i
~ has broughtthe earthto life afterits death. i l isthe Who ~
~ willbringthe deadtolife and has power everything." ~
~ ~
i . ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
i ~
' ~
S g
L ~ ; . ~( J o o 1 i } ~\ . <' ; . o J l53
tbah : 38


f i

l l praise to Allah, Who through death broke the necks ofthe ~
~ tyrants and has a1sothrough death broken the backs ofthe mighty kings i)
~ of Persia and through death destroyed the hopes of the Caesers. And '*
~ has made death means towards success for the pious ones and ~
9 through death has made meeting 1 for them with Him. Him ~
~ be10ngs the highest status for the bounties which bestows, and to i
~ Himbe10ngs the right ofretribution means ofpunishment means ; ;
:} ofHis overpowering might. 1bear witness that there is other being ~
~ worthy ofworship except Allah , without a n y ~p ~r t n e r or associate. i)
~ And 1 bear witness that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ IS the servant and '*
i messenger ofAllah, the who was blessed with c1earmirac1es. ~
~ Allah's sa1utations and blessings u him and his fami1y and ~
~ his companions, the possessors of l l and virtue. ~

"ii 1. Veri1y Rasu1ullah ~ said: "Remember abundant1y the 1:
~ destroyer of p1easures (death)." ( i r mi t h i , Nasai, I n Majah) ~
~ Q
:} 2. Rasu1ullah ~ a1so said: " Wh mus1im is near death the ~
~ ange1s of mercy approach him with white si1k c10th and ~
~ says to him (his sou1s): " out in happiness, having .%'
i' attained, Allah's p1easure. to the comfort and mercy 'f1
~ ofAllah and proceed to the Lord Who will not angry with 8
~ u . " ~
=S It is further reported: "When kafir nears death the ange1sof ~
:} punishment approach him with coarse c10th and says: ~
~ :'Proceed i ~ unhappiness to the punishment ofAllah for Allah ~
~ IS angry wlth u . " (Ahmad, Nasai) ~
~ 3. Rasu1u11ah ~a1sosaid: "Two ange1s to him in the grave ~
i} and makes him sit u and say to him: "Who is your Lord?" {:
! wi11rep1y: "Allahismy L o r d . " h e n t h e y a s k h i m: "Andwhat ~
:} is your deen?" will [ 1 : " deen is Is1am." h e n they ask ~
~i m: "Who is ~~s man who was sent to u ? " will rep1Y:J.
IS Rasu1ul1ah ~. "
o ~o ~~~~ 155 8 ) ~~~O~O

~~~~u r ~~~~~
callerfrom the heavens wil1then proclaim." servant
~ has spokenthe truth. So bedforhiminparadise."

~ Anditwil1 opened. ~
~ Rasulullah~thensaid:"Whenthedoorswill thewinds -%
~ ofjannat andthesweetfragranceofjannatwil1 tohim ~
~ and his grave wil1 widenneed to the extentofthe ~
~ reachingofhissight." Howeverthekaafir'ssituationwi11 ~*
the oppositeofthat." (Musnad Ahmad, Dmvood)

~ 4. Rasulullah~alsosaid: "Allahsays:"1havepreparedformy {:
~ righteous servants that has seen, ear has heard ~
~ andwhatwas not even perceived themindsof . " ~
~ (Bukhary, Muslim) ~
f1. 5. Rasulullah , ~ says: "The person who wi11 have the least :;
~ punishmentoftheinmatesofhellwi11 the whowi11 ';J
~ givensandalswithstrapsoffireas result ofwhichhisbrains &
:! wi11boillike kettle. wi11 thinkthathereceivingtheworst ~
~ ofp ~n i s h me n t :vhereasinactualfacthewi11 the with 1
~ the11ghtestpull1shment." (Bukhary, Muslim) ~
:} 6. Rasulullah~says:"Verily wi11 seeyourLordjustas ~
thi5 , having obstruc1ionin5eeingi1." ~
~ ~
~ 1seek refugeinAllahfrom the accursedShaytaan. - i
i AndAllahsays: "Everysoul shall taste of death. Then shall ~
i retumedto . " i
i I
S .
L ~..~~~~ 157 t } ~~~~ ..
tbah :39
f i


s DA Y OF A A S U R A ~
~ l l praiseis due to l l Who has createdforthe sunand the :;,
~ tofollowfixedcourses,whilethestarsandthetreesbowdownto ~
!Himand hasgivenpreferenceforcertainperiodsoftimeoverothers ~
~ justas gives preference for specific places over others, and for (:
:t some beings otherhumans. ~
We bear witness that there is worthy ofworship except ~
~ l l a ~o n e , without partner and wi t h o u t ~a n ~ associate and We 6
~ bear w1tness that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ lS the servant and ~
~ messengerofAllah:the whoguidedustowardsrighteousdeeds,of ~
" whichisthefasting ofthedayofAashura, dayofgoodactions. And ~
~ l prohibited as from bad deeds, among which l l those {:
;:innovateddeeds. Allah's salutations him andhis family ~
and his companionswho upheld the deen,both the compulsory ~
thereofandthe n i s s i b l anddestroyedtheprohibitedcustomsofthe
D daysofignorance,boththeprohibitedandtheabominablethereof. .
~ thesesalutationsdescend them l l abundantly. ~
01 Thereafter, muslims, thedayofAashurais athand.Itis t$
time when people commit some verygooddeeds aswell asvarious :
rejectedinnovationsofthe firstmentionedisthecommendableactof'fj
fasting thisday. ~
~ 1. Rasulullah~said:"Verilythebestfastingafterthemonthof~
i Ramadaanisthe fastingofthemonth f u h a a m. " i
~ ( Mu s l i ) :s
i ~
~ 2. And Rasulullah ~ said: "Regardingthe fast ofthe day ofi
~ A a s ~u r a , itis~y ~h a t l l ",,:i1l throughitcompensate ; ;
i fors s comm1tteddunngtheprevlOusyear." ( Mu s l i ) .i
~~O~~~{ 8 159 8 } ~~O~~
i 3. AndRasulullah~said; "Fast thedayof Aashura.~~~~ ~
~ c o n t r ~r y to the Jews fasting day before it and day {:
~ after . ~

I 4. In 'he.beginning'he Dayof Aashuraused fastedbefore
~ the fast ofRamadaan was made compulsory. And when it ~
% revealedtheRamadaanshould fasted, thosewho 'S
~ wishedtodo , fasted this daywhileotherswho didnot ~
~ wish todo so,didnot fast. Thosewho voluntarilyfasted {:
i Aashurasoughttoacquireblessingsof abundantsustenance ~
~ fortheirfamilies." (Six books / Hadeeth except Nasai) ~
~ 5. Rasulullah~said: "Whoeverspendsfreely hisfamily ~
~ thedayofAashura, l l willgranthimblessingsinhisriziq :S
~ throughouttheyear." (Razeen, Baihaqi) ~
~ ~

~ Some peoplehave takenthedayto dayofrejoicing,andfor ~
~ the reading ofelegies, mourning, the expression ofgriefand for ,
f:I> rememberingthetragedieswhichbefalltheAhlulBayt. also use ~
gitforvisitinggrave-sitesand forotheracts. Andthey busythemselves i
t; with ~u c b actsof entertainment,amusementand whatamounttoshirk ~
~ d s . :s
j 1seekrefugein l l from the accursedShaytaan. ~.
i AlIahsays;" s forwhodoes ' weigh'ofgood,he i
:} will seeitand whosoeverdoes atom's weightof evil will seeit."
I . ~
~ ~
i ~
S !
L ~..~~" " i ) ~~~ 161
t bah : 40

r i
~ praise is due to Allah in whose Hands lie the control of "
~ affairs. is the creator of things and is the ControHer of ~%
affairs, the good as weH as the bad.

~ We bear witness that there is worthy of worship except {:
~ Allah alone, without associate and we bear witness that . ~
~ Sayeduna Muhammad ~ is the servant and messenger of AHah Who ~
i has taken us out of darkness and brought us into the light and who 1
~ through his teachings has eliminated ignorance and evil. Allah's
*salutations u and his family and his companions, through ".
~ whom this deen manifest in the best form. Through them faith
~ firmly established in the breasts throughout the days and ~
%months. Abundant salutations u them. ~
:i Thereafter, muslims, the month ofSafar has drawn near to us. ~
~ And this is the month which is taken as bad some people ~
~ while others take it to the herald of goodness, as was done the %'
:} people ofthe days ofignorance who used to resort to the detested habit {t
~ of shifting the months around because of this wrong be1ief. ~
~ Allah rejected this custom and stated that this shifting of the ~
~ months was cause for further kufr. Similarly Rasulullah ~condemned 'fSi.
~ the practice of taking Safar to time for good or bad luck and he 8
! rejected the habit ofassociating sorrows and grief with it. -&
~ 1. Rasulullah ~ said: "There is spreading of disease from t
~ person to another (except with Allah's permission) i ~
~ neither is there taking of omens from the f1ightofbirds,
R: nor evi1 in the sounding ofthe owl and neither is there ~
~ (ill-fortune in the month Safar. ~
2. On , Muhammad Raashid told Rasulul1ah ~that 1 ~
~ were taking ill from the entrance of the month of .'
:} Safar. RasuluHah ~said: "There is i l l - in Safar." ~
L ~o ~( i o 163 ~~~~~

~O~~~~ ~~~~O~~
3. R a ~u l u l l a h said: " ~a k i n ~ omens the flight ofbirdsis
~ 'shlrk'. repeatedthls t h . " ( Dawood, z r mi t h i )

~ 4. IbnMasood~ said:"Al1ofussometimes havesuchbaseless ~
(: thoughtsexceptthat Allahremoves them through tawakkul :$
~ (trustinHim)." .&
~ From thisstatementofIbnMasood,wel thattawakkul isin ~
~ believingintheheart thewhisperings(cominginto themind)with ~
~ regardtotheflightofbirds,neitherinactingu itsresultsthroughthe {:
~ limbs, expressingbeliefofthe same throughthe tongue. Wewil1 ~
:} thennot taken totask for such wrongbeliefs. ~
~ ~ ..
~ ThestatementofRasulul1ah~: "Ifi1l isfound,itwould 'S
~ in woman, propertyand horse." Should interpretedto that ~
~ if.bY~~y there was - 0 , it would in these three {:
~ things. I k h , ) ~
:} 1seekrefugeinAllah[ theaccursedShaytaan.
W ~o
~ l l says: " messengerreplied: " h e il1 (badluck)is i
~ with you (as result ofyour deeds). 1sthis because u ~
~ admonishedtoreturnto l l . But u extravagant ! . " ~
~ !
! !
~ ~
~ ~
g g
L ~~~~165 j ) ~~~~
O~~~~ ~~~~O~,
tbah : 41

r i
i ! I N R A E E - U L - A WWA L
f: praise is due to Who is sufficient for and everything. ~
f; is the who through i s perfect attributes manifest and %
~ in i s Being is concealed. We bear witness that there is being worthy ~
~ ofwo r s ~i p except alone, without p ~e ~ associate and we ~
~ bear wltness that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ servant and ~
~ messenger, the chosen . Allah's salutations and blessings *
:} him, and his family and his mp i s , whose uttering were ~
~ indeed pure. ~
i Thereafter, muslims, the month o f R a b e e - u l - ww l has drawn i
~ and dawned, during which people accustomed t;:
.% to celebrate the birthday ofthe Holy Prophet in various gatherings. And ~
'ii now it is our intention to clarify the Positio.n (as to the permissibility or i
~ prohibited nature of this act). we state that in the books of
! Bukhary and Muslim it is mentioned that Rasulullah ~said: " h e r e
~ two raka'ahs salaah before Maghrib salaah." (This was repeated thrice ~
J}i and the third occasion added: "For those who so desire." This last i
phrase indicated that RasuluHah ~wanted to point out that this was not ~
; to established practice and certainly not compulsory. make it ~
~ obligatory would thus wrong). ~
~ There are other proofs and arguments in this regard: {:
~ eminent scholars of Islam consensus the point that if - ~
:} rewardable acts are considered to rewardable acts, it would amount ~
~ to making change in the deen. Similarly it amounts to changing the 6
~ deen ifthe optional deeds are considered to compulsory. Ifthis :i
~ remembrance ofthe Rasul (in the form ofthe Mowlood Shareef) takes ~
~ place without special conditions attached to it, there is still way ~
~ that such celebrations considered to within the limits of the {:.
~ Shariah. And ifthese celebrations such special conditions attached i
:} to then and person considers them to compulsory tocelebrate, ~
0l:SUChcelebrations are innovations. And if does not look uPon::Juch
celebrations as being rewardable acts, but still entertains the act, this too
o ~o ; t : 1 i } ~~~ 167 f i ) ~~~O~o
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~~
is near to being innovation. As such both these acts are prohibited as
r ;
non-perrnissible deeds shou1d prohibited to various degrees of
~ prohibition according to the be1iefsheld. Thus those who ho1dthe be1ief ~
of these ce1ebrations being compu1sory or those in whom there is fear ~o
of corruption, shou1d compu1sori1y prohibited while those free from

~ such e1ements wi11 100ked as occasion that has part of ~

- . the process of time. ~
t We notice the habit among 1 that they more to 'S
~ attack and condemn those who abstain from these ce1ebrations with ~
~ greater vehemence than they would condemn those who abstain from ~
'!} the compu1sory commandments. Such 1 prefer to see the .%
~ prohibited acts increase without expressing objection. ~
~ The difference of opinion between the 1atter day scho1ars is ~
%simi1arto the difference ofthe earlier scho1ars, for 1 , conceming ~
~ practising the hadeeth about keeping fast Friday's 1 . ~
Rasu1uHah~ said: "Do not fix Friday night for optiona1prayers ~
~ from amidst the other nights, nor fix the day ofFriday for fasting amidst . :
.. the other days, except if it within the sequence set of tt
~ you(forfasting)." (Muslim) ~
~ Simi1ar is the difference among the scholars tlle issue ofthe ~
8hajis stopping at Muhassab. Ibn Umar ~considered it sunnah, whi1e ~
i Ibn Abbaas considered it as mere stopJor . " (Muslim) ~
.% h e Shariah has regu1ations. However ifthese ce1ebrations ~
~ are accompanied various manifest evi1s or prohibited acts, then the ~
verdict then is ofbeing nor perrnissible and prohibited. ~
'S- This is a1so the verdict the ce1ebration k n wn as Haadi t
:} Ashar i.e., it the 11th day which occurs in Rabi-u1-thaani, the festiva1of ~
i SheikhAbdu1 Qadir Jailani. ~
~ 1 seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaytaan. ~
"!1 AHah says: "'/eri1y, Mu h a mma d ~, We have e1evated for -%'
~ your mention." ~
L ~o ~~( i I 169 f } ~~" ~~
O~~~~ ~~~~O~,
tbah : 42
f i


praise toAl1ahWhotook Hisservant Muhammad~ g
~ nightjourney nightftom theHolyMosqueinMakkahtotheMasjid- ~
~ ul-Aqsa in Jerusalem. And from there through the seven heavens. 1 '*
~ witnessthatthere is deservingworshipexceptAl1ahalone, ~
5 without r t n associate and 1 witness that Sayeduna (:
~ Muhammad~ isHis servantandmessenger,the best of mankind. ~
f;. Al1ay'ssalutationsinabundance u andhisfamilyand )(;
~ hiscompanions,whodispel1edthedarkness. ~
I . J
~ Thereafter,muslims,themunthofRajabhasdownedu us g
~ Rajab, the deaf . During this month there some special {:
*' regulationsconcemingthis month, some were importantthan others. f;.
When this month used to i v , Rasulul1ah~ used to : " Allah ~
great ustheblessingsofthemonths ofRajaband Sha'baanandguide
ustowardsRamaadaan."Secondlythereisthe fasting ofcertainofits
'f1. days accordingtosome reports.Someofthesereports with chairs ~
i oftransmissionreachingRasulul1ah~yet unauthenticandmostly g
~ weak in nature (due to defects conceming the t s ) . of ~
R; these reports total1yweakandeven fabricated then also there is f;.
~ report Khara-shahwhosays:"1sawUmarbinKhattab~hittingthe ~
~ p a l ~s ,?fpeople for fasting in Rajab, until they stopped fasting {:
~ ~
i . ~
i . ~
J Thirdlythere is Mowqoofreport(whichmeans sayingnot ~
~ t l attributedtoRasulul1ah~butto ofhiscompanions). u ~
~ Hurayrah~reports:" personwhofasts the27thofRajab,wil1 -%
~ rewarded Allah for fastofsixtymonths." ~
L ~~~f i o 171 ~~~~
~ ~e : ~~r d report states that fasting is pennissible, but it should ~~~1 ~~ S
~ p ~e r f o n n e d with the beliefthat it is s u n n ~h , d.erived from Rasulullah
~ ~. But rather as means of , Just case should so. -&
~ However the other reports make it clear that certain specific days of ~
~ Raj should not fasted so as to protect oneselffrommisinterpreting ~
f: the rules of Shariah. Mention must also made of the 27th night of ~
~ Rajab which has fixed as time of celebration during which .%
~ lectures are delivered the Mee'raj, which is innovation the ~
I genera! public their !eaders. ~
g g
~ ~
,g, The verdict this issue is similar the verdict delivered in the ~
%0 ~o P
~ ~ sennon relating to the blessed birth o f R a s u l u l l a h ~.
~ 1 seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaytaan. ~
~ And Allah says: "And u , messenger of Allah, will travel J
~ through various stages ofthe skies." g
i ~
~ ~
~ ~
j i
~ ~
~ ~
s g
L ~~~" " 173 ~~~~~
O~~~{ J . : ) { ~~~~O~'
tbah : 43

r i
g ~ MON T H OF S A ' B A A N
~ praise to Al1ahWho has fixed the sustenance (rizq) of ~
~ His servantsaswell astheir life-spans. And has c o m a n d e d that ~
; ; rememberedand obeyed in the moming and the night. And 1 ~
gbearwitnessthatthereis worthyofworship exceptAl1ah l n , ~
~ without n partner or associate and 1bear witness that Sayeduna ~
'Mu h a m a d ~ isHisservantandmessenger, theleader ofthe n of1(;
:} virtueandperfection. Allah'sblessings n himandhisfarnily ~
iand c o ~p a n i o n s who were the best offamilies and the best of~
* , ~
~ Thereafter,muslims,verilythemonthofSha n hasdawned ~
~ overusasthefore-runner ofthemonth ofRamadaan. Thismonth has {:
~ great blessingsand virtues and attachedto it are certainregulations. ~
'iiListentothemandremember them. ~
~ 1. Rasulul1ah~ hassaid: " K e e ~ .takingnoticeofthe crescent ~
~ n f S h n , whl1eaWaltmgRamadaan." ( i r mi t h i ) ~
:} 2. Rasulullah~usedtogiveconsiderableconsiderationtothe {t
i month f S h ~ morethan n othermonth.(Abu Dawood) i
~ 3. And Rasulul1ah~ said: "Do not precede Ramadaan with ~
~ voluntaryfast ortwodaysbeforeRamadaanexceptifit ~
was whohadacquiredthehabitoffasting specific {:
day ofthe week, (then ifthat day comes n or two days ~i
before Ramadaan), lethimfast." ( u k l r )
. .
~ 4. Rasulullah~said:"Onthisnight(thetwentyseventhnightof ~
~ S h a n ) itisdecreedeverysoulthatwi1l m duringthis :S
~ year and so also wi1l decreed every soul that will pass 'f1
~ awayandsoalsotheirdeedsarebeing lifteduptoAllahand 8
~ thisnight theirsustenanceisdecreed. ~
I i
~~~( 8 175 j j ) ~~u J
~O~~~{ W~~~~O~~
5. Rasulullah ~ also said: "When it is the fifteenth night of
S h thenkeepthenightawake perfonningvoluntary .
~ prayersandfastduringthedayforverilyAllahdeseendwith i
~ His downto the lowestheavenat the time ofsunset ~
:} andproelaims:"Isthereanyonebeggingforforgivenessthat ~
~ 1 grant forgiveness? Is there anyone begging for
'& sustenanee that 1 grant him sustenanee? Is there any ~
%' oneindiffieultiesandealamitiesthat1 him?"andso ~
! ~ Allaheontinuesto showerHis blessings until the moment
~ dawneomes along." ~
fY The authorof"Maathabatabihis sunnah"says:"Ofthemost ~
:} detestable innovations is the eustom whieh had ~
widespread in most parts ofIndia oflighting lamps and ~
t plaeingthese thehousesand thewalls.Similarlythere is -s.
~ the habit ofother fonns ofamusement and the bumingof ~
~ fireworks.Perhapsitstrue thatthis hasbeentaken the {:
~ eustoms ofthe i n d u s oflightinglamps atthetimeofDivali. ~
~ 1seekrefuge inAllahfrom the aecursedShaytaan.
~i : l l ' " "We revealedit blessednight, which J
everyWlseeommandlSmadeas eommandfrom . Verily,
!Weareeontinuouslysendingprophetsforrnan'sguidanee." i

~ ~
i ~
i ~
g i
L ~o ; ( ; , j ) ~ ~~~OJ 177
t bah : 44


f i
~. N R N I N G V I R S F R A A DA A N

1 l praise to Allah Who is most gracious to His servant in His ~
Q favours, with which remove from them the cunning plans of the "
fJ. Shaytaan and towards his hopes and efforts as made fasting ~
Wprotective covering and shield for His true friends and through it has ~
~ opened [ them the doors ofparadise. And 1bear witness that there is ~
~ being worthy ofworship except Allah alone, without or ~
~ associate and 1 bear witness that Sayeduna Muhammad .$ is His ~
:} servant and messenger, the leader of 1 l creation and the who placed ~
Q before us the sunnah. . Allah's choicest salutation descend ~
~~ him and his family as well as his companions, those oftremendous %
insight and minds to discem the distinction between right and wrong. ~
~ Thereafter, muslims, verily the month ofRamadaan has drawn ~
~ , the month wherein the Holy Qur'an was revealed as guidance to ~
O 1 l mankind and with clear distinction between what is right and what is 1:
wrong. So approach this month with longing and eagemess. And listen ,
~ carefully to what Sayeduna Salmaan ~ has reported: narrates: ~
"Rasulullah ~ addressed us the last day of Shabaan, saying: " ~
~ people, great month has dawned over , blessed month wherein is :$
~ found night better and more virtuous than thousand months. It is ~
; ; month wherein Allah has made it obligatory that the days fasted and ~
~ that the night spent in prayers was made optional act. who ~
~ draws near to Allah performing good act in this month shall {:
~ as ifhe had done obligatory act in other time. And whosoever ~
~ performs obligatory act there in shall like him who had performed
~ seventy similar acts in another time.
s. This is month of patience and the reward for patience us ~
; ; paradise. It is the month of sympathy with one's fellow and it is ~
! month wherein the sustenance of believer is increased. who gives ~
~ fasting person something with which to break the fast, for that ~
~ wi11 forgiveness for his sins and freedom for from the fire of ~
~ hell and for wi11 the reward equal to that person's fasting without ~
! that person's rewards being lessened at l l . " ~
~~o , ; t : ; i } ~~" 179 . a ) ~~~O~~

~O~~~~ ~~~~O~~
Salmaan ~, continues: "We then said: " ~e s s e n g e r of A l l a ~, S
~ notall ofus possess the means Whereby we glve another to break {:
~ his fast." f!:
~ ~
i Rasulullah ~replied: "Allah gives the same reward to who ~
~ gives fasting person sip of mi1k or date or mouthful of water." {:
~ The person who gives fasting person to eat to his satisfaction, Allah ~
~ wi11 cause to drink from fountain the day ofQiyaamah where ~
~ after he wi11 not thirsty until he enters paradise." And this is ~
~ month, the first part of which brings the decent of from Allah. ~
%' The second part brings forgiveness and the third part brings immunity ~
~ from the fire ofhell. And whosoever lightens the burden ofhis slave in ~
~ this month Allah will pardon him and set him free from the fire ofhell." i
~ ~
~ 1 seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaytaan. ~
~ ~
f.; And Allah says: " who believe fasting has prescribed :}
- . as it was prescribed those before that .%
~ god-fearing."

L ~~~~( " i o 181
j ) ~~~
~ Itbab : . i 45
~ C ON C E R N I N Gr n E F A S T I N GOF R A A DA A N ~

~ l I praise to l I Who has blessed us guiding us to the ~
~ straight path and blessed us with true realisation. And is the ~
~ Who made us of the people of IsIam and of the people of faith. We ~
~ thank I I and g I o r i f ) His Name and had caused great month to ~
~ dawn over us caIIed Ramadaan, during which sins being burnt ~
~ and where difficulties being dispelIed. We witness with the {:
~ and the tongue that there is other being worthy of worship ~
:1 AIIah alone, without partner associate and we witness that ~
SSayeduna Muhammad ~ our master and Ieader is the servant and the ~
i'. messenger of I I , the who has"indicatedto us the things that wilI :;
cause us to enter paradise. ~
AIIah's salutations him and his family as weII as his I
O C Ol mp ~i o n s , the most exceIIent among the people abundant ~
sa , ~
Thereafter, muslims, the month ofRamadaan has begun over ,
~ us. So, make use ofthe opportunity to take hold of its blessings being ~
~ obedient to AIIah and abstaining from sins in the in which W
~ RasuluIIah ~has admonished us to do tiII the end oftime. i
~ 1. RasuluIIah ~ said: "When the first night of the month of ~
JD Ramadaan enters, the Shaytaan and the rebeIliousjinns are 'f1
i ~ being imprisoned, the doors ofheII are being closed and the
~ doors of paradise are opened without door being closed ~
's- and calIer from the heavens proclajm: " seeker after good t
~ proceed forward towards good. seeker after eviI, desist ~
~ from eviI." And AIIah has souIs that sets free from ~
~ the fire of Jahannam. This happens every night of ts
i Ramadaan.". ( i r i t h i , Ibn Majah, A h a d ) ~
~ 2. And RasululIah Ji3 said: "Every good deed of the sons of {:
-%' Adam is rewarded from ten times to seven hundred times". ~
~ I I says: "Fasting is for and 1 Myself wilI give the ~
:I reward, because Ieaves his desires and his food aside ~
for sake. And verily the fasting person shaII have two !
O~O~~~~ 183 n ~~~O~~ L
~O~~~{ . W~~~~O~; ,
moments of extreme pleasure, at the time of breaking
~ the fast and the other at the moment of meeting his Lord. ~
~ And verily the smell from the mouth of fasting person is ~
sweeter in the sight of l 1 than musk.And verily fasting is ~o
protective shield and when of fasts, let him not

~ indulge in evil talk and evil tasks and if should abuse ~

~ him verbal1y, or fight with him, let him say to himself: "1 >.!
i i fasting."
i i
~ 1 seek refuge in Al1ah from the accursed Shaytaan. ~
I And l l says: "And night pennitted 10 associale ;
~ with your wives, seeking that which Allah had ordained for . And ~
~ eat and drink till the white glow ofthe horizon becomes clear [ the (:
~ dark glow ofFajar (at dawn). Then complete the fast until the i v l of ~
~ night." ~
~ t
~ ~
i ~
j ~
~ ~
~ ~
i i
~ i
g !
L ~o ~~~185 Q~~~~
o~~~~~~~{ Wo~,
t bah : 46
9 9
f i
C ON C E R N l N G R A A WE E H S A L A A A N DT E ;
g g R E C I T A T I ON OF T E QU R A N
f: 1 l praise to l l , Who has made the days of Ramadaan ~
~ brightened ~r o u g h the fasting and has made the nights, lightened ~
~ with the standing in prayer. We bear witness that there is other being ~
~ w?rthy of wors.hipexcept Allah alone, without a n y ~ p ~r t n ~r or associate ~
~ and we bear wltness that Sayedur.:l Muhammad ~ IS servant and ~
1;messenger, the one who brought the good news that, this month, the ; ;
:} first portion thereof brings forgiveness, the second thereof is for Allah's ~
f: mercy and the last thereofbrings freedom and immunity from the ~
~ punishment ofthe fire ofhell. ~
~ Allah's salutations upon in abundance and upon his :}
~ family and his companions who ruled over people with justice and f;:
.% excellence and guided them towards the abode of . ~
~ Thereafter, muslims, verily of the deeds of Ramadaan is the ~
~ staying awakeby i g h t and the standing in prayer, reciting the Holy
Qur'an. And to fix specific times and performing acts of ibaadah in
moderation both these acts allowed conditions that loss ~
~ disturbance is brought about in the execution of ibaadah. ~
~ 1. Rasulullah ~ said: "Verily l l has made compulsory ~
~ the fasting ofRamadaan and 1 made it sunnah for '&
~ to stand in prayer at night. So whoever fasts the month 8
~ and performs the qiyaam salaah with faith and the sincere ~
~ intention to acquire reward he will cast aside his sins, ending ~
~ without sins like the day his mother gave birth to him."
~ ~~~
~ 2. Rasulullah f3 also said: "Whosoever fasts themonth of ~
~ Ramadaan with faith and with the intention of acquiring ~
~ reward, for him will forgiven 1 l the sins that had gone ~
* before. And who so ever performs traaweeh salaah with ~
'& faith an.d with t h ~ intention ofacquiring reward, for him will R:
i i forglven 1 l s s that had gone before."(Bukhary, Muslim)
~~o J t W} ~~~ 187 8 } ~~~OJ t W} ~
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~; ; ,
3. Rasulullah ~also said: "Fasting and the Quran will intercede
~ behalf of the servant of Allah. Fasting will say: "Lord, 1 {:
~ have prohibited him from eating and from his desires day. ~
11 accept intercession his behalf. The Quran will ~
:} say: "Lord, 1have prevented him from sleeping night, so ~
~ accept intercession his behalf. So their intercession "
f;. will accepted." %
i 4. Rasulullah ~also said: "Everyone who performs salaah has ~
~ angel his right-hand side and another his left-hand (:
:J! side. Ifhe completes the salaah, these two take the salaah to ~
~ the heavens and if he does not complete the salaah, they i)
:} strike his face with it (i.e., the salaah is rejected)." {!.
~ (Durr-e-Manthoor) ~
t 5. Rasulullah ~ was questioned regarding this verse: "And ~
~ recite the Qur'an in tarteel" he answered: "Recite the Quran ~
~ correctly and clearly and do not recite it in breaks as {:
~ would scatter dates. And recite it not in rhythm as do in t;.
q- reciting poetry and do not intend to complete it speedily, l l ~
!! the time awaiting the end ofthe Surah." ~
~o o ~
:} 1 seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaytaan. {t
~ And Allah says: " who wrapped in mantle, stand ~
~ in prayer during the night or decrease little or increase it and ~
; recite the Qur'an with tarteel (observing all the rules for correct ~
~ recitation)." ~
I ~
i ~
~ i
S ~
L ~Ok l i ) ~( 8 189 1 i ) ~~k I i ) ~
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~,
t bah : 47 .


~ praise toAllah Who has granted usLaylatul Qadr whichis ~
~ moreexcellentthan thousandmonths and isthe mostvirtuousof ~
f;. spans oftime and for thistime had prescribedfor usthe eetikaaJ .'
~ (seclusion)inthehousesofAllah,theMerciful . ~
~ 1bear witness thatthere is deserving ofworship except (:
.% Allah alone, withoutany orassociate and 1bear witnessthat ~
fY our master and leader Sayeduna Muhammad ~ is i s servant and J(;
~ messenger, the master ofthose residing inthe coutryside and in the g
~ towns. Allah'ssalutationsandblessings uponhimandhisfamily ~
aswell as hiscompanions,who werethe mastersamong men offaith l

~ Thereafter, muslims, we have now reachedthe lastten days {:
. % ofRamadaan. This is the time for eetikaaJ (i.e., seclusion) in the ~~
mosque and itisthetime for seekingthenight ofLaylatul Qadr soas
togainrewardandthe pleasureofAllah.Andwithregardtothese two
~ the Qur'an and the hadeethhave adequatelyexpoundedtheirvirtues.
Allah says: "And do not associate with your wives while u are in ;g
01 eetikaaJ in the mosques." And Allah says: "Verily Laylatul Qadr i S ~
moreexcellentthan thousandmonths."
~ 1. Rasulullah~said:"Whosoeverstandsinprayer thenight ~
~{ ) f Laylatul Qadr with faith andtheintentionofgainingreward, ~
forhirnwill forgiven hispastsins." (Bukhary, Muslim) ~
~ 2. Rasulullah~said:"It(themonthofRamadaan)containsone ~
~ nightwhich isbetterthan thousandmonths. Andwhoever
.% isdeprivedofitsblessingshasbeendeprived(of good)." ~
~ (Ahmad, Nisai) ~
~ 3. Rasulullah~ said: "When itisthe night ofLaylatul Qadr, i
j}.. Jibreeldescendswith groupofangelsandtheymakeduaah ~
~ for every person standingor sittinginthe remembrance of ~
~ Allah." (Baihaqi) ~
~~O ~~~~191 8 } ~~~O~~

~O~~~~ ~~~~O~~
4. According to anotherhadeethRasulu11ah~ is reported to
~ have saidwithregardtothe personineetikaaf; " refrains ~
~ from sins and good deeds are recorded in his favour as ~
S personwho does 1 1 types ofgood deeds." (Ibn Majah) ~
~ ~
'& 5. Rasulu11ah~said: "SearchforLaylatul Qadr inthelast ten ~
days ofRamadaan." (Bukhary) ~
i Saeed Musayyib~says: "The personwho ispresent the ~
1;nightof Laylatul Qadr incongregationforsalaah,has definitelytaken *'
~ his share ofits blessings." 1t is as ifthe viewofthis great is ~
~ interpretationofthehadeeth:"The who isdeprivedofitsgoodness ~
isindeed deprived . " Thushemeansthat personwho ispresent i
thisnightisnot deprivedperson.

I 1seekrefugein l l h accursedShaytaan. ~i
~ And Allahsays: "1 swea( the Lordofthe breakofday,And
~ thetennightsofZil Hijjah, And the pairsandtheodd single
~ ones And the nightwhenitpassesaway." i
i ~
~ ~
~ ~
i ~
i i
~ i
S ~
L ~..~~" " I i ) ~~~ 193
O ~O~~~~~~~~O~,
J i
t bah : 48
Q <>

1 l praise to l l Who has granted us the ability to complete ~
~ the month of Ramadaan. We glorify Him and magnify His for ~
~ having guided us to the attributes ofIslam. We bear witness that there '*
;r; is other being worthy of worship except l l , and we bear ~
iwitness that our master and leader Sayeduna Muhammad ~ is the ~
~ servant and the trusted messenger of 1 1 . Allah's salutations ~
'f1 u him and his family 1 l ofthem. ; :
:} Thereafter, muslims, verily the month of has dawn to ~
~ its close and Eidul Fitr has dawned over us. Both these two special ~
~ deeds of obedience towards l l which must observed neglect ~
" and unmindfulness will tolerated in the execution of these acts. l}
~ Of these is to compensate for what we neglected in those l {:
.% days so that we do not spite our noses in the hereafter. f;.
~ 1. Rasulullah ~ said: " ( ! humiliated ~
~ whom the month of Ramadaan entered and then departed -%
J} before acquired forgiveness." And ofthe adaab ofEid is ~
~ to stay awake during the night proceeding Eid being busy ~
~ with Ibaadah. ~
~ ~
~ 2. Rasulu11ah ~ said: "Whoever stays awake (in ibaadah) {:
~ the two nights proceeding the Eids with the of acquiring ~
:} reward from 1 1 , his heart wil1not die (offear) the day ~
~ when 1 1 hearts wil1die. ~
~ Another regulation is to distribute the sadaqatul-fitr .%
i ~ behalf ofevery child and adult of one's household.
EE 3. Rasulu11ah ~ said: " sau' offlour or wheat behalf of i
every free in one's family, or one's slave, l or female. ; :
L ~~~1 9 5 1 i ) ~~O~~
i 4. Ibn Umar ~ reports: "Rasu!ul1ah ~ made z a k a a t u ! _ ~t r S
} compu!sory-one sau' ofdates sau' ofbar!ey and {:
~ ordered that it distributedbefore the ! proceed for -&
~ thesalaah ofEid.Andoftheahkaam ofEidisthesa!aahof~
:} EidandthetwosennonsofEid.Itisreported thatRasu!ullah
i ~ used to proceed the moming ofEidu! Fitr and ~
~ reachingthe musallah the firstthing hedidwastoperfonn ~
~ the salaatu! Eid. Then he used to tum towards the ! ~
~ whi!ethey were seated intheir rows andhe gave sermon (:
~ wherein he advised them and ordered them and instructed ~
them. . ~
~ ~
i i
1seekrefuge inAl1ahfromthe accursed Shaytaan. {:
~ And l l says: "Allah desires ease for and does not ~
~ desire difficu!ty for and desiresthat shou!d complete the ~
~ numberofdaysandmagnifyHis forthat hadguided and ~
:} thatperhaps will gratefu!." ~
i ~
~ t
~ ;
! i
I i
i t
g g
L ~~~197 8 ) ~~O. . ) .
f i
~O~~~~ ~~~~O~'
t bah : 49


praise toA1lahWhohasmadetheAncientHouse ( ) g
{: as place ofrefuge and place ofsafety for mankind. And has ~
f} honouredtheHouse relatingittoHimselfandgrantingitspecial honour, *
:fi makitlgit sanctuaryformankindoutof His grace.1bear witness that ~
~ there is otherbeingworthyofwo r ~h ~p except Allahaloneand1bear {:
~. 'v1tnessthat SayedunaMuhammad~ 1S the servant and messengerof~
'!f Allah,theprophetofmercyandtheleaderofthisUmmah. Allah's .%'
:} salutations himandhisfamilyandhiscompanionsthoseleaders ~
g i d i g towardstruthandtheleadersofmankind. ~
.t Thereafter, muslims,verily themonthofhajhas i v d with i
~ regard to which Allah says: "Haj is performed in the we H - k n wn
~ months." f;:
~ AndRasulullah~said:"Verilythehajisperformedinthek n wn ~
l' tnonths." ~
~ !
~ l l says:" itis that[ , l l ' , sake i
t,t they shouldperformhaj at the House ofA1lah,for those havingthe ~
~ meanstodo . " '!f
~ 1. Rasulullah ~ said: "Whoever is not prevented from ~
~ performinghaj manifestnecessity,or tyrantruleror ~
~. preventingillness, and he passesawaywithoutperforming%
:} . haj die ifhesowishes as Jew orifhesowishesas ~
i Christian." ~
*' 2. Rasulullah ~ said: "Whoever performs haj and did not ~
~ commit obscenitynor committed sinful deed, will ~
~ r ~t u ~ (free f o m sin) like the day his mothergave birthto {:
-%' him. (Bukhary, Muslim) ~
3. Rasulul1ah~performedfouru r a h s ofthem inthemonth ~
' "
... ofZilQa'da exceptthe umrahwhichheperformedwit:1hiS
O~O~~~~ 199 ~~~~O~O

4. Rasulul1ah ~ said: "Follow haj and Umrah with other
00 00 for verily the two of them remove and sins."And of
~ the deeds w4ich add.:o the l l of haj is t.o visit the ~
~ grave o f R a s u l u l l a h ~, the most ofall the m t s of '*
~ the grave. reports reached us regarding the great ~
Q merit of this act and the chains of transmission of some of ~
~ these reports Hasan. '*
i Rasulullah ~ said: "Whoever visits grave for him ~
~ intercession l l encumbent." And now 1inform u of something (:
.% which is very important And that is that the month of Zil Qa'da which ~
~ follows Shawwaal is ofthe months ofhaj and because it was the ;g
~ month of four ofRasulul1ah's ~ , therefor, there doubt g
~ as to the good fortune and the blessings of this month. How most :?!
t unfortunate is the view ofthose people, who view this month as month ~
~ of ill . That only the view of the ignorant one's who ~
~ ignorant of the rules of Shariah. i
~ ~
~ 1 seek refuge in ! ' Shaytaan. ~
~ l l says: "And u the haj for the benefit ofpeople, they ~
i will to u foot and u every lean camel, travelling along ~
ievery deep l l . " ~
~ i
g ~
i ~
~ ~
~ ~
g ~
L ..~~" " 20' 1 i ) ~{ 8 ' j ; p ~~
o~~~' t W~~~~o~,
tbah : 50
f i
R N R N I N G D DS F Z I L J i

praise to Al1ahWho but for i s Grace, we would have !
~ n guided right. And had it not for His bounties we would not ~
fJ have given charity, nor perfonned salaah. And neither would we have *'
~ fasted, sacrificed animals. ~
~ We bear witness that there is deserving ofworship except f;:
:t Al1ah l n , without n partner associate And we bear witness that f;.
~ Sayeduna Muhammad . ~ is His servant and messenger through whom ; ;
:} tranquility descended over us. And we prepared to sacrifice ~
~ ourselves, families for his sake. Had it not n for him we would ~
t have recognised the truth and we would not have understood. ~
~ Al1ah's salutations n him and his family and n his companions, ~
~ who witnessed the battles of Badr and Hunain. ~
% Thereafter, muslims, verily the month of Zil Hij dawned f;.
1i over us. The Shariah has laid down certain regulations regarding this 1:
~ month. The most important ofthese is the sacrifice of a n i a l s and the ,
'* rules, regarding the sacrifice will dealt with in the khutbah the ~
~ tenth ofthis month. Second ofthe ahkaam ofthis month is the fasting ~
~ of the ten days, meaning thereby the fasting of the ninth day and t h e ~ {to
~ spending ofthe nights in prayers and other good works.

t;' 1. Rasulul1ah ~said: "There are other days that Al1ah10ves ~
~ it more that should worshipped than the ten days ofZil ~
~ Hij. The fast ofevery day is equal to the fasting of year and ~
the standing in prayer n night is equal to the standing in ~
prayer the night of Laylatul Qadr, especial1y the fast of

the day of Arafaat." ~
! 2. Rasulullah .. said, "Forthe fast ofthe ofA r a f a a ~1have 8
~ the hope in Al1ahthat will pardon al1 ( i n o r ) sins ofthe ~
S previous year and the fol1owing year." ~
L ~~~H i I 203 8 ) ~~~o J

~O~~~~ ~~~~O~; ,
3. And of the ahkaam of this time is the takbeer after every
~ salaah. The Sahabi, Abdu11ah bin Umar ~used to recite the {:
takbeer after every compulsory salaah from the moming of .,g
the Day of Arafaat upto Asar salaah the day of Nahr, -*
~ saying: "Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La Ilaaha Illaallahu ~
~ Wallahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Wa Lillaahil . ~

4. Sayeduna Ali ~ used to recite that takbeer from after Fajr
the day of Arafaat upto Asar salaah the last day of
tashreeq. (Athaarus Sunan and Ibn Shaibah)
~, . , .

~ 5. The night of Eid has to spent staying awake in zikr. f;.
And of the further ahkaam of Eidul Adhaa is the salaah of ~
(: Eid and the two khutbahs. These similar to the khutbahs .~
.,g mentioned in Eidul Fitr. :?!
~ 6. Rasulu11ah ~ said: "Whoever stays awake (for ibaadah) 's
i the nights ofthe two Eids, his heart wil1not die (for fear) ~
~ the day when 1 1 hearts wil1die." ~

When Rasulu11ah ~ used to proceed for Eidul Fitr and Eidul 1:
Adhaa to the musallah the first thing that he did ( arriving there) was ,
to perform the salaah. then used to tum, facing the people, sitting in .,g
~ ~h e i r l i ~e s and then he used todeliver khutbah, advising them and ~
:} s t r u t g them. ~
i i 1 seek refuge in A11ah from the accursed Shaytaan.
~ ~
i... And Allah : " ( oatb ofFajr and ( ni ght' (ofZil i
:; HlJJah) and the evenand the odd."
i i
~ ~
~ i
! ~
L ~~~( 8 205 j ) ~~~
l ) ~O~~~~ ~~~~O~'
f i
tbah : 51

Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. There is worthy ~
~ ofworship except Allah 1 and Allah is the greatest and to Allah ~
~ l l praise. l l praise to l l , the Great Benefactor, the Munificent, *'
; ; the Ru1er, the Granter of grace, generosity and kindness. is the ~
~O Possessor ofnobi1ity, forgiveness and Granter ofbounties. Al1ahis the i ~
Greatest, l l is the Greatest. There is worthy ofworship except
~ Allah and l l is the Greatest and to l l l l praise. ; :
~ We bear witness that there is worthy of worship ~
~ l l 1 , without a n ~p ~r t n ~r or associate and we witness that ~
t Sayeduna Muhammad ~ lS servant and messenger, the who ~
" was sent to this world when disbe1ief had spread l l over the 1ands. ~
~ Allah's sa1utations u him and his fami1y and l l his f;:
~ companions for as 10ng as the sun and the shall shine and for as ~
O long as night and day shall a1temate. -i
l l is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is other ,
~" worthy ofworship except Al1ahand l l is the Greatest, and to l l fJ.
l l praise. ~
~ h e r e a f t e r , mus1ims, know verily that this day of your.s 1.' S the ~
~ Day of Eid. Verily this day Allah shows to u the signs of His ~
; : kindness that we for the acquisition ofhigh rank, forgiveness ~
~ and pardon. Allah is the Greatest, l l is the Greatest. There is ~
~ worthy ofworship except l l and l l is the Greatest. And to Al1ah ~
'S l l praise. ~
:! 1. Rasu1ullah ~said: "Veri1y every 1 has day offestiva1
~ and this is our festiva1 day." Allah is the Greatest, l l is the ~
f t . ~a Greatest. There is worthy ofworship except Allah and ~t s
Al1ah is the Greatest, and to l l l l praise."

~ 2. Rasu1ullah ~said: "When it is your day ofEid, the day when {:
~ it is permissible to break the fast, then l l boasts to the ~
ange1s about the muslims. And l l says: " ange1s, ; ;
~ what is the reward of 1 who has comp1eted i
~~O~~~~ 207 f } ~~~O~~

~O~~~~~~~~O~; ,
his duty?" angels reply: "His reward is that should
00 00 fully recompensed for his work." Then Allah says: "
i angels, they servants and bondsmaiden who have ~
~ fulfilled the duty upon them. now forth crying ~
~ sincerely in dua. 1swear Greatest, Loftiness, ~
~ and high rank that 1will accept their pleas. Then ~
-& says: "Return now trom here for 1 pardoned and :2!
i l changed your evil deeds for good deeds."
~ 3. Rasulullah ~ concludes: "Then they returh, having been {:
~ forgiven." Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There ~
~ is one worthy of worship except Allah and Allah is the ~
:} Greatest and to Allah praise. ~
~ These then the virtues of the day. As for ahkaams, e.g.
t the giving ofthe sadaqatul fitr, the salaah, the sermons, these 'S-
~ been dealth with in the khutbah before this one. There 1}
~ are however two points which still to mentioned. {
.%" Al1ah is the Greatest, Al1ah is the Greatest. There 1S ~
~ worthy of worship except Allah and 1S the Greatest ~
1! ~ and to all .
O first point is this Rasulullah ~said: "Whosoever fasts jo.
the month ofRamadaan and follows 1t w1th the fasting of

f;; days of Shawwaal shall as one who fasted an ~

~ lifetime." (Muslim) ~
i 4. Rasulullah ~ used to the takbeer between the two ~
~ Khutbah and used to abundantly it the two E1d 8
~ khutbas. ~
~. ~
~ ~
~ 1 seek refuge in trom the accursed Shaytaan. ~
And Allah says: "Verily successful indeed 1S who purified his {:
gsoul .nd mentioned the ofHis Lord .nd perfonned the salh." i
L ~..~~f i ' 1 J j j ) ~~~~
t bah : 52
f i

E I DU L A D A A i

g is the Greatest. is the Greatest. h e r e is worthy ~
~ ofworship except . And is the Greatest. And to is due "
~ praise. ~
i praise is due to Who has fixed for every nation certain ~
~ rites of (sacrifice) that t h e ~ remember His for t h ~t which f;:
tt had granted them of m l s (fit for food and S U I 1 1 t ) , and ~
~ Who has taught mankind His oneness and has commanded them ~
:} towards submission unto Him. is the Greatest is the ~
~ Greatest. There is worthy of worship except and is ~
~ the Greatest. And to praise. ....
~ We bear witness that there is worthy of worship except ~
~ alone, without any p a ~e r : associate. And We bear witness {:
%" that Sayeduna Muhammad f3 lS servant and messenger who has f;.
guided us to the abode of . is the Greatest. is the ~
Greatest. There is worthy ofworship except and l 1 is the
~ Greatest and to praise. Allah's salutations upon him
';1 and his family and his companions who exerted themselves for the W
8execution of the regulations of Islam and who spent their selves and i
~ their possessions in the path of Islam. And what an honour they ~
~ received. Al1ah's choicest blessings upon them in great ~
~ abundance. Alalh is the Greatest. is the Greatest. There is ~
~ worthy ofworship except and is the Greatest. And to {:
~ is due to praise. ~
. ~ Thereafter, muslims, verily this day ofyours is the day ofEid. ~
~ has laid down as duty upon together with other deeds (which 6
~ had already passed in the khutbahs in the ten previous days) the :S
*sacrifice of sacrificial animals to done with complete sincerity and ~
! clean intentions. And Rasulullah ~has explained the obligatory nature 8
~ of this act as well as the virtues attached to this act. And the of ~
Islam has in their books explained the detailed masaa-il pertaining to ~o
this act. is the Greatest. is the Greatest. There is

Alah worthy ofworship except and is the Greatest. And t0:J
~~o U ~O, ; t 1 l } ~~~ 211 n - ~~O~O
~O~~~~~~~~O~; '
1. Rasulullah ~said: "The son of Adam W\ does perfonn
act this day of Nahr, which is beloved in the
sight ofAllah than slaughtering animal whereby its blood
~ flows and verily that animal will forward with the ~
~ reward of its homs, its hair and its hoofs. And l its blood ~
~ falls at l in Allah's before fa11ing the ~
ground. Therefore, blessed in yourself for this act." Allah i ~
is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest. There is worthy
of worship except Allah. And Allah is the Greatest. And to {:
~ Allah all praise." ~
~ 2. companions asked: " messenger of Allah, what ~
:} these sacrifices?" Rasulullah ~replied: "lt is the sunnah of ~
~ your father Ibraheem." they asked: "What reward is ~

there in it for us?" Rasulullah $ replied: " . or every hair there ~
is the reward of good deed." h e y asked:" "And the

wool?" replied: "Every fibre of'wool is equal to good {:
deed's reward." Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest. ~
There is worthy of worship except Allah and Allah is ~O
~ the Greatest. And to Allah all praise.
%. 3. Rasulullah ~also said: Whoever has the means to sacrifice .
animal and does not do so, let him not near to our ~
Musallah (for Eid salaah)." l l is the Greatest. Allah is the i
Greatest. There is worthy of worship except Allah and ;s
Allah is the Greatest and to Allah all praise. ~
Abd.ullah Umar ~said: "Sacrifices of animals 8
~ perfonned for two days after Eidul Adhaa. same is ~
reported from Sayeduna Ali ~. ~
These are some of the virtues of sacrifice. Go and l the i
'i. masaail of sacrifice from the leamed . ;s
i ~ 1 seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaytaan.
~ Allah says: "Neither the flesh ofthe sacrificial animals, nor the 8
~ blood reaches Allah. It is the Taqwa (piety) from your side which ~
~ reaches Him and so made these animals subservient to *
~ that magnify the ofAllah for his having guided and ~
~ give glad tidings to those who do goo<l." ~
~~o . i t W} ~~( 8 213 j } ~~~O. i t W} ~
~~~~ ~~~~<i ' ~- 4 } '
tbah : 53
f i
U F R I S I S Q U ( W E N i
Q l l praise is due to l l Who says in His Book: " is the ~
~ Who sends the winds as bringer of glad tidings ofHis corning mercy." ~
~ "And We have sent down from the heavens water whereby We ~
give life to the dead spots earth. And We provide water for that ~<)
which We created of animals and peoples."

~ We bear witness that there is being worthy ofworship except ; :
g l l alone, without n partner or a ~s ~c i a t ~ and we bear witness that i
- . Master Sayeduna Muhammad ~ lS servant and messenger, ~
~ through whose countenance the clouds sought to get water. Allah's ~
" salutations n Him and His family and his companions who had 1}
~ reached the ultimate limits ofIslam. ~
' Thereafter, muslims, brothers, have complained of the ~
drought in areas and about the absence of rain at its appropriate ~
times. And verily l l has commanded that beg of Him and
O promised to answer pleas. l l praise to l l , the Lord of the t ~o
universe, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
~ Master of the day of judgement. There is worthy of i.)
~ worship except l l . does what desires. While we l l of us .%
;g in need. l l send dovm us rain and make that which send ';j
~ down us strengthening factor and the fulfilment ofnecessity. l{
l l send down rain n us which redresses complaints, resulting i
'S- in good towards us, giving benefit to us and not causing n harm, f:
:} which wi11 quickly and not delayed. l l let water reach ~
~ your servants your animals. Spread mercy and through rain give
f#. new life to dead earth. l l grant us rain which redresses ~
; : complaints and comes in abundance, providing fertility, which falls ~
~ generally, watering l l round which is of moderate amount and flow ~
~ continuously. l 1 bless us with rain and make us not of the -.g,
Sdisappointed and despondent ones. g
L , " " , - , , ; t : o I } ~' " ' 215 o i ) > ! " ~' ~i ' / . ! " , " " , - ; t : o l } ~
~O~~~{ W~~~~O~; ,
Al1ahverilyYour servants and yourtowns and villages and
animals are in great difficulties and distress ofwhich we {:
complain to butto . Allahraise for us from the earth ~
O crops andal10wthe uddersofanimals to provide us with abundant milk ~o
and let down us from the heavensrainand let the earthblessus

iwithitsproduce. ~
i Al1ahlift from usdifficultyandhungerandnakednessand i
~ remove from us al1hardship and calamities which else {:
~ remove from us. Al1ahwe seekforgiveness from . Verily ~
are the f ~r g i v e r , so senddownrain : us in~b u n d a ~c e : . ~
~ ItIS reportedthatRasulullah~tumedhlScloak1 S 1 d outwhl1e ~
~ was facingthe qiblah the mimbar, thusplacingthe rightside ~
%' the leftand the leftside the right. also tumedthe insideto the ~
goutsideand outsidetothe inside. continuedtomakeduaawhile 8
~ facingtheqiblahandthepeopledidlikewise. ~
~ !
! ~ 1seekrefugein l l I accursedShaytaan.
~ And Al1ahsays: "And isthe On Whosendsthe rainsafter ~
~ they had despondent. And is the Who spreads his ~o
and isthe Guardian,the Praised."

~ ~
i i
~ ~
S ~
L ~~~~( i o 217 I I ) ~~~~
f i
t bah : 54


l l praise is due to Allah. 1 seek help from Him and 1 seek ~
~ forgiveness from Him and we seek refuge in Him from the evil within ~
~ ourselves and from the evil of deeds. Verily the whom Allah *'
~ guides right mislead and the whom Allah al10wsto ~
9 misled and misguided, give guidance unto . 1 bear 1{
~ witness that there is deserving of worship except Allah alone, i
~ without . ~a ~e ~ or associate and 1 bear witness that S a y e d u ~a ; :
:} Muhammad ~ lS servant and messenger, whom has sent wlth ~
~ the truth as bringer of good news and as wamer to wam of the ~
~ coming of the Day of Reckoning. Al1ah's choicest blessings ~
~ him and his family and companions unto etemity. Whosoever ~
~ obeys Allah and His messenger is surely the right path and whosoever ~
~ disobeyed Allah and His messenger has not done harrn to ~
O else but himself and he has not done harrn to Al1ahat . ~
1seek protection in Al1ahfrom the accursed Shaytaan. ,
~ l l says: "Verily Al1ah and His angels send salutations ~
gthe . who believe send salutations and blessings him. ~
~ Al1ahsend Your blessings Mu h a mma d ~, Your servant :}
~ and Your messenger and send Your blessings and mercy the :S
; : be1ieving and women and Muslims both males and females. ~
~. And bless Muhammad ~and His wives and offspring. ~
~ Rasulullah ~ said: "The most merciful of ummat to i
's- U mm~t is B ~k r ~. And the staunchest ~f them in t ~e affairs of .t
i Al1ah lS Umar ~. And the trust of them modesty lSUthmaan ~
~ ~. And the Mostjust among them is Ali (Radhiyallahu anho). Fatima i
; ; is the leader of the ladies of paradise. Hasan and Hussain ~
~ (Radhiyallahu anhuma) are the leaders of the youth of paradise, ~
n z ~is the lion of Al1ahand His rasool. Allah forgive Abbaas i
~ ~ and his son with forgiveness that is both intemal as wel1 as .'
:} external. ~
L ~~~2 1 9 ~~~~
~o~~~~ ~~. k ' t i ) ~O~d
people, fear Allah, fear Allah in the matter of Sahabah.
~ Do not make them targets for criticism after . Whosoever loves ~
~ them loves them because of their love for . And whoever hates ~
~ them hates them because of hate for . ~
:} "The best of ummat those living in era and after them
~ those nearest to them and then those who nearest to :;,
~ them. The sultan (ruler) is the shadow ofAllah earth and whosoever i ~
humiliates the sultan Allah wi11 cause him to disgraced."
' ..
~ Verily Allah commands withjustice and righteous and that (:
~ give to the next ofkin and prohibits shamelessness and evil. ~
readily bestows his advice that mindful." ~
~ And AHah says: "Remember and 1 wi11 remember and ~
~ grateful to and not ungrateful." ~
~ i
~ I
~ l
i i
i i
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ i
~ ~
~ ~ .
~ ~
L ~~~~2 2 1 1 i ) ~o J
~u . y o ~~~u . y ~~u . y ~~
~ Itbah: 55 ~
~. l l praise is due to l l . We praise Him and seek help from ~
QHim and we seek forgiveness from , And we seek refuge in Him ~
~ from the evil within ourselves and from the evil of our deeds. ~
~ Whomsoever Al1ah has guided aright, lead him astray and ~
~ W?omsoever allows to go astray, provide him with ~
:t g d . ~
~ We bear witness that there is worthyof worship except JD
:} Al1ahand we bear witness that Sayeduna Muhammad ~is His servant ~
iand messenger. AHah'ssalutations him and his fami1yand ~
~ his companions. ~
~ " who believe, fear with fear that is due to Him and ~
~ do not die except in this state that true muslims (in complete {:
%subrnission to l l ) . " ~
' " people, fear your Lord Who has created from single j
~ soul and from it also created for him mate and from the two of them ;.
O spread forth and women. Fear l l and careful ofyour ~o .
duty towards in whom claim your rights from another, and

~ mindful ofyour close family relationship. Veri1y Allah is at l l times ~
i.watchful over . " ti
~ " who believe, fear l l and utter word directed towards ~
} . the right. will repair for your deeds and wil1 forgive for your 8
~ faults. And whosoever obeys Al1ah and His messenger has indeed ~
~ attained great success. ~
~ i
i .. I
S !
L ~~~2 2 j I ) ~( W, . O~J
O ~O~~~~ ~~~~O~,
f i
tbah : 56 .

~ Ifits : - ~
t Allah this is the aqeeqah [ ( ~
" o[the ) Let its blood sacrifice his blood, let its flesh f)
~ sacrifice [ his flesh and let its bones sacrifice [ his bones and {:
tt let its skin sacrifice [ his skin and let its hair sacrifice [ his ~
! ~ !
i ~ Ifitsagirl:-
Allah this is the aqeeqah [ ( i
[ the girl) Let its blood sacrifice [ her blood, let its flesh
~ sacrifice [ her flesh and let its bones sacrifice [ her bones and {t
~ let its skin sacrifice [ her skin and.let its hair sacrifice [ her ~
~ .
~h ' ~t i
~ "1have turned [ towards Who created heavens and
%earth as upright Mus1im and 1 not [ those who associate others Q
~ unto Allah. ~
~ Verily salaah, sacrifice, li[e and death only ~
~ Allah, the Lord [ the Universe. has r t n and to have this ~
; ; b ~l i e v e have 1 ordered and 1 the first [ those to submit unto ~
; l . ~
~ Allah, this sacrificial animal is ftom and this offering is [ ~
t ~ ~
1. In the Name [ Al1ah and Allah is the Greatest. (Saying this i
:, slaughter the animal). ;s
i ~
~ i
, ~b ) ~~225 f ) ~~~~

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