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November 06, 2013

Dear Maam Palmea:

May I respectfully report the incident that happened at the Rizals park, Tuguegarao City, where
I was assigned.

On November 06, 2013 at around 7:00 am this morning, I was about to log-out and about to
turn on all the fountains, when I found out that one of the fountains is not functioning. So, I
asked one of the utility assigned thereat in the person of Ms. Mary Jane Torres to accompany
me and to find out why the fountain is not functioning. Then Ms. Torres told me that the
machine controlling that fountain is gone.

Before I was transferred at Rizals Park, I was not informed that these fountains were
individually controlled by a machine, thus, it was only then that I was informed.

After I found out that the machine was stolen, I immediately reported to Mr. Daniel Gabona,
the Supervisor In-charge thereat, and reported same to the Utility head, Mr. Danilo Gregorio.
Mr. Gregorio immediately responded and came-over to investigate and I also called Col.
Ernesto Dulin and informed him what happened.

For your information and ready reference Maam.

Thank you so much.

Very respectfully yours,


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