Cycle 1 Goals Action Plan 2010-11

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"The teachei cieates a stimulating leaining enviionment chaiacteiizeu by content anu
expeiiences that aie challenging. The leaining enviionment allows stuuents to take iisks
with theii leaining anu is chaiacteiizeu by a mutual iespect foi eveiy stuuent's iight to
Aiea of Stiength
Cieate a stimulating
leaining enviionment
Able to select content
anu expeiiences that
aie challenging some
of the time.
Able to select content
anu expeiiences that
aie challenging
Able to uesign content
anu expeiiences that
challenge stuuent
most of the time.
Allows iisk-taking Cieates a classioom
wheie iisk-taking is
encouiageu some of
the time.
Cieates a classioom
wheie iisk-taking is
encouiageu most of
the time.
Cieates a classioom
wheie iisk-taking is
Respectful of the
inuiviuual's iight to
Encouiages stuuents
to be iespectful of
each othei's iight to
Teaches stuuents to
be iespectful of each
othei's iight to leain
anu pioviues
oppoitunities foi
stuuents to piactice.
Cieates a classioom
wheie stuuents honoi
each othei's iight to
20#3 !+"",$-
Ny goal is to ciaft a challenging leaining enviionment chaiacteiizeu by chilu-centeieu
uecision-making, uiffeientiateu cuiiiculum anu instiuction, anu a nuituiing climate so that
leaineis euuce theii iisk-taking anu inuepenuence.
456 7+#89,$- !"#$%#&%:
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I plan to achieve this goal by scaffoluing activities anu infoimation with the leainei's
*#$-=#-+ ;&":) Challenging stuuents with "The Baily S" Nouel
o >0&?,$- 0$ >&,",$-: I am utilizing a Wiitei's Woikshop mouel foi
cuiiiculai ueliveiy with Lucy Calkins' 0nits of Stuuy foi inteimeuiate
giaues. Each unit in this cuiiiculum begins with the leaineis' inteiests
to uevelop effective wiiting stiategies acioss all genies. Wiiting
piocesses aie natuially uiffeientiateu to the leainei; the piouucts aie
stuuent-uiiven, so theiefoie the outcomes aie open-enueu.
o >0&?,$- @,"9 >0&%::
!"#$% '()*# !+,: Aftei 4 weeks of analyzing stuuent wiiting
anu oithogiaphy, I am implementing "!"#$% '()*# !+," foi
woiu woik instiuction anu piactice in lieu of oui 2
spelling cuiiicula. Ny iationale foi uoing this is that veiy few
stuuents aie actually "2
giaue spelleis", anu so a
uiffeientiateu woiu stuuy piogiam is necessaiy to meet these
inuiviuual neeus. !"#$% '()*# !+, uiffeientiates spelling anu
woiu stuuy activities foi each leainei baseu on multiple
assessments anu continual obseivation of stuuent's weekly
tests anu wiiting samples.
-./0*%( 1#"2 3() 4""3% 56: In auuition to !"#$% '()*# !+,, I
intiouuce one uieek oi Latin ioot each week using "-./0*%(
1#"2 3() 4""3% 567. Stuuents leain one ioot each week--its
meaning, a ueiivation, anu the meaning of this ueiivation.
Weekly tests foi both cuiiiculai seiies aie auministeieu to
gauge leaining anu to guiue the uevelopment of flexible
456 7+#89,$- !"#$%#&%:
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appiopiiate text. Stuuents ieau theii self-selecteu choices
inuepenuently anu ieflect on theii ieauing in theii Reauei's
Woikshop }ouinal. Stuuents select the iesponse topic fiom a list of 2S
piompts, oi they can wiite fiom theii own iuea. In this way, the text
level, topic, genie, anu iesponses aie stuuent-uiiven anu have many
To fuithei challenge ieaueis, I have uevelopeu a "Reauing
Renaissance" incentive wheieby stuuents eain points foi
thoughtful ieflections of theii inuepenuent ieauing. Stuuents
aie "knighteu" as they move along 12 uiffeient levels of
uifficulty; the ultimate goal is becoming "king" oi "queen" foi
the uay aftei they have ieau anu ieflecteu on 12u books.
o *,:"+$,$- "0 A+#%,$-) 0sing the iNacs & Scholastic's Book Flix,
stuuents choose a stoiy that they'ie inteiesteu in heaiing anu follow
the text while the stoiy is ieau alouu to them. This moueleu fluency
elicits bettei ieauing stiategies in stuuents of all levels because they
can heai piopei tone, intonation, pacing, anu phiasing fiom text that
is moie complex than what they can ieau alone. By using the
technology, passages aie uiffeientiateu to the leaineis' ability anu
inteiests. Incieaseu challenge anu iisk-taking aie moie piobable
because stuuents woik inuepenuently anu cieate theii own choices.
o A+#%,$- "0 !01+0$+) Stuuents paitnei with a fiienu anu select any
book, song, poem, magazine, comic, oi ieauei's theatei of theii choice.
Paitneis sit EEKKelbow, elbow, knee, kneeso both stuuents can
see the same text. Then stuuents alteinate ieauing a page, a
paiagiaph, oi a veisewhatevei length of text the paitneis ueciue.
This shaieu ieauing pioviues oppoitunities foi stuuents to piactice
being iespectful of each othei, as well as gives safe oppoitunities foi
iisk-taking because they piactice fluency techniques with just one
othei peison listening anu assisting them.
456 7+#89,$- !"#$%#&%:
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B#"9) Eveiyuay Nath & Pioblem Solving Eniichment
o Foi each unit, stuuents aie assigneu a "math buuuy". This peison
pioviues consistent paitneiship foi builuing tiust, anu the flexible
giouping by unit gives stuuents oppoitunities to woik with all types
of leaineis. 0sing oui 2
giaue Eveiyuay Nath cuiiiculum, I plan 1-2
games pei week that aie open-enueu anu stuuent-uiiven foi these
buuuies to play togethei. In auuition, all uaily math piactice is
completeu with the math buuuy, pioviuing foi chances to oially
explain theii mathematical ieasoning as they uiscuss theii woik.
o Foi auuitional pioblem solving challenge, stuuents aie given two
"Reau it, Biaw it, Solve it" pioblems in theii homewoik packets each
week. Emphasis is on effoit ovei accuiacy foi these challenging pie-
algebiaic pioblems. While the solutions aie often fixeu, the piocesses
aie open-enueu anu uiveise.
o To culminate each unit, an "Einstein Challenge" pioblem is given to
stuuents. In these challenging pioblems, stuuents aie askeu to use two
oi moie pioblem-solving stiategies but attain the same answei at the
enu. Stuuents with the best use of 0PSL T-Chait (0nueistanu, Plan,
Solve, anu Look Back T) win the Einstein Challenge anu get to help me
teach math the following uay. The winning 0PSLs aie gaugeu by cleai
wiitten explanations in the "Look Back" section veisus the solution
C$," !"=%,+:) Teaching the themes of "Change anu Continuity" thiough
Islanus anu F0SS
o (:3#$%: D=&&,8=3=1) Stuuents embaik on six units of stuuy about
themselves, theii islanu, othei islanus of the woilu, anu the cultuies
within those islanu nations. Activities integiate inuepenuent stuuies,
ait, ieseaich piojects, guest speakeis, fielu tiips, cultuial expeiiences,
}apanese lessons, anu othei piesentations. The Islanus Cuiiiculum
pioviues gieat oppoitunities foi stuuents to woik coopeiatively in
456 7+#89,$- !"#$%#&%:
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open-enueu piojects. The level of challenge is uiiven by the stuuents'
uesiies to extenu anu eniich theii thinking.
o EF!! !8,+$8+) In 2
giaue, the two inquiiy-baseu F0SS science units
aie "solius anu liquius" anu "insects". 0nits begin with an enuuiing
question to focus the investigations anu expeiiments. Stuuents
peipetually woik towaius unueistanuing that "big iuea". Wiitten
iesponses allow stuuents to explain theii thinking anu justify
hypotheses. Responses aie open-enueu, giving oppoitunity foi
challenge as stuuents stietch theii thinking.
o The 0nit Stuuies focus foi the yeai centeis on how "change anu
continuity" aie all aiounu us, incluuing in states of mattei anu living
things. Nultiple possibilities exist in F0SS anu oui Islanu Stuuies,
which ieally allows foi challenge, iisk-taking, anu the uevelopment of
a iespectful climate foi all leaineis.
.$&,891+$") 0thei elements of the leaining enviionment to challenge
stuuents incluues:
o Wiiting anu piesenting oui chapel in Febiuaiy
o Inviting paients to "Wiiting anu Rootbeei" in spiing: Stuuents teach
paients about the wiiting piocess of a peisonal naiiative. Then
paients anu chiluien publish the book togethei in class.
o 0utuooi Euucation expeiiences at 0alaka'a anu Nakapu'u Tiue Pools:
Stuuents engage in new encounteis inuepenuently (without paients)
to leain bettei iisk-taking skills anu gain confiuence.
o Pioblem-baseu Simulations: I will cieate a few simulations pei
quaitei wheie stuuents must set team goals, coopeiate well, ieseaich,
pioblem-solve, anu peiseveie to complete the task in cieative ways.
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