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Professional Experience Office
School of Education
Telephone: 8201 3330
Fax: 8201 2568
Professional Experience Report 2014
Middle & Secondary Schooling
Final Assessment for Registration: Extended Placement
Pre-service teacher name Kevin Kelly Student No. 9704234
Site Reynella East College Year Level(s) taught 11,12
Site mentor teacher Brian Marsh Subject Geography
Site co-ordinator Bob Bastian University Liaison Peter Crawford
60 day placement
Site Context School Coordinator - Context statement about your school
Site sector (DECD), Independent.
Site size, class size and composition of campus (R-12,
Area, Primary, Secondary) Physical and/or unique
characteristics. Students with specific needs. Socio-
economic factors.
School size, class size and composition of campus (R-12, Area, Primary,
Secondary) Physical and/or unique characteristics. Students with specific
needs. Socio-economic factors. Reynella East College is an R-12 school
divided over 2 campuses. It caters for over 1700 students from all year levels.
It is a DECS school which accommodates students from the Adelaide South
district. The class sizes vary depending on the subject but generally have
20-30 students per class. We see ourselves as preparing students of all
abilities who are independent and interdependent learners, active citizens,
enterprising and prepared to meet the challenge of the 21st century. As a
school, we are aiming to become a community of learners, where we learn
from each other. We make strong connections to our local community, and our
students are actively engaged with the community. We host International
students as exchange - short term and long term. Our focus is on the student
as a member of a local, national and global community. The school setting at
Reynella, a southern suburb of Adelaide, has extensive gardened grounds,
sporting and learning facilities, and provides an ideal environment for a
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focused, well-rounded preparation for life.
Mentor Teacher - Summary Statements
Professional Relationships Comments
Professional & Collegial Learning
Teachers actively engage in personal and collegial
learning within the professional community
Kev was always more than prepared to take the extra step when it came to
developing his understanding of both the subject matter and varying
methodologies of delivery. He actively sought out the opinions of those he
worked with, confidently sharing his own ideas and taking on the new ones that
were offered. He quickly became a valuable member of the faculties within
which he operated.
Learner Respect
Teachers foster trusting and respectful relationships with
all learners
One of the most impressive aspects of Kev's placement would be the way in
which he related to his students, and likewise they with him. From the
youngest year eight students through to the seniors of year 12, Kev was able
to create a comfortable and productive learning environment based on a
mutual respect and an obvious trust. So much so that students often sought
him out during breaks for his assistance and advice.
Parent/caregiver & Community Partnership
Teachers work effectively with parents/caregivers and
the wider community
On occasion Kev needed to make contact with students' parents via phone
calls. He dealt with these situations confidently and professionally and
ensured a positive outcome for all concerned, particularly the good name of
Reynella East College. He was also required to produce a covering letter
home for the families of senior students regarding a Geographical field trip.
Again, this was done with the utmost professionalism.
Professional Knowledge Comments
Learning Processes
Teachers know about learning processes and how to
teach and implement
From the first moment of Kev's placement, it was obvious that he was not only
acutely aware of varying delivery methods and learning styles, but incredibly
interested in how to get the most from each student interaction, focusing a lot
of his energies on recognising individual character traits and the preferred
styles of his students. He was always keen to try something different with each
and every student he worked with, changing up his deliveries and explanations
to better cater for the particulars of each and every cohort.
Learning Content
Teachers know the content they teach
The second most impressive aspect of Kev's time here (other than his overall
commitment) has been his worldly knowledge and his true understanding of
the concepts behind thinking geographically. When situations presented Kev
with opportunities to further his own understandings of topic particulars, he
quickly became a well versed font of knowledge. Overnight Kev would become
an aficionado, which ultimately benefited all concerned including his students,
Kev himself and his mentor teachers.
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Learning Context
Teachers know about learner contexts and diversity
Again, Kev excelled at building positive working relationships with all students.
This important part of the classroom dynamic made it obvious to see how
aware Kev is of the complex diversity and ever-changing contexts which our
students constantly bring with them. No two days have been for the same, as
Kev has managed to constantly move forward, constructing more meaningful
relationships at every opportunity.
Professional Practice Comments
Planning and Teaching
Teachers plan and implement teaching strategies for
successful learning experiences
On more than one occasion, Kev was literally "dumped in it" through his
placement. During the first term I took long-service leave and left Kev in the
reliable hands of relief teachers. Throughout this time, Kev showed huge
amounts of initiative and took control of his classes. He successfully developed
and implemented his own strategies to the point were I was deemed obsolete
by the students upon my return...
Feedback and Reporting
Teachers assess and report learning outcomes
Kev was able to rapidly familiarise himself with all SACE assessment criteria
and transferred his understanding on to his students with great explanation
and clarity. This created an open, transparent view of his expectations that
students found to be most usable and they therefore worked more closely to
the set criteria.
Learning Environment
Teachers create a safe, challenging and supportive
Above all, Kev created the most supportive classroom environment for all his
classes. He worked closely with not only senior Geography, but also a year 11
Research Project class, year 10 home group, year 9 History and a year 8
English class. From my observations, all students that Kev worked with truly
respected him, found his teaching enjoyable and often looked to him for
Pre-service teacher: Comments
My involvement with REC has been an extremely rewarding experience. The extended and embedded nature of the internship program
has meant that my learning experience has been much more authentic. It also enabled significant growth in my professional knowledge,
enhanced the range of strategies I can use in my practice and encouraged me to develop more enriched relationships with my
colleagues, students and the broader school community. During my practical, three of the four subjects I taught were in areas I had had
no previous experience in. From this, I gained an understanding of how to develop and implement units of work with which I was
unfamiliar and the importance of being able to collaborate effectively with others including the staff at REC, Flinders, SACE and various
other professional institutions. I was also able to specifically address particular areas that needed improvement. I am most grateful to my
mentors and liaison for the patience and diligence they were willing to display as I developed my behavioral management strategies. The
constant feedback and words of support allowed me to implement effective strategies, maintain them and subsequently see the benefits
of teaching in a class that had clear expectations and applicable consequences. Finally, I would like to thank REC, the organisers of the
internship and my mentors for providing an enriching professional experience which has prepared me in the best possible way for my
future career.
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University Liaison: Summary statement
Kevin completed an outstanding professional experience at Reynella East College. His vast experience and knowledge from having lived
and worked overseas shone through. He is a passionate and committed teacher who cares about the students and their learning. He
quickly gained the respect of the students and I enjoyed observing his interactive approach in the classroom. Kevin is eager to learn and
improve as a teacher so he was quick to seek feedback and most importantly incorporate suggestions for improvement into his lessons.
His lessons were always highly prepared and scoped. The students thoroughly enjoyed Kevin as their teacher and hence student
learning was high level. Kevin demonstrated he worked well in a team teaching situation and that he learnt from fellow teachers during
this experience. Kevin will be a real asset to any school due to his approach to teaching and the classroom. He is already a high
performing teacher.
Site Coordinator: Final Comments (optional)
Kevin has become a valued member of our school community. He has developed excellent relationships with staff, students and the
wider school community in his time at Reynella East College and never hesitated to volunteer to be involved in any opportunity
presented to him. Kevin will be a valued staff member at where ever he chooses to continue his career.
Site coordinator
The pre-service teacher may wish to submit this report with an application for employment. Please avoid the use of acronyms as student
reports are often viewed by interstate and international employers who are not always familiar with South Australian nomenclature
Name of Site Mentor Teacher(s): Brian Marsh Date: 22.07.2014
Name of Site coordinator: Bob Bastian Date: 22.07.2014
Consideration has been given to the complexities and degree of challenge of the professional experience context in evaluating the
pre-service teacher's ability to meet the assessment criteria for the professional experience.
In our opinion, the pre-service teacher -
! HAS demonstrated competency in the professional teaching standards for registration in SA SATISFACTORY
University Liaison
Name of University Liaison: Peter Crawford Date: 05.08.2014
Report ID: 001133
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Professional experience report
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