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Class Procedures and Expectations

Come in quietly
Fulfill your job
Make sure your pencil is sharpened
Set up ISN for day with TOC and label pages
Record assignments in HW book
Take out previous nights homework and check answers
if provided
Listen when instructions are given- they are only given
No calling out
No off task talking
Computer lids down and under desk until told otherwise
Do not pack up early
More than 1 minute left, begin homework assignment
With 1 minute left, you may put your ISN in your mailbox
if you do not take it home.
Non computer days: lids down and under desk
Computer days: lids down during instructions
Must be charged prior to entering classroom (suggestion:
Inappropriate use of computers at any time will result in a
detention or a referral
Given 4 tickets at beginning of each MP
Can be exchanged in a variety of ways, for example:
o Bathroom
o Back to the locker to retrieve a required item class
o Borrowing a required item from Mrs. Roth
Unused tickets can be turned in at the end of each marking
period for 1 extra credit point each.
Tickets do not carry over to future marking periods.
Lost tickets will not be replaced.
Must be signed by parent/guardian
Assessments not returned signed within one day results in
lunch detention
Will be stored in classroom for year

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