1 - Gothic Architectural Basics

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Gothic Architectural Basics

A. The nave.

B. Rib vaulting (Sort of like a groin
vault, only creased with ridges. . . .
see below.)

C. Pier (The main supports that hold
up the nave vaulting.)

D. The Aisle

E. Clerestory windows (Small, upper
story window that flank the aisles.)

F. Triforium (A small walkway usually
reserved for nuns and women......in
the "old" days.)
Gothic Architectural Basics
Here's a comparison between a regular groin vault and a rib vault. The
rib vault's only difference is that there is a rib going across the top of
each vault. While the difference is slight, the look is totally
different.....giving the structure a lighter feel.
Gothic Architectural Basics
A. ARCHIVOLTS....concentric arches that
expand out from the tympanum.

B. JAMB FIGURES....high relief sculpture
that protrudes out from the doors.

C. TYMPANUM.... symmetrical, high relief
sculpture above the main entrance way.

D. PINNACLES.... usually the spiked tips
of buttresses.

E. ROSETTE WINDOW....a large, round
window located directly in the front-middle
of the facade.

F. BUTTRESSES....structures that support
and hold up the walls of the
building....often very decorative in Gothic
Gothic Architectural Basics
Buttresses are support
columns that help carry the
weight of the structure's
vaulting. There are two
main types that we
commonly see in
Romanesque and Gothic
buttresses and flying
buttresses. The difference is
merely that standard
buttresses hug the structure
by butting directly up the
exterior walls.
Flying buttresses, on the other hand, stand detached from
the exterior walls, and are connected by only an arch.
Flying buttresses give cathedrals an "airy" and weightless
feeling, while standard buttresses look and feel more
heavy and dense. The drawing and the photo below are
labeled to show you the difference between, (A) flying
buttresses and (B) standard buttresses.
Gothic Architectural Basics

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