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Maulida Aulia Fadhina

Person who have difficulty in speaking.
Communication disorder have 2 catagories :
1. Speech disorder
2. Language disorder

1. Speech disorder
Cause by :
1. The malfunction organs of speech (palate, mouth,
and tongue)
2. Hearing loss from congential born

2. Language disorder
Cause by :
1. The late progress (ex. : 10 y.o child have a mastery
language like 2 y.o child)
2. Learning disabilities
3. Neurological disorder
Causes of communication disorder
1. Congenital born (bawaan lahir)
2. Malfunction of physical impairments such as
palate, mouth, and tongue
3. Mental retardation (keterbelakangan mental)
4. Developmental disorders (gangguan
5. By accident
6. Illness
7. Genetic

People with speech impaired are grouped as
a) Light (20 -30 db)
b) Moderate (40-60 db)
c) Heavy/severe (above 60 db)
Factors that cause communication disorder
1. Hypertention
2. Food poisoning
3. Genetic
4. Diphteria
5. Neonatorum tetanus
1. Speak load but not clear
2. Like to see the motion of lips and gesture the
3. The ear excrete fluids
4. Using the listener aid
5. Like to make gestures
6. Tend to quiet
7. Have a nasal (sengau) voice
8. Lisp (cadel)
9. Not confident
10. Less socializing
11. Cant speak total

How to face
1. Speak smooth with true pronounce
2. Use short sentence
3. Use non verbal communication (gesture)
4. Type in a paper to tell something
5. Talk face to face
6. Practice motion lips with a mirror
7. Practice sign language

Sign Language


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