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5/3/1 & Uper/Lower & Push/Pull

Day 1: Upper Power

Day 2: Lower Power / Liss cardio
Day 3: Of /Hiit cardio & Abs
Day 4: Push
Day 5: Pull
Day 6: Crossft
Day 7: Of
Upper Power
Benchpress 5/3/1 style
Pull up 4 sets of 6!
"#cli#e press 4 sets of 6!
Pe#dal$ row 4 sets of 6!
%elt isolatio# / Chest isolatio# & sets of !'(
A tricep e)ercise *lateral head focus o# wee+ ( a#d 4 , rope tricep e)te#sio#s- lo#. head focus o#
wee+ ' a#d & , sta#di#. fre#ch press/ & sets of !'0
A 1icep e)ercise *wee+ ': barbell curls- wee+ (: du2bbell curls- wee+ &: preacher curls/ & sets of !
Lower Power
Squat 5/3/1 style
3o2a#ia#/4u2o %L 4 sets of 6!
Le. curl 4 sets of 6!
Hac+ curl 4 sets of 6!
4ta#di#. calf raises & sets of '0'(
4eated/be#t calf rais 5 sets of 5
Push yp
!"l"tary Press 5/3/1
Low i#cli#e %1 press 4 sets 6!
%ips 4 sets of !'0
Chest isolatio# 4 sets '('5
A tricep e)ercise *lateral head focus o# wee+ ( a#d 4 , rope tricep e)te#sio#s- lo#. head focus o#
wee+ ' a#d & , sta#di#. fre#ch press/ & sets of '0'(
Pull yp
Dea#l"$t 5/3/1 style
Pull dow#/Pull up 4 sets of !'0
4eated cabel row wide .rip 4 sets of '0'(
A 1icep e)ercise *wee+ ': barbell curls- wee+ (: du2bbell curls- wee+ &: preacher curls/ 4 sets of !
4ide lateral raise 4 sets of '('5
6ace pulls 4 sets of '('5
5 / 3 / 1 %2 pro&ra'
Day 1: Upper bod$ power da$
Day 2: Lower bod$ power da$
Day 3: Hiit barbell co2ple)
Day 4: Chest a#d ar2s h$pertroph$ da$
Day 5: 1ac+ a#d shoulders h$pertroph$ da$
Day 6: Hiit barbell co2ple)
Day 7: Of
Upper Bo#y Power Day
Benchpress 5/3/1 style
Pull up &)6- &)5- &)4-
"#cli#e press & sets of 6!
Pe#dal$ row & sets of 6!
4ide lateral & sets of '5(0- or & drop seta
A tricep e)ercise & sets of !'0
A 1icep e)ercise & sets of !'0
Lower Bo#y Power Day
Squat 5/3/1 style
3o2a#ia#/4u2o %L & sets of 6!
Le. press/hac+ s7uat/wal+i#. lu#.e () 6'0
Le. curl & sets of 6'0
Hac+ curl & sets of 6'0
Calf raises & sets of '0'5

(hest an# )r's ypertrophy Day
!"l"tary Press 5/3/1
Low i#cli#e %1 press & sets of !'(
%ips & sets of !'(
Chest 8$ 4 sets '('5
A tricep e)ercise
A biceps e)ercise
Bac* an# Shoul#ers ypertrophy Day
Dea#l"$t 5/3/1 style
Pull dow# & sets of !'(
4eated cabel row & sets of !'(
%u2bbell rows ( sets of '('5
4ide lateral raise & sets of '((0/ & drop sets
6ace pulls 4 sets of '('5

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