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: 11 JUN 08 Jet Impact : MIME 3470 Page 1

Grading Sheet
MIME 3470Thermal Science Laboratory
Experiment ! "
#ET IM$%&T
St'dent() *ame( + Section
$,I*TS S&,-E T,T%L
%$$E%-%*&E. ,-G%*I/%TI,*. E*GLIS0. and G-%MM%- 10
,rdered 2ata. 2imen(ion(. $hy(ical $ropertie( 10
&alc'lation( 3 -e('lt( %rray(Incl'de 4elocity 3 5orce 62i77 18
-e9'ired $lot( 18
2IS&:SSI,* ,5 -ES:LTS
&omment on2i77erence( in 4elocity 3 5orce ;et<een *o==le 3 Target 10
>hen &an ,ne Ignore Gra?ity in ;erno'lli)( E9'ation@ 10
AlineBMc&lintocC :ncertainty 18
&,*&L:SI,*S 10
,-IGI*%L 2%T%S0EET 8
T,T%L 100
Last Rev.: 11 JUN 08 Jet Impact : MIME 3470 Page 2
MIME 3470Thermal Science Laboratory
Experiment ! "
5,-&E ,* 4%-I,:SLD S0%$E2
,;#E&TS 2:E T,
#ET IM$%&T
L%; $%-T*E-SE *%ME *%ME
*%ME *%ME
*%ME *%ME
,;#E&TI4EThis experiment is a study in momentum transfer
(ergo, force transmitted) from a fluid to objects of various forms. In
particular, the study looks at the momentum transfer as a function of
the angle through hich the fluid stream as deflected. !y varying a
fluid stream"sdeflection angle, up to tice the original momentum of
the stream can be transferred to the object.
I*T-,2:&TI,*#ver the years, engineers have found many
ays to utili$e the impact force of fluids. %or example, the &elton
heel has been used to make flour. %urther, the impulse turbine is still
used in the first and also sometimes the second stage of a steam
turbine. %iremen make use of the kinetic energy stored in a jet to
extinguish fires in high'rise buildings. (any other applications of
fluid jets can be cited hich reveals their technological importance.
This experiment is designed to study the force that can be imparted by
a jet of fluid on a surface diverting the flo.
5ig're 1 Impact 5orce Imparted by a 5l'id #et to a ;ody >hen
the ;ody &hange( the 5lo< 2irection o7 the 5l'id
T0E,-D) change in momentum of an object or a fluid is
alays accompanied by an impulse force (impact force).
*onsider a jet of fluid floing steadily ith a velocity V+ and a
mass flo rate
. The jet impinges on a plate inclined at an angle
to the direction of the flo. %roma mass balance, the same amount of
li,uid impinging on the plate must also leave the plate- thus,
m m m = =
. +
. G1H
%orce is the time derivative of momentum, mv, here m is the
mass impacting on the plate and v is the velocity of impact. Thus,
( )

v m
mv d
flow mass in
change a just
on accelerati
no is there As

= + = =

%rom a momentum balance the sum of external forces e,uals the
change in momentum
( ) ( )
in out
v m v m F

0ence, for the x'direction of the system in %igure +,
( ) = = co( co(
. + . . + +
V V m V m V m F

and in the y'direction
= (in
. .
V m F

. G4H
(oreover, since the jet is floing freely through air, it is
considered to be under constant pressure (i.e., atmospheric) at its
interface ith the atmosphere. Therefore, it may be assumed that the
jet cross'sectional area is constant, A+ 1 A.. 2o from 3,uation +
. . . + + +
. +
m m
and since the fluid is incompressible.
. +
V V = . G"H
Therefore, 3,uations . and 4 become
( ) = co( +
V m F

= (in
+ .
V m F

. G7H
EF$E-IME*T%L $-,&E2:-EThe experimental apparatus
is that shon in %igure .. The procedure detailed belo is to be
performed on each of to different targets (vanes)one a flat plate
and the other a hemispherical cup. That procedure is as follos5
Think about hat is happening before blindly applying these e,uations.


Last Rev.: 11 JUN 08 Jet Impact : MIME 3470 Page 3

5ig're IExperimental %pparat'(
+. The experiment is set up such that the balance beam is hori$ontal
hen the upard force of the ater impinging on the target is
balanced by the donard force of the jockey eight. This
means that the balance beam and the target are considered to be
weightless. To achieve this eightless estate, the beam is leveled
by changing the tension of the adjusting spring shon in the
figure when no water is flowing and for the jockey mass at x+ 1
/. This must be done for each target used as they are not expected
to have the same eight.
.. In taking data, it ould be convenient to have round values of
x. such as +6/mm as to +76mm. Thus, the ater flo as
turned on full force, the jockey eight positioned to the
nearest round value, and the ater flo backed off just enough
to level the balance bar. (It is easier to adjust the ater flo for
a given position of the jockey eight as to trying to position of
the jockey eight for a specified flo of ater.).
4. )t the left of the schematic is shon a eight hanger. It is
,uite heavy in its on righteven before additional eight is
added. The discharge hopper (eighing tank) is emptied until
the eight hanger drops under its on eight. The drain plug
at the bottom of the tank is reinserted and the tank begins to
fill. )t the point in filling the tank hen the tank balance bar
and eight hanger rise up and hit a stop, a stop atch is
started. 8irectly after starting the atch, 9kg of additional
eight is added to the eight hanger. )s the discharge tank
continues to fill, eventually enough eight of ater is
achieved to outeigh the 9kg of additional eight that as
added. This causes the tank balance beam to rise up against the
stop again at hich time the stop atch is halted.
:. The ratio of moment arms on either side of the fulcrum of the
tank balance beam is 45+ such that 9kg of additional eight is
balanced by +9kg of ater. The flo rate is then +9kg of ater
during the time that the stop atch as running
9. 8ecreasing values of x. are then laid in and flo reduced
;. 8ata as taken for a total of six (approximately evenly
spaced) positions of the jockey eight.
7. &erform these steps for each of the targets (flat plate and
hemispherical cup).
In the report5
+. #n one graph, plot for both targets the experimental force vs.
the theoretical force. 0ere, the experimental force is that
calculated from the jockey eight and its position. The
theoretical force is that calculated from the ater flo rate. In
determining the theoretical force, the velocity at the target
must be used. The distance from the no$$le to the target (if the
jockey eight balance beam has been leveled prior to floing
ater) is y 1 49mm.
.. #n one graph, plot for both targets the experimental force vs
the jet velocity at the target. #n this plot, also plot tice the
flat'plate experimental force vs. velocity at the target.
4. In the calculations, determine the percent difference in both the
velocity and the theoretical force exerted at the target due to the
distance beteen the no$$le tip and the target. In the discussion,
comment on the differences in velocity and force beteen no$$le
and target. )nser the ,uestion5 hen does gravitational decele'
ration as described by !ernoulli"s relation become important and
hen may it be neglected<
:. %inally, considering that the only experimental error is caused by
the measuring scale on the jockey eight balance bar, find the
uncertainty in determining the experimental force imparted on
the target using the =line'(c*lintock method. *omment on this
in the discussion. There is a separate donloadable file
describing the =line'(c*lintock method.
L L 4
Cup Target
Flat Plate
Weighing Tank
Water !eservoir
"pring with
#$%usta&le Tension
(eveling )alance
)eam w* +o Flow
Jockey )alance
Last Rev.: 11 JUN 08 Jet Impact : MIME 3470 Page 4
Last Rev.: 11 JUN 08 Jet Impact : MIME 3470 Page 5
,rdered 2ata. &alc'lation(. 3 -e('lt(
)#"-C .-M/+"-0+"1 M#""/"1 2 PH3"-C#( P!0P/!T-/"
i 1 6 .. :=
Jockey Weigh Mass4 F(#T P(#T/ .#T# 4 (su&script
5pl5 stan$s 'or 6at P(ate
H/M-"H/!-C#( C7P .#T#4(su&script
5cup5 stan$s 'or hemispherical C7P
+o88le .iameter4
+o88le9to9Target .istance4
Pivot9to9+o88le .istance4
Tank #rm*Hanger #rm !atio 4
Mass Place$ on Hanger4
Mass o' Water in Hopper4
#cceleration o' :ravity4
.ensity o' Water4

Last Rev.: 11 JUN 08 Jet Impact : MIME 3470 Page 6
2IS&:SSI,* ,5 -ES:LTS
&omment onthe di77erence( in ?elocity and 7orce bet<een no==le
>ith re(pect to the 7ir(t 9'e(tion. <hen doe( gra?itational
deceleration a( de(cribed by ;erno'lli)( relation become
important and <hen may it be neglected@
&on(idering that the only experimental error i( ca'(ed by the
mea('ring (cale on the JocCey <eight balance bar. 7ind the
'ncertainty in determining the experimental 7orce imparted on
the ?ane '(ingthe AlineBMc&lintocCmethod!
Last Rev.: 11 JUN 08 Jet Impact : MIME 3470 Page 7
%$$E*2IF % 2%T% S0EET 5,- #ET IM$%&T
Ma(( o7 #ocCey >eight KKKKKKKKKKKKK *o==le 2iameter KKKKKKKKKKKKK
2i(tance 7rom *o==le to Target. y KKKKKKKKKKKKK 2i(tance 7rom $i?ot to #et &enter. x+ KKKKKKKKKKKKK
Ma(( :(ed on >eight 0anger KKKKKKKKKKKKK -atio o7 GTanC Le?er %rmH KKKKKKKKKKKKK
to G>eight 0anger Le?er %rmH
5ine(t Grad'ation on ;alance ;ar KKKKKKKKKKKKK
2i(tance o7 #ocCey
Ma(( 7rom #et
&enter. x.
Time to 5ill
2i(tance o7 #ocCey
Ma(( 7rom #et
&enter. x.
Time to 5ill
1 1
3 3
4 4
8 8
" "

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