Poem On Friends

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Sweet as sugar, innocent As a lamb

Wise as a justice, cute lie a !an"a
#arrulous lie me,naug$t% lie a angaroo
So un"erstan"ing,so $el!ing,so caring
Wor"s are less to e&!ress %our !ersonalit%
Its %ou w$ose Alwa%s been t$ere in m% t$ic an" t$in
Sa'ing me (rom all t$e star% "ogs,)$eering me w$en Im
Encouraging me (ore'er an" alwa%s,Running erran"s (or
"oing m% wor
Taing m% "oubts an" $el!ing me in all m% !rojects
All t$ose ri"es o'er acti'a
accom!an%ing me in all t$ose wals w$en w$en I was !isse"
o* waling in $eels
all t$e embarrassing moments wit$ %our +nat$at comments
an" $arats,
T$e un(orgettable wa%s %ou use to mae me (eel brig$t
De"icating songs lie +main $un na,, !la%ing +bebo "i %an
galan !in !in,
W$ene'er I am "resse" in !in ,taling en"lessl% sitting on
t$e swings
-la%ing wit$ m% $air an" t$en sa%ing +sollie, w$ene'er I am
)alling eac$ ot$er eac$ "a% wit$ a new name
T$ese are some memories Ill reminiscence a" in.nitum
You mae me laug$ alou" w$en'er %ou sa% +$ansti r$a r tu
to$ bs,
W$ene'er I mae a sill% mistae %our comment +$os$i%ar
aise t$o"i $ai,
Your !et "ialog + w$% to (ear w$en ans$ul is $ere,
So muc$ %ou "o (or me, Ans$ul %ou are surel% one in a
I (eel (ortunate enoug$ to $a'e a (rien" lie %ou
I wis$ %ou loa"s o( best wis$es an" goo" luc on %our s!ecial
An" I wis$ we remain +besties, an" our (rien"s$i! blossoms
"a% b% "a%/00

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