Rules For Equating Qualifications and Marks

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1.1.1 General
The major principle for equivalence of qualification is to identify the relevant stage in
Pak. System by considering the number of schooling years and subjects of a foreign system, if the
system does not match with the Pakistani model.
1.1.2 Britis S!ste"
A# GCE $O% Le&el' GCSE' IGCSE an( E)*i&alent+
G! "#$ %evel is considered equivalent to Secondary School ertificate &SS' subject to
meeting the requirement of Scheme of Studies as under(
i' Pakistan )ased !*aminations( !ight subjects including ompulsory !nglish,
+athematics, ,rdu, -slamiyat, Pakistan Studies and three electives.
ii' #verseas )ased !*aminations( .ive subjects including !nglish, +athematics and three
To qualify for Science Group it is necessary to pass Physics, hemistry, +athematics and
)iology/omputer Science. 0est will be placed in General/1rts/2umanities Group.
B# GCE $A% Le&el an( E)*i&alent+
G! "#$ and "1$ level are considered equivalent to 2igher Secondary School ertificate
&2SS/-ntermediate' subject to meeting the specified requirement for various stream/groups as
i' Pre3+edical Group( !ight/five "#$ level subjects &including !nglish, +athematics,
Physics, hemistry, and )iology' and three "1$ levels &Physics, hemistry and )iology'
with minimum ! Grade.
ii' Pre3!ngineering Group( !ight/five "#$ level subjects &including !nglish, Physics,
hemistry, +athematics )iology/omputer Studies' and three "1$ level subjects
&Physics, hemistry and +athematics' with minimum ! Grade.
iii' General Science Group( !ight/five "#$ level subjects with three "1$ level subjects
iv' 2umanities Group( !ight/five "#$ level subjects including !nglish and +athematics with
three "1$ level subjects.
a3 1ll Pakistani nationals appearing for e*aminations from Pakistan shall have to pass ,rdu,
-slamiyat, Pakistan Studies and +athematics along with other required subjects to qualify
for equivalence.
i. -f a Pakistani/dual national candidate studies and appears for e*amination from
abroad, ,rdu, -slamiyat and Pakistan Studies will not be considered compulsory
1.1., A"eri-an S!ste"
i' !quivalence with SS( Grade 4 and 56 from 1ccredited institutions with required
number of credits.
ii' !quivalence with 2SS( Grade 55 and 57 from 1ccredited institutions having 8iploma
with required number of credits.
Basi- r*les an( re)*ire"ents ./r E)*i&alen-e+
5. #riginal 2igh School 8iploma.
7. Grade34 thru 57 original #fficial consolidated &9 years' Transcript duly
sealed, signed and embossed by the issuing authority, ,S1 &by the
+inistry of !ducation, anada' and enclosed in an envelope to be opened
by an officer or official of -). Grade34,56,55 and 57 Subjects should be
recorded separately. N/te+ I. te -an(i(ate as 0asse( 1ra(e23 tr* 12
e(*-ati/n tr/*1 "/re tan /ne instit*ti/n ten e4se 5ill a&e t/
0r/&i(e /ri1inal /..i-ial trans-ri0ts /. ea- instit*te se0aratel!
al/n15it -/0! /. a--re(itati/n /. all te instit*ti/ns. Oter5ise -ase
5ill 6e -/nsi(ere( in-/"0lete.
:. Date /. entran-e an( (is-ar1e /. te -an(i(ate in -/n-erne(
9. Proof/ attested copy of ertificate of 1ccreditation of the concerned
School with any one recogni;ed ,S 8epartment of !ducation 1ccrediting
1ssociations of ,S1.
<. Graduation requirements &total earned credits by the student and total
required credits for Graduation 2igh School 8iploma'.
=. School Profile &i.e. 2igh School Program Planning Guide/ourse
8escription Guide etc.'
>. #riginal 1dvance placement Grade 0eport duly issued by 1P ollege
)oard, ,S1, sealed/enclosed in an envelope to be opened by an officer or
official of -) in case of 1P ourses.
?. !*planation of abbreviation of the subjects and codes which are used in
the student$s transcript.
4. -n case of ,S1, according to Scheme of Studies &S#S' of Pakistan,
Physics, hemistry @ )iology for Pre3+edical and Physics, hemistry @
+athematics for Pre3!ngineering group as elective subjects must be
passed at 2igh School level &Grade34 thru 57 level' for issuance #.
!quivalence ertificate &Pre3+edical/ Pre3!ngineering group'. &ondition
may be reviewed at any time'
56. -n case of anada, according to Scheme of Studies &S#S' of Pakistan,
Physics, hemistry @ )iology for Pre3+edical and Physics, hemistry @
+athematics for Pre3!ngineering group as elective subjects must be
passed at Grade34, 56, 55 as well as at Grade357 &each year' for issuance
of !quivalence ertificate &Pre3+edical/Pre3+edical group' of Pakistan.
&ondition may be reviewed at any time'
55. -n case of early graduation, please provide proof from concerned
institution/issuing authority.
57. 1ttested opy of Passport with valid visa portion, Stay proof during the
study abroad and attested copy of A- of Pakistan.
5:. .our photo copies of each educational document must be attached
59. Prepaid return envelope of best courier service &e.g. .ed!*, 82%, TS'
should be attached herewith for sending back the original documents to the
5<. #ther general &relevant' requirements listed at serial Ao.B must be
completed in all respect.
5=. 1s per policy of -), educational documents of the student will be
referred to concerned authority for verification/ clarification of the
documents furnished to -). Proper !quivalence ertificate will be
issued after receipt of verification reply from concerned
5>. The students of ,S -nstitutions &1!S/%PS' operating in Pakistan will have
to fulfill IBCC E)*i&alen-e Criteria for ,S Schools &1!S/%PS'
operating in Pakistan for grant of !quivalence ertificate.
5?. Te e(*-ati/n )*ali.i-ati/n /6taine( tr/*1 Instit*ti/ns 5i- are
n/t a--re(ite( 6! an! re-/1ni8e( A--re(itin1 Ass/-iati/n /. USA /r
State De0art"ent /. E(*-ati/n' USA -ann/t 6e -/nsi(ere( ./r
E)*i&alen-e /. Q*ali.i-ati/n.
54. As 0er r*les /. IBCC' e(*-ati/n )*ali.i-ati/n /6taine( tr/*1
$Distan-e Learnin1 E(*-ati/n S!ste"%4 $Online S!ste" /. E(*-ati/n%4
$9/"e St*(!% -ann/t 6e -/nsi(ere( ./r E)*i&alen-e /. Q*ali.i-ati/n
76. IBCC Criteria ./r A"eri-an S-//ls 7L<S4AES# /0eratin1 in <a=istan
"*st 6e .*l.ille( 6! te s-//l4-an(i(ate ./r 1rant /. e)*i&alen-e /.
75. It 5as res/l&e( tat Di0l/"as4Certi.i-ates -/*l( 6e -/nsi(ere( ./r
e)*i&alen-e /. /nl! )*ali.i-ati/n /. t/se US Instit*ti/ns4s-//ls
5i- are .*ll! a--re(ite( 6! an! re-/1ni8e( A--re(itin1 Ass/-iati/n
/. USA /r an! State De0art"ent /. E(*-ati/n' USA. 712;ECM21;#
1.1.> Oter C/*ntries
i' !quivalence with SS passing of Grade 56 &56 years of schooling' from recogni;ed
e*amination )oard or accredited institution.
ii' !quivalence with 2SS( passing of Grade 57 &57 years of schooling' from recogni;ed
)oard or accredited institution.
1.2.1 General
i' .or conversion into SS equivalent marks five subjects at Secondary level or
equivalent &56 years of schooling' including !nglish, three electives &Physics,
hemistry, mathematics/)iology' and one overall best. &)eing reviewed may be
revised at any time'
ii' .or conversion into 2SS equivalent marks five subjects at 2SS level or equivalent.
&57 years of schooling including !nglish, three electives &Physics, hemistry,
)iology/+athematics' and one overall best. &)eing reviewed may be revised at any
Britis S!ste"
A. GCE $O% Le&el ' GCSE' IGCSE an( E)*i&alent+
i' .or conversion into SS equivalent marks &grades of all the eight/ five subjects will be
calculated for conversion into Pakistani marks.
ii' To qualify for Science Group Physics, hemistry +athematics and )iology/omputer
Science are pre3requisite.
B. GCE $A% Le&el49SSC /r e)*i&alent+
.or conversion into 2SS equivalent marks(
i' Pre3+edical( !ight/.ive subjects of "#$ %evel including !nglish, Physics, hemistry,
+athematics and )iology/omputer Studies plus three subjects of "1$ level i.e.
Physics, hemistry and )iology.
ii' Pre3!ngineering( !ight/.ive subjects of "#$ level including !nglish, Physics,
hemistry, +athematics and )iology/omputer Studies plus three subjects of "1$ level
i.e. Physics, hemistry and +athematics.
iii' 2umanities/General Group( !ight/.ive subjects of "#$ level including !nglish plus
three subjects of G! "1$ level.
1.2.2 A"eri-an S!ste"
i i' SS( Two Cears 2igh School course &Grade34 @ 56' five academic subjects from
Grade34 and
five academic subjects from Grade356, i.e. !nglish, three elective subjects and one
overall best academic subject.
ii ii' 2SS( ompletion of four years 2igh School diploma and five academic subjects
including !nglish, three elective subject and one overall best academic subject at Grade
55 and 57 &e*cluding P. !. 8rama, +usic, 8ance, etc. and study skills courses'.
&Grouping is subjected to qualifying required subjects as above.
1.2., Cana(ian S!ste"
a. The certificates and grades awarded by overseas accredited !*amination )oards /
1uthority / Syndicate shall be equated as per approved formula of -). The certificates
and grades awarded by the institutions shall be first equated as per above formula and
then subjected to further deduction of 56D marks &being internal evaluation'. The actual
marks from any foreign !*amination )oard / 1uthority / -nstitution will not be
considered as such but treated as per formula of the -) for conversion.
6. 1ny action/admission on the basis of provisional certificate will be at the risk and cost
of the candidate.
-. The -) reserves the right to withdraw and / or change / correct its certificates.
(. 1fghan qualification holders will be subjected to verification from issuing authority
before issuance of !quivalence ertificate.
e. Aon3+uslim Pakistanis will pass !thics in lieu of -slamiyat.
.. Students of 1merican type schools located in Pakistan shall have to complete the
criteria laid down for %PS and 1!SE
1. Ao certificate shall be issued to candidates having incomplete number of required
. 1ppeal against these regulations first lies before the hairman, -) and then the
second before the Secretary, +inistry of !ducation being the ontrolling authority of
the -). 1fter having availed of remedies in the form of two appeals, if anyone still
feels aggrieved, he may seek remedy, if any through court.
?L<S ( stands for %ocal Private Schools following 1merican System of !ducation, 1!S(
1merican !mbassy Schools in Pakistan.
Fhen an applicant approaches the -) #ffice for the determination of the equivalence
of his/her foreign qualification the prescribed proforma/questionnaire is required to be filled by
him/her. Through this questionnaire information about the following points is obtained(
&i' A--re(itati/n4re-/1niti/n stat*s /. instit*ti/n+
The applicant is required to furnish information or documentary proof of the
accreditation/recognition status of the institution from where he/she has passed
the e*amination. -f the ertificate/8iploma awarding body is the board or
,niversity then it is to be proved that it is authorised by Government of the
country concerned to conduct e*aminations and issue ertificate/diplomas.
&ii' D*rati/n /. te -/*rses /. st*(!+
Fhile determining the equivalence of the ertificate/8iploma it is kept in mind
as to what is the duration of the course of study leading to the earning of the
particular ertificate/8iploma. The duration of the foreign ertificate/8iploma
should not be in any case less than the duration of the similar certificate or
diploma in Pakistan. -t may be more.
&iii' Te intensit! /. te -/*rse+
1longwith the duration of the course of study, the number of days of study in a
year and of hour of study in a day are also considered.
&iv' C/*rse -/ntents+
Fhen new cases of equivalence are determined the syllabus and course contents
are also to be compared with the syllabus and course contents of the similar
ertificate/diploma in Pakistan.
&v' Re.eren-e t/ te Ministries /. E(*-ati/n an( E"6assies /. te F/rei1n
-n some cases the -) office seeks information or guidance from either the
embassies of concerned countries in Pakistan or from the +inistries of !ducation
of those countries through our embassies there.
&vi' Translati/n /. te /ri1inal Certi.i-ate+
-n many cases of foreign ertificate/8iplomas are in the national languages of
those countries. -n this case we get the ertificate/8iploma translated in !nglish
or in ,rdu by Aational -nstitute of +odern %anguage in -slamabad.
&vii' C/ns*ltati/n /. s*6@e-t eA0erts+
-n some cases the advice of the subject e*perts or e*perts of the specialised area
is sought. ases are also sent to the Technical )oards for their views.
&viii' C/ns*ltati/n /. te Britis C/*n-il G*i(e t/ Internati/nal Q*ali.i-ati/ns+
-n some cases we also consult the )ritish ouncil Guide to -nternational
Gualifications of various countries, which is very useful.
IGCSE4GCE $O% le&el
<a=. Mar=s
1 ?<
) ><
8 <<
! 9<
. &before Hune 7656' 96
G &before Hune 7656' :<
7F/r Me(i-al4<re2En1ineerin1 Gr/*0# S*6@e-t /. GCE $O% le&el Gra(e <a=
!nglish %anguage 1E 46
,rdu 1E 46
-slamiyat 1E 46
Pakistan Studies 1E 46
Physics 1E 46
hemistry 1E 46
)iology 1E 46
+athematics/omputer Studies/-.T/-T 1E 46
Total I
>76 J 466 I ?56/466
7F/r Me(i-al4<re2En1ineerin1 Gr/*0# S*6@e-t /. GCE $O% le&el Gra(e <a=
!nglish %anguage 1E 46
,rdu 1E 46
-slamiyat 1E 46
Pakistan Studies 1E 46
Physics 1E 46
hemistry 1E 46
)iology 1E 46
+athematics 1E 46
S*6@e-t /. GCE $A% le&el
Physics 1E 46
hemistry 1E 46
)iology or +athematics 1E 46
446 J 5566 I 446/5566 &Pre3+edical / Pre3!ngineering group'

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