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Walk in Faith. Act with Love.

School Thrust 2012-2013

September 5, 2012
Dear Parents,
The Pamulatan Club has been inite! to "atch #epertor$ Philippines% per&ormance o& the 'i(ar! o& )( !irecte!
b$ *s+ ,o$ -irata+ #epertor$ Philippines is one o& the most prominent theater compan$ in the countr$ an! surel$
promises a meaning&ul e.perience &or all the club members+
This actiit$ aims to e.pose the members o& the club to !i&&erent acting techni/ues an! pro!uction st$les an! to
&oster a !eeper appreciation o& the per&orming arts+
)ther !etails are as &ollo"s0
Tic1et 0 Php 500+00
2us Serice 0
3stimate! Time o& Departure &rom 44 0 10000am
3stimate! Time o& 4rrial in 44 0 5030pm
'e "ill assemble in the *ulti-Purpose 2uil!ing at 6030am an! leae the school premises at e.actl$ 10am using
bus serice that the club hire!+
Please ensure that $our !aughter is brought to school an! &etche! &rom school on time+
Than1 $ou &or $our support+
#epl$ Slip
Dear *s+ 7rancisco,
88888 9 am allo"ing m$ !aughter to "atch :The 'i(ar! o& )(; at Greenbelt 9, 4$ala Center, *a1ati
88888 9 am not allo"ing m$ !aughter to "atch :The 'i(ar! o& )(;
3nclose! is the amount o& Php 8888888 &or the tic1et+
88888888888888888888888 8888888888888888888 8888888888888888888888
Stu!ent%s <ame =ear > Section Parent%s Signature
We, in Basic Education, commit ourselves
to Transformative Education
as a Christ-centered school community
!e!icate! to the integral formation o& persons
empo"ere! to promote justice, eace,
care for creation and solidarity+
4 Christ-centered school community
gro"ing in the love an! friendshi
o& "esus Christ in ?is Church
an! striing &or eace
in the social an! ecological order#
*4#94 4<G3@4 9S423@ P+ S4<T94G)
Pamulatan Club )rgani(ation ?ea!
*aria 4urora P+ 7rancisco *s+ Cora(on 4+ 4Aero
Pamulatan Club *o!erator Stu!ent 4ctiit$ Program Coor!inator
*s+*aria @our!es G+ 4bar/ue( *s+ *a+ 7arah 7+ Santiago *s+ *arie Grace 2+ *agtaas
4ca!emic Coor!inator 4!ministratie Coor!inator Principal

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