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Visual Analog -A pictorial image

that relates to something else

What will you learn from this lesson? important the relationship
between positive and negative space is
the difference between abstract and
realistic art
. And how to create a perfectly
symmetrical design
We will be creating abstract
visual analogs of realistic
illustrations. In other words, we
will be simplifying images to
mae them abstract.
What is abstract art?
Abstract art is not realistic and does not show
e!act representation of the natural world.
In abstract art , shapes are often simplified
and reduced to the most basic
elements "Iines, shapes, spaces,
We see abstract shapes
symbols all around us.
$he American artist %oy
&ichtenstein made this series
of bull images. $hey become
more and more abstract..
'ometimes abstract art refers
something in the real world..
and sometimes it doesn(t
) 'ymmetrical balance * same on both
sides. +irror image
,our -ro.ect/
Visual Analogs /
An abstracted picture that relates to
something else
With symmetrical balance -
'ame on both sides
$he steps
2. 3lue a piece of blac paper on the left side of
the white poster board
4. choose a picture to use as reference. $he
picture must be an image that shows
5. 6reate an abstract version of the picture. ,ou
may simplify shapes and add or subtract details.
7. 8very shape that you have in white on one side
but be done in blac on the other side, so that your
design stays symmetrical.
9. 'tart with large shapes and add the
smaller details on top as you go.

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