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American Literature: In-Class Essay Write

A Review of Structured Writing

Prompt: Answer the following question as best you can, according to your own beliefs,
observations and perceptions. What does it mean to be an American, and has that definition
changed over the course of our history?
Assignment: You have approximately 55 minutes to plan & write a 6-chunk essay in response to
the prompt. (Reminder for those summer-sated brains: 6 chunks = 6 CDs + 12 CM, but dont get
hung up in the count - simply use this as a guideline as to how much approximate content you
should have).

Your essay should have introductory and concluding paragraphs.
Figure out your own paragraphing by spending chunks however you like.
Body paragraphs require Topic Statements, so I suggest the following:
1. Make your answer to the prompts question the thesis appearing at the end of the
introductory paragraph.
2. Provide two - three justifications (reasons) why you believe your answer to be true -
these reasons will be the topic sentences for body paragraphs. Organize your
paragraphs according to your topic sentences.
3. Provide examples (CD) from personal observations, recent happenings in the world,
history, readings, etc., and analyze, discussing how/why the CD supports your answer
to the question posed this is CM.
4. Dont forget to finalize your thoughts in a concluding statement for each body
5. Check your grammar, spelling, and punctuation and use academic language (no
contractions or slang.)
When in doubt, clarify, simplify, specify. Be sure to explain by providing clear examples and
reasoning. Good luck!

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